Torrance Press

Torrance Press

• AUTOMOBILES 200 AUTOMOBILES 200« AUTOMOBILES 200 FOB SALE FOB SALE FOB SALE • AUTOMOBILES 200 • AUTOMOBILES 200 • AUTOMOBILES 200 AUTOMOBILES 2001 • AUTOMOBIL _S 200 HARBOR Inventory Reduction FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOB SALE I FOB SALE MOTORS SALE GOAL POST We Are Getting Ready 956 For Our New Models! SPECIALS 100% FINANCING "ORD (On Approved Credit) '55 OLDS 1955 PONTIAC STAR CHIEF . $2295 «* Holiday nedan. Ra­ dio *. heater, hydra- Catalina, 2-door, hard top, radio, heater, hydramatic, power. mati'-, 2-tone. tinted KlaJM. white wall*, lota of extraa. 1955 BUICK 4-DOOR . ... $2195 Riviera Special. Radio, heater, Dynaflow, whitewall tires, dual spots and $2595 continental kit, ate. 1954 BUICK SUPER ........ $1995 Convertible coup*. Radio, heater, Dynaflow, whitewall tires & full power. DEMO'S 1953 FORD VICTORIA . $1095 Radio & heater, overdrive, cont. kit, 2-ton* paint. Sharp! SPECIALS 1953 CHEVROLET-BEL-AIR CONVERTIBLE CPE............... $1095 1955 CHEVROLET BEL-AIR V-8, Loaded .................................... $ I 795 1954 WILLYS 4-DOOR .......................................... Payments $30 a Mo. '54 OLDS 1951 FORD CONVERTIBLE CPE. ..................................................... $595 "W Holiday roupe Radio It hcaUr. hydra- maUr. power steering, pnw»r orak^a. powrr 1954 BUICK RIVIERA SUPER ..............^^^ window*, fi-way pw of 1953 BUICK SUPER RIVIERA HARD-TOP ............................... $1 195 $2395 1955 CHEVROLET '/2 JON TRUCK ............................................ $1 195 IF YOU HAVE GOOD SPECIALS CREDIT and $10.00 Come in and we can make you a good NAME YOUR OWN DEAL! deal with low monthly payments. i i '54 OLDS ft u per RH Holiday OSCAR MAPLES USED CAR INDEX" roupe. Radio A heater, hy dramatic, power leering, power '50 PLYMOUTH ................. t&M hrakf-s, 2-tone, tinted CHRYSLER HUDSON 4-door factory equipped. Run* and krT,, '^t new- 10°% financing to qualified buyer. 1048 BUICK ................ ..'.................. 8199 ir>49 CKRYSLBR $349 WALTER1A LOT FA 8-8488 Convertible. Dynnflow, radio, heater & Windsor ft-cyUndrr 4-do«n- sedan. 1U- 19:-n HUDSON . ....... $299 100% FINANCING whltwwalla. Original powder blue. Commador "R" Brouiigh«.n club coupe. '.S3 PLYMOUTH .......... ._ $669 dio *- Jipatt-r. original green finish. $2195 100'r financing to qualified buyer. Sp<v-lal price! No money down on Radio and heater. overdri\e. Mechani­ r', n*dio *"d h«»ter. Llke""new. WALTERIA LOT FA. 8-8488 approved credit. $22 a month. cally perfect. 'XSSTf »to .SualiNM buver. BUICK ...................................... TORRANOB LOT FA 8-5014 TORRANCE LOT FA 1-5014 WALTERIA LOf _ FA. 8-8488 Special 2-door. radio & heater, hydra- mat Ir, real sharp ready to |tO. (100% financing) $1 on p*r d«y. DODGE LINCOLN .BUTLER BUICK WALTBRIA LOT FA 8-8488 1.9M BUfCK ........................................ .$«99 Special 'J-door. radio & heater. b»au- 19D3 DODUK ........................................$1099 1951 LINCOLN ....... ..................._ .... $t48 54 PONTIAC ..............................._..4l59t tlful 'J-toni green. Excellent condition Red Ram 4-door. Radio a4id healer, Spoil eedan. radio 4 heater, hydra- "8' Star Chief 4-door. Radio, heater ' SPECIALS 400 SO. SEPULVEDA automatic. transmission. whltewalls. ma. Ic. whitewall tire*, original navy hydramatic. Beautiful blege and trhtte throughout, one, nwncr. new oar trad* 100% financing. $1.20 per day. beautiful maroon. A real family car blue, like new throughout. 100% fi­ Very clean. Excellent condition. 100% WALTERIA LOT. FA. 8-8488 at a nargaln price. 100% financing to nancing. $1.45 per day. financing to qualified buyer. Manhattan Beach qualified buyer. WALTERIA LOT FA. 8-8488 WALTERIA LOT — FA 8-8488 1952 BUICK ..................................... ...$799 WALTERIA LOT FA 8-8488 ( Just North of Redondo Beach Blvd. & 101 Highway) Super Riviera 4-rtoor. radio A heater, 19.SO PO^TIAO aut<'i«nat<c tranammsilon. A beautiful 1954 DODGB .....................,.........^....$1898 Chieftain 4-door. Radio and heater. one o«n»r new car trade 100% financ­ Coronet Suburban Station Wagon. MERCURY automatic transmit* ion. Nice 2-ton* Phone.- FR. 4-8968 OR. 8-7814 ing. $1.80 per day. 13,000 actual miles. Equipped with whitewalls. Full price $499. 100% fi­ '51 OLDS WALTERIA LOT — FA. 8-8481 nancing to qualified buyer. economical overdrive. Can't tell from WALTCRIA LOT — FA. 8-84*8 "98" 4'd o o r sedan. 1950 BU1OK . ...... ....... new. 1952 MERCURY ..._.._.................__...$8N ruHio 4 heater, hvdra- ft*dMl«tU Apftcial. Origlival black fln- WALTERIA LOT FA. 8-8488 4-door. radio and heater. Merc-o-matlc. 1M9 PONTIAC ..... ........................ $398 rnaMc. whit* WAlfl, 2- l»h. radio & heatrr. wlilt«walln. Orig­ beautiful original 2-tone green. No 2-door. Radio ft heater. Hydramatic.. tone paint.. inal owner. No money down 820.60 * down plan on approved credit. mint gree.n flnliJi. Spec.laJly priced month. WALTBRIA LOT —FA. 8-8488 this week only! No money down on TORRANCBJ I^OT FA 8-B014 approved credit. $.23 a month. BUICK ....................................... *290 TOR RANGE LOT FA 8-6014 .$695 Super 4-door iiedan. Radio it heatrr, FORD . ..... .............................. ..$1599 Dynaflow. 2-tone paint, white wall TWIN PONTIAC'S 4-door. Original green finish. Very' tires. S pool a 1 priro. No money dowil on approver} credit. $4i! n month clean. Low mileage. One owner. 100% STUDEBAKER TOriKANCB U>T FA »-M\\ financing to qualified buyer. 1955 NASH ..........................................$1599 WALTERIA LOT FA. 8-8488 Rambler club nedan. Radio te. heater, 19.S5 STm&BAKBR .. ............. 11599 hydramatic. low mileage, one owner Commander 4-door. Radio te heater. CHEVROLET ITi.V, FORD .......................................... .51999 new car trade, like new. No down whitewall tires, original light blue V-H Ranch wagon, radio & heater, plan tn qualified buyer. bottom, dirk blue top. This one- aold $2500 SALE Kord-o-matic, waa fold new here one WALTERIA LOT FA. 8-8488 new for $3270.23. No money down on IBM CHBVROLST ........... .............. year a.go. approved credit. $S9 a month. SPECIALS 4-door. Bliu-k. white walla, radio It. WALTERIA LOT — FA. 8-8488 TORRANCE LOT FA 8-5014 hea.ter pipea, noaed and decked, new With ju*t $25 ca$h, you can own any one of « great telection of our used cars with seat covers. This car Is immaculate. 195B FORD ......................................... .$2349 PACKARD 1».VJ STt?DKBAKEK .................... $4*» No money down on approved credit. Falrlaiie 4-door. Radio, heater. Ford-o- 4-door Kadio, heater. overdrive it nice secured credit out of town credit cleared in a jiffy. $42 a month. matic. big engine. Power brake*, pow­ tires. $30 a month. 100% financing to TORUANCB LOT- FA 8-B014 er steering, plastic s»,it covers. Beau­ 19M PACKARD .............................. $1199 qualified buver. tiful U-ton" gi-ppn finish. C<i.«t new Syrian. Radio A heater. Ultramatic. WALTERIA LOT FA. 8-8488 . §.'1130. 13.000 actual miles. New oar tram. One owner, very nice. No. 4-door <Hvian. Wmrp 2-tone, paint. On* dealer warranty. No down plan to monev down »on approved credit). 19MS STUDB78AKBR .................... (1599 owner car. No mcmey ilown »n WALTBRIA LOT FA 8-8488 C o m m a-n d e r hartPtof* convertible. '52 NASH OPEN SUNDAYS approved credit. |1.'IO a month. qualified buyer. Looks and run* like new. 100% financ­ Arnba»s«'lor custom 4 urr FA 8-5014 WALTERIA LOT -r- FA. 8-8488 19M PACKARD ............................ $1199 ing to qualified buyer. floor sedan. Radio and Original 2-tone. green. Ultramatic. ra­ WALTERIA LOT FA. 8-8488 heater, hydrernatk. for Your Convenience . $.*>99 1955 FORD ... .... ....... H299 dio fit heater, power steering & brakes. good rubber, g ft o d P; ixe 4-dnor sedan. Original 2-door sedan. Light blue paint, radio Must be seen to be appreciated. No point M*ke« into be,d. In. ' PR! n I. i-adlit ami hoater. & heater. M»>nt covens, and overdrive. money down on approved credit. Tuv...^. No money down on Special price! $89 a month. TORRANCE I>OT--FA 8-5O14 approved credit. $30 A month. TORRANOE LOT FA 8-5014 TOTIRANCE I/OT-FA 8-5014 1949 C1IBVJIOLKT . 3iM9t» 19.M FORD . .............. $f»P9 CHEVROLET ......._..... _ .... U399 '56 '55 Kadlo and heater. A one owner car kvMouiH 'T Ton pick-up C\;»tom c*b. beautiful $595 -53 4-door deluxe. R^irlio and heater. Very with original robin egg blue finish. nlr«-. 1(X)% financing to qualified liKl.t blue, radio A- he*t«r. whlta walls. buyer. No money do*wn on apipn~>ved credit. bumper fruarda front * r»ar. 12000 WALTERIA LOT— FA. 1-8488 TORRANCW LOT FA 8-5014 1»63 PLYMOUTH .... ................... flOOR actual mtW. Hurr>- on this one: No Belvedere hard-top. 2-tone r#d & black money down o«i approved crfdlt BUICK PONTIAC 1W.1 CHEVROLET ......................... $fi99 <KD ... ...... $1399 finish, overdrive. radio At heater, and — FA 1-6014 PONTIAC D"lux« a-do<ir, riidlo fc heater, origi­ r 4-<loor. Radio and heater. mechanically perfect, This mr carries nal forest green. No down plan, $1.20 '" Thin car »old n*w at 30-day unconditional guarantee. IBM FOttI> ............ $11M 2-door Sedan. Factory Super Riviera Coupe Convertible per day. TOfiRAiNOK LOT FA 8-6O14 traji*nil(wlon. Full Pow«r«d Hydramatic, radio, heater. WALTKRIA LOT FA. 8-8488 B LOT FA 8-5O14 ] n on approved credit. Equipped Excellent Oar. ta.'.fl CHKVr.<'>LKT 1!».V2 PLYMOUTH . ..... LOT FA 1-5014 Bel Air 4-donr aedan. Heally new. .... .. .............. $1490 CYanbrook. Radio A he-ater. new sent SPECIALS Ra.dlo ati'l hrflier. power glide, white- 4-door sedan. Black it white finish, cover?". new paint. No money down (on 1949 FORD ................................. $24 m*. white wall tires. No money down on approved credit). $30 a month" ^ Ton plrk-up. 4-i»p*e«i tranamiwilon. wall*. full power, air ' r«nditl»nlng. heaxy duty tires, wrap-around $61.50 Mo. You mu."! w> th4n one.

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