J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-24-04-20 on 1 April 1915. Downloaded from JOURNAL 011' THE ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. (torps 'lRews. APRIL AND MAY, 1915. EXTRACT FROM "LONDON GAZETTE," JUNE 18, 1915. War Office, June 22, 1915. Protected by copyright. The following dispatch has been received by the Secretary of State for War from the Field-Marshal Oommanding-in-Ohief, British Forces in the Field:- " May 31, 1915. "My LORD,-In accordance with the last paragraph of my dispatch of April 5, 1915, I have the honour to bring to notice names of those whom I recommend for gallant and distinguished service in the Field. " I have the honour to be, . " Your Lordship's most obedient servant, (Signed) "J. D. P. FRENCH, "Field-Marshal Commanding-in-ChieJ The British Army in the Field." GENERAL HEADQUARTERS STAFF, ETC. Beveridge, Lieut.. Ool. W. W. 0., D.S.O., MacLeod, Col. R. L. R. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ M.B., R.A.M.O. Macpherson, Surg.-Gen. W. G., a.B., Birrell, Lieut.-Ool. E. T. F., O.M.G., a.M.G., M.B., K.H.P. M.B., R.A.M.O. Moores, Colonel S. G. Brakenridge, Lieut.-Ool. F. J., R.A.M.O. Morgan, Lieut.-Col. C. K., M.B., R.A.M.O. Burtchaell, 001. O. H., O.M.G., M.B. O'Donnell, Surg.-Gen. T. J., D.S.O. Oarr, 001. H., M.D. Penny, Lieut.-Ool. F. S., M.B., R.A.M.O. Ohopping, Lieut.-Ool. A., R.A.M.O. Porter, Surg.·Gen. R., M.B. Oummins, Lieut.-Ool. S. L., M.D., Ritchie, Capt. M. B. H., M.B., R.A.M.C. R.A.M.O. Swan, Col. W. T., M.B. Davidson, Maj. P.,D.S.O., M.B., R.A.M.O. Treherne, Surg.-Gen. F.. H., a.M.G., Dwyer, Oapt. P., M.B., R.A.M.O. F.R.C.S.Edin. Easton, Maj. P. G., R.A.M.O. Webb, Lieut.-Col. A. L. A., R A.M.C. Ensor, Lieut.-Ool. H., D.,S.O., M.B., Westcott, 001., O.M.G. R.A.M.C. Evans, Lieut.-Col. P., M.B., R.A.M.C. ist LIFE GUARDS. on September 26, 2021 by guest. Fawcus,Lieut.-Col. H. B.,M.B., R.A.M.C. Anderson; Surg.-Lieut. E .. D. Fell, Lieut.-Col. M. H. G., R.A.M.C. Ferguson. Col. N. C., a.M.G., M.B. 2nd LIFE GUARDS. Forrest, Lieut.. Col. J. V., M.B., R.A.M.C. Geddes, Col. R. J., D.S.O., M.B. Luxmore, Surg.-Capt. F. J. H. Goodwin, Lieut.-Col. T. H. J. C., D.S.O. Holt, Col. M. P. C., D.S.O. ROYAL HORSE GUARDS. Irvine, Major F. S., M.B., R.A.M.C. Pares, Surg.-Major B. J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-24-04-20 on 1 April 1915. Downloaded from 110 MEDICAL SERVICE AND ROYAL ARMY MEDICAL CORPS. Bowlby, Temp. Col. Sir A. A., K.C.M.G., Galloway, Temp. Lieut. R. W., M.B. F.R.C.S. Gilchrist, Lieut. A. J. (III.R.). Burghard, Temp. Col. F. F., M.D., Glynn, Temp. Lieut. A. S., M.B. F.RC.S. Goddard, Major C. E., M.D. (T.F.). Dawson, Temp. Col. Sir B. E., K.C.V.O., Green, Qmr. and Hon. Major J. M.D. Green, Qmr. and Hon. Lieut. R.H. Gray, Temp. Col. H. M. W., M.B., Grenfell, Qmr. aud Hon. Lieut. T. F .R.C.S.Edin. Harding, Major D. L., F.R.C.S.I. Herringham, Temp. Col. Sir W. P., Knt., Harris, Qmr. and Hon. Lieut. G. W. M.D. (T.F.). Lister, Temp. Col. W. T., M.B., F.RC.S. Hart, Temp. Lieut. C. H., M.B .. Meek, Col. J., M.D. Haycraft, Temp. Lieut. J. B., M.B. Makins, Temp. Col. Sir G. H., K.C.M.G., Herrick, Lieut. ·Col. H. C.B., F.R.C.S. Hewson, Capt. F. M., F.R.C.S.I. Moynihan, Temp. Col. Sir B. G. A., Kut., Hill, Temp. Lieut. F. T. M.B., F.R.C.S. Hiucks, Lieut. A. C. (T.F.). Wright, Temp. Col. Sir A. E., Knt., M.D., Houston, Oapt. J. W., M.B. F.RC.S.I., F.RS. Howell, Capt. F. D. G. Young, Col. C. A. Howell, Capt. H. L. Ainsworth, Major R. B. Ingram, Temp. Lieut. T. L. Archibald, Qmr. and Hon. Oapt. W. N. Irvine, Capt. A. E. S. Barnard, Qmr. and Hon. Lieut. A. P. James, Temp. Lieut. P. W., M.D Bartlett, Major B. S. Janion, Temp. Lieut. H. G. Bell, Capt. W. J. E., M.B. Jones, Capt. J. B., M.B. Birch, Qmr. and Hon. Lieut. E. Just, Temp. Lieut. T. H., M.B. Protected by copyright. Bond, Capt. A. H. Kavanagh, Oapt. E. J., M.B. Bostock, Major J. S., M.B. Kelly, Lieut.·Ool. J. F. M., M.B. Boyee, Capt. W. W. Lane, Capt. J. W., M.D. Boyle, Lieut.·Col. M., M.B. Langstafi, Lient.-Col. J. W. Brown, Major R. T., M.B. Le Bas, Temp. Lieut. D. Browne, Capt. C. G. L'Estrauge, Major E. F. Q. Buckley, Qmr. and Hon. Capt. E. J. Lightstone, Lieut. H. (T.F.). Burney, Capt. W. H. S. Liudsay, Lieut. A. B., M.B. Burnham, Major H. H., attached 2nd Lister, Temp. Lieut. W. H. Canadian Artillery Brigade. Lloyd.Jones, Capt. P. A., M.B. Cagney, Temp. Lieut. P., M.B. Lovell, Lieut. A. G. H., M.B., F.R.C.S. Cairns, Lieut. J. W., M.D. (T.F.) Lunney, Qmr. and Hon. Capt. A. Cannon, Lieut. J. W., M.B. (S.R). MeCarthy, Capt. W. H. L., M.D. (S.R.) Carr, Qmr. and Hon. Lieut. J. (T.F.). MeCurry, Lieut. W. T. (S.R.) (killed). Carter, Capt. H. St. M., M.D. Macglashan, Capt. K. B. M.D., F.R.O.S. http://militaryhealth.bmj.com/ Ohesney, Lieut. W. McM., M.B. (S.R.). (Edin.) (S.R.). Clarke, Lieut. T. W., M.B. (S.R.). Mackie, Lieut. D., M.B. (S.R.). Conway, Qmr. and Hon. Lieut. T.D. McLaughlin, Oapt. J. N., M.D. (S.R.). Coplans, Capt. M., M.D. (T.F.). Maclean, Temp. Lieut. I.C., M.D. Cowey, Major R. V. McLean, Lieut. W. F., M.B. (S.R.). Craig, Lieut. D. D., M.B. McSheehy, Capt. O. W., M.B. Crawford, Lieut.-Col. G. S., M.D. Martin, Major J. F., M.B. Crean, Capt. T. J., V.C. (Reserve of Martyn, Capt. S., M.B. (T.F.). Officers). Miller, Lieut. W. A., M.B. (S.R.). Cree, Temp. Lieut. R. E., M.B. Moore, Temp. Lieut. E. H., D.S.O., M.B. Dalrymple, Temp. Capt. J. Morris, Lieut. E. M. (T.F.). Darling, Capt. W., M.B., F.R.C.S.(Edin.), Morrison, Qmr. and Hon. Oapt. A. (Re. S.R. serve of Officers). Dawson, Capt. G. F., M.B. O'Brien, Capt. C. W. Devonald, Lieut. A. E. L. (T.F.). Offord, Qmr. and Hon. Major E. P. on September 26, 2021 by guest. Du Cros, Temp. Hon. Capt. G. H. Packard, Qmr. and Hon. Lieut. J. T. Dugdale, Qmr. and Hon. Lieut. H., S.R. Page, Capt. C. M., M.B., F.R.C.S. (S.R.). Duka, Temp. Oapt. A. T., D.S.O. Pallant, Major S. :r,.. Escott, Qmr. and Hon. Lieut. E. W. J. Pemberton, Lieut. S. H., M.B. (S.R.). Fielding, Major T. E., M.B. Poe, Lieut.-Col. a., M.B. Foster, Capt. J. R Preston, Lieut. R. A., M.B. (S.R.) Franklin, Major R. J. Priestly, Lieut. J. G., M.B. Gale, Capt. R., M.B. Richa.rds, Ma.jor F. G. (killed). J R Army Med Corps: first published as 10.1136/jramc-24-04-20 on 1 April 1915. Downloaded from 111 MeWical Service and Royal Army Medical Corps-continued. Richards, Temporary Capt. 0., M.D. Emmerson, 7695 Pte. F. Robinson, Capt. T.T. H., M.B. Evans, 5145 Pte. A. Rogers, Major H., M.B. Floyd, 20732 Pte. H. Rogers Tilstone, Lient.-Col. J. M. (T.F.) Forbes, 14924 S.-Serjt. J. G. A. Sargent, Temp. Hon. Lieut.-Col. P., M.B., Gibbs, 8269 Serjt.-Major G. A. F.R.C.S. Gillespie, 10254 Serj.-Major A. Seelley, Temp. Lieut. E., M.B. Godfrey, 14452 CorpI. F. Shaw, Capt. J. J. McL, M.B. Greenwood, 20796 Pte. H. Short, Qmr. and Hon. Major J. B. Gregory, 284 Ser~t. A. O. Slayter, Lieut.-Col. E. W., M.B. Gregson, 16205 Qmr.-Serjt. T. Smith, Temp. Lieut. A. C. S. Hamer, 2690 Pte. W. H. Smith, Temp. Lieut. P. Harris, 18443 Serjt. G. Somervell, Lieut. L. C. Harrison, 9751 Pte. J. Spackman, Qmr. and Hon. Major H. Hayne, 8633 Pte.E. W. Stirling, Capt. A. D., M.B. Herbert, 18964 Serjt. G. W. Stubbs, Capt. J. W. C., M.B. Horrigan, 1675 Pte. P. Symons, Lieut.-Col. F. A., D.S.O., M.B. Hutchings, 18383 Serjt. W. Thorne, Temp. Lieut. F. J., M.B. Ireson, 17576 S.-Serjt. J. R. Tburston, Lieut.-Col. H. S. Jones, 17159 S.-Serjt. (Acting Serjt.- Trist, Capt. J. R. R. (S.R.). Major) C. ·Turnbull, Temp. Lieut. DC., M.B. (died Jones, 2950 Pte. J. of wounds). Knightley, 10598 Qmr.. Serjt. P. G. Turner, Capt. C. H. Knowles, 17277 Pte.
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