Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/annalsofartistso04stir ANNALS OF THE ARTISTS OF SPAIN VOLUME THE FOURTH PUBLISHER’S NOTE. Six hundred and forty copies of this New Edition printed for England, andfour hundredfor America. Each copy numbered and type distributed. No.-ZJ.8- ANNALS OF THE ARTISTS OF SPAIN BY SIR WILLIAM STIRLING-MAXWELL BARONET a ®umon INCORPORATING THE AUTHOR’S OWN NOTES ADDITIONS AND EMENDATIONS Wttb iportratt and tTwentB=four Steel anD jTOc330tlnt jEngravtttga ALSO NUMEROUS ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD IN FOUR VOLUMES VOLUME THE FOURTH LONDON JOHN C. NIM.MO 14, KING WILLIAM STREET, STRAND MDCCCXCI Theirs ivas the shill, rich colour and clear light 1 To weave in graceful forms by fancy dream d, So well that many a shape and figure bright. Though fiat, in sooth, reliev’d and rounded seem'd. And hands, deluded, vainly strove to clasp Those airy nothings mocking still their grasp. iii£ iiOA' ft-NTtfl LIBRAR/ ” , VOLUME THE FOURTH. PAGE Juan de Valdes Leal. From a drawing by himself. Bought by the author at Baro7i Taylor's sale,Jime 1S83, and now at Keir . 1285 Iron Cross and Vane on one of the Towers of the Escorial 1350 The Alcazar of Madrid. From a print engraved by N. Guerard and designed by Filippo Pallotta, 1704 ..... 1360 Iron Cross on the Road from Olia to Toledo . -1457 Duendecitos—a Caricature of Friars. From the etigraving in the “ CaprichosT No. 49, of F. Goya ....... 1479 Francisco Goya. From the ettgravedportrait prefixed to his “ Cap- richos ............ 1482 Iron Cross and Vane at Tolosa 1550 El Niffo de Ballecas — The Boy of Ballecas. From the eiigraving by B. Vazquez, executedfro77i the picture by Velazquez. Royal Musezon, No. 1098, at Madrid 1569 Bartolom£ Esteban Murillo. From the portrait by Richard u Collin in Sandrart, Acade77iia obilissi/nce , f. N Artis pictorial No7'i77ibergce , 1683, fol. facing p. 392 1598 Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception. Frozzi the ezzgrav- ing by Bridoux, executed frozn the picture by Murillo \fort7ierly\ in the Gal. Esp. No. Louvre, 149 . 1599 . (gj'/T CHAPTER XIV. REIGN OF CHARLES II. 1665-1700— [concluded). PAGE PAGE Valencia . • 1255 Juan Bautista Bayuco . • 1273 Painters . • 1255 Monsen Vicente Bru • 1273 Fray Luis Claros . • 1255 Vicente Guilld • 1274 Dr. Josef Eamirez . 1256 Agustin Guilld • 1275 Luis de Sotomayor • 1257 Florencio Guilld . • 1275 Crisdstomo Martinez . 1258 Sculptors • 1275 Vicente Salvador Gomez • 1259 Julio Capuz . • 1275 Luciano Salvador Gomez . 1260 Julio Leonardo Capuz . • 1275 Juan Conchillos Falcd . 1260 Raymundo Capuz • 127s Friendship and adventures with Francisco Capuz . 1276 Palomino . 1262 Murcia .... • 1277 Death .... 1263 Nicolas de Villacis . 1277 Gaspar de la Huerta . 1264 Mateo Gilarte . 1278 Vicente Victoria . 1266 Josef Garcia Hidalgo . 1279 Visit to Italy . 1266 Book on painting . 12S1 Return to Valencia . 1266 Senen Vila . 12S1 00 Letters against Malvasia . 1268 Lorenzo Vila Zanotti’s reply . 126S Andalusia . 1283 to CO Removal to Rome . 1270 Amateur painters . Oj . • 12S3 Works .... 1271 Cornelius Schut el Menor His Sonnet on Painting . 1272 Juan de Valdds Leal . 1285 Joaquin Eximeno • 1273 Removes to Seville . 1285 . viii CONTENTS. PAGE PAGE Connection and quarrel with Visit to Cordoba 1311 the Academy . 1286 Loses the favour of the Admiral 1312 Engraves the Custodia of the Second marriage 13 12 Cathedral 1287 Death ..... 1313 Canonisation of St. Ferdinand, Merits as an artist and man of and rejoicings at Seville . 1288 letters .... 1313-14 Superintends the decorations of Acisclo Antonio Palomino de the Cathedral 1288 Castro 1315 Visit to Cordoba 1290 Visit to Madrid i 3!6 Works at the Hospital de la Marriage ..... 1316 Caridad .... 1290 Made painter to Charles II. I 3 W Visit to Madrid 1291 Visits to Valencia, Granada, Style 1292 and Cordoba . 131 8-19 Works at Seville 1292 Visit to Paular .... 1320 Lucas de Valdes . 1293 Merits as an artist . 1320 Frescoes .... 1293 As an author .... 1321 Picture of St. Elizabeth of Notice of his book . 1322 Hungary . 1294 Ideas on the origin of paint- Doha Maria and Doha Luisa de ing 1323 Valdds .... I296 Rights of artists 1325 Francisco Meneses Osorio . I296 Miraculous images . 1325 Juan Garzon 1296 Practical instructions for Pedro Nunez de Villavicencia 1297 painters 1327 Gerdnimo de Bobadilla 1299 Palomino as a biographer 1328 Marcos Correa 1299 Doha Francisca Palomino y Ve- Josef Antolinez . 1299 lasco 1330 Francisco Antolinez Sarabia 1301 Juan de Sevilla Romero 1330 Matias Arteaga 1303 Juan Nino de Guevara . 1331 Francisco Arteaga 1304 Pedro Atanasio Bocanegra . 1333 Josef Lopez .... 5 3°4 Miguel Geronimo de Cieza . 1336 Ignacio de Leon Salcedo 1305 Josef de Cieza .... 1336 Juan Carlos Ruiz Gison 1305 Vicente de Cieza 1336 Cristobal de Leon I 3°5 Josef Risueno 1337 Esthban Marquez . 1305 Pedro Camacho .... 1338 Clemente de Torres 1306 Sculptors 1 33S Antonio Garcia Reynoso 1307 Pedro Roldan .... 1338 Juan de Alfaro 1308 Works at Jaen and Seville 1340 Settles at Madrid 1309 Habits of life and study . i 34 i Friendship of the Admiral of Dona Luisa Roldan 1341 Castile .... 1310 Andres Cancino .... 1343 CONTENTS. IX PAGE PAGE . Josef de Mora Bernardo Simon Pineda . 1344 .... 1347 Juan Antonio and Francisco Ruiz Diego de Mora .... 134S Gixon 1344 Goldsmiths ..... 1349 Pedro de Mena .... 1345 Juan de Segura .... 1349 . Laureano Bernardo de Mora . 1347 Juan .... 1349 CHAPTER XV. REIGNS OF THE BOURBONS. 1700-1800. The War of the Succession, 1700- Juan Joseph Navarro, Marquess I 1 of Victoria 1712 3 S .... 1371 Decline of artistic genius . 1352 Doha Maria Ignacia and Doha Want of portrait-painters under Rosalia Navarro . .1371 the Bourbons . 1353 Don Luis Alvarez de Nava . 1372 Rafael Mengs .... 1353 Duchess of Huescar and Arcos . 1372 Philip V., 1700-1746 . 1354 Marquess of Montehermoso . 1372 Architectural works at Aran- Don Diego Rejon de Silva . 1372 ” juez, and La Granja de San His poem, “La Pinthra . 1372 Ildefonso . 1356-7 Reply to French critics . 1373 Gardens of San Ildefonso . 1358 Other works .... 1374 Alcazar of Madrid destroyed . 1360 Don Josef Nicolas de Azara . 1374 New palace designed by Filippo Don Gaspar Melchor de Jovel- Juvara 1361 lanos ..... 1376 Plans altered by Giovanni Bat- Foreign artists .... 1377 tista Sachetti . .1361 Andrea Procaccini . 1377 Queen Isabella Farnese . 1363 Visits Spain .... 1378 Louis I., 1724 .... 1364 Favour at court . 1378 Ferdinand VI., 1746-1759 . 1364 Marriage 1379 Nunnery of Las Salesas . 1365 Death 1379 Charles III., . 1759-1788 . 1366 Merits as an artist . 1379 Decree against the exportation Rene Antoine Hovasse . 13S0 of pictures from Spain . 1367 Michel Ange Hovasse . 1380 Architectural works . 1369 Jean Ranc 13S0 Infant Don Gabriel . 1369 His portraits, and practical wit 13S1 IV., Charles 1788-1808 . -1370 Visit to Spain .... 13S1 Amateurs 1370 Louis Michel Vanloo . 13S2 of . Duke Uceda , *1371 Visit to Spain .... 1382 Don Bernardo Inca Mendez de Francisco Vieira .... 13S3 Sotomayor . 1371 Romantic attachment . 13S3 X CONTENTS. PAGE PAGE Visit to Rome 1383 Return to Madrid works there, .... ; Return to . Lisbon and his love 1384 and at Aranjuez . 1403 Misfortunes Returns to . .... 1385 Rome for life . 1404 to . Return Rome . 1385 Last work .... 1405 Return marriage . home and 1386 Illness and death . 1405 Visit to Spain .... 1386 Character 1406 Return to Portugal, and ap- Anecdotes 1407 pointed painter to the King . 1387 Habits ..... 1407 Works 1387 Family 1408 Widowhood and authorship . 1388 Fame and merits . 1408 Jacopo Amigoni .... 1389 Writings 1410 Corrado Giaquinto . 1390 Foreign sculptors . 1413 Giovanni Battista Tiepolo . 1390 Renaud Fremin . .1413 Domenico Tiepolo . 1392 Jean Thierry .... 1413 Lorenzo Tiepolo 1392 .... Jacques Bousseau . 1414 Charles Francois de la Traverse . 1392 Giovanni Domenico Olivieri . 1415 Anthon Rafael Mengs . 1393 Robert Michel .... 1417 Taken to . Rome 1393 Castilian painters . .1418 Return to Dresden, and success Juan Garcia de Miranda . .1418 there 1394 Juan Garcia de Miranda, the Second visit to Rome . 1394 younger 1419 Marriage ..... 1394 Nicholas Garcia de Miranda . 1419 Return to Dresden, and appoint- Pedro Rodriguez de Miranda . 1420 ment as painter to the Francisco and Nicolas Rodriguez Elector- . King . 1394 de Miranda .... 1421 visit Third to Rome ; works Miguel Jacinto Menendez . 1421 there 1395 Francisco Antonio Menendez . 1422 Visit to Naples and employed Luis Menendez .... 1423 by the King .... 1396 Josef Agustin Menendez . 1425 Other works at Rome . 1398 Dona Anna Menendez . 1425 Invitation and journey to Francisco Bustamente . 1425 Spain 1398 Juan Bernabe Palomino . 1425 Success and works . 1399 Juan Fernando Palomino . 1427 Connection with the Academy Gerdnimo Antonio de Ezquerra . 1427 of San Fernando . 1400 Josef Romeo .... 1428 His health impaired by over- Andres de la Calleja . 1428 exertion 1401 Fray Bartolomd de San Antonio . 1429 Return to Rome . 1401 Pablo Pernicharo .... 1430 Works at the Vatican, Naples, Luis Gonzalez Velazquez . 1430 and Florence . 1402-3 Alexandro Gonzalez Velazquez . 1431 . CONTENTS. xi PAGE PAGE Antonio Gonzalez Velazquez i43 2 Simon Tomd Gavilan . 1446 Juan Cirilo Magadan . 1433 Alexandra Carnicero . 1447 Francisco Xavier de Santiago His family .... 1447 Palomdres .... 1434 Juan Pascual de Mena 1448 Bernardo Martinez del Barranco . 1435 Luis Salvador Carmona 1448 Josef del Castillo .... 1435 His son 1449 Fernando del Castillo . 1436 Manuel Alvarez .... 1449 Luis Paret 1437 Engravers 1450 Dona Barbara Maria de Hueva . 1439 Lorenzo Monteman 1450 Joseph Ximeno .... 1439 His scholars .... 1452 Alonso Mures, painter at Badajoz 1440 Tomas Francisco Prieto 1452 Castilian sculptors 1440 Francisco Fernandez . 1452 Felipe de Castro 1440 .... Juan Fernandez de la Pena . 1452 Visit to Rome .... 1441 Diego Tom4 1452 Return to Spain 1441 Felipe Vidal 1453 Works 1442 Pablo Minguet .... 1453 Translation of Varchi’s book on Manuel de Chozas 1453 the supremacy of sculpture Manuel Salvador Carmona . 1453 amongst the arts . 1443 Fernando Selma .... 1455 Juan Antonio and Pablo Ron 1444 Moreno Tejada .... 1456 Narciso Tomd .... 1445 M. Albuerne 1456 CHAPTER XYI.
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