./....;01. CHARLES W. HAMP "30 Minutes of Sunshine"-KFRC "THE LEADING RADIO GUIDE OF THE PACIFIC COAST" 1-E -1117 -0 -S -L -E -Y-y INow it is Screen, Grid! And . I Crosley 42-S I $145." (Less Tubes) is Multi Grid!! ITHE outstanding value inradio. Ii_ Three screen grid tubes!A radio6 receiver, selective - powerful - sensi-I tive, which is, and will Continue to be, 4the BIG news in radio! 4 Not performance alone,but per-6 1formance plus a beautiful cabinet,r A finished in rich walnut veneer, rival- 1ling in beauty and distinction the Afinest furniture.Appeal to eye and 1ear unmatched in radio! 4 Arrange for a free demonstration in Iyour own home. LERFAANSTiliff I 'K 121-131 RADIO MQUIPMff NT 135-139 Ninth Street West 17th Street SAN FRANCISCO --9 LOS ANGELES \UV \PV \Iry For those who canafford the best Radio's Super Triumph TRIPLE SCREEN -GRID Cabinet Built of rarest woods by master craftsmen, including Indian Lau- rel wood and African Ebony. Chassis 3 stages of screen -grid, Mershon condenser. Power Speaker Moving coil. Perfect tone reproduction. $210.00 Complete in Home Exclusive California Distributors IERULFRFAANSCROF INCORPORP.TED 121-131 EQUIPMENT 135-139 Ninth Street West 17th St. San Francisco Los Angeles "Amrad for Beauty's Sake" CMightyAionarch, OF THE AIR COLORFUL TONE REACH out where you will-for any program desired-local or hundreds of miles away. MA- JESTIC brings it to you instantly-clear, colorful, true and at full life size volume. And whether near or far-at every point on the dial -MAJESTIC'S powerful, Colorful Tone isalways there-on every note, from topmost treble to deepest bass. POWER Detection and the new -45 tubes,plusfour tuned stages of radio frequency.Auto- matic sensitivity control gives uni- form range and power allover the dial.Jacobean period cabinet of American Walnut.Doors of matched butt walnut with overlays on doors and interior panel of genuine imported Australia lace - wood. MODEL 92 $167.50Less Tubes Complete with Majestic Tubes, $189.00 TUNE IN MAJESTIC THEATRE OF THE AIR Over Columbia Broadcasting System-Stations KFRC and KMJ- every Sunday evening, 6 to 7, Pacific Standard Time. Headliners of stage and screen. Wholesale Distributors FREDERICK H .THOMPSON CO. HOLMES & CRANE 1131 Mission Street, San Francisco 291 Fourth Street, Oakland, Calif. KIMBALL-UPSON COMPANY 607-11 K Street, Sacramento (.) Broadcast Weekly ALL FOR only $3.25 BROADCAST WEEKLY-For one year MOTION PICTURE MAGAZINE-For one year and as a free gift to you - 24 sepia finished pictures of popular players, size 5 1/2 x8 inches each Set No. 6 SUBJECTS: Mary Duncan Charles King Jack Mulhall Thomas Meighan Chester Morris Maurice Chevalier Thelma Todd Al Jolson Baclanova Lewis Stone Davey Lee {Nick Stuart Mary Brian Ann Harding Betty Compson Loretta Young H. B. Warner Bebe Daniels Bessie Love John Boles Ruth Chatterton Ken Maynard Johnny Mack Brown Mary Pickford Motion Picture Magazine always gives you the latest news and gossip, exclusive pictures, intimate stories about the stars -and fairest reviews of pictures. If you are a present subscriber to either magazine you can take advantage of this offer and have your subscription ex- tended for one year. MAIL COUPON NOW BROADCAST WEEKLY PUB. CO. 726 Pacific Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. Gentlemen: I enclose herewith $3.25 for which you will send me Broadcast Weekly and Motion Picture Magazine for one year and the 24 sepia finished pictures. Name Address City State I am now a subscriber to: Broadcast Weekly Motion Picture BROADCAST WEEKLY (FORMERLY RAD1OCAST WEEKLY ESTABLISHED 1922 AS BROADCAST PROGRAM) AJ URB AI N, Publisher PUBLISHED ON THE FIRST DAY OP ENTERED AS,2 El CLASP EACH WEEK BY MAT TER,MARCH 23.1923,BY THE POST OFFICE. SAN PRANCISCO,CALIFORMA BROADCAST WEEKLY UNDER ACT OP MARCH 3.1879 PUBLISHING COPYRIGHT, 1929 BY BROADCAST WEEKLY COMPANY PUBLISHING COMPANY PACIFIC BUILDING, 821 MARKET STREET, SAN FRANCISCO 10 CENTS THE COPY FROM ALL NEWSDEALER., TELEPHONE DOUGLAS 5273 BY SUBSCRIPTION $3.00 PER YEAR Vol.8 San Francisco OCTOBER 26, 1929 Los Angeles No. 5 REEDITOR'S PAGE rir HE inauguration of a new Atwater Kentwould be required to handle the plan. The .11 series by the presentation of Rosa Pon -provinces have approved the commission's sellwith adequate orchestral background findings. guarantees a high standard of program of- * ** fering for the forthcoming year from thisFirWO more magnificent symphonic orches- pioneer sponsor of good radio music.It is traprograms aretobegivenradio to be regretted that some of our other spon-listeners all over the United States on the sors, who are more concerned with publiciz- Sunday afternoons of November 3 and De- ing their personal fame than certifying goodcember 8.The first was given October 6. musical excellence, have not some of theThese concerts will be given by the Phila- measure of public responsibility of Atwaterdelphiaorchestra underthedirectionof Kent. Any sponsor who honestly triesto Leopold Stokowski, outstanding American make listening worth while is entitled to fullconductor,forthePhilco Hour ofthe consideration and backing.We, as the pub- Philadelphia'StorageBatteryCompany. lic, will give it to him in much greater meas- The PhiladelphiaSymphonicOrchestra ure than when we are parties to a musical needsno introductiontomusic lovers- swindle whose purpose is to sell us some-its personnel including some of the finest thing, coated with homeopathic announce-musicians in Tmerica. The broadcasts will ment. * ** be released from all of the stations of the National Broadcasting Company's network, ANADA is considering government own-and will bring to more than 50,000,00 listen- ership of broadcasting. The experiment, ers,if they care for good music, the best ifit is tried, will be watched in this countrypossible offerings.It is significant that this with great interest. The Dominion will have is being done as a result of many thousand to work out a system of its own, an adapta-requests that have reached broadcast agen- tion of the United States system being im-cies and indicates that despite a seemingly practical on account of different population ceaseless barrage of low standard music, the distributionand economicconditions. A * ** commission which has been studying the ULGARIA may now chat with Great Canadian situationreportsinfavorofa IBritain,andSofians may receive,in public service, with a provincial broadcastreturn, the latest witticisms of George Ber- director in charge in each province.Seven nard Shaw hot off the antenna, so to speak. high-powered stations are, contemplated, to A new station which went on the air Au- be supplemented by such low -powered sta-gust 19 makes this possible.British con- tions as isolated areas require. The total costtractors built the station.All Bulgaria has is estimated at $3,250,000 and annual operat- to do is work it.If the station goes haywire, ing cost at $2,500,000. Raising of license fees itwill be serviced by British service men. on receiving sets from $1 to $3 a year which Bulgariais now entitled to a seat in the would bringin$900,000 a year income,House of Commons, at least. $700,000 in advertising revenue and aflat general publicstillprefers music thatis governmentappropriation of $1,000,000 music and not racket. 7 PERSONAL PICK-UPS By GYPSY RadioAnne,Watsonville, been crowded with interesting Cal.-You cannot imagine what travel and colorful experiences. a lot of strenuous sleuthing it About a year ago he had the took to locate Louretta Greene very good fortuneto marry and then lo and beholdifI Virginia Flohri. didn't find her just around the * * * corner.She is indeed a per- Two KFRC Fans, Fresno, sonality.Of French, Scotch - Calif.-Yes, Alice Blue isde- Irish extraction, born in San cidedly good looking. She was Francisco.Her hairisquite born in Forbestown, Calif., and black and her eyes appeared is known to her intimates as to me to be dark brown, but AliceClemoJohnson.The Miss Greene insists they vary Pearcebrothersareasfree with her moods and are some- from worry and matrimony as times as blue as blue.She is they sound.At leastthat's about 5 feet 8 inches tall and whattheysaid,crosstheir weighs 164 pounds.You may obtain herhearts.And promise you won't weep ifI poems by writing herincare of Karentell you?-Norman Nielson IS married. Dunn, 935 Market Street, San Francisco. * ** *** An NBC fan, San Francisco, Calif.-Billy Malinda, Calistoga, Cal.-A modest youth, Page is 11 years old.His eyes are brown,Bernard Norman ("Ray" of "Ray and Bud") his hair is a deeper brown, he weighs 85refusing to take his good looks and splen- pounds and is 4 feet 10% inches tall.A didachievementsseriously. His mother very natural, bright boy is Billy who lovesproudly calls him her "six-footer."He has to build radios and airplanes when he is notdark hair and blue eyes.I think they are getting his school lessons or rehearsing for blue.He half closes them when he laughs his beloved "Memory Lane" program. which is most of the time so I cannot be * * * sure.When I asked him their color he Mrs. W. C. S., Pittsburg, Calif.-To ob-answered "vanilla."What can you do with tain pictures of radio artists itis necessarysuch a person?Bernard Norman, in a re - to write them personally making the re-cent theatrical venture, had the distinction quest.I am certain Edna O'Keefe willof playing "Babe Callahan" in "Ned Mc- be glad to send you a photograph if sheCobb's Daughter." His favorite playright is has itto spare.No, the Pearce brothersGeorge Bernard Shaw, his adored radioar- are not twins."Cal" is the elder. tist, June De Roche and his avocation has * ** to do with the advertising business.
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