AN ALLIANCE TO UPGRADE GREAT EASTERN HIGHWAY ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT DESIGN PACKAGE 8 (SLK 264.3 - 267 .0) GREAT EASTERN HIGHWAY VERSION 3 OCTOBER 2006 ATA Environmental Report No: 2006/182 Environmental environmental scientists DISCLAIMER This document is published in accordance with and subject to an agreement between ATA Environmental ("ATA") and the client for whom it has been prepared, Aline East ("Client") and is restricted to those issues that have been raised by the client in its engagement of ATA and prepared using the standard of skill and care ordinarily exercised by Environmental Scientists in the preparation of such Documents. Any person or organization that relies on or uses the document for purposes or reasons other than those agreed by ATA and the Client without first obtaining the prior written consent of ATA, does so entirely at their own risk and ATA denies all liability in tort, contract or otherwise for any loss, damage or injury of any kind whatsoever (whether in negligence or otherwise) that may be suffered as a consequence of relying on this Document for any purpose other than that agreed with the Client. QUALITY ASSURANCE ATA Environmental has implemented a comprehensive range of quality control measures on all aspects of the company's operation and has Quality Assurance certification to ISO 9001. An internal quality review process has been applied to each project task undertaken by us. Each document is carefully reviewed by core members of the consultancy team and signed off at Partner level prior to issue to the client. Draft documents are submitted to the client for comment and acceptance prior to final production. Document No: BRC-2005-002-MGMT -25 ja_ v3 Report No: 2006/182 Checked by: Signed ~A~ Name: Jenifer Alford Date: 23 October 2006 Senior Environmental Scientist Approved by: signeddlla~~C Name: Martin~ ~~ heltema Date: 23 October 2006 Principal BRC-2005-002-MGMT -025 j a _ v3 Environmental Impact Assessment Design Package 8 (SLK 264.03- 267.0) Great Eastern Highway- Version 3 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 1.1 Background 5 1.2 Scope of Report 5 2. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL 6 2.1 Location 6 2.2 Justification and Objectives 6 2.3 Legal Framework 6 2.4 Key Project Characteristics 7 2.5 Timing and Staging of the Project 8 3. EXISTING ENVIRONMENT 9 3.1 Physical Environment 9 3.1.1 Climate 9 3.1.2 Geology, Soils and Landforms 9 3.1.3 Surface Hydrology 10 3.1.4 Groundwater Hydrology 10 3.2 Vegetation and Flora 11 3.2.1 Methodology 11 3.2.2 Significant Flora 11 3.2.3 Vegetation Condition 14 3.2.4 Significant Trees 14 3.2.5 Vegetation Complexes 15 3.2.6 Vegetation Types and Condition 16 3.2.7 Flora 17 3.2.8 Significant Vegetation 17 3.2.9 Significant Trees 18 3.2.10 Dieback 18 3.3 Fauna 18 3.3.1 Methodology 18 3.3.2 Database Searches 18 3.3.3 Site Assessment 19 3.3.4 Fauna Habitat 19 3.3.5 Avifauna, Reptiles, Amphibians and Mammals 19 3.4 Significant Fauna 19 3.4.1 Species of National Environmental Significance 23 3.4.2 Threatened or Priority Species 23 3.4.3 Biodiversity Value at Genetic, Species and Ecosystem Levels 23 3.4.4 Ecological Functional Value at the Ecosystem Level 24 3.5 Aboriginal Heritage 24 3.5.1 Archaeological 24 3.5.2 Ethnographic 24 BRC-2005-002-MGMT-025_ja_v3 Environmental Impact Assessment Design Package 8 (SLK 264.3 – 267.0) Great Eastern Highway - Version 3 i 3.6 European Heritage 25 3.7 Contaminated Sites 25 3.8 Noise 25 3.9 Visual Amenity 26 4. ENVIRONMENTAL ASPECTS AND IMPACTS 27 5. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 33 5.1 Introduction 33 5.2 Biophysical 33 5.2.1 Vegetation 33 5.2.2 Environmental Weeds 33 5.2.3 Fauna Corridors 33 5.2.4 Wetlands 33 5.2.5 Landscaping and Rehabilitation 33 5.3 Pollution Management 34 5.3.1 Noise 34 5.3.2 Surface Water Runoff 34 5.3.3 Dust 34 5.4 Social Surroundings 34 5.4.1 Aboriginal Heritage 34 5.4.2 European Heritage 35 5.4.3 Visual Amenity 35 6. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS 36 7. CONSULTATION 42 7.1 Public Consultation 42 7.2 Government Agency Consultation 43 8. APPROVALS 44 8.1 Commonwealth Government 44 8.2 Western Australian Government 44 Tables Figures Plates Appendices BRC-2005-002-MGMT-025_ja_v3 Environmental Impact Assessment Design Package 8 (SLK 264.3 – 267.0) Great Eastern Highway - Version 3 ii LIST OF TABLES 1. Summary of Environmental Aspects and Impacts Associated with DP 8 2. Impact Assessment and Approval Flow Chart 3. Key Project Characteristics 4. Selected Climatic Parameters at Merredin 5. Species of Significant Flora recorded in the Vicinity of the Aline East project area 6. Vegetation Types, Description and Pre European Extent 7. Vegetation Types and Condition along DP 8 8. Significant Vertebrate Species Recorded or Listed as Potentially Occurring Within the Vicinity of DP 8 9. Calculated LA10,(18HR) Noise Level 10. Calculated Leq,(16hr) and Leq,(8hr) 11. Great Eastern Highway Upgrade – Summary of Environmental Factors for DP 8 12. Great Eastern Highway Upgrade – Summary of Environmental Management Recommendations for DP 8 13. Adherence to the Ten Clearing Principles in MRWA Clearing CPS818/2 LIST OF FIGURES 1. Regional Location 2a. Environmental Constraints – DP8 (SLK – 264.3 – 265.1) 2b. Environmental Constraints – DP3 (SLK 265.1 – 266.0) 2c. Environmental Constraints – DP3 (SLK 266.0 – 267.0) 2d. Vegetation Type and Condition Legend 3. Typical Cross Section LIST OF PLATES 1. Vegetation type SAgAn (Good Condition) near 266.4 (new SLK) in eastern end of realignment area) 2. Two High Significance trees, several Medium Significance trees and vegetation proposed to be cleared (on LHS of photograph) in Good Condition LOWEsEsEl at approximately SLK 265.36 on the new alignment. (looking west) 3. Looking west along realignment at ca SLK 265.1 (new alignment) proposed clearing of vegetation type SAgAn (Good – Very Good Condition) on left hand side of track. 4. Vegetation type SAgAn (in Good – Very Good Condition) proposed to be cleared at ca SLK 265.3 (new alignment) looking south towards water pipeline LIST OF APPENDICES 1. Classification System for Significant Trees on Aline East Project 2. Flora Species List for DP 8 3. Trees rated as Significant Recorded in DP 8 4. Fauna Species Predicted to Occur in DP 8 5. Report (Quartermaine Consultants) on a Preliminary Archeological Investigation for Aboriginal Sites and Aboriginal Sites Registered on the Department of Indigenous Affairs Database on 22nd December 2005 6. Acoustic Assessment Reports for DP 8 BRC-2005-002-MGMT-025_ja_v3 Environmental Impact Assessment Design Package 8 (SLK 264.3 – 267.0) Great Eastern Highway - Version 3 iii EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Great Eastern Highway is the main link connecting Perth to the Eastern States, carrying commuter traffic, regional and interstate road freight. Much of the existing road pavement between Kellerberrin and Carrabin is about 40 years old and is relatively rough. During the past 10 years several sections of the road have been upgraded, resulting in a road with varying standards of geometry, surface roughness, width and overtaking opportunities. Some sections are deficient in width for the amount and type of traffic that use the road. There are also sections with poor alignment, thus increasing travel times and affecting safety. The Western Australian Government has formed an alliance, Aline East, which is made up of representatives from Main Roads Western Australia (Main Roads), Brierty Contractors, BG&E and WML Consultants to widen and realign the deficient sections of Great Eastern Highway between Kellerberrin and Carrabin. The project area has been divided into the following Design Packages (DPs), which are proposed for construction over the next two years: Construction Design From To Length Season Package Possible Treatment (SLK) (SLK) (km) (DP) DP 1 239.2 245.2 6.0 Re-Condition / Widen / Overlay S1 DP 2 251.6 256.25 4.65 Shoulder Widening S1 DP 4 267 278.9 11.9 Re-condition / Widen / Overlay S1 DP 5 282.4 290.1 7.7 Widen /Overlay / Rail Overpass S1/S2 DP 6 234.7 239.2 4.5 Realignment S2 DP 3/7 245.2 251.6 6.4 Realignment S2 DP 8 264.3 267.0 2.7 Realignment S2 DP 9 278.9 282.4 3.5 Realignment S2 DP 10 257.8 264 6.2 Widen S2 DP 11 198.4 202.75 4.35 Townsite & Intersections S2 For the project to proceed, environmental approval will be required from the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) under Section 38 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 for some of the Design Packages. Where necessary, these design packages will be referred for assessment in accordance with the Memorandum of Understanding between the Main Roads and Department of Environmental Protection (now the Department of Environment and Conservation[DCE]) (2000). This EIA addresses the environment factors within Design Package 8 (DP 8) as identified in the Preliminary EIA undertaken by Kellogg Brown and Root (KBR, 2005). The principle issues relating to DP 8 are consistent with issues identified as possible constraints during preliminary discussions with the DoE. Specialist flora, fauna, noise and Aboriginal and European heritage surveys have been undertaken for the area. The project will have no impact on any Declared Rare Flora, Priority Flora or Threatened Ecological Communities. However four trees rated as having Very High Significance are likely to be cleared and approximately 3.1625 ha of remnant vegetation in Good to Very Good condition will be cleared.
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