i' _____- - _____- - --- 1i i Vol. XXIII. JUNE, 1920. No. 61 BRISBANE " GRAMMAR SCHOOL . MAGAZINE ,i9 ' t I * *I I l l I 1 11 % , 4 I1 I' , ' . II.,, 2m 2 .4(bc/ /ti fs The " 0utrSdgeI"sFH FOUNTAIN PEN 6/- A Genime Time Saver Simple Syringe Action. .\dual Lengt 6 inches. 14c1 Gold Nib M \Nt A(I i(RIt-O SPIf( IAl..Y I % OUTRIDGE PRINTING CO. LTD. Special Offer et6 FrC lTreS ad Ehecster )1 , i ostael Paed ,' taI Plesed Morney her ts S.*,f od . hew io eider II Order Nnw OUTRIDGE PRINTING CO. LTD. r.U ANN TIRET I1,SAN Brisbane Grammar School Iaf g ca ne 3, BRISBANE Grammar School Magazine. Index to No. 61, Vol. XXIII. Ihtr l .. SwLanntn\ mIIt \ ,.i- - , *ll ii, , u j A;rtIhurn: II\\n ,.: 3 IH l;S \\ar . ene,,, i lIn ! 1"2 I1....tl,,l \, 32 :. I1dl3.I)c-n. tt 1 on to .Magann011 Iloysr,:, l'nI . 1i(,lr- "2 (..ti. !1. .*. 192 323 !' s , "'1 , , ,'-' ,I ' I lI , - I:{ " ,: \ ,,t, .-,,1 -3" i:.xarh. Succe.- 0 li n a: 0,i:t .. 3, tEnhlin K thilc Sic 1o: 13 II. u N,. 34 R.or- ol tht I S II4 I ntr, . , <>ur I'not Sch, larshq \%nn ,r. I,' lr. \\ 1:l, Islak,. Nuitt :1 (.d i ni v S iwor I'ubl Fx.I lqh , , i I \- .1 *I, I u\ nun, Ex.m It Ii, 42 II f 22 3) D. J. CLARKE 's€ MARRIOTT )araunrr itrlal B'rim#t U..-.. 5~ie(,rt " S*,A**. 5 w ..... S .. .-O**** . SusIa a 4 .1vertisementS 'Ac supplyv SCWL, KIT am TRAVEUJNI AGS I'ri c of it . g shew.(ionn skcle st ii .blec forn .111 '1, tbooks. ,t. 14m . 43 6; Ithn , 4T 6; INin , M 6; 2in., M / *('idl. inPck Prices of otlhr sizes .ini iliikes on .I|al|li<ation Oar IO Cioeli asm liase Ph.me Ot, L UHL & SONS, Ltd. SaddleR ad HArm Mekrs, QUEEN STREET, PETRIE BIGHT ATTENTION I W I'thinLk v, H, -. l.,th I~i .,nI little l,i th. •t iJpfitt a«t( Id**d <,, *ul ll il u t< l h«' pa.t V12 uthnth, and ttit it I.It1 , lntin . I,- fI( Mw t|lt tiltt(,)l It IHE l.tIt'l\ Il it . , II I ftoit*, .t *. ,t tul, wi tl tiho , '.,-I " ,k ,In Ih, t\ .ilv f ( t i I t 1\1 ant<WI l< ill** 1 6Mde 6A SiarIdy hmn (3/6 es) - *, k,I \ " itOil' |.i I|*|' ' aem|t - * ll' f ", 141 , tI..i * uI$ w 1tir 1 granril .**,ol g ,*m I * ** *t t .l. th(r *t** <*'. (is,, *I **t 9| * . * mA Ih '* \ I .( *\. i1., * 1 . .* , n v$',u ,tI4 ,,.%4ti , , * til B G. WILSON, Imm ep 1 st.. ms9MU RLfit ((irammar .S//',/ . agaili, 4 School Institutions SPORTS' MAhTER MR. 5 SiLPtIi 'n HON. TREASI'RER ... .I' . E. TIIW ,AIE CRICKET CAPTAIN ... A. R. FRASER 1OOTAI.Il CAPTAIN .. RA E. BATEIMAN TEINNIS CAPTAIN .. A. R IFRASEi RowIN; CAPTAIN .E. A. WATSON .. COMMITTEE.--MR. S. STEPHENSON, A. K. 1:RAS5IEI<. FK.l.ATEMAN, E. A . 1VATSOV, J. (;. IIARGREAVES, A. II. (ARVOS. S A.\. TrOIt, K 1. HARRiSON. Dt:LEGATE T1O .LT.A. MR. \\. 1. SWn.N' SECRETARY SECoNARY SCHOOl , \-~OCIATION MR. N. s. (CONNAI CAPTAINS ( tlIt't I|iid. E J. BATEMAN IVth. 1 \ CARSO ; Vth, H. A. I'r, i ; Vith. H. L. TRnoT. Fibtlmall lind. s N. GAYION lird,Il. I". I\ , IVth. H. s. STI I'InssSN . Vth, J. .ISSNER. It.<,S. M iaK, nt H(ONOARY MANA.GER . R".. X j M" , I'Jtrr, J. ' |IAVMr, N) KI iN, \\. \ 'HI -MON \ V\< ( \.v, 1. I; l-AASS. I.. Si' in. N I i .l II. C NIEI. n ( add Cp [ ( iMMAlANi IN. O( FICER ;III I TTAI ION, I>TH I. #1 JANTRY HIGIMENT . 1CAIAIN I S N li,, si iI t, + E ( >\II'AN ' I'.ttoo- , 17, IN. hl , 21 (.OMPANY (OMM.\NI EB (AI'AI.N \ J. MA,> S-EtoNI> I\ ( 1.MMANI) I til i BIA<.<II ., C.S M l.' 'AT hli N 17 I' Ton I SI , ll<>N1 u IM\ \I K ( '11 i I N(NI 11 N ,, tw I I' *t,,I I'l ->..'. ( MM.I A TI +. S R,1. ! .1 1 hIll \ , S" ( II,>NJ I ,I.M ANII K "tt., I 1 I4KI ('IRI' S .A, 11Rol l \ + j t |'! Xl ,i, 's \jI , \ . t \ .1 I i -I t I I I I II I 1 1 1 I.-I -I t I lI ,I "' | . III t* ' 0 S I \\\\ 1 \ 1 I .. ' *' I, , , I1 1 i M s ), 1, t ' * I 1 I I I ! , \ \ '* s I' I + " ^ , , , + , -, , \ i \ \ I , \ ' - *( ti1 , '. , I ,, . , < * * , . ) , > 1. ' , __ J 6 Advltiswusegs. SORIENTAL TEA PROP_" KING EThAI P01 1 8 Wason, Ferguson &Co. Ltd. 'aa Impoles of Rooks. .5ali,,nert. Fancy Q ods. i. QUEEN STREET, BRISBANE Wa Rookbind ers, Iilhographers, lColerpre'L Printers, t ngrai'er, l Siners,nye c. FacUory: STANLEY ST., SOUTH BRISBANE E I'kt, Iindr.Ltorpes etrrs \\ I ,1 "i - t ,- I , " u aLII I \ . I l, lisii l ")1ld-II i 1 i t t i it Bill1 Brisbane Grammar School MAGAZINE Published Twice a Year I'ol. XXIII J'UNE, 1920 No. 61 Subscriptions. Is. tid. per annum, or Is. 9d. p:sted. arei payable to the liusiness Manager. Mr. A. J. MASON, ioys' Gramnmar School. 1The lEditor will welcome contributions or correspondence from present or past nmembers of the School. elibsrl)criers ar reluested to inform the Business M.mIager of any" change of address. Editorial .\, \ Ink4 back and view tihe pi ogress nuade bv the Scuhool during tlc last year, both in scholastic and sporting achievementls. we l,'l ure that w\v could hiv\(' done In)ttcr ; vet thi- v'r f:Iict shiou!l onlv stimulate us to further efftort in the' futu i. Fo: if each inutmiil)e ,>1 the Schooxl hIai in mind tihat " no iing can Iw ohltainle(ld or ,.chiiv\ed 'xcE'j)t )\ rliird \\ o'k." Ilie' tih S'hoo(,l cini ((do nlughlit ,-le" bult .idvance, not ilnl\ in the r-.lmii of intellc't llt tl-o in i, it ,of sp: r't. \\, lh ere O011 I\- t nIe-, 1 |.. ;tiidt Mi . )o vi ;t lI<, bx ,^iinin , S1*It«' \ 'i. I l ot t1f i ll (it 111 no! only thc I -t \\ i' ()1l .\1 i(111 . ll ll'llll.; I 1' ,l l, \\l'w I <|hIii, t lik iu I tll . .i 'lhis \ 'n ilitstit . w'.\\'l' V t'\'t'I' I to th ' ln Iid g t l( llIl ,,\''ll 'nt' l t II' Ilill \\l\ kt tll h \\ i i' (hi i he ,,l ( l li n1i s llJ). \\illilil Ii tl' .'-,) \ ,,Is(I . lmd 1<> \' Iti -. ( ' l II ,,,n-hil, ;n d .j N ,kli n \\<>n ll<t' 44 ) Vatl- II, \\ ll-ni unl I l l,l tiitll MNl i'it l l M ,' Ii (l,,I th, Iht ' ( , i ( )1,t 1 ( li ; if |li, t eelti i \\ t.s \\ i , ti I I I\ . t I 'r lot I11i, 'i iti i \ "' I,, , '-' N\\ill ii T ju -li \'I- l ti "l's..I " ' t l I it, i 1111) : I ( i 'i i i \\ t« n l l l|t'.s' tnd1a1ck. | 1) I l i t ,li )( t \',,Ii - ( I , ,,i I iiI l 'il uitdh. 1 . m dl 1 ", * hiIn-, lit 'p it\ l\l Ii I -\(l ll[( i'ilai I|e.'ll | 111,' k I l i 1 |.111 uId tit ' \ " ,.ilt t' ( <ic ' ,l itffi ~ if tlii (tIt \\ ilk'n , u d'i IIlt "le hi ~111~ 1H 8 Brisbane Grammar School Magazine. This year " Old Boys' " day was not marred by wet weather. and the " Present Boys " performed better than they did las1 year. We were successful in the Tennis and Rowing, and were only beaten by 70 runs in the Cricket. The celebration of tlie School Jubilee is to take place early in July, and arrangeneni- are now being made for it. The All Schools' Boat Race takes place on May 15th, \\lien Interstate races will al.o be held. The crew, though a light on. are under the able co'uiring of Mr. Williams, and hope to can\ off the event. We wish them every success. A cricket team from Esk and surrounding districts visited the School early this year. The School, with the assistanc'e , L'Estrange and Mi. Conrn l, were successful. Mr. Connail contributed 71 runs, and L'Est range 86. We were again defeated by Toowoo:nba (raiiiinar Scho,,!I We refrain from enumerating the number ! For the \visito- Mayes and Kann each contributed 100 runs, and for the School Billington contributed 90 runs. The First XI. have had a successful season in the " I " (Grad competition. They were only deieated by Valley, whom the\ had the misfortune to meet just a,,er the midsumimer vacationl Against Returned Soldiers, Billingtor contributed 117 runs. Thi- was the only century scored this sea:on. This year the School has decided to play Rugby Leagu, instead of Union. The number in the team is gradually diminishing and this year it consists of only 13 players. Some difficulty wi- at first experienced, but under the coaching of Mr. Connal hth team is gradually learning the League rules. A greater inter.i has been taken this year, and it was found necessary to Ior five football teams.
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