THE KENYA GAZETTE Publlsbed Under the Authority of HIS Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya

THE KENYA GAZETTE Publlsbed Under the Authority of HIS Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya

THE KENYA GAZETTE Publlsbed under the Authority of HIS Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G P 0 ) Vol. LX-No 9 NAIROBI, 25th February, i958 Pnce Sh 1 CONTENTS GAZElTE NOTICES GAZETTENo~~c~s-(Contd ) PAGE PAGE Kitale County Counc~l 193 Appomtrnents, etc 182 Mun~c~palCouncil of Nakuru 193 D~vorce Rules-Appomtment 182 L~quorLicens~ng 193, 194 East Afr~caH~gh Commission 4 per cent Stock 182 Probste 2nd Adm~nlstration 194 195 The African D~str~ctCouncils Ordinance 1950- The Bankruptcy Ord~nance 195,196 Appointed and Elected Members 182 The Fraudulent Trdnsfer of Bus~nesses Ord~nance 196 The Advocate> Ord~nance, 1940-Appo~ntments to Dis%olution of Partnersh~p 196, 197 Committee 183 Notice of Change of Name 197 The Prevention of Cruelty to and Neglect of Ch~ldren Uas~il Gishu County Connc~l 197 Ord~na~~e1955-Appointment, etc 183 Loss of Pol~cy 198 The Municlpal~ties O~dinance-Nominat~o~sto Kitale The Crown Lands Ord~nance- Board 183 Plots at Kisumu 198 The Townships Ordmance-Appomtments to Malindi Plots at Molo 199 Township Committee 183 Plotb at Nakuru 204 CIVI~A~rcrnft Acc~dent-Inspector s Investigat~on 183 The Leg~slatlve Council (African Representation) Ordin- Central Whitley Counc~l-Appointment 183 ance, 1956-Notlce of Election 199 The Land Agricultural Bank ~idinance-~pbointment 183 The Legislative Council (Afncan Representation) Ordm- Government Sto~k 183 ance, 1956-Notice of Poll 200-203 The Agriculture Ordinance-Membersh~p of Sub Comm~ttees 183 SUPPLEMENT No 13 Sorghum Fund-Balance Sheet 184 (B~lls) Money-lenders Court, Nalrobl-Apphcation for Licence 184 198 The Nat~veLands Trust Ordmance-Tender for Petrol Stat~onPlot 184 The Mining Ordmance-Cancellat~on of Locations 185 (Legz~lativeSupplement) Tenders 185 187 LEGALNOTICE No PAGE The Afncan Christ~an Marriage and D~vorce Ord~n- 83-The W~ld An~mals Protect~on Ordmance- ance-Llcence to Celebrate Marriage Ceremony 185 Apphcat~on to Non Game An~mals 95 Thc An~malDiseases Ordmance-Infected Areas 185 84-The County Counc11 of Kitale (Control of The Societies Ordnance-Leroy's Club 186 Itinerant Contractors) By-laws, 1958 95 Land Acqu~sit~onAct, 1894, of India-Appomntmenr 186 85-The Western Area Rural District Council Not~ceof Date of Queen's Birthday 186 (Registrat~on and Iicens~ng of Carts and 99 Forest Department-Tender 186 Wagons) By-laws 1958 86-The Eastern Area Rural D~strict Counc~l The 011 Product~onRegulat~ons-Renewal of L~cence 187 (Reg~stration and Licena~ng 01 Cnrts and The Trout Ordinance-Appomtment 187 Wagons) By-Jaws, 1958 101 The Imm~gratlon Ordinance-Appointment 187 87-The Public Health (Drainage and Latr~ne)Rukb 102 The Explosnes Ord~nance-Appo~ntment 187 @--The Agnculture (Scheduled Crops) (Pr~ces) The M~ningOrdmance-Appomtment 187 No 5) Order, 1958 - - 103 The M~ningOrd~nance-Appl~cation for Licence 187 89-The Agr~culture (Scheduled Crops) (Prices) The Compan~esOrdinance 187, 188 (No 2) Order 1958 104 H M Court of Appeal at Nairob~and Kampala-Cause 90-Th: Agr~culture (Scheduled crops) (Prices) Llst 188 (No 4) Order, 1958 105 H M Court of Appeal-Vacat~on Not~ce 188 91-The Agncuituie (Scheduled Crops) (Price$) (No 3) Order 1958 106 Vacanc~es 188 194 l)?l-Thc Agnculture (Scheduled Clops) (Pnces) Trade Marhs 189-191 (No 1) Order 1958 107 Language Euaminat~on-Results 191 93-1 he Guaranteed M~nimum Return Advances The Tax Reserve Certificnte Ord~nance, 1955-Loss of (Interest) Rules 1958 108 Certificate 191 94--The Agriculture (Essential Crops) Order 1958 108 H M Supreme Court of Kenya at K~surnu-Cause L~st 191 95-The Nat~veLands (Form of Lease) (Amend- Nakuru County Councll 191 ment) Rules, 1958 109 Countv Council of Nsurobl 192 193 96-Delegation of Powers 110 182 'IH E KENYA GAZETIY 25th February, 1958 CORRIGEN DU M GAZE'ITE N oTIcE N o 634 G azette N otlce No 421 appearm g on page 123 of the TH E IN D IAN AN o COLON IA L DlvoRcE JIJRISD ICTION K enya Gazette dated 11th February, 1958 - A c-f's, 1926 A N D 1940 The numbers of the local purchase order forms lost wme THE KENYA (NON-DOM ICII-ED PARTIES) DIVORCE N os 408251-408300 and not N os 408521-408600, as pubhshed Rutz s , 1928 w . - - . AND THE KENYA PROFECTORATE (NON-DOM ICILED G AZSerTE N o'ncB N o 632 PARTIES) DIVORCE RULES 1953 A PPOINTMENT APPOINQM EN I'S IT IS hereby notllied that the m ght H onourable the Lord EDw IN CH&RLES EGGINS to act as U nder-secretaly, Oë ce Of Hlgh Chancellor has approved the nam e of- the Chlef Secretary, wlth efect from 20th January, 1958 EDw ARD A LFRBO JIJBAL EDMONDS ROBERT K INGTON FINNIM ORE to be D lstrlct O llicer, Talta D 1s- tnct, Coast Provlnce, wlth effect from 13th January, 1958 Pm sne J udge, as a Judge appolnted to exerclse Jurlsdtctlon under the Indlan and Colonlal D lvorce Jurlsdlctlon Acts 1926 W ILLOUGHBY H ARRY THovpsoN, M B s , to be the Dlstnct Com and 1940, and the Rules flam ed thereunder as apphed to thç m lssloner, Tana m ver Dlstrlct, Km lm , Coast Provm ce, m th Colony and Protectorate of K enya effect from 27th January, 1958 SHEIKH A BDULLA M OHAMED ABDULLA to be M udlr, Takaungu, By Order of the H onourable the Chlef Justlce of K enya K lllii D lstnct, Coast Provm ce, wlth elïect from 21st January, 1958 D M H ORN BY N alrob', R eglstrar 19th February, 1958 S M Suprem e Ctpffrl o SHEIKH RASHID AzzAN to be Actlng Llwah, Kwale D lstnct, .f K enya Coast Provlnce, wlth efect from 3rd January, 1958 SHEIKH M OHAMBD SNID K AsslM to be M udlr, V anga, K w ale Dlstnct, Coast Provm ce, wlth effect from 14th Januao , 1958 JOHN ARNOLD H XRROP W OLEF to be D tstrtct Com mtsstoner, M om basa D lstrlct, Coast Provlnk,e Bvth effect from 31st Gxzs'r'rs N o'rlcs N o 635 January 1958 EASA AFRICA H IG H COM M ISSION 4 PLR CEN T SHEIKI-T A LI BIN M OHAMED B1N A LI to be K athly Tana R lv'er Dlstnct, ln addltlon to bmng K athl, Lam u Dlstnct, wltb STOCK 1972/74 eGect frem 1st February, 19f 8 FO R. the purpose ot m eparm g the paym ents of znterest due on 15th A prll 1958 the balance of the sm eral accounts ln D AVID FRANCIS BROUGHAM EDYB to be Dlqtnct Omcer (Cadet) thw Local Reglster of the above stock w111 be struck on the Central N yanza N yanza Provlnce, wzth effect from 8th eventng of 15th M arch, 19:8, after whlch date the stock w111 February, 1958 be transferable ex dlvldend DR PATRICK PAUL CLIFFORD, M *B >13 CH , B A O (N U I ) D L O (R c P & s ) 1.1 CH to act as Ear, Nose and Throat Speclallht R P HU M PH REY, wlth esect from 1st D ecem ber, 1957 N Chlej Accountaltt alrobl, East azl/zfctzrl Posts and Telecomm unlcations DR JOHN LBONARD BEECHER 1 25th Februar) 1958 A dm lntstratlon . M s s A (LoNDox) to be M edlcal Ol cer of Hea1th, K lhli Adnum stratlve Dlstmct, contalned Townshlp and Tradlng Centres, wlth efect from 17th Febru- ary, 1958 DR JAMBS G ERRARD CLBKRKIN, M B B , M B B CH D x' H , to be M edlcal Oflicer of H ealth Lam u and Tana m ver G XZBTTE N oilce N o 636 Adm lnlstlatlve D lstrlcts, contalned Townshlps and Tradlng Centres, m th esect from 10th Fkbruary, 1958 TH E AFRICAN D ISTRICT COU N CILS ORD IN ANCE 1950 RBGINALD JAMES SPOONER to be Actlng Asslbtant Dlrector Of , Agrlculture, Southern Provlnce, wlth efect from 2nd Febru- (No 12 oj 1950) ary, 1958 IN EXERCISB of the powers confen-ed by subuectlon (1) of sectlon 5 of the A frlcan Dlstrlct Counclls Ordlnance 1950 RICHARD GORDON TIJRNBULI K c M G seconded for speclal the Provînctal C om m lssloner, Central Provltqce , duty wltll effect from 21st F ebruary 1958 , horeby appom ts the persons nam ed ln the Flrst Schedule hereto lx be m embers of tho M ncan D lstnct Councll of K lam bu wlth eftect from E N GRIFFITH -JON ES, the 24th day of Februruy, 1958 Actlng C'/TIe/ Secretal p I'he pi-rsons nam ed ln the Second Schedule to thls notlce aro the m em bers elected m accordance wlth the provlso to sub sectlon (2) of the afole ald sectlon GAZE'I'TE NoTIcB No 633 Governm ent N otlce N o 1468 of 15th M ay 1956 ls cancelled , TH E IND IAN AN D COLONIAL D IVORCE JU RISD ICTION ACRS, 1926 AND 1940 FIRST SCHEDUI-E fHE KENYA (NON-DOM ICILED PARTIES) DIVORCE Appotnted M em bers RULLS, 1928 Chld M agugu W aweru Cluef W allaee K zhlka AND Cluef Charles K aruga M rs Juha George M r H arry Thuku M rs Grace Kago THE KENYA PROTECTORATE (NON-DOM ICILED Chlef H erm an M uraya M r Jam es M buru PA RTIES) D IVORCE RU LES 1953 Chlef Reuben K lam buthl M r Fredenck M ungat B E M APPOINTMENT SEcoplo SC:jEDIJLE IT IS hereby notlhed that the m ght H onourable the Lord H lgh Chancellol has approved the nam e of- Elected Afelztbe/ : RONAI o ORMISTON SINCL&IR M r Stanslaus K lmanl Nganga M 1 D av d W aruiuu M r R obert N gechu M r W aweru K lbol Chld Justlce ds a Judge appolnted to exerclse Jurlsdlctlon M r Crlspus K longo M r John K am 'tu Ichama under the lndlalz and Colonlal Dlvorce Jurlqdlctlon Acts H on E W M athu M L A M r W alter N lqu K Arlukl 1926 and 1940 and the Rules flam ed thereunder as applled M r Peter K arlukl Thande M r Peter N gatzga to the Colony and Protectorate of K enya M r Peter M wangl M r lsaac K una H on W anyutu W aweru, M 1 c Ex-senlor Chlef Klbattu By Order of ttw H onourable the Chlef Justtce of K enya Ex-chlef H lnga W alganlo G ltangu E&-D 1v Chlef Joslah N lonlo M r Andrew K tmunya D M H ORN BY, F A LOY D, N alrobl, R eglm ar Provtnctal Com mtsslone' 19th February 1958 H M Sum eme Coult (# Kelva 25th February, 1958 Central P? ovtnce 25th February, 1958 TH E K EN YA G AZEW E 183 G Azs'rrs N oTlcE No 637 G AZET'D N oTlcE N o 642 (10/3 /2) THs xo vocaw s oRo lw xx cs 1949 CEN TRAL W H ITLEY COUN CIL (Cap 55 oj 1949) APPOINTMBNT XDVOCXTES

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