Referência - Revista de Enfermagem ISSN: 0874-0283 [email protected] Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra Portugal Nogueira Oi Ching Bernice, Lam Traditional chinese medicine in health care in Macao Referência - Revista de Enfermagem, vol. IV, núm. 13, abril-junio, 2017, pp. 157-164 Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra Coimbra, Portugal Available in: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=388251308002 How to cite Complete issue Scientific Information System More information about this article Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and Portugal Journal's homepage in redalyc.org Non-profit academic project, developed under the open access initiative ISSNe: 2182.2883 | ISSNp: 0874.0283 Available: https://doi.org/10.12707/RIV17007 THEORETICAL PAPER/ESSAY ARTIGO TEÓRICO/ENSAIO Traditional chinese medicine in health care in Macao A medicina tradicional chinesa nos cuidados de saúde em Macau Cuidado de la salud de la medicina china tradicional en Macao Lam Nogueira Oi Ching Bernice* Abstract Background: Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) has been founded for more than 2,500 years of Chinese me- dical practice and also been practiced in Macau since the 19 th century. Recently the Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR) Government has established the World Health Organization (WHO) Collaboration Centre for Traditional Chinese Medicine (Macau) and has focused to the investment of TCM. Education for TCM is oered in higher education institutions in MSAR, however, nursing in TCM is not yet oered as a degree program. Objectives: Describe the healthcare system and the evolution of the western and eastern medicine in Macau; iden- tify the quality assurance and future development of TCM; and the future challenges and implications for science and education in Macau. Main topics under analysis: Descriptive analyses by reviewing statistical data, historical and literature review are applied in this article. Conclusion: Macau’s characteristic eastern and western culture is reected in the expansion of TCM. With colla- boration from WHO, this will benets the Macau’s bridging and linking role with Portuguese-speaking countries. Keywords: medicine, Chinese traditional; Macau Resumo Resumen Enquadramento: A medicina tradicional chinesa Marco contextual : La Medicina Tradicional China (MTC) teve origem há mais de 2.500 anos, sendo pra- (MTC) ha sido fundada por más de 2.500 años de prác- ticada em Macau desde o século XIX. Recentemente, o tica médica china y también se ha practicado en Macao Governo da Região Administrativa Especial de Macau desde el siglo XIX. Recientemente, el Gobierno de la (RAEM) criou o Centro Colaborador da Organização Região Administrativa de Especial de Macau (RAEM) Mundial da Saúde (OMS) para a Medicina Tradicional estableció el Centro Colaborador de la OMS para la Chinesa (Macau) e reforçou o investimento na MTC. Medicina China Tradicional (Macao) y se centró en la O ensino de MTC é oferecido em instituições de ensino inversión de la MTC. Educación para el MTC se ofrece superior da RAEM. Contudo, ainda não existe um pro- en las instituciones de educación superior en Macao, grama de graduação em enfermagem associada à MTC. sin embargo, la enfermería MTC no se ofrece como un Objetivos: Descrever o sistema de saúde e a evolução programa de grado. da medicina ocidental e oriental em Macau; identicar Objetivos: Describir el sistema de salud y la evolución a garantia de qualidade e o desenvolvimento futuro da de la medicina occidental y oriental en Macao; identi- MTC bem como os futuros desaos e implicações para car la garantía de calidad y el desarrollo futuro de la a ciência e o ensino em Macau. medicina tradicional china, así como los desafíos y las Principais tópicos em análise: Neste artigo são apre- implicaciones para la ciencia y la educación en Macao sentadas análises descritivas com base na revisão de da- futuras. dos estatísticos, revisão histórica e da literatura. Temas de análisis principales: Análisis descriptivo a Conclusão: A cultura oriental e ocidental que caracte- través de la revisión de los datos estadísticos, revisión riza Macau reete-se na expansão da MTC, o que, com histórica y bibliográca se aplican en este artículo. a colaboração da OMS, permitirá estabelecer a ponte Conclusión: El oriental y la cultura occidental función entre Macau e os países de língua portuguesa. de Macao se reeja en la expansión de la MTC. Con la colaboración de la OMS, esto beneciará el papel de Palavras-chave: medicina tradicional chinesa; Macau puente de Macao y enlazar con los países de habla por- tuguesa. Palabras clave: medicina china tradicional; Macau *PhD, Coordinator, Associate Professor, School of Health Science, Macao Poly- Received for publication: 24.01.17 technic Institute, Macao [[email protected]]. Accepted for publication: 29.04.17 Revista de Enfermagem Referência Série IV - n.º 13 - ABR./MAI./JUN. 2017 pp. 157-164 Introduction Portuguese-speaking countries (Serviços de Saúde de Macau [SSM], 2016a).is article Macau is a Special Administrative Region describes the healthcare system in Macau, the (SAR) of the People’s Republic of China, sit- evolution of western and eastern medicine in uated at the Pearl River Delta on the south- Macau, and the quality assurance and future east coast of Mainland China, 60 km south- development of TCM in Macau. Addition- west of Hong Kong. Macau comprises the ally it sets out future challenges and implica- Macau peninsula, Taipa and Coloane Island. tions for science and education to further the With an estimated population of around considerable prominence that Macau gives to 647,700 living in an area of 30.4 km², pop- TCM as part of its declared policy of, and ulation density 21.1( ’000/km 2), (Direcção strategy for, economic diversication. dos Serviços de Estatística e Censos [DSEC], 2016), it is one of the most densely populat- ed region in the world. Development Macau Special Administrative Region (MSAR) had been a Portuguese colony since e healthcare system in Macau 1557, and was handed over to China on 20 “A sound healthcare system, putting preven- December, 1 999 under the policy of one tion rst” (GCS, 2016, p. 1) is the policy of country, two systems (Gabinete de Comuni- MSAR Government, with a commitment to cação Social, [GCS], 2016). With the past improve medical and healthcare quality, as historical background of almost 500 years well as the health of the population in Ma- of Portuguese governance, Macau possesses cau (SSM, 2016b). Macau’s Healthcare Sys- characteristics of eastern and western culture, tem is one the most well developed in Asia, and this extends to health care, in which there and the life expectancy of its people is also is combination of Western Medicine and Tra- one of the longest, with an average of 79.9 ditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). years for men and 86.3 years for women TCM has been founded for more than 2,500 (DSEC, 2016). years in Chinese medical practice, and it Macau has ve hospitals and 708 primary includes various forms of herbal medicine, health care establishments, among which are acupuncture, massage, exercise and dietary 194 TCM clinics. In 2015 there were 1,674 therapy. TCM is widely used in China and doctors and 2,279 nurses, with ratios of 2.6 is becoming increasingly prevalent in Eu- per thousand residents and 3.5 per thousand rope and North America (National Center residents respectively (DSEC, 2016). for Complementary and Integrative Health Macau’s healthcare services are provided by [NCCIH], 2016). governmental and non-governmental insti- TCM has also been practiced in Macau since tutions. e governmental institutions in- the 19 th century mainly by non-governmen- clude Conde São Januário Hospital (CHCSJ) tal parties and later with support by gov- which provides specialist medical services; ernment. Recently the MSAR Government, and seven health centers and three health with support from the mainland Beijing stations for primary healthcare; and the Pub- government, has focused to the development lic Health Clinical Center in Coloane. e of TCM and established the World Health primary healthcare system was established Organization (WHO) Collaboration Centre in 1985 by the Macau Health Bureau under for Traditional Medicine (Macau) in August the Portuguese Administration, to realize the 2015 (WHO, 2015). e Guangdong-Ma- objective of Health for all 2000 advocated by cau Traditional Chinese Medicine Indus- WHO. e health centers and health stations trial Technology Park is a new investment are located in the dierent districts of Macau located on Hengqin Island in the Zhuhai and oer easy access and free primary health Prefecture adjoining Macau, and, as men- care services for Macau residents in their own tioned by Chief Executive of the MSAR, this neighborhoods. Among them, the Health will benet the steps taken to enable Macau Center of Macau Norte (Bairro Fai Chi Kei), to further its role as a bridge and link with Health Center of Areia Preta (Hac Sa Wan) Traditional chinese medicine in health Revista de Enfermagem Referência - IV - n.º 13 -2017 care in Macao 158 and Health Center of Nossa Senhora do Car- times be a strong, unpleasant or bitter taste of mo-Lago are equipped with TCM Clinics. some TCM medication. e primary healthcare network based on e herbal combinations used in TCM are Government Health Centers is considered a prepared for, and tailored to, each individ- model of good practice by the WHO (GCS, ual (maybe 8-15 herbs in any preparation), 2016). and they change over time in response to e non-governmental health institutions in- the whole person’s condition and health sta- clude Kiang Wu Hospital, Macau University tus (Flower et al., 2012). Some of them are of Science and Technology Hospital (UH), designed for therapeutic action ( Emperor Malo Clinic Day Hospital, Macau Yin Kui herbs), some support the therapy and oth- Hospital, Tung Sin Tong Clinic, the Work- er co-existing factors ( Minister herbs), some ers’ Clinic, and various private clinics oer- support the main therapy whilst reducing ad- ing a range of medical services.
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