Established Over Prussia to Curb Political Bloodshed ..-.. Dictatorship■— I, hi ■■■ ■— _ m ----—---■“-- demonstration or 4-H clubs. A total tng the farm furnish a living as for summer use are vegetables, fruit, of 342 aided Is reported to date Auxiliary Meets never before- Members of home fruit Juices, pork, beef, chicken, of This means thousands of cans A special meeting of the Auxil- FOOD CANNING demonstration clubs report the can- marmalale. preserves. Jelly and food not Included In the foregoing iary to the Veteran of Foreign War* MARTIAL LAW ning of 33.12S quarts of food or 55.- picklea A large number of club wo- report. has been railed for Friday at 8 jj. 205 containers lor the first six men have canned according to a m. to hear reports on the m. months of 1932. which is an In- plan that assures a balanced and YOE RETURNS nt ON convention at Dallas and o r INCREASE crease of two an-' one half times varied diet. Many pantry shelves SAN BENITO, July 30.—Supt. business matters Although » DECLARED over the total for the entire contain 30 or more varieties of food. Thomas J. Yoe of San Benito IS year Austin, auxiliary had planned to meet oi ? of 1931 when 24.818 containers were Early in the year plans were laid | schools has etumed from sum- once a month during the sum:: > A record of the greatest amount reported. to reach a greater number of farm where he took a course In the r, of this was called for the r n- of food preserved ever reported for Canning In the past would have families than in the past. To that mer session of the University meeting vention Mrs J. B Av » BERLIN a similar is on file in the shown a of end club members them- Texas, closing. report- OVER period preponderance preserve-, pledged Just and Miss Joyce, v y office of Dorothy Pewter, county jellies and pickles. These foods are selves to extend their Influences He will leave in a few days to Join daughter. of her delegates from the Brownsville iux- BERLIN. July *0. (;P—The Ger- home demonstration agent. Cam- included but they are given their and they report helping from one to Mrs. Yoe. at the home par- with old-time eron county farm families are mak- I proportinate piace. Products put up 53 families not members of home ents In Buda, Tex. lllary. man government, TOLNA. N D., July 20.-^P>— chairman of the orgcvnzation moved swiftly military precision, Across the fertile prairies of North which has stirred the larmers in this to establish a virtual morning Dakota, expected to produce one- more than 400 North Dakota town- over the huge state of dictatorship sixth of the nation's wheat output ships to pledges holding their Prussia and to down martial clamp this year, today Is heard a crescendo wheat, effective Aug. 1, unless and on of Berlin and the law the city chorus—“hold the grain for one until the dollar level is reached. of province Brandenburg. dollar a bushel." "This period of low prices final- The first action wa* taken under And if sponsors are successful, ly has brought us to a position an decree Issued by Pres. emergency the cry will be taken up through- where it is either sink or swim," Paul von Hindenburg this morning. out the United States. Willis said. “Now let us get to- It followed critical pressure on the Dell Willis, Tolna farmer. Is gether and put a fair price on our to stop the political government product. We will set the price and riots which have taken a toll of hold our wheat until we get our more than 100 dead and 1200 Injur- price.” the last three weeks. ed Organizations are perfected Pictorial Power PRETTY BLOND along township lines. As producers sign an agreement, it is deposited Chancellor Frans von Papen was with the township board. Certain appointed commissioner of Prussia farmers are designated to see the and Lord Mayor Franz Bracht of IN pledge is adhered to. TESTIFIES "We Essen was named the chancellor's will hold our wheat until asistant and given the dictatorial there is a demand for it at the set of power, in von Papens name. price one dollar per bushel, and then The decree of martial law was we will sell only 10 per Prus- DEATH TRIAL cent in one tasued when Karl Severing. month," Willis con- sian minister of interior, declined tinued. “This will make an orderly to accept the president’s first emer- SWEETWATER. July 20. —L. marketing system." ! gency decree as binding and de- M. Parks was held without bond to- The agreed price will be based on clared he would wield only to force. day after a preliminary hearing on Winnipeg quotations, which yes- Gen. Gerd von Rundstedt. comman- a charge of murder for the drown- terday ranged from 53 7-8 to 58 der of the third Reichswehr < army > ing of his wife at Lake Trammell cents per bushel. The dollar will district, was placed in charge of July 8. Counsel for the accused be for the best wheat, with dis- Berlin and Brandenburg under the man said he would institute habeas counts for lower grades. martial law order. corpus proceedings. Farmers, participating in the Chancellor von Papen decided, for Fay Condit, the woman who was movement who lack storage room the present at least, to remove only alleged to have encouraged Parks to are allowed to haul the grain Into Premier Braun and Herr Sewr- commit the purported offense, tes- elevators and receive storage tickets ing from the Prussian ministry, tified at his hearing yesterday that Federal estimates as of Julv ] leaving the rest of the members oi he had been paying her bills for gave North Dakota an indicated the state cabinet in office as his months and that they had been in- wheat production of 124.000.000 bushels deputies. timate. and a naiional total of When asked if she loved Parks, 737.000 000 bushels. Passing Measure' she said. "I suppose so." The attractive blond was em- Besides Herr Bracht deputizing phatic in her denial she had in- to exercise the dictatorial Winners general fluenced Parks in any way concern- Poultry lo power he charged him especially ing liis alleged scheme to kill his Enter take over Severing'* functions as wife. State Meet Staff minister of interior. She told of Parks paying her 'By Correspondent) said SAN BENITO. A government spokesman room rent at a Sweetwater hotel July 20 —Scholar- was for the Pres, von H:ndenburg‘s action and financing her recent trip back ships two Cameron coun- estab- | ty taken only with a view of to Miami, Oklahoma where she was poultry judging winners, permit- Prus- to lishing security and order in arrested. She a iso admitted Parks ting them go to the A. Sc M Col- was a lege Short sia and that it merely pass- had made payments on her car. course, have been made ing measure Testimony at the hearing showed possible through aid of local resi- dents and the The martial law order abrogates that uisurance policies for the ag- Harlingen Chamber of the articles of the constitution gregate amount of $9,000 had been Oommerce, accorling to an- which deal with the right of free taken out in Mrs Parks' name re- nouncement here. The speech, the right ol asembly, the cently Mrs Condit said she knew two youths who will go are rights of private property and the of the iwlicies. Clarence Thieme of Highland, and privacy of telegraph and telephone _ Emanuel Shultis of Stuart Place and po/al commuaicatioifs. AJ1 Thieme and Shultis won the Cam- Founders Fete eron these rights may be curtailed as Day county poultry judging con- necessary dictates._ Announced test For a time it was thought that I Speaker they would not be given scholar- Staff iBv Correspondent* ships, but San Benito people rais- i | HARLINGEN. July 20—Cullen F. ed funds for the scholarship for1 WEATHER_i Thomas, well known Dallas attor- Thieme. and the Harlingen Cham- For East Texas: Mostly cloudy ney. will be the principal speaker at ber of Commerce decided to give Wednesday night and Thursday: oc- the founder’s day program here Shultis a scholarship- casional showers in east and south July 30 honoring Lon C. Hill, found- portions. er of Harlingen, on the latter's 76th Light to fresh southeast to south birt hday. Persons Hear winds on the coast. Thomas will speak at a meeting at 5,000 5 o'clcrk in the afternoon in from RIVER FORECAST of the Reese-Wil-Mond hotel. Willacy Candidates <Bv Staff There will be no material change Program for the day is being com- Correspondent) in the river during the next 24 to pleted. and it will include a RAYMQNDVILLE, July 20 —Al- parade most 5.000 36 hours. in *he afternoon, a banquet in the Willacy comity people Pi <4 H assembled here rioo* rsenl -l-!ir early evening, and a street dance Tuesday night and ®t*£r Chare tea enjoyed a free barbecue and concert later in the evening. sup^ier, Eagle Pass 16 20 -03 .00 while they listened to 55 candidates .00 Laredo 27 -0.7 -0.1 extol their qualifications for offices Rio Grande 21 3 1 -0.1 .00 Mrs. Sterling Is which tliey seek. Hidalgo 22 .00 The American Legion band fur- Mercedes 20 5.5 -0 2 .00 Honored Women nished music for the occasion.
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