THE KENYA GAZETTE Publlsbed under the Authority of HIS Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaper at the G P 0 ) Vol. LX-No 9 NAIROBI, 25th February, i958 Pnce Sh 1 CONTENTS GAZElTE NOTICES GAZETTENo~~c~s-(Contd ) PAGE PAGE Kitale County Counc~l 193 Appomtrnents, etc 182 Mun~c~palCouncil of Nakuru 193 D~vorce Rules-Appomtment 182 L~quorLicens~ng 193, 194 East Afr~caH~gh Commission 4 per cent Stock 182 Probste 2nd Adm~nlstration 194 195 The African D~str~ctCouncils Ordinance 1950- The Bankruptcy Ord~nance 195,196 Appointed and Elected Members 182 The Fraudulent Trdnsfer of Bus~nesses Ord~nance 196 The Advocate> Ord~nance, 1940-Appo~ntments to Dis%olution of Partnersh~p 196, 197 Committee 183 Notice of Change of Name 197 The Prevention of Cruelty to and Neglect of Ch~ldren Uas~il Gishu County Connc~l 197 Ord~na~~e1955-Appointment, etc 183 Loss of Pol~cy 198 The Municlpal~ties O~dinance-Nominat~o~sto Kitale The Crown Lands Ord~nance- Board 183 Plots at Kisumu 198 The Townships Ordmance-Appomtments to Malindi Plots at Molo 199 Township Committee 183 Plotb at Nakuru 204 CIVI~A~rcrnft Acc~dent-Inspector s Investigat~on 183 The Leg~slatlve Council (African Representation) Ordin- Central Whitley Counc~l-Appointment 183 ance, 1956-Notlce of Election 199 The Land Agricultural Bank ~idinance-~pbointment 183 The Legislative Council (Afncan Representation) Ordm- Government Sto~k 183 ance, 1956-Notice of Poll 200-203 The Agriculture Ordinance-Membersh~p of Sub Comm~ttees 183 SUPPLEMENT No 13 Sorghum Fund-Balance Sheet 184 (B~lls) Money-lenders Court, Nalrobl-Apphcation for Licence 184 198 The Nat~veLands Trust Ordmance-Tender for Petrol Stat~onPlot 184 The Mining Ordmance-Cancellat~on of Locations 185 (Legz~lativeSupplement) Tenders 185 187 LEGALNOTICE No PAGE The Afncan Christ~an Marriage and D~vorce Ord~n- 83-The W~ld An~mals Protect~on Ordmance- ance-Llcence to Celebrate Marriage Ceremony 185 Apphcat~on to Non Game An~mals 95 Thc An~malDiseases Ordmance-Infected Areas 185 84-The County Counc11 of Kitale (Control of The Societies Ordnance-Leroy's Club 186 Itinerant Contractors) By-laws, 1958 95 Land Acqu~sit~onAct, 1894, of India-Appomntmenr 186 85-The Western Area Rural District Council Not~ceof Date of Queen's Birthday 186 (Registrat~on and Iicens~ng of Carts and 99 Forest Department-Tender 186 Wagons) By-laws 1958 86-The Eastern Area Rural D~strict Counc~l The 011 Product~onRegulat~ons-Renewal of L~cence 187 (Reg~stration and Licena~ng 01 Cnrts and The Trout Ordinance-Appomtment 187 Wagons) By-Jaws, 1958 101 The Imm~gratlon Ordinance-Appointment 187 87-The Public Health (Drainage and Latr~ne)Rukb 102 The Explosnes Ord~nance-Appo~ntment 187 @--The Agnculture (Scheduled Crops) (Pr~ces) The M~ningOrdmance-Appomtment 187 No 5) Order, 1958 - - 103 The M~ningOrd~nance-Appl~cation for Licence 187 89-The Agr~culture (Scheduled Crops) (Prices) The Compan~esOrdinance 187, 188 (No 2) Order 1958 104 H M Court of Appeal at Nairob~and Kampala-Cause 90-Th: Agr~culture (Scheduled crops) (Prices) Llst 188 (No 4) Order, 1958 105 H M Court of Appeal-Vacat~on Not~ce 188 91-The Agncuituie (Scheduled Crops) (Price$) (No 3) Order 1958 106 Vacanc~es 188 194 l)?l-Thc Agnculture (Scheduled Clops) (Pnces) Trade Marhs 189-191 (No 1) Order 1958 107 Language Euaminat~on-Results 191 93-1 he Guaranteed M~nimum Return Advances The Tax Reserve Certificnte Ord~nance, 1955-Loss of (Interest) Rules 1958 108 Certificate 191 94--The Agriculture (Essential Crops) Order 1958 108 H M Supreme Court of Kenya at K~surnu-Cause L~st 191 95-The Nat~veLands (Form of Lease) (Amend- Nakuru County Councll 191 ment) Rules, 1958 109 Countv Council of Nsurobl 192 193 96-Delegation of Powers 110 182 'IH E KENYA GAZETIY 25th February, 1958 CORRIGEN DU M GAZE'ITE N oTIcE N o 634 G azette N otlce No 421 appearm g on page 123 of the TH E IN D IAN AN o COLON IA L DlvoRcE JIJRISD ICTION K enya Gazette dated 11th February, 1958 - A c-f's, 1926 A N D 1940 The numbers of the local purchase order forms lost wme THE KENYA (NON-DOM ICII-ED PARTIES) DIVORCE N os 408251-408300 and not N os 408521-408600, as pubhshed Rutz s , 1928 w . - - . AND THE KENYA PROFECTORATE (NON-DOM ICILED G AZSerTE N o'ncB N o 632 PARTIES) DIVORCE RULES 1953 A PPOINTMENT APPOINQM EN I'S IT IS hereby notllied that the m ght H onourable the Lord EDw IN CH&RLES EGGINS to act as U nder-secretaly, Oë ce Of Hlgh Chancellor has approved the nam e of- the Chlef Secretary, wlth efect from 20th January, 1958 EDw ARD A LFRBO JIJBAL EDMONDS ROBERT K INGTON FINNIM ORE to be D lstrlct O llicer, Talta D 1s- tnct, Coast Provlnce, wlth effect from 13th January, 1958 Pm sne J udge, as a Judge appolnted to exerclse Jurlsdtctlon under the Indlan and Colonlal D lvorce Jurlsdlctlon Acts 1926 W ILLOUGHBY H ARRY THovpsoN, M B s , to be the Dlstnct Com and 1940, and the Rules flam ed thereunder as apphed to thç m lssloner, Tana m ver Dlstrlct, Km lm , Coast Provm ce, m th Colony and Protectorate of K enya effect from 27th January, 1958 SHEIKH A BDULLA M OHAMED ABDULLA to be M udlr, Takaungu, By Order of the H onourable the Chlef Justlce of K enya K lllii D lstnct, Coast Provm ce, wlth elïect from 21st January, 1958 D M H ORN BY N alrob', R eglstrar 19th February, 1958 S M Suprem e Ctpffrl o SHEIKH RASHID AzzAN to be Actlng Llwah, Kwale D lstnct, .f K enya Coast Provlnce, wlth efect from 3rd January, 1958 SHEIKH M OHAMBD SNID K AsslM to be M udlr, V anga, K w ale Dlstnct, Coast Provm ce, wlth effect from 14th Januao , 1958 JOHN ARNOLD H XRROP W OLEF to be D tstrtct Com mtsstoner, M om basa D lstrlct, Coast Provlnk,e Bvth effect from 31st Gxzs'r'rs N o'rlcs N o 635 January 1958 EASA AFRICA H IG H COM M ISSION 4 PLR CEN T SHEIKI-T A LI BIN M OHAMED B1N A LI to be K athly Tana R lv'er Dlstnct, ln addltlon to bmng K athl, Lam u Dlstnct, wltb STOCK 1972/74 eGect frem 1st February, 19f 8 FO R. the purpose ot m eparm g the paym ents of znterest due on 15th A prll 1958 the balance of the sm eral accounts ln D AVID FRANCIS BROUGHAM EDYB to be Dlqtnct Omcer (Cadet) thw Local Reglster of the above stock w111 be struck on the Central N yanza N yanza Provlnce, wzth effect from 8th eventng of 15th M arch, 19:8, after whlch date the stock w111 February, 1958 be transferable ex dlvldend DR PATRICK PAUL CLIFFORD, M *B >13 CH , B A O (N U I ) D L O (R c P & s ) 1.1 CH to act as Ear, Nose and Throat Speclallht R P HU M PH REY, wlth esect from 1st D ecem ber, 1957 N Chlej Accountaltt alrobl, East azl/zfctzrl Posts and Telecomm unlcations DR JOHN LBONARD BEECHER 1 25th Februar) 1958 A dm lntstratlon . M s s A (LoNDox) to be M edlcal Ol cer of Hea1th, K lhli Adnum stratlve Dlstmct, contalned Townshlp and Tradlng Centres, wlth efect from 17th Febru- ary, 1958 DR JAMBS G ERRARD CLBKRKIN, M B B , M B B CH D x' H , to be M edlcal Oflicer of H ealth Lam u and Tana m ver G XZBTTE N oilce N o 636 Adm lnlstlatlve D lstrlcts, contalned Townshlps and Tradlng Centres, m th esect from 10th Fkbruary, 1958 TH E AFRICAN D ISTRICT COU N CILS ORD IN ANCE 1950 RBGINALD JAMES SPOONER to be Actlng Asslbtant Dlrector Of , Agrlculture, Southern Provlnce, wlth efect from 2nd Febru- (No 12 oj 1950) ary, 1958 IN EXERCISB of the powers confen-ed by subuectlon (1) of sectlon 5 of the A frlcan Dlstrlct Counclls Ordlnance 1950 RICHARD GORDON TIJRNBULI K c M G seconded for speclal the Provînctal C om m lssloner, Central Provltqce , duty wltll effect from 21st F ebruary 1958 , horeby appom ts the persons nam ed ln the Flrst Schedule hereto lx be m embers of tho M ncan D lstnct Councll of K lam bu wlth eftect from E N GRIFFITH -JON ES, the 24th day of Februruy, 1958 Actlng C'/TIe/ Secretal p I'he pi-rsons nam ed ln the Second Schedule to thls notlce aro the m em bers elected m accordance wlth the provlso to sub sectlon (2) of the afole ald sectlon GAZE'I'TE NoTIcB No 633 Governm ent N otlce N o 1468 of 15th M ay 1956 ls cancelled , TH E IND IAN AN D COLONIAL D IVORCE JU RISD ICTION ACRS, 1926 AND 1940 FIRST SCHEDUI-E fHE KENYA (NON-DOM ICILED PARTIES) DIVORCE Appotnted M em bers RULLS, 1928 Chld M agugu W aweru Cluef W allaee K zhlka AND Cluef Charles K aruga M rs Juha George M r H arry Thuku M rs Grace Kago THE KENYA PROTECTORATE (NON-DOM ICILED Chlef H erm an M uraya M r Jam es M buru PA RTIES) D IVORCE RU LES 1953 Chlef Reuben K lam buthl M r Fredenck M ungat B E M APPOINTMENT SEcoplo SC:jEDIJLE IT IS hereby notlhed that the m ght H onourable the Lord H lgh Chancellol has approved the nam e of- Elected Afelztbe/ : RONAI o ORMISTON SINCL&IR M r Stanslaus K lmanl Nganga M 1 D av d W aruiuu M r R obert N gechu M r W aweru K lbol Chld Justlce ds a Judge appolnted to exerclse Jurlsdlctlon M r Crlspus K longo M r John K am 'tu Ichama under the lndlalz and Colonlal Dlvorce Jurlqdlctlon Acts H on E W M athu M L A M r W alter N lqu K Arlukl 1926 and 1940 and the Rules flam ed thereunder as applled M r Peter K arlukl Thande M r Peter N gatzga to the Colony and Protectorate of K enya M r Peter M wangl M r lsaac K una H on W anyutu W aweru, M 1 c Ex-senlor Chlef Klbattu By Order of ttw H onourable the Chlef Justtce of K enya Ex-chlef H lnga W alganlo G ltangu E&-D 1v Chlef Joslah N lonlo M r Andrew K tmunya D M H ORN BY, F A LOY D, N alrobl, R eglm ar Provtnctal Com mtsslone' 19th February 1958 H M Sum eme Coult (# Kelva 25th February, 1958 Central P? ovtnce 25th February, 1958 TH E K EN YA G AZEW E 183 G Azs'rrs N oTlcE No 637 G AZET'D N oTlcE N o 642 (10/3 /2) THs xo vocaw s oRo lw xx cs 1949 CEN TRAL W H ITLEY COUN CIL (Cap 55 oj 1949) APPOINTMBNT XDVOCXTES
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