■ ' ■ • ■ ■ J ■ • ' I ; . V - - ^ I ri T ■ <^4 f c . 1 7 ' M & i^ -ijG flod rtrtiopiiin^- H unctte e d s i ----- ; —Today’s forcca ByKacMitchdl ' " " Mostly cloudy andan breezy with slight Times-News writer . chance o f showers,■8. Highst mid-50s. Lows tonight 30-35." P A U L -S g t. Nets Andrndrew Moller left behind I Pag«A2 m an y images. A t M oIIct's memonalal services Saturday, U .S . ^ ' R ep. Richard S ta llin g saiisaid h e could see im ages fla sh in g o f M oller m huntinghui clothes, taking mssmm- books out of-a'locker' andan in a field farming — withhi5^te>dfalhefr=-Trr Welcome hom<me He said he could seee dustd douds'foUowing- ight-in-the-Pcrsian-Culf------- M olle r’s annored vehicle:le rxisbingt into K uw ait. W ar will return loio ai hero’s welcofhe - “ ’ ‘T hese are the imogcSjcS th at th is'y o u n g m a n ” . hns left with us In a vciy short time,*' S tallings ' an d vcCcmns o f othi3(hcr wars have mixed rry said. “Pdweiful images.” . , . rcactio n s.-S o m c areQR angry. .Others arc .. timo Am>»rir« »<'giving------- Moller. who-tumed 23 i her. iroops the wewelcome Home that ’ ' weeks I ^ r in on armoredired personnel carrier as Vietnam. KoreanI) VWar and even some 'th e battle against Iracf rage■aged. H e w as o n c jjf 2 8 _ Americana dead in thee groundg wa^ phase of~ --- ------------- ------ ^ttlllngisrSen.. SteVc“l/c symms, Sen. Larry Movie debatee " i ___ :ii_Oitci-aodrMoUeF^«—r ==Si^nr^vi?M oH^'i^all-spoke-at-a-memorial— After objectionss fromTr parents, Jerome service Saturday aftemoonoon attended by more' • .................school-ofTicial»7wilLu lL b e-m o rc-careful in —-than300-people^__ • their selection ofyif video movies to be -David'Moller^od'a'shoshorrlnito^^offAntlrey^^ shown in the ctassroc;room. M bller’s life prepared byy hhis family. ^ ‘ ■ J.. ■' iJ- ^ P a g e A S “Andrew sought no spespecial i«cognition.” -he said: “He would'have feltfel overwhelmed and uncom fortable with the atteattention h e Is getting.’’ . “Hunting was,his life.”fe,” h e said. “ H e lo v ed ' d o g s up to his last days.” , iie'wffitc home.trj^m.SaiSa^iidi A rabia that a d o g Eagles take regegion title tnerc reminded him off hishi pheasant huntitig' -------- - ......College of-Soulheiihem-'Idabo.completed . _ dog. Rascal. The soldierscrs had namedjhc dog " « right>-andVher-fbntigr«ch Gi tO of.cdmfdrt.B9low, rthe': -Stephanle.Darchuk, rig ichool teacher MaryK. Gairb share a.moment of. ••Ham Sticc.’*-lt h e jin e tiv io b lc ti5 k o f l ! -^itS-Repion-;WJli;chIchampionship with h __ NaUPiu l Qujid-oftdatn IM a n A w a n e a n n g g r g nr tintsnuiifirrtffins rami — EObblina up tlie rest ofiliflliSr Medls Ready to ' imiiy. ----7“ -“ “^-----^ ^ victory over SoTPlTTtnkc-Gommunity -------- — 1 _________PnHpg r . EatT^M RB— fbod'StalStallings'rcfcrr,cd;toas:— - “ M eals Rejected by Ethiopiiopians.” A s a yountf boy growirwing up in California. A m b e r i v aiveso^hap ; ■ppiness, ------ • Andrrw Mnfirr wn^ oftenften in the hospital for liTEasEetCall --------------- Bobcats tops in gamma globulin ireiltmentlents. Ihe medicinc h«J ; The Burley Bobcabeats will leave Class took eroded his teeth and;ind-he rarely smiled-*in ~ red, w hite,, blue greetst soldiers i ^ A-1 as the Idaht)ht) ^oys basketball . photographs. David Mollerllersaid. • chomt)ions. __ R oller, who grew urup iirPaul, playejlj. nie-AssodatedPreu --- -_...— :_~-h'caded-'hdrne■me-fo-'bases--ih'--T<fxa 8r''v''''':^^ ---------— Pig?Bl“ — b'ascball. ‘basketbairandd tootbair.<« He enjoyed California, MiMaine, North Carolina,: industrial arts an.d art. r ; .1 Soldjers arriving home: !Saturday Georgia, Kentientucky, Oklahoma and; H is m other died in 1983.>83. it .was a huge blow wer#ere met by ebullient throngsigs of loved Louisiana. to th e teen-ager. jnes and w ell-w iahcre. More troopi>ops were acheduled to ; r _____ In-lheJummer-followiniving-his-junior-year in __ ^ ------"Onc'planeload'of0 troops'sisavored'a-arrlve'-throufl oughout“th»'?weekend:— ------ — high-Bchool-Mollcr.joincd-fd-thc-Nfltiontil- Oiinrd. *verycmorionn|-momcnt"-as-lS-thcyi^cw“ AThong^he■sta-states-with-hViTiecomings1 ------ ^------ First aid for biri f f d s T A fte r h e graduated he putJt inli for active duty and oveijvertheStaluejofLibcrty. * sel for Saturdurday were-'lexas. New- ____ Work for the Raplaptor. Rehabilitation .. ^ went to Ft. Carsontin Colo!olomdo .Springs where -Another soldior-plamicd-io10 meet his . M exico, Flor■lorida, H aw ^.^.N orthU ____ Center near GT^shs iFeny cdiiTinuesfo” - - h e trSined calvary iw-oui!i:-il .u-.:v1!ro hiiiisoiras^y* ion fo rth c first tim e Sahirdaya y a n d th en ' .C flblina, O klahclahonu, and MicnTgift^^ ■ • grow. ATrenaylhis'yc;'ycarr^ 6 injurcd-bmJs---------__ aJCiLCarson. who alwaysays scouted in front of • : marTiarry the boy’s mother lotater in Ihe .About 540.00P.OOO U.S. servi'certten and ■ ' have been cared for. th e calvary. w om ffl weVei seisent to sau<Jj,Ar»t>ia atter.. _ . P a g v D I ------- He later joined the-2nd2nd-Armored Calvary t i i l c ^ f returning trbO|)ops began Iraq invaded1 KiKuwait Aug. 2, Bringing Unit in Gcrma'ny; He metnet ond mamcd Alice fiovlowing-toward the UniledI !States on isri<rKitp is i v h iiu ilrl u — I-----------------------------------m&i — ■•■A-prouti faihersharliuiL'Si liis iliuugiii!>aiiU feelings as his daughtejhtcr is b om . P a g e D I Huntin•eds calllior resjsignatio])n of LjA. polic(:ecl|ief ----- 1------ :--------------- ;------------ L os A ngeles Times A ltadena resii•esidcnt R odney G. King, w hblb w as The videotapedid iiimages of three police . ' stiiick morere llthan 50 times with batonsI vwhile officers hitting KingCing repeatedly with their LOS ANGELES — Vowing to. ‘'■ ^ ^ H ''a n artiateurpir photographer captured the: &scene batons os 12 o thericr iofficers watched have demoiistraie each weekendnd until they force on- videotape:apc, was not an abcrratioron, a s sparked on outcry' oviover p olice m isconduct in Chraklngup Los_Angeles.PoIicc Chieff DDaryl F. G ates.to...|^^l y .'— Gates has saicsaid. Los Angeles. On)n Monday,I the district resign, several hundred prote is not on isolated incide:le n t!" attorney’s office will present evidence to a ' Performance ouditsiits.would contribute rotestcrs converged thunderedd JJose De Sosa,- the ralally’s grand juty in an attermempt to seek indictments to better-run statee agencies,a today's - .on Los Angeles policeice headquarters Saturday moming in an ouip .'jSfl organizerr andai p r e s id e n t o f th e a Itlocal of some'of the officerleers. editorial says. > ' smmended that the three P a g e A IO ' over the beating.of a blaiila ^ motorist by . jJoKM chapter o f the N A A C P.^'T hls is the typype of. Gates has recomn w hite ofTlccrs. ■ th in g th aIt. t, co c c u rs u n d e r th e 'c o v'e e i r Q f officers be prosecutecuted. • ; ■ An admirable:man m Organized by chaptersrs ofc the Nationol " |Pt' J darkness throiiroughout our.city." • Many-afSoturdnyd a y ’s p ro te s t com plained - • * Assoiciation for the AdvancementAd of S a te s ■ 'The proi)roleslers picketed po>olice that Gales' recommciimcndations did not not g o ..’ ___ _ I f y o u ’found S30.0J3,000 cash lying in a Ci olored People and the- UrbanUrt League, the .r . — ■ - .-headquarters:crs for'more than three hotours,' ' far «ibu^^ But dei^iei^ite their calls for him to - field, what would youyoi do? A homeless jprotest drew calls not onlyly forf C ates lo slep Salururday’s rally, which drew' o0 primarily chanting "GalGates must go! Gales m ust)I g o!" ; resign, Gates w ho) cocould not be rcached for ___ _ m an ’s act o f honestyy rrmakcs.hjmA.unique_ . .<down.-butralso.-fbrthedisnlismisssl.pfall 15- Africai:an-Americon-crowd.- wasss peaceful, and wavinglg.signs, s -'To serve and-proi•otect, ■ comment Saturday.y - has repeatedly made sort o f hero. policc officers who were at thei scene of the Speakeiccrs exhorted the throng notnot to let ^p and breakI a brother’s neck," readI <one. it clw that he willill nnot leave voluntarily, fl _________ P»g«.A1.1„. __l__beating ahd for.changcs;s ini the wav the thc.pr_eressure on the chicf. Specweaker after "Beware_of)f LLA's rabid police dogs. L ock will never leave, whervhen there is controversy,*' department handles brutolitylity cascs. s p e a kcer e complainbd that the! &b eatin g o f ‘cm up.” rend:nd ahblher.~ h e saidlast week. - r e p o r t ^TwinJE^ j l s ^ m s t aor doubtj Shifting'gears iin n B o i s e H av in g drahed ai sp en am g Dlueprint, the Idaho LegislatureV is<! shifting gears for Presbyteerians w/HI ordai]in gay moinisters Ihe push for ndjoummeimenl. P i H I«A 9 BI y Ju lie FsnM low '■ ■ I Spiritualityr arand Social Justice" - will be . ________________________.1Times-News writer ______ ..brought bcfoicfore the Presbyterian C-hulu r c h . (USA)'s onnunnual gen'erol assembly, .set fo r TWIN FALLS - A contrntrovcrsial report ^ ' June iri Bah)allimore,..and-Bulldrd.
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