Xavier University Exhibit Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Edgecliff oC llege Newspaper Proceedings 1976-12-10 Edgecliff tudeS nt Newspaper Edgecliff olC lege - Cincinnati Follow this and additional works at: http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/edgecliff_newspaper Recommended Citation Edgecliff oC llege - Cincinnati, "Edgecliff tudeS nt Newspaper" (1976). Edgecliff College Newspaper. Book 259. http://www.exhibit.xavier.edu/edgecliff_newspaper/259 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Journals, Publications, Conferences, and Proceedings at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in Edgecliff oC llege Newspaper by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. THE EDGECLIFF Vol. 42, No. 6 Edgecliff College Friday,December10,1976 News Who Made Who's Who by Cynthia Shepherd In Brief Twenty-three Edgecliff students have been approved for membership lion Committee. in Who's Who Among American Jan Weisenberger and Mary Kay Colleges and Universities. Jordan are both Psychology majors. library Hours The names of all seniors who main­ Miss Weisenberger has served on tained a cumulative average of 2.75 Student Government for three years and participated in activities during in different positions. She is chairper­ all years of attendance at Edgecliff, or The library will be clos1:1d over the son of the Orientation Committee, a those who showed qualities of out­ Christmas break. If you would like to member of Student Hospitality Com­ standing leadership during the junior use it, the staff will open the library mittee, and a member of the Edgecliff and senior years on campus were upon request between 8 a.m. and 4 singers. Miss Jordan is President of eligible to submit a Profile of Services p.m. Psi Chi and a member of Psychology and Leadership to a committee. The library will be open on club. She has been a member of the The profiles were then reviewed by · December 12, from 1-10 p.m. National ' Council for ·Exceptional the committee members who in­ Children. dividually voted on them on a rating Veronica S. Davis, a Medical scale one to three, with one being the Techology major, is presently com­ highest. This year's committee .con­ pleting her senior year at Good Xmas Sale sisted of the President of the College, Samaritan Hospital where she is a Academic Dean. Dean of Students, member of the Professional Com­ three faculty members: Dr. Wester, mittee in the school of Medical Christmas cards, made by the han­ Mr. Finley, Ms. Jenkins, Student Technology. She was a member of dicapped at the United Cerebral Go,vernment President, Student Palsy Center are on sale now. These the Edgecliff Singers, the Black Stu­ Government Vice-President and one dent Union, Orientation Committee, cards are being sold to raise money to student, Pat S. Abell" keep the Adult workshop goung. and the Biology Dept. Volleyball Carolyn Leah Cousins and Monica Team. Mrs. Davis was a pianist for the Help them help themselves by buying Heile are both Biology majors. Miss Community Youth Choir and an their cards. They are on display on Cousins is presently the chairman of the ground floor of Sullivan Hell. Call assistant supervisor tor the com­ the sick and $t'lut-lns at St. John AME m':'"try youth group. - Mary Kaellr. at 381-3149 to order. Zion Church and co-chairman of the Sliver Gleaners. In her junior year, Ken Rasp, a Theology Education she served as President of the Black major, is a member of the Hospitality Student Union, chairman of the sick Committes and the Edgecliff United and shut-ins and played on the photo by Cynthia Shepherd Nations committee. He was the coach Retreat - Biology department volleyball team. of the Girl's softball team and played In her freshmen year, Miss Cousim. on the basketball team himself. Mr, tutored grades 3-5 at Douglass C•rolyn LHh Cousins, Bernedette Boehrun •nd Pet Flechler tak" • bruk Rasp was a member of the Spiritual A Simple Living-Global Justice Elementary school, .and was Uom • busy ichedule .ol doing aenlor thesis, •nd fllllng out 9Pl)llclltlons for Values Committee, Salute to Spring program will be held Jan. 28-30. A treasurer of the Black Student Union. Grlldu•t• IChool •nd jobe. and was a Extraordinary Minister. He week-end to explore and reflect per­ Monica Heile has been a member of hopes to teach in a parish after he sonal awareness. Living simply so the Edgecliff Singers all four years. graduates. that others may simply live. It will be She is a member of the Spiritual Pat Flechler and Michele LaBaw, held at Grailville, an educational and Values Committee, plays guitar for invitations for the Mother's Club works at a center in the inner-city as a Special Education majors, have both conference center in Loveland, Ohio. Mass and special events. Miss Heile Fashion Show, and has been a recreation director. Mrs. McCabe has been members of the Spiritual Values For more information contact The was a member of the Edgecliff tennis member of the Resident Review been there for seven years; 4 as a Committee for four years. Miss Grail, Sheila Goldstein, 683-2340. · team and softball team . Board for 3 years. In her junior year, volunteer and 3 as a paid staff Ffechler was a member of the ... Janis Thill and Mary Kay Johnson, Ms. Johnson replaced the En­ member. She· did a practicum ex­ Spiritual Values Committee for four both Art majors, have served on the vironmental Committee which had perience at Longview State Hospital years. Miss Flechler was a member of Orie'ltation Committee and the become defunct, with the Edgecliff in 1975, working with young Student Government, Orientation Swimming Hospitality Committee. Ms. Thill is Aesthic Committee. teenagers. Committee, and Spiritual Values presently a member of the Resident Carolyn McCabe is vice-president Bernadette Boehman, a Math ma­ Committee. She was a member of the The Office of Continuing Educa­ Hoase Council Review Board, senior of Psi Chi, which is the honor society ..jor, is a member of the Spiritual Review Board, Student Dramatic tion will be offering beginning and senator of Student Government, and for psychology students and a Values Committee, and was recently Scoeity, arid has been very active in advanced swimming for adults. It will co-head of S.G. Publicity Committee. member of Psychology Club. She chosen as Extraordinary Minister of other social events. Michele LaBaw start Jan. 17, from 7:30 until 9 p.m. Mary Kay Johnson was a member of was a CCD teacher for both grade Communion. She has served on the has participated in the Edgecliff The course will run for 8 weeks on the Publicity Committee, worked on school and high school students and Hospitality Committee and Orienta- Singers, Parent's Weekend Com- Monday nights. Intermediate and ad­ (Continued on page 2) vanced swimming will start Jan. 19, on Wednesday from 7:30 until 9 p.m. For more information contact Pat Title IX: Edgecliff Men Maley, Continui~~ ~ducation Office. Exam Prayer Rape; Don't Let It Rights Protected gives the women some type of sports "Now I lay me down to rest by P11mel• Doughm•n In accordance with the Title IX facilities. IJ'lope I'll pass tomorrow's test Happen To You Regulations, Dr. JohnJ. Renaldo was "Title IX involves more than just If I should die before I wake appointed by Sister Margaret Anne sports facilities," stated Dr. Renaldo, That's one last test I'll have to talk Molitor to coordinate Edgecliff's ef­ " it involves the entire institution." In­ If I should live until that class At the beginning of each year, deed, the added cost of providing That's one more test I'll have to pass. lion 10 protect yourself against 1t: forts to comply with and carry out the dorm students attend a meeting tell­ responsibilities under this act. these facilities and programs are sur­ Amen 1). The best thing to do.is take a ing them how to defend themselves The Title IX of the Education ely to increase the administrative Author unknown self defense course. If attacked, strike against rape and other dangers. For out effectively. Amendments Act of 1972 states: costs. And in spite of governmental the first month of school, students are · 2). vAlways lock your car, whether "No person in the United States regulations, the costs are lhe sole careful to obey these precautions, you are in it or not. shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded responsibility of the institutic.n. but after they learn their way around, · 3). If you have to leave campus at from participation in, be denied the Thus far, Dr. Renaldo has not Spending they began to forget about the night, get one of guards to walk you benefits of, or be subjected to dis­ received any complaints nor does he dangers. Going to the pit and walking to your car. crimination under any educational expect any problems concerning T i­ According to a recent survey, the up to Harrison Hall alone at night is 4). If you go to Harrison Hall at program or activity receiving fedreal tle IX . Students or employees w ith Rand Youth Poll found that the "high dangerous. No place is safe. Rape night, make sure you go in a group, financial assistance." any questions should address cost of college fails to slow student can happen to you. never alone. Although the bill was passed in themselves to Dr. Renaldo's office in spending on personal possessions." According to the Cincinnati Police 5). Be aware that rape can happen 1972, it has taken several years for the the administration building.
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