COMMONWEALTH OF PENNSYLVANIA MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5,1979 Session of 1979 lb3rd of the General Assembly Vol. 1, No. 3 An Act implementing the addition of section 4.1 to Article IV OF of the Constitution of Pennsylvania; establishing the Office of TheHouse convened at 1p.m., e.s.t. Attorney General elected by the citizens a~d+setting forth powers and duties of the Attorney General;' THE SPEAKER (H. JACK SELTZER) IN THE CHAIR Referred to Committee on Judiciary. PRAYER No. 3 By Messrs. RYAN, SALVATORE, NOYE, THE HONORABLE DAVID R. WRIGHT, member of the ANDERSON, IRVIS, DiCARLO and House of Representatives and guest chaplain, offered the fol- MANDERINO lowing prayer: A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitu- 0 Lord, our Lord, whose ways are excellent in all the earth, tion of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania by providing for additional judges for the superior court,changing certainpro. grant us perception to see the excellence of Thy grandest work, visions relating to initial terms, and further providing for the so that we in truth may proclaim, I have believed the best of presidentjudgeof theSuperiorCourt. every man and I find and believe it is enough to show a bad man Referred to Committee on Judiciary. at his best and even a good man to swing his lantern higher. Amen. No. 4 By Messrs. SALVATORE, GREENFIELD, NOYE, POLITE, F. J.LYNCH, PERZEL, JOURNAL APPROVAL POSTPONED D. S. HAYES, HELFRICK, CORNELL, VROON, FREIND, GOEBEL, D. M. The SPEAKER. Without objection, approval of the Journal FISHER, RYAN, BOWSER, GLADECK, for Tuesday, January 16,1979,will be postponed until printed. WEIDNER, HASAY, J. L. WRIGHT, Mrs. ARTY, Messrs. ROCKS, W. D. HOUSE BILLS INTRODUCED AND HUTCHINSON, R. R. FISCHER, YOHN, REFERRED TO COMITTEES CESSAR. SIEMINSKI, BURD. No. 1 By Messrs. TADDONIO. SWEET, VROON, McKELVEY, DAVIES, A. C. FOSTER, KOLTER, S. E. HAYES, KOWALYSHYN, GRUPPO, KLINGAMAN, STAIRS, HOEFFEL, D. M. FISHER, POLITE, GRIECO, LEHR, WENGER, NAHILL, GEIST, PYLES, PETRARCA, E. G. CIMINI, McCLATCHY, MICOZZIE, JOHNSON, WENGER, KNEPPER, Mrs. ALDEN, EARLEY, HOEFFEI, and KERNICK. Messrs. NOYE, A. C. FOSTER. GANNON LASHINGER, STAIRS, TRELLO, An Act to provide pharmaceutical assistance to the aged. GRUPPO, KUKOVICH, PICCOLA, Referred to Committee on Health and Welfare. ZELLER, ZORD, GOEBEL, McVERRY, REED, SIEMINSKI, CESSAR, PUNT, No. 5 By Messrs. LASHINGER, FREIND, DORR, BURD, DeVERTER, MADIGAN, SERAFINI, GOEBEL, GLADECK, W. W. FOSTER, PITTS, STEWART, BROWN, NOYE, GEESEY, POLITE, McCLATCHY, KLINGAMAN, E. R. SIEMINSKI, D. M. FISHER, Mrs. TAYLOR LYNCH, Miss SIRIANNI, Messrs. LEVI and Mr. PERZEL and FREIND A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitu- A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitu- tion of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, authorizing initia- tion of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, provid~ngfor tive and referendum. spending limitations on the State and its political subdivisions. Referred to Committee on State Government. Referred to Comm~tteeon Finance. No. 6 By Messrs. LEVI, PETRARCA, STREET, No. 2 Bv Messrs. PICCOLA. BERSON. FREIND. A. C. FOSTER. PUNT and WEIDNER 'BRANDT, NOYE, KUKOVICH, WHITE; An Act amending Title 75 (Vehicles) of the Pennsylvania SCIRICA and SPENCER Consolidated Statutes, further providing for processing fees. 48 LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE February 5, Referred to Committee on Transportation. i KNEPPER, LASHINGER, NOYE, PETERSON, Mrs. CLARK, Messrs. No. 7 By Mr. PYLES I SERAFWI, REED, BROWN, STAIRS, An Act providing for the public inspection and duplication of BELARDI, Mrs. DURHAM, Messrs. public records in the possession of the Commonwealth and pro- KOWALYSHYN, POW, E. G. JOHNSON viding for appeals for aggrieved persons. and R. R. FISCHER Referred to Committee on State Government A Joint Resolution proposing an amendment to the Constitu- No. 8 By Messrs. STREET, WILLIAMS, tion of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, establishing spending limits on the Commonwealth and all its political sub RICHARDSON and WHITE divisions. An Act amending the "Public School Code of 1949," approved I Referred to Committee on Finance. March 10, 1949 (P. L. 30, No. 14), providing for the election of memhers of the hoard of education in districts of the first class No. 14 By Messrs. McMONAGLE. MANDERWO, and terms of office of such members. chaneina administrative provisions to conform thereto; and providi;g Lxing power for GRAY, BORSKI, McINTYRE, surh~~~~ elected~-~ Board~ of~ Education.- ~~ ~~ GIAMMARCO, WARGO, SWEET, Mrs. Referred to Committee on Urban Affairs KERNICK, Mrs. HARPER, Messrs. WHITE. KUKOVICH. ZITTERMAN. No. 9 By Messrs. A. K. HUTCHINSON, SHADDING, STUBAN. SHUPNIK, JONES, PETRARCA, LNENGOOD, GREENFIELD, WILLIAMS, RIEGER, DOMBROWSKI, RAPPAPORT, YAHNER DiCARLO, McCALL, GOODMAN, and KOLTER RODGERS and MULLEN An Act amending "The Administrative Code of 1929," ap. An Act limiting the fee that may be charged for cashing cer- proved April 9,1929 (P. L. 177, No. 175). authorizing the con- tain checks and providing a penalty. struction of toll roads and bridges. Referred to Committee on Business and Commerce. Referred to Committee on Transportation. No. 15 By Messrs. IRVIS, RITTER, OLIVER, No. 10 By Messrs. A. K. HUTCHINSON, BARBER. DOMBROWSKI, WHITE, PETRARCA, DeMEDIO, SCHMITT, RHODES, Mrs. HARPER, Messrs. LIVENGOOD, DOMBROWSKI, SHADDING. WILLIAMS and RAPPAPORT. YAHNER and KOLTER I MANDERINO An Act creating the Department of Human Services and A Joint Resolution ratifying the proposed amendment to the transferring to it the powers and duties of the Department of Constitution of the United States regarding representation of Public Welfare: ~rovidinefor the Secretarv of Human Services: the District of Columbia in Congress. and irilnift3rring personnrl. apprupriatlonc, alluratiol~;. wn- tracts, a reements. equipment, files. uhligntiuns and other Referred to Committee on Federal-State Relations. material froni thr, 1)upartmrnt of I'ublic Wrlf~re10 thr Depart- ment of Human Services No. 16 By Mr. PRATT Referred to Committee on State Government An Act amending the "Pennsylvania Turn ike Southwestern Extension Act," approved June 14, 1955 (I? L. 174, No. 52), No. 11 By Messrs. A. K. HUTCHINSON, changing the route of the turnpike. MANDERINO, PETRARCA and SCHMITT Referred to Committee on Transnortation An Act amending the "Public School Code of 1949," approved March 10, 1949 (P. L. 30, No. 14). further providing for inter- No. 17 By Messrs. WEIDNER. FRYER, LEVI, mediate unit hoard of directors. RRANDT.- WILSON. Mrs. GEORGE. Referred to Committee on Education. I Messrs. A. C. FOSTER, WASS, MACKOWSKI and MOWERY No. 12 By Messrs. A. K. HUTCHINSON, SCHMITT and PETRARCA An Act amending the act of October 4, 1978 (No. 170), referred to as the Public Official and Employee Ethics Law, changing the effective date. An Act amendine the "Individual Accident~~ ~ and Sickness~ ~~~~. In- surancr ~1nh1um'~tandardsAtr." approv,xl Gay 18. ]!If6 Referred to Committee on Local Government. (P I. 123, No. 531. :~uthorl.ingudd1tlon31 forms of 1nsur;lnn. for certain illnesses No. 18 Bv Messrs. FRYER. WEIDNER. GAMBLE. Referred to Committee on Insurance. TRELLO, MACKOWSKI, Miss SIRIANNI, I Messrs. WASS, COLE, LETTERMAN and No. 13 By Messrs. GRUPPO, MICOZZIE, Mrs. Mrs. GEORGE ARTY, Messrs. BOWSER. GEIST. 1 MCVERRY, GOEBEL, SIEMINSKI, PUNT, An Act amendintthe act of October 4, 1978 (No. 170), re- GLADECK, McKELVEY, PERZEL, ferred to as the Pu 11c Officlal and Em loyee Ethics Law, re- moving certain employees and officials From the provisions of ROCKS, SALVATORE, PICCOLA, SWIFT, the act. 1979. LEGISLATIVE JOURNAL-HOUSE 49 Referred to Committee on Local Government. No. 25 By Messrs. RYAN, S. E. HAYES and DeMEDIO No. 19 By Messrs. PETRARCA and D. R. WRIGHT An Act amending the "Inheritance and Estate Tax Act of A Joint Resolution proposin an amendment to the Constitu- 1961," approved June 15,1961(P. L. 373, No. 207). adding cer- tion of the Commonwealth o? Pennsylvania, providing for a tain transfers not subject to tax. unicameral General Assembly composed of one hundred fifty members. Referred to Committee on Finance. Referred to Committee on State Government. I No. 26 By Mr. MOWERY No. 20 By Mr. PETRARCA, Miss SIRIANNI, Messrs. An Act amending the act of October 4, 1978 (No. 170), KOLTER, POLITE, GEORGE, A. K. referred to as the Public Official and Employee Ethics Law, changing the effective date. HUTCHINSON, YAHNER, GREENFIELD, TADDONIO, NOYE, LNENGOOD, I Referred to Committee on Local Government. STEWART, LEVI, VROON, GRIECO, No. 27 By Mrs. KERNICK, Messrs. POTT, KLINGAMAN, E. H. SMITH, MRKONIC, STEWART, WACHOB, NOYE, McINTYRE, ZORD, TAYLOR, MULLEN, CAPPABIANCA, MURPHY, DAWIDA, W. D. HUTCHINSON, POTI', SCHMITT, PISTELLA, REED, MRKONIC, D. S. WEIDNER, DiCARLO, WAGNER, HAYES, LEHR, CLARK, ITKIN, R. R. RIEGER, CIMINI, PRATT, WILT, FISCHER, BROWN, GRABOWSKI, MILANOVICH, D. R. WRIGHT, CESSAR, GAMBLE, D. M. FISHER, SIEMINSKI, BELARDI, COSLETT, DIETZ, W. W. TADDONIO, AUSTIN, KNIGHT, D. R. FOSTER, CAPPABIANCA, SERAFINI, WRIGHT and Mrs. CLARK WACHOB and COCHRAN An Act amending the act of June 1, 1956 (P. L. 1959, No. An Act amendin% 75 {Vehicles) .of the Pennsylvania 657), referred to as the Public Official Compensation Law, Consohdated Statutes, removing prohlhltlons on the use of abolishing the Commonwealth Compensation Commission. studded tires during certain periods and prescribing penalties. Referred to Committee on State Government. Referred to Committee on Transportation. No. 28 By Mrs. KERNICK, Messrs. HOEFFEL, By Messrs. WLSON,
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