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L162 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/commencement3031univ ^ttteteen \\\xvfoxzb iljtrig piefrttei&img gaming 3lune ilje elefoitttj at mttt-tljirtg o'clock %ht |Nc-fa dSgnrnastum o (All £ VERS1TY ( The Order of Exercises The Commencement Procession Prelude Huldigungsmarsch .... Wagner Overture to "Mirella". Gounod UNIVERSITY CONCERT BAND A. Austin Harding, Director Praye: THE REVEREND SIDNEY A. GUTHRIE, A.B. Pastor of the First Methodist Episcopal Church of Urbana The Commencement Addre ss DAVID KINLEY, PH.D., LL.D. President of the University Symphonic Poem—Phaeton Saint-Sains The Conferring of Degrees THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY The Benediction THE REVEREND SIDNEY A. GUTHRIE The Recessional THE L!BR; JAN 2 I DEGREES The College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Candidates for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts In Liberal Arts and Sciences Ruth Anne Abrahamson, with High John Henby Bontjes Honors in French Joseph Milton Bosenbury, Jr. Jack Joseph Adelman Hazel Louise Bowman Christine Cornelia Alblinger William Frank Bradley Fred Edward Albright Dorothy Ann Bratton Edith Loraine Allen Dorothy Virginia Bristow Dorothy Adelaide Altringer, with Glen Westgate Brock Honors in Zoology Sarah Maude Brook Walter Carey Alward, Jr. Beatrice M Brown Florence Eugenia Anderson Donald Meeker Brown, with Honors Robert Stanhope Andrews in Mathematics Bernard Auman App, with Honors in Kathryn Elizabeth Browne Entomology Gordon Davidson Bryan Rosslyn Ernest Armbruster Louis Floreth Bunte Harold James Ashlock Kenneth Leland Burroughs Alberta Avis Auld Kathryn Alice Burrows, with Robert Thornton Babcock Honors in History Walter Edwin Bacon, Jr. Clark Joel Buswell Margaret Rebecca Baer John Turner Caldwell, Jr. Margretta Bairstow Ruth Virginia Caldwell Marian Henrietta Baker John Olin Campbell, Jr. Elizabeth Frances Baldwin Celeste Emma Cantrell Edward Urius Banker Lally Margaret Carr Paul Royden Barnes Andrew James Casner Charles Colwell Bartlett Elizabeth Ruth Catherwood, with Ella von Bauer Honors in Chemistry Mary Elizabeth Bayman Mordecai Bernard Chamberlain Beatrice Cecile Bedard, with High Blanche Louise Christenson Honors in French Mary Elizabeth Christie Robert Newell Berry Freeman Sylvester Church Julia Talbot Bird, with Honors in Ruth Julia Cline English James Arthur Coble Kenneth Edward Bisshopp, with Elbert Bowman Collins Honors in Mathematics Robert Forrest Colwell Helen Lois Black, with Honors in Phyllis Ruth Cook Zoology George Anne Cottingham George Curtis Blacker John Paul Crandall Kenneth Charles Blood Anne Harrison Crathorne Henry Harlan Bloomer, with William Henry Crook Honors in English Maurice Hartley Crosbie Inez Elizabeth Boardman Harry Edward Crull, with High Graeme Stewart Bond Honors in Mathematics (5) Virginia Graham Culbertson Marian Gibson Paul Franklin Cundy Angela Gioconda Gladys Margaret Currie Helen Lillian Gleason Verna Bertha Daily Virginia Edith Gleim Wesa Eloise Dale, with Honors Martin Glover in Latin William Elwood Gobble, with Daniel Dalziel Honors in Political Science Jules Dashow Ruth Adeline Godding Dorean Eliza Davis Eva Anna Goff Kent Gardenir Davis Raymond Lipman Goldstein Luther Dearborn, with Honors in Mary Elizabeth Goodell Economics Margaret Helen Goodman Adele Elsie Dethmann Margaret Mary Graham Susan Deuel, with Honors in English Francis Ralph Grant, with High Karl Christian Dod, with Honors in Honors in Botany History Edward Ray Griesheimer Elizabeth Ann Doms Dorothy Marion Griggs Walter John Doolen Ronald Nelson Gsell Winifred Lenora Douglass Margaret Elizabeth Guild Margaret Aileen Durin Rae Gunter Mary Anna Eads, with Honors in Josephine Frederick Gunther History W Maurice Hadaway Georgia Ann Easley Adolph Werner Hagstrom Mildred Lillian Eddington Dan Hall Hale Meta Dorothea Eilers Harriet Hallowell Alice L Entwhistle Richard Gerhardy Handschu John Wallace Evans Margaret Cecelia Harlan Kyle Marshall Fagin Suzanna Harry Lucille Evelyn Fellis Alberdine Hatcher with High Chauncey Edgar Finch, Gertrude Elizabeth Hayes Honors in Latin Edward William Hazleton Leonard Victor Finder Helen Laverne Heffner, with Serene Fink Honors in Psychology Lucile Veronica Finnegan Willis Warner Helfrich John Pierre Fixmer Mary Elizabeth Henderson Dorothy Vivian Footitt, with Mary Louise Henebry Honors in Chemistry Ethel Henwood Ray Melford Foreman, with Honors May in Public Speaking Lee Malcolm Hester, with Honors Margie Elizabeth Francis in Economics Roger Kenneth Frand sen Margaret Lucille Hicks Robert Benjamin Frank Rachel H Hill Stanley Sanford Frankel Edward Charles Hoelscher, Jr. Oscar Lawrence Fredriksen Sara Louise Hollister Herbert Bernard Fried Leona Hazel Hoppenrath Bernard Samuel Friedman, with Frances Susan Howard Honors in Chemistry George Marmaduke Hoy Erna Fritz, with Honors in German Jackson Noyes Huddleston Erhard William Fuchs, with Honors Margaret Lavinia Hudson in Zoology Catherine Noyes Hughes Willard Wilson Fullerton Malinda Richolene Hughes Irene Margaret Fulton William Buel Huie, with Honors Severo Galinato Galinato in Public Speaking Robert Case Humphrey Sylvia Ruth Ganansky, with Helen Rosetta Hunsinger Honors in Zoology Mildred Emma Gehlbach Betty Delia Huntoon Herbert Walroth Hurd Marguerite Valentine Ingram (6} Celia Marie Irick Virginia Stuart Lowe, with Honors Norman Leonard Jacklin in Botany Anna Louise Jackman, with George Francis Lowes Honors in English James Harold Lowry Archibald Stephens James Madeline Winifred Lutyens Alice Mabel Johnson, with Honors Jeanett Dee Lutz in French Gertrude Elizabeth Lytle Carleton Ware Johnson Clyde Truman McCormick Dorothy Marie Johnson Josephine Baker McCormick, with Vivian Naomi Johnson Honors in History Isabel Frisby Johnston Georgine Belle McDonald, with Walter Jolley, with Honors in Honors in English History Harriet Maude McElroy Truman Jones James Leslie McElroy Winifred Ellen Jones, with Honors Frederick Hotchkiss McKelvey in French Gertrude Rose McMahon Ethel Katherine Kaesebier Mary Alice MacMillan Philip Henry Kammann Thomas Harvey McMillan Beatrice Kane Josephine Kindall Macdonald Thyra Phyllis Kantor Gladys Beryl Mark Sadie Kaplan Isabel Thompson Marsh Adelyn Emma Kast Paul Amos Marshall Daniel Joseph Keating, Jr. Elizabeth Claire Martindale Claire Louise Kelly Mildred Eva Marx Arlene Josephine Kempton, with William Howard Maxant, with Honors in English Honors in Economics Edith Rachel Kennedy William Keepers Maxwell, Jr., Thomas Kennedy with High Honors in English Blanche LeBaron Kerr Bernard Joseph Mayer Margaret Kertes Helen Valette Mayes John Raymond Kieding Henry Weber Meers, with Honors Thomas Harold Kiley in Political Science Harry Stephen Kilian Valentine Charlotte Melville Mary Kathryn Kimball, with Barbara Leona Menges Honors in Spanish Sylvia Elizabeth Mestek, with Anna Beatrice Kostka Honors in English William John Krencewicz Herman Karl Miethe Elma Clara Krumsieg Dorothy Gertrude Miller Alice Virginia Landhy Edena Miller High J Frank Lansing, with Francis Howard Miller Honors in Philosophy Leota Maebra Miller Elizabeth Lantin Gladys Virginia Moberly Fred David Larsen Dicie Ann Moore, with Honors Knud Anthon Larsen III in Spanish Katy Lorene Lawson Thyra Maurine Moore Alberta Fenn Lewis Fred Herbert Morris Eva Natalie Lind John D Morse Julia Ann Lipow, with Honors in Bernard Edgar Moser English William August Mueller Marguerite Louise Lipscomb Arthur Clarence Muns Dorothy Elizabeth Livesey Harriet June Myers, with Honors Park Chesterfield Livingston in English William Tinder Lodge John Harlan Myers Lyle Wayne Loomis Stanley Charles Myers Charlotte Emerson Love Paul Montgomery Norman (7l James Frank Normand Josephine Florence Shogren Mary Lou Norris Maurice Benjamin Silberman Rene Oehler John Joseph Sirotnak Virginia Mae Olive Freida Bernadine Skeels Margaret Helen Osborne Helen Elizabeth Smith Margaret Helen Otis Thomas Robert Smith Gloria Justine Palmer, with Honors Harold A Solger in History Thelma Virginia Stanley Richard Milo Palmer Evelyn Rasmusson Starkey, with Andrew Reid Park, Jr. Honors in History Joe Marion Parker, with Honors Dorothy Selden Steele in Zoology Virginia Norene Steely Grace Esther Parkhill Richard Stern Jessie Faye Partlow Julia Catherine Stevens, with Virginia Mildred Patterson Honors in English John Collins Payne Ruth Martha Stobbe Louis John Mike Perrottet Elsie Marguerite Stoutemyer, with Signe Walborg Peterson Honors in English William Balser Petty Marian Rebecca Suleeba George Plain, Jr. George Francis Taubeneck, with Dorothy Louise Plante Honors in Journalism and Dallas Eugene Porter Political Science Ruth Alene Posey Harold Minard Tenney Helen Alyce Posnick Marian Eleanor Tintinger, with Betty Alice Post Honors in German Edith Catherine Powell Helen Joan Tobias Ruth Kathryn Pretty Chung Hsiu Tsui Ann Elizabeth Putnam Marion
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