Weekly Call Birmingham Mes senger Southern Labor Review Alabama Legal Advertiser PUBLISHED WEEKLY SINCE 1918 NOW SEMI-WEEKLY Subscription/Advertising Information BIRMINGHAM (205) 252-3672 BESSEMER (205) 425-0301 The ALABAMA MESSENGER is a semi-weekly newspaper dedicated to serving the People, Courts, Attorneys, and Businesses of Jefferson County, as an efficient and qualified medium for all legal publications. Volume 96 Number 80 (25 Cents) Saturday, October 5, 2013 NOTICE TO BIDDERS ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID #68-13 MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE SALE Sealed Bid Proposals will be received by the Environmental Services Sealed proposals will be received by Default having been made in the Default having been made in the Default having been made in the Department, Jefferson County, Alabama, in Room 270, Commission Chambers, the Jefferson County Board of payment of the indebtedness secured payment of the indebtedness secured payment of the indebtedness secured Courthouse, Birmingham, Alabama, until 2:00 P.M. local time on Wednesday, Education in the Bids and Contracts by that certain mortgage executed by by that certain mortgage executed by by that certain mortgage executed by OCTOBER 30, 2013, and then publicly opened and read for the EASTERN Department office, 2100 South 18th Shane Bates a/k/a Shane Allen Bates, David A. Parham, a married man, to Lewis Caver and Nellie Caver, hus- VALLEY ROAD FORCE MAIN REPLACEMENT. This Work will consist Street, Birmingham, AL 35209, until a married man and Bridget Bates a/k/a Mortgage Electronic Registration band and wife, to Mortgage Financing of the following estimated quantities: Monday, October 21, 2013 @ 9:00 Bridget Lanette Bates, a married Systems, Inc., solely as nominee for Inc., on the 27th day of April, 1992, a.m. for Air Filter Change-Out Service woman, husband and wife, to ABN RBC Bank (USA), on the 4th day of ESTIMATED UNITS ITEM DESCRIPTION November, 2011, said mortgage said mortgage recorded in the Office for school facilities of the Jefferson AMRO Mortgage Group, Inc., on the of the Judge of Probate of Jefferson QUANTITY County Board of Education. 11th day of August, 2003, said mort- recorded in the Office of the Judge of Bids must be submitted on proposal gage recorded in the Office of the Probate of Jefferson County, County, Alabama, in REAL Book 1 LS Mobilization And Demobilization Alabama, in Book: LR201163 Page 4266 Page 640 and re-recorded in (Not To Exceed 5% Of The Grand Total Of Bid) forms furnished by the owner. Judge of Probate of Jefferson County, Interested contractors can receive the Alabama, in Instrument Number 7729; said mortgage having subse- REAL Book 947 Page 213; said mort- 1,398 LF 6-Inch High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) Pipe “Invitation to Bid,” including the nec- 200363/1168; reaffirmed in Order quently been transferred and assigned gage having subsequently been trans- Force Main essary proposal forms, at the time and recorded in Book LR201163, Page to PNC Bank, National Association, ferred and assigned to MidFirst Bank, place of the scheduled mandatory pre- 7911; the undersigned CitiMortgage, by instrument recorded in Book: by instrument recorded in Instrument 38 SY Asphalt Pavement Replacement bid conference. Bids shall clearly be Inc., successor by merger with ABN LR201264 Page: 26599, in the afore- Number 9815/3962, in the aforesaid said Probate Office; the undersigned 87 SY Gravel Driveway Replacement identified on the exterior of the enve- AMRO Mortgage Group, Inc., as Probate Office; the undersigned lope with the bidder’s name, address, Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by PNC Bank, National Association, as MidFirst Bank, as 1EAUpstream Connection To Existing 6-Inch Force Main Contractor’s license number and type, virtue of the power of sale contained Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by Mortgagee/Transferee, under and by bid number, date and time of bid open- in said mortgage, will sell at public virtue of the power of sale contained virtue of the power of sale contained 1EADownstream Connection To Existing 6-Inch Force Main ing. A cashier’s check or bid bond outcry to the highest bidder for cash, in said mortgage, will sell at public in said mortgage, will sell at public in front of the main entrance of the outcry to the highest bidder for cash, 1 LS Station 5 + 68.99 To Station 7 + 37.53 – payable to the Jefferson County Board in front of the main entrance of the outcry to the highest bidder for cash, Option A – Open Cut In R/W And Remove Trees of Education in an amount not less Courthouse at Birmingham, Jefferson in front of the main entrance of the than five (5) percent of the amount of County, Alabama, on June 17, 2013, Courthouse at Birmingham, Jefferson during the legal hours of sale, all of County, Alabama, on September 9, Courthouse at Birmingham, Jefferson 1 LS Station 5 + 68.99 To Station 7 + 37.53 – the bid, but in no event more than 2013, during the legal hours of sale, County, Alabama, on September 27, Option B – Open Cut In Easement $10,000, must accompany the bidder’s its right, title, and interest in and to the following described real estate, all of its right, title, and interest in and 2013, during the legal hours of sale, proposal. Annual Performance and to the following described real estate, all of its right, title, and interest in and 1 LS Station 5 + 68.99 To Station 7 + 37.53 – Payment Bonds will be required after situated in Jefferson County, Option C – Bore & Jack Crossing Alabama, to-wit: situated in Jefferson County, to the following described real estate, the award since the bid amount is like- Alabama, to-wit: ly to exceed $50,000 annually. Part of Lot 7, Block 8, according to situated in Jefferson County, 1LSAllowance For Owner-Directed Force Main Break Repairs the Map and Survey of Tennessee Lot 9, according to the map and sur- Alabama, to-wit: Evidence of insurance should be pro- vey of Glen Oak Hills, 5th Sector, as vided as required by the bid docu- Land Company's Eastern Valley Lot 9, in Block 9, as shown by Map Drawings and Specifications are on file for inspection in the following locations: Subdivision, as the same is recorded in recorded in Map Book 24, Page 97, in of Tennessee Land Company's First Environmental Services Department ments. the Probate Office of Jefferson The owner intends to award a con- the office of the Judge of Probate of Addition to Fairfield Village, recorded 716 Richard Arrington Jr. Boulevard North, Suite A-300 Jefferson County, Alabama, in Map County, Alabama, Bessemer Division. Birmingham, Alabama 35203 tract for this work to a single, qualified This property will be sold on an “as in the Birmingham Division in Volume Contact for Appointment: Matt Alpaugh at (205) 521-7525 Contractor. The owner will consider Book 2, Page 63 in the Bessemer is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- 14 of Maps, page 98 and being located proposals only from firms, which can Division; more particularly described ments, encumbrances, and exceptions in the North-East Quarter of the North- Birmingham Construction Industry Authority (BCIA) as follows: Commence at the intersec- West Quarter of Section 13, Township 601 37th Street South demonstrate their experience and abili- tion of the North line of Potter Avenue reflected in the mortgage and those Birmingham, Alabama 35222 ty to perform the work necessary for contained in the records of the Office 18 South of Range 4 West, Jefferson and the East line of Third Street; County, Alabama. Phone: (205) 324-6202 this project as outlined in the thence run Northeasterly along the of the Judge of Probate of the County Contact Person: Kimberly Bivins “Invitation to Bid.” Contractors may North line of Potter Avenue for 122 where the above-described property is This property will be sold on an “as Alabama iSqFt/Associated General Contractors (AGC) Internet Plan Room obtain Bid Documents, Specifications, feet; thence 90 degrees left and run situated. This property will be sold is, where is” basis, subject to any ease- McGraw-Hill Construction/Dodge Lead Center (Online) and Proposal Forms at the mandatory Northwesterly for 121.08 feet to a without warranty or recourse, ments, encumbrances, and exceptions Complete sets of these Bidding Documents (Drawings and Specifications) may pre-bid conference Wednesday, Point on the East line of Third Street; expressed or implied as to title, use reflected in the mortgage and those be obtained from Hazen and Sawyer, P.C., 5775 Peachtree Dunwoody Road, October 9, 2013 @ 9:00 a.m. at Central thence 134 degrees 47 minutes left and and/or enjoyment and will be sold sub- contained in the records of the Office Suite D-520, Atlanta, GA 30342, (404) 459-6363, for a deposit in the amount of Office Building, 2100 18th St. South, run South along the East line of Third ject to the right of redemption of all of the Judge of Probate of the County $100.00 in the form of a check or money order payable to Hazen and Sawyer, Birmingham, AL 35209. Release of Street for 171.89 feet to the North line parties entitled thereto. where the above-described property is P.C.. Cash will not be accepted. This deposit is commensurate with the cost of bid documents to the bidder does not This sale is made for the purpose of situated. This property will be sold printing, reproduction, handling, and distribution of each set of these Bidding imply acceptance of the bidder’s qual- of Potter Avenue, said Point of paying the indebtedness secured by Beginning; Being situated in Jefferson said mortgage, as well as the expenses without warranty or recourse, Documents.
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