Todwick Parish Plan 2011 Contents Page Parish Plan Introduction & Methodology 2 Todwick’s Background 4 About Us 8 Community Life & Communication 12 Neighbourhood Policing 16 Local Transport 20 Senior / Less Able-Bodied People 22 Facilities & Services 24 Schools & Childcare 28 Environment 30 Additional Concerns 34 Action Plan 36 Acknowledgements 52 1 Todwick Parish Plan 2011 Introduction and Methodology Todwick Parish Plan 2011 Introduction and Methodology Some seven years have now elapsed since the publication of groups and businesses) to ensure full participation and co- PARISH PLAN the Plan. The Parish Council is committed to ensuring operation wherever possible. continuous improvement so as to maintain the strong A Steering Group from TPC Members was set up, which INTRODUCTION & METHODOLOGY community spirit and dialogue that exists with the aim of worked alongside Amanda Kent (Rural Action Yorkshire) to Todwick’s Parish Plan is a document which captures how the achieving maximum cohesion for those who live in Todwick. prepare a questionnaire designed to find out what the local community sees itself now and how it could develop itself It is also acknowledged that the economic landscape has community’s views and needs are for the future development over the next few years. This latest Plan has concentrated on radically changed since the 2004 Plan. As such, commencing of the Parish. A questionnaire was delivered to every Parish the following themes:- in 2010 the Parish Council embarked on a new round of household (780) and resulted in 251 (32%) completed returns consultation with its villagers to listen to and identify the • Reflecting the views of all the community (a decrease on the 2004 Plan which had 650 questionnaires issues/areas of concern and aspirations they have for the • Identifying features and characteristics that are valued distributed with 283 [43%] completed returns). locally village in the coming years so as to produce an up-to-date • Identifying local problems and local opportunities Plan. The emphasis on this new Plan was to get greater community involvement, giving ownership to all and also seeking their • Preparing a plan of action to achieve its vision In carrying out its consultation as well as engaging with its ownership in its implementation. In February 2004, a Parish Plan was published by Todwick villagers, the Parish Council engaged with relevant partner Parish Council after a comprehensive exercise involving a agencies (eg, Rotherham MBC; police, local school, user consultancy company. That Plan was created after extensive public consultation with the whole village which included events to gauge people’s opinions together with the distribution and analysis of a survey. The 19 actions arising in the 2004 Plan ranged from short to long-term timescales with both minor and major revenue and capital expenditure requirements. An example of where the Parish Plan played a significant role was the major success for the village in 2007 in being able to officially re-open a totally refurbished and rebuilt Village Hall. With a successful application and awarding of a grant for over £247,000 from the then Yorkshire Rural Community Council (now Rural £330,000. The Parish Plan brought together the views and Action Yorkshire), the Parish Council and Village Hall demand requirements of local villagers which was an essential Management Committee were able to self-fund the remaining aid to the grant application. Without the Plan it is doubtful monies required to complete the project at a total cost of that the grant application would have been successful. 2 3 Todwick Parish Plan 2011 Todwick’s Background Todwick Parish Plan 2011 Todwick’s Background TODWICK’S BACKGROUND Todwick Hand Pump - There used to be a hand-pump located after the first Rector/ Vicar in Bar House (circa 1900) there was no facility for piped water in the immediately to the north of No.44 Kiveton Lane. O.S. 1232. Further examples can be building. As a result earth closets were Todwick’s Past SK48SE. This was mid 19th found on Todwick’s website situated outside at the far end of the Todwick was first recorded in the century manufacture in cast www.todwick.org.uk. playground. Doomsday Book dated 1086, and iron. It had a cylindrical shaft Trysting Tree - to the memory of In 1909 a classroom was added at a cost of the Todwick coat of arms has been with bolted flange at the base Robin Hood, situated in the small £303, which was defrayed by a voluntary deduced from a number of and 3 anulets, fluted barrel wood just off the left hand side of rate, paid by every owner of rateable value historic landowners. with decorative spout and Kiveton Lane on the south exit of in the Parish. cranked handle on the left, Todwick Church - St Peter and St Todwick. The “venerable oak” was fluted cap with finial. The In 1922 the Duke of Leeds gave additional Paul - The Doomsday Survey of stated as “great trysting tree in the name plaque on the barrel land (which had previously been leased) for the purpose of a 1086 records: ‘In Tatewic… a Hart-hill Walk” which was, in earlier times, a private road inscribed “Appleby & Co/ school garden or site for a Parochial Hall. This was conveyed Church is there and three acres of owned and maintained by the Dukes of Leeds, and now forms Renishaw Ironworks, Nr in the names of the Rector, Church Wardens and the Trustees meadow’. This early 11th-century that part of Kiveton Lane between the Rectory glebe land and Chesterfield” was a good of the School to the Sheffield Diocesan Trust and Board of building of rubble red sandstone Kiveton. The trysting tree is, therefore, firmly placed at example of a locally-produced Finance. forms the nave of the present Todwick and at the site marked by the plaque. pump apparently in its Church. Todwick Parish Church In the 1960s, due to the rapid expansion of the village, the original location. Sadly this pump disappeared. Church School - was originally built in 1866 at a cost of £241. school became so overcrowded it was forced to close. It was Its Old Buildings - A number of old buildings still exist in The building was achieved, in the main, by the efforts of the Todwick Milepost - late 19th century is a round headed in 1968 that the school was given by the Church to the village Todwick, for example, Todwick Manor Moated Site. The Revd. Henry Sandwick, then Rector of Todwick. sandstone pillar with a cast-iron rectangular plaque with to be used as a Village Hall. present Manor House is an entirely modern building. The old raised lettering which reads “Sheffield/10/Worksop/” - the The Duke of Leeds gave the land, stone for the walls and a sum manor house, which stood NE of the present house (i.e. more Milk delivery to Bar House (circa 1900) lower part of the plaque is buried beneath the pavement. Other of £50. Revd. Sandwith’s subscription and various payments or less in the centre of the island, as a rectangular block mileposts on this route are now without their plaques. The amounted to about the same amount. Other subscriptions running east-west) is shown as an “antiquity” on older O.S. milepost is located approximately 35 metres to the east of the included £20 each from the National Society, Miss Stanhope, maps. It was demolished in 1951, and a level lawn now Todwick Road and Toll-Bar (circa 1900) entrance to Todwick Miss Roberts, and Mr Charles Wright together with £35 each occupies the site. There seems to be some confusion as to Grange. O.S. SK48NE. from Mr Lane Fox and Mr Garland. In addition, parishioners whether this was the site of the original “Todwick Hall”, contributed smaller amounts together with their labour and mentioned in 1664 or not. The “Old Hall” at O.S. SK496848 Todwick Road Names - cartage. is a 17th century building. The proximity of the Manor House Many of the roads and site to the church suggests that this may be the earlier of the lanes have historic The school was just one room that contained two large two sites. No other documentary references traced. connections, e.g. de cupboards with a fireplace and oven in-between them. A small Houton Close named platform stood in one corner. There were no inside toilets as 4 5 Todwick Parish Plan 2011 Todwick’s Background Todwick Parish Plan 2011 Todwick’s Background Todwick Today A57 down Goosecarr Lane, from the A57 junction with Lindleys Croft playground Todwick Church Hall Todwick is located in South Yorkshire approximately 1.5 miles Kiveton Lane (Todwick crossroads which are traffic light from the M1 motorway / A57 interchange (M1 Junction 31). controlled) at the Red Lion Hotel, or via Kiveton Lane The village is accessible from three main entrances - from the approached from Kiveton Park village. Todwick Village Hall Although Todwick has been a village since at least 1060, it was not until the 1960s that the village started to expand when more homes and a new school were built. Now, in 2011, the population has grown to around 1,685 inhabitants living in approximately 780 dwellings. Todwick is a pleasant, pastoral community with farming land on all sides. It serves as a dormitory to the many commuters who work in nearby towns and cities. Transport is mainly by car, although there are some service buses available. The nearest railway stations are in Kiveton where there are two stations linking to the remaining parts of South Yorkshire and beyond. 6 7 Todwick Parish Plan 2011 About Us Tod wick Paris h Plan 2 011 About Us AB OU T US PProroporrtition of people in eththnic minorirityty groroups in Todwiwick and comparatotors PProroportirtion of people iinn lone parerent and lone pensioner households in ToTodwick aannd compararatorrss Acco rdin g to work unde rtak e n by OC SI (Ox ford C o nsult ants 77..00%% WWhhite non-Britisshh for Social Inclusion) as commissioned by ACRE (Action with 70% LLoneone ppaaarreentnt 66..00%% housseeholds 60% C ommunities in Rural England), at the time of writing their Non Whte 55..00%% Lone pensioner report in May 2010, Todwick had a population of 1,685.
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