1 2 16 1. Brihat Jataka - Varahamihira 2. Prasara Marga 3. Dots of Destiny JYOTISH VISHARADA Part -2 HORARY ASTROLOGY/PRASHNA 1. General Introduction * How to put a query ? * About the querist ? * Answering more than one question * Planetary Avasthas PROPOSED SYLLABUS II. Events Known from different houses. 1) Self interest 2) Monetary affairs TO BE DEALT IN JYOTISH VISHARADA 3 ) Co-borns (sisters, brothers) short journey’s, Neighbors INDIAN COUNCIL OF ASTROLOGICAL SCIENCES 4) Property, Mother etc. Hidden things, farms etc. 5) Children, enterprises, courtships etc List of Subjects To Be Dealt 6) Servants, diseases etc 7) Marriage, partnerships, courtships etc. Jyotish Visharada : 8) Other people’s money, legacies etc 1. Ashataka Varga 9) Long journey’s etc 2. Horary/Prasna 10) Honor, employment, business etc. 3. Shadbalas 11) Friendships, hopes, wish gain of wealth etc. 4. Judgement of Bhavas 12) Enemies, confinement, disputes, charity, institutional expenditure, hospitals etc. 5. Longevity III Special Questions 6. Medical Astrology * Return of person, missing person, theft, identify of thief, regarding children, Purchase, sale 7. Dasa Systems etc. 8. Predicting and Timing of Events and Transit IV Hora aspects and Tajaka aspects 9. Jaimini Astrology * Ithasala Yoga, Esharapah yoga, Naktha Yoga, Yamaya Yoga, Kamboala Yogas etc. 10. Marriage Timing and Matching V Benefic and Malefic strength 11. Advance and Composite techniques of predictions * Lagna and Moon; 12. Astrometerology and Mundane astrology. * Strength of the planets JYOTISH VISHARADA FIRST SEMESTER PAPER - 1 * Karya siddhi (success) Part -1. ASHTAKAVARGA (ASTHA= 8, VARGA = DIVISIONS) * Timings of events I Introduction Books II Ashtakavarga Charts (a) Prescribed Books : * Bhinnashtaka Varga 1. Brihat Parasara Horasastra. * Sarvaashtaka Varga 2. Shadpanchasikha : Prithusha * Prasthara Astaka Varga 3. Prasara Tantra by Dr. B.V. Raman * Sarvobhadaka Chakra (b) Recommended Books : III Reduction 1. Prasara Marga * Trikona Sodhana (Reduction) 2. Horary astrology - Chappanna * Ekadhipatya Sodhana (Reduction) 3. Jitendra Mala. * Sarvashtaka Varga After Reduction 4. Gyana Pradeepika. * Mandala Sodhana (c) Reference Books IV Longivity Determination 1. Practical Horary astrology by Smt Gayatri Vasudev * Rasi Guna Karaka 2. Horary astrology By Sri Kapoor * Graha Guna Karaka JYOTISH VISHARADA PAPER-II * Rasi Pinda Part -1 SHADBALA * Graha Pinda I Introduction to the subject * Sodya Pinda * Types of Graha Balas and Bhava Balas V General Predictions * Measure of Planetary effects upon Bhavas VI Timing of Events II Shad balas and its importance VII Gochara - Kakshaya 1) Sthanabala 2) Dikbala 3) Kalabala VIII Practical – Study of few Charts from ICAS work Book 4) Cheshtabala 5) Naisargikabala 6) Drikbala BOOKS III The meaning, content and method of calculation of : (a) Prescribed Books a) Sthanabala b) Dikbala c) Kalabala 1. Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra. d) Cheshtabala e) Naisargikabala f) Drikbala 2. Phaladeepika a) Sthanabala :- 3. Hindu Predictive Astrology by Dr. B.V. Raman (1) Ochcha bala (2) Saptavargaja bala (3) Ojayugma rasyamsa bala 4. Astrakavarga system of Predictions by Dr. B. V. Raman (4) Kendra Bala (5) Drekkanabala 5. Saravalli by Kalyanverma b) Dikabala – East, West, North, South houses and Powerless points and Calculation Of (b) Recommended Books strength – Digbala Arc etc. 1. Astakavarga by CS Patel & Iyer. c) Kala Bala - Nathonnatha Bala, Paksha Bala, Thribhaga bala, Abda Bala, Masa Bala, 2. Jataka Parijatha - Vaidyanath Vara bala, Hora bala, Ayana bala, Yuddha bala, Aharganas & Kranti 3. Jataka Chandrika – Venkatesa Daivargna d) Chesta Bala (c) Reference Books * Superior – Inferior Planets 3 4 18 * Superior – Inferior conjunction I Balarishta Doshas * Conjunction, Opposition & Retrogression * Dina Mrityu – Dina Roga- Visha Ghati Kala, Ganda Moola and Gandanta Shanthis,Mrityu * Chesta Kendra Bhagas, importance of Moon in determining Balarishta * Epoch and birth interval * Balarishta combinations and its canellation * Mean longitudes of Sun & Superior Planets at the time of Epoch * Important combinations for Alpayu, Madhyayu and Poornayu. * Apogee(Seegrochha) Perigee, Aphelion, Perihelion – Correction & II Parasara system of finding Life span : Choosing appropriate method of longevity * Constants * Three (3) Group Method e) Naisargika Bala * Other Methods * Natural strength of planets as per classical principles * Calculation of Hora Lagna f) Drik Bala III Mathematical Calculation of longevity: * Drishta Graha, Drusya Graha * Validity of age calculated mathematically * Drishti Kendra, drishti Value a) Pindayur Daya – * Special Aspects of Planets * When Sun is strong in a horoscope and its calculation Principles * Subha and Papa Drishti b) Amsayur Daya * Drishti Pinda * When lagna is strong in horoscope and its calculation Principles * Drik bala calculation * Normal life contributed by planet without haranas IV Shadbala Pinda * Age contributed by planets after applying the principles of Haranas V Significations and interpretation of Shad balas * Different views on Bharanas and haranas VI Ishta and Kashta balas/phalas and their interpretations c) Nisargika Ayu : VII Bhavas Bala (House Strength) • When Moon is strong in horoscope * Bhavadipati Bala • The years allotted to planets as per nisargika Ayu * Bhava Digbala (Nara, Jalchara, Chashuspada, Keeta rasis) • Different views on calculation of Naisargik Ayu * Bhava Drishti bala (Aspecting and Aspected planets). IV Analysis of Birth Chart for Longevity * Total Bhava Bala and its interpretation V Marakas * Vimshopaka bala * Identification of Maraka Sthanas and Maraka Planets in a horoscope VIII Delineation of horoscope using Shadbalas, Bhavas balas, Ishta & Kashtaphala, Vimshopaka * Graded Maraka Planets: – Classical and Modern principles bala etc. * Chidra Grahas Books * 22nd Drekkana from Lagna, 64th Navamsa from moon, their concept and effects (a) Prescribed Books: * Importance of Drekkana and its utility 1. Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra Books 2. Graha & Bhava Balas by Dr. B.V.Raman (a) Prescribed Books (b) Recommended books (1) Brihat Parasara Horasastra 1. Brihat Jataka (2) How to judge horoscope by Dr. B.V. Raman 2. Phaladeepika (b) Recommended books (c) Reference Books (1) Brihat Jataka/Brihat Samhita 1. Shadbalas by PK Jain (2) Phaladeepika 2. Astronomy Mathemetical Astrology by Sri. Deepak Kapoor (c) Reference Books 3. Shadbalas by Sri Krishna Kumar (1) Medical Astrology by Dr. Duggal JYOTISH VISHARADA (2) Medical Astrology by Dr. Charak Part -2 JUDGEMENT OF BHAVAS JYOTISH VISHARADA Part-2 Medical Astrology I Introduction: Classification of Bhavas and judgement Principles. I. Introduction- Definition of healthy and unhealthy body II Uses of navamsha chart, its significations II. The Nakshatra Shareera of Lord Vishnu III Judgement of Bhavas with reference to 12 Bhavas from Ancendant and Moon. III. Signs and body parts of kalapursha IV Recap of Maha Dasa, Antar dasa, Pratyantar Dasa of Vimsottari Dasa system. IV. Planets and signs ruling different diseases V Effect of 9 Planets in 12 Houses (Bhavas) V. Drekkanast its importance in medical astrology VI Effect of 9 Planets in 12 Rashis (Signs) *1nd Drekkana chart VII Effect of Lords of Bhavas in 12 Bhavas *2rd Drekkana chart VIII Concept of Bhavat Bhavam – Karakobhavanashaya- Yoga Parivarthana- Papa and Subha *3 Drekkana chart kartari Yogas etc. * Drekkana Table IX Karakas for Judgement of various issues relating to each Bhava. VI. Karakas, Bhavas,Diseases and Yogas X Role of depositor in prediction. VII. Important Rules of Astrology extracts from classical Medical Astrological literature Books VIII. Astrological combinations for major diseases (a) Prescribed Books IX. Practical – Study of Charts for diagnosis of different diseases like eye sight, blindness, piles, (1) Hindu Predictive astrology by Dr. B.V.Raman diabetes, heart diseases, leucoderma, childlessness due to impotency, cancer of various types like (2) Bhava Ratnakara by Dr. B.V.Raman blood cancer, bone cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, gynecological problems, paralysis etc. (3) How to judge horoscope by Dr. B.V.Raman BOOKS (4) Three hundred (Yogas) combinations by Dr. B.V.Raman a) Prescribed books: (b) Recommended Books 1. Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra (1) Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra b) Recommended books: (2) Phaladeepika 1. Prasna Marga (3) Saravalli 2. Sarvastha Chintamani (c) Reference Books c) Reference books: JYOTISH VISHARADA PAPER - III 1. Medical Astrology a rational approach by J N Bhasin Part – I LONGEVITY 2. Principle & Practices of Medical Astrology by Dr. Jagannath Rao 5 6 66 16 3. Revelations of Medical Astrology& Remedial Measures by S.K.Duggal XIII Divisional charts and transit results 4. Essential Medical Astrology by Dr. K S Charak Books JYOTISH VISHARADA Second Semester a) Prescribed books: Paper – IV 1. Hindu Predictive Astrology By Dr. B.V.Raman Part-1 DASA SYSTEMS 2. Brihat Parasara Hora sastra I. Introduction to Vimshottari Dasa Systems-Meaning, Utility 3. Phaladeepika II. General principles/tendencies of Mahadasa effects of Sun, Moon, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, b) Recommended books: Saturn, Mercury, Ketu and Venus in the Vimshottari Dasa System 1. Sarvatha Chintamani By Venkatesh Sharma III. Effects of Lords of 12 Houses as per their placement 2. Saravalli IV. Favourable and unfavorable Maha Dasas of various planets for each Ascendant. 3. Brihat Jataka V. Favourable Maha Dasas for important events in life. c) Reference books: VI. Effects of Dasas of Planets, according to their dignities,
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