.fgot St ~o." I-IOUGHTON-LE-SPRING, HElvrON-LE-HOLE, NEWB01·~rLE, Et\S'r & WEST RAINTON & NEIGHBOURHOODS. ,HOUGHTON-LE-SPRING, a considerable village, controlled. Many of the houses of HOl'lghton are in an ext~nsive'parish of the same name, and in the handsome; and within a few miles are the seats of ,north division of Easiugton ward, is 269 miles from several distinguished and wealthy inrlividuals: Hettoll London, and about six miles and a half from Durhanl hall, the seat of John Lyon, Esq. is two miles hence; and Sunderland. 'rh~ village is situated at the head Elenlore hall, the seat of George Baker, Esq. four of a fine vale, opellingto the west, and 8h~ltered fronl nli1es; and Seham hall, the seat of the l\1arquis of Lon­ the bleak winds of the north by a chain of hUls. 'rhe donderry, five miles. A small fair for two days is ,church, dedicated to St • .l\'lichael, stands on a rising held here, in the beginning of October, said to have ground, in the centre of a square area, fonned by the originated in a religious festival held in commemora­ baildings in the lower part of the village. It is a tion of the sanctification of the parish church. The valuable rectory, in the gift of the bishop, and in the parish of Houghton-Ie-Spl'ing contai~ls no less than incmnbency of the Rev. E. S. 'fhurlow; the curates fifteen dependent to'vn'ships and the chapelry of PAIN­ are the Rev. Daniel 'Crosthwaite and the Rev. H. A. SHi\W; and, in 1821, a popUlation of 12,550 person$, l"laule; chapels of ease to this parish are in'several of the about 3,000 of which nUlnber was stated as being of dependent townships, 'ana in the village are, meeting the township of HoughtOll; but it is estimated that llouses for dissenters, methodists, baptists, &c. T1Je since the last census the population has auglnented bishop'is the loiod of the manor, and holds copyhold very materially, and that the parish, at this period, courts by his halmote clerk, twice in the year; at which contains nearly 18,000 persons. ' 'petty causes of assault and debts under 40s. ,are tried, HETTON-LE-HoLE, in the parish of Houghton, b and nuisances within the Inanor presented. Near to the two miles distant frolD that village, and contains about church is the Keepier gramnlar school, founded in 1,000 inhabitants. 1574, a girls' charity school, and alnls-houses for six NE"VBOTTLE, in Honghtoll parish, is one mile froln poor widows. A mechanics' institute is established that village, and contains a populatioll of upwards of here, under the powerful patronage of the Marquis of 2,~~OO persons. f~ Londonderry and J. G. Lambton, Esq., M.P. This EAST RAINTON is two nIiles distant frOll) tlle same \ ,parisli is celebr~ted for having had as its rector the village, with about 700 inhabitants. Rev. Bernard Gilpin, who, in the reigns of Queen WEST RAINTON, two miles and a half distant, con- Elizabeth and the ruthless Mary, was styled the apostle tains a chapel of ease to Houghton, and nearly 1,200 of the north; he was buried in the parish chur.ch in inhabitants. ' 1683. "rhe trade of this place, and indeed an im- These several villages are scattered over an exten­ Dlcnse surrounding tract, is dependent upon the sive cual district, the features of which are for the mining operations; and according to the success or most part hilly and barren, with here and there declination of these subterranean works, so is the patches of cultivation, and from some of the lligh prosperity of this and the other neighbouring villages lands views may be obtained extenshoe and diversified. POST OFFICB" Sunderland-street, John lVletcalfe, Post 1JIlaster.-Letters froIn DURHAM arrive eV,ery nlorlling at half-pabt ten, and are despatched every evening at five, by a mail cart.-Letters ft:.,<>m SUN­ DERLAND arrive every evening at five, and are despatched every morlliug at seven, by a nlail cart. GENTRY &; CLERGY. Sidgwick Lucy, Houghton' BRAZIERS AND TINPLATE Allan WIn. esq. Newbottle Whitfield George, Hettol1-le,.hole] .' WORKERS. Ba~er George, esq. EleInore.hall BAKERS & FLOUR DEALERS. Hutc~lnson Thos. Houghton ;Salrowfort~ 1\lrs. Ann, Houghton Cook Michael,Houghton lVladdlson Wm. Hetton-Ie.. hole Bee }Mrs. Eh~~beth, HoughtOll Hall Robert, Houghton Wolfe James, Houghton . Bo"ery Robelt, esq: Newbottle Phillips Wm. Hetton-Ie-hole BREWERS AND MALT~TERS. Bulmer Mrs. Cathal'lne, Houghton Richardson Jamcs, Houghton Chapel WIll. HoughtOll Ca\vdell ~rs.l\'Iary, ~oughtol1 Worthy George Houghton Cheatham John, Hetton-le-hole ~r<?sthwalte Rev. DanIel, Houghton BLAC~SMITHS. Legg Lewis & Co. Rainton bridge Elhot ~ohn, gent. Newbottle. Alder Robert, Hetton-Ie-hole Robinson George, HoughtOll HeavY~lde -, gent. West Ralnt<l)ll Allen Ralph, Houghton BUTCHERS. Hutclllllson ~m. ~en~. Houghton Cockburn GeOJ'ge, Houghton Binks Robert, Houghton Itonsldes Mrs. Malgalet, Houghton CookeWm. (& farrier) Newbottle Greenwell Wm. Hetton-Ie-hole Jackson Mrs. Penelope, Houghton Coulson WID. East Rainton Hai'dv Martin Hetton-Ie-hole Lyon John, esq. Hettou hall 0' Dawsoll Joseph, Hetton-le-hole Harhll1d Matthew, HOQghton Maul~ Rev. H. A. curate, Houohton Horton John! Houghton Harrison John, Hctton-Ie-hole M~gglson Ralph, gent. Houghton MOI'al Wm. Hetton moor Hunter Wm. East Raintoll Mltc~ell Mrs. Mary, Houghton Short Jacob, Houghton Hutchinson John, Hetton-Ie-hole Morns Rev. John, Houghton Todd Wm. Houghton March Robert, HoughtOll' Mowbray ~rthr.esq. Hettoll-Ie-hole Wid~owfield Robert, (and farrier) Morl'ison Thos. Houghton Ramsay l\'hsses, Hou~hton NewbottIe 'rhonJpson Wm. Hetton-Ie-hole Rawes lVIrs. Ann, Houghton Young John, Hetton moor ' Waite Geol'gt', Houghton Ryle l\I~tthew, gent. ~oughton B~OT AND. SHOE MAKERS. Watson George, Houghton Sb,~dfol th l"!rs.l\1argalet,Houghton Atk!nson ColhngW. Hetton-Ie-hole W~ars Robel't, Houghton SmIth John, gent. Ho~~hton Atklnson John, Houghton Wllson George, jun. Houghtoll Taylor Anth~ny, esq. :segletc? COlllson Richard, Houghton Wilson George, sen. Houghtou Thurlow Re\!. Edwd. ~ollth, lector Crofton Wm. Houghton Wilson 'rhos. Honghton of Houghton-Ie-Sprlng Crowe 'rhoma~, Honghton Wood John, East Rainton ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS. Cumming "rhomas, Houghton Not otherwise described are day Schools. Hall John, Houghton CABINET MAKRS & JOINERS. Bee GeC?rge, Ho~ghton Henderson Robert, Houghton (See afso Joiners and Builders.) Foss Elizabeth, Jun. Hougbton Hewitson George, Houghton Balnler Pexel, Houghton Foss Elizo sen. (endowed) Houghton Ho(lgson Wm. Hetton-Ie-ll01e Brown Isaac, Houghton Greener Thos. Hetton-le-hole Hope l,\1ichael, Hetton-Ie-hole Clennell:George, Houghton Gretrex .'Vm. Herton-Ie-hole ,Huaspith 'rhos. Hetton-Ie-hole Harhron James, HoughtOll KEEP'IER GRAMMAR SCHOOL, lVIitchinson George, (and leather Nevison John, Houghton Houghton, Rev. Henry Brown, seller) Houghton Pattiuson Thos. Hetton~le-holr . m'aster, & Matthew DUL.}.! usher Rand'rhomas, Houghton 'fodner Ralph, Houghton Lawson 'George, Hougbton Richardson John, Honghton CARTWRIGHTS & JOINERS. Lawson Wnl. Middle Rainton Robson Matthew, HouO'ht.Oll EIstob Jonathan, Houghton Lowes David, East Rainton Vasey Wm. Hetton-Ie-hole Fenwick Thos. Hetton-le-hole Nelson Wm. Houghton Wallace Joseph, Houghton Hunter WUl. East Rainton Ridsdale Elizabeth, (ladies' boal'dg) Waters James, Hetton-Ie-hole Mitchil1son Geo~ge, Houghton ... Houghton Watson Ralph, Hou~htOll Robinsoll Thos. Hetton-le-hole !2 l.-:rOi .
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