The Large Macaws by Bob E/gas Sun Valley, OR CJ) eu 0> [j .0o co >­ .0 CJ) 0> C E 'co Q.. 15 oCJ) (5 £: CL Buffon's Macaws painted by Bob Elgas. A beautiful Bob Elgas painting qfthe Blue-throated Macaw. hroughout the world there are be referred to as "the living dead" for, more than 350 dl.:;tinct species essentially they have little future other of parrots. Whe1J. compared with the than inevitable extinction. (Since Elgas eight species of swans, or the 15 species wrote this, we have learned that there of cranes, it is obvious that the psittacine are two Spix's in the wild and 31 in cap­ family is large. Not only are parrots tive breeding situations. Editor's note.) colorful but many are spectacular. The Lear' .Macaw Anodorhynchus Among the most impressive are the leari which is similar to the Hyacinth macaws. These large, long tailed, bright­ Macaw, has a total wild population of ly colored birds are truly inspirational. approximately 60. Not only is their sta­ It was once said that a macaw was tus in the wild precarious but they are the Rolls Royce of the parrot world. Few very rare in captivity. With a population would object to the comparison. so small the future of the Lear's·, at best, The future of many parrots, includ­ is somber. The Glaucous Macaw ing a number of macaws, is in jeopardy. Anodorhynchusglaucus, a variety very Already many are gone. The Cuban, or similar to the Lear's, has been unrecord­ Little Red Macaw, was exterminated ed for years, and indeed may already be more than 100 years ago. The Spix's extinct. Macaw, Cyanopsitta spixii may no There is considerable concern for the longer exist in the wild. The few that Hyacinth Anodorhynchus hyacinthi­ have been preserved in captivity are, nus which is the largest macaw, and unfortunately, too frequently main­ indeed the largest of all parrots. It is con­ tained as single individuals having no sidered the most magnificent of the In this painting Bob Elgas has depicted the association with others of their own kind, psittacine family. Historically, Hyacinth unique colors and shape ofthe Hyacinth thus with no opportunity to breed and Macaws existed in vast numbers. More Macau). perpetuate the species. Sadly they can recently, however, populations have 4 September/October 1996 declined dramatically. So much so that lish self-sustaining populations. It is as orized they were a race of Blue and there is concern that wild populations yet unclear if the captive population is Golds in which the juvenile plumage was could be exterminated within the fore­ sufficiently large to maintain a viable gene different from the adult. The supposi­ seeable future. As might be imagined pool. tion was that upon gaining maturity they contributing factors, among others, The Military Macaw, as described would revert to normal Blue and Gold have been habitat destruction and ille­ above, is a smaller and less brightly col­ plumage. This has been disproven and gal capture for the pet trade. As a result ored cousin of the Buffon's Macaw. it is now recognized they are a separate of their spectacular appearance and Although the two are similar in appear­ species unique unto themselves. In gentle nature (they are frequently ance, each is considered a separate addition to being considerably smaller referred to as "the gentle giants" of species. The name Military is because than Blue and Gold Macaws, the blue the macaw world), they have always of the green coloration which is simi­ color is more greenish in tone. The been highly sought after. Hyacinths lar to that ofmilitary uniforms. They have entire crown is blue, lacking the green are rather well established in captivity, been kept in captivity for many years, fore crown of the Blue and Gold. The and are being bred with reasonable and have frequently bred. They have feathers lining the face are much thick­ frequency. If breeding programs are never enjoyed the same popularity as er and the expanse of bare skin on the properly managed these splendid birds other macaws, partially because they are lower jaw is much smaller. Whereas the could become well enough established less brightly colored than some and, per­ Blue and Gold has a black bib at the to ensure their survival. As is true with haps, because they have sometimes throat, the Blue-throated Macaw has a any rare species, captive reared offspring been described as having a dull per­ much larger patch extending down­ should not be sold as pets, but should sonality. I find this inappropriate since ward toward the chest. This throat be placed in appropriate breeding facil­ the Militaries with which I have been patch is bluish rather than black, giving ities. associated have been anything but dull. rise to the name glaucogularis; glauco, Another species which is not abun­ In my own home, living on a large meaning blue, and gularis, meaning dant is the Buffon's, or Great Green stand, is "Thumper," a wonderfully gullar or throat. Because of the dark Macaw Ara ambigua. Its natural range exciting Military Macaw who is Mr. feathering of the head and throat, which is somewhat restricted, being confined Personality Plus. There isn't a youngster gives the impression of a hood, an to areas of Central America and portions in our community who doesn't know appropriate name might well have of western South America. Because its Thumper, and who is not familiar with been hooded macaw. Little is know of plumage is similar to that of the Military the assortment of entertaining tricks their status in the wild. As previously Macaw Ara militaris, it is frequently he has perfected. Thumper loves recog­ noted, they are native to parts ofBolivia, misidentified as being a member of nition, and after completing his reper­ but populations are small. In a recent that species. Although the plumage is toire he hangs by his toenails and claps publication released by Cornell similar, there are important differences. his wings vigorously, encouraging University, an institution well known for The Buffon's is substantially larger than everyone to applaud. Personality? its ornithological program, it was report­ the Military. Both birds are basically Thumper is loaded with it. Don't sell ed that a flock of 17 Blue-throated green. However, the Buffon's is more Military Macaws short. Macaws had recently been discovered brightly colored, being a handsome Although Militaries are still being in a remote area of Bolivia. Because of yellow green as opposed to the dark­ reared in captivity, in view of declining the rarity of the birds, the precise loca­ er tones of the Military. During years past, populations there needs to be a greater tion is being held secret to prevent when importations were allowed, emphasis on captive breeding. exploitation. Before importations were Buffon's Macaws were occasionally Of particular interest is the Blue­ discontinued, a few of these little entered into the country. They did not throated or Caninde Macaw Ara macaws made their way into the United generate special interest, and were glaucogularis. Until recently they were States, some ofwhich were incorporated often sold as Militaries. As recently as not well know. Outwardly they resem­ into breeding programs. They are cur­ a dozen or so years ago importers ble Blue and Gold Macaws, and it is rently being bred in several facilities, and offered them for as little as $300, cer­ probable they stem from a common offspring are being transferred to addi­ tainly a much different price than that ancestor. They are smaller than Blue and tional breeders. Hopefully, with careful prevailing today. Recently there has Golds, and have significantly different management, populations will be been an escalation of interest in them, head markings. They are primarily increased to a level which will allow and a number of breeders are suc­ native to Bolivia, which is also the them to sustain themselves. The status cessfully rearing young. Hopefully, it southernmost range of Blue and Gold ofthe Blue-throated Macaw, both in the might be possible to eventually estab- Macaws. Some taxonomists once the- wild and in captivity, is precarious. afa WATCHBIRD 5 ~.:;~R'C~.+....~~_... AMERICAN FEDERATION OF AVICULTURE !!:~ ~~ _ 'Ifie Mission oftlie 5'I.:F5'I. is to Promote tlie 5'l.avanament of5'l.vicu[ture. "'o+~ c.~ 1996 OFFICERS OF R"~ LAURELLA DESBOROUGH, President 510-372-6174/ fax 510-372-0306· ROBERT 1. BERRY, Executive Director 713-434-8076 / fax 713-433-3731 RICK JORDAN, 1st Vice President 610-683-5701/ fax 610-683-9333· GARY CLIFTON, 2nd Vice President 602-830-4920/ fax 602-995-1707 JIM HAWLEY, JR., Chief Financial Officer 602-838-4770/ fax 602-987-3389 • JAMI KENNEDY, Secretary 805-252-0437 GARY LILIENTHAL, Legal Counsel, Vice President, AFA office, P.O. Box 56218, Phoenix, AZ 85079-6218 602-484-0931/ fax 602-484-0109 MEMBER NATIONAL & INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZAnONS: JERRY McCAWLEY, Specialty Regional Vice President Phone / fax 717-560-7978 American Budgerigar Society· Amazona Society· American Cockatiel Society, Inc.• American Lory Society Asiatic Parrot Society· Avicultural Society of America· International Parrotlet Society National Cockatiel Society· National Finch & Softbill Society· Pionus Breeder Association· Waxbill Parrot-Finch Society MEMBER CLUBS NORTHEASTERN Real Macaw Parrot Club FLORIDA/P.R. OHIO Bayou Bird Club REGION Ruffled Feathers REGION State coordinator: Capitol Area Avicultura1 Society PENNSYLVANIA Louisiana Aviculture Society Gulf Linda S. Rubin, regional v.p Dwight Greenberg, regional v.p. Dianne Holloway 419-636-3882 State coordinator: South Bird Club 617-469-0557 fax 617-469-0368 407-631-9800 fax 407-6324338 Classic Feathers Lorraine Smith 215-348-7423 MISSOURI CONNECTICUT FLORIDA (CENTRAL) Golden Crescent Cage Bird Club Central Pennsylvania Cage State coordinator: State coordinator: Great Lakes Bird Lovers Club Bird Club State Coordinator: Paddy Lamben 314-962-8186 Bob Sunday 203-525-8338 Miami Valley Bird Club Chester County Avian Society Suzanne Myers 813-689-7262 Gateway Parrot Club Cormecticut Association for Mid-American Exotic Bird Society Delaware Valley Bird Club Central Florida Bird Breeders Greater Kansas City Avicultural Aviculture, Inc.
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