February 10, 2009 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1103 ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Gordon (TN) Marchant Ros-Lehtinen Sessions Tiberi Wasserman PRO TEMPORE Graves Markey (CO) Roskam Souder Vela´ zquez Schultz Green, Al Marshall Ross Stark Wexler The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Green, Gene Massa Rothman (NJ) Woolsey Griffith Matheson Roybal-Allard JACKSON of Illinois). Without objection, Guthrie Matsui Royce ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER PRO TEMPORE 5-minute voting will continue. Gutierrez McCarthy (CA) Ruppersberger The SPEAKER pro tempore (during There was no objection. Hall (TX) McCarthy (NY) Ryan (OH) the vote). Two minutes remain in this Halvorson McCaul Ryan (WI) vote. f Hare McClintock Salazar ´ Harper McCollum Sanchez, Linda b 1646 RECOGNIZING AND COMMENDING Hastings (FL) McCotter T. Hastings (WA) McDermott Sanchez, Loretta So (two-thirds being in the affirma- UNIVERSITY OF OKLAHOMA Heinrich McGovern Sarbanes tive) the rules were suspended and the QUARTERBACK SAM BRADFORD Heller McHenry Scalise resolution was agreed to. FOR WINNING THE 2008 HEISMAN Hensarling McHugh Schakowsky Herseth Sandlin McIntyre Schauer The result of the vote was announced TROPHY Higgins McKeon Schiff as above recorded. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- Hill McMahon Schmidt Himes McMorris Schrader A motion to reconsider was laid on finished business is the question on Hinchey Rodgers Schwartz the table. suspending the rules and agreeing to Hinojosa McNerney Scott (GA) f the resolution, H. Res. 60. Hirono Meeks (NY) Scott (VA) Hodes Melancon Sensenbrenner The Clerk read the title of the resolu- Hoekstra Mica Serrano PERSONAL EXPLANATION tion. Holden Michaud Sestak Mr. DAVIS of Illinois. Mr. Speaker, I was un- Holt Miller (FL) Shadegg The SPEAKER pro tempore. The able to cast votes on the following legislative question is on the motion offered by Honda Miller (NC) Shea-Porter Hoyer Miller, George Sherman measures on February 10, 2009. If I were the gentleman from the Northern Mar- Hunter Minnick Shimkus present for rollcall votes, I would have voted iana Islands (Mr. SABLAN) that the Inglis Mitchell Shuler ‘‘yea’’ on each of the following: House suspend the rules and agree to Inslee Mollohan Shuster Israel Moore (KS) Simpson Roll 54, February 10, 2009: On Motion to In- the resolution, H. Res. 60. Issa Moore (WI) Sires struct Conferees on H.R. 1: Making Supple- The question was taken. Jackson (IL) Moran (KS) Skelton mental Appropriations for Fiscal Year Ending Jackson-Lee Moran (VA) Slaughter The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the 2009. opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being (TX) Murphy (CT) Smith (NE) Jenkins Murphy, Patrick Smith (NJ) Roll 55, February 10, 2009: On Motion to in the affirmative, the ayes have it. Johnson (GA) Murphy, Tim Smith (TX) Suspend the Rules and Agree: H. Res. 114, Mr. CONNOLLY of Virginia. Mr. Johnson, E. B. Murtha Smith (WA) Supporting the goals and ideals of ‘‘National Speaker, on that I demand the yeas Johnson, Sam Myrick Snyder Jones Nadler (NY) Solis (CA) Girls and Women in Sports Day.’’ and nays. Jordan (OH) Napolitano Space Roll 56, February 10, 2009: On Motion to The yeas and nays were ordered. Kagen Neal (MA) Speier Suspend the Rules and Agree: H. Res. 60, Kanjorski Neugebauer Spratt The SPEAKER pro tempore. This Recognizing and commending University of will be a 5-minute vote. Kaptur Nunes Stearns Kennedy Nye Stupak Oklahoma quarterback Sam Bradford for win- The vote was taken by electronic de- Kildee Oberstar Sullivan ning the 2008 Heisman Trophy and for his vice, and there were—yeas 394, nays 0, Kilpatrick (MI) Obey Sutton academic and athletic accomplishments. not voting 38, as follows: Kilroy Olson Tanner Kind Olver Tauscher f [Roll No. 56] King (IA) Ortiz Taylor YEAS—394 King (NY) Pallone Teague PERSONAL EXPLANATION Kingston Pascrell Terry Abercrombie Buchanan Davis (TN) Kirk Pastor (AZ) Thompson (CA) Mr. MEEK of Florida. Mr. Speaker, on roll- Ackerman Burgess Deal (GA) Kirkpatrick (AZ) Paul Thompson (MS) call Nos. 54, 55 & 56, had I been present, I Aderholt Burton (IN) DeFazio Kissell Paulsen Thompson (PA) Adler (NJ) Butterfield Delahunt Kline (MN) Payne Thornberry would have voted ‘‘yea’’ on all three. Akin Buyer DeLauro Kratovil Pence Tiahrt f Alexander Calvert Dent Kucinich Perlmutter Tierney Altmire Camp Diaz-Balart, L. Lamborn Perriello Titus APPOINTMENT OF CONFEREES ON Andrews Cantor Diaz-Balart, M. Lance Peters Tonko H.R. 1, AMERICAN RECOVERY Arcuri Cao Dicks Langevin Peterson Towns Austria Capito Dingell Larson (CT) Petri Tsongas AND REINVESTMENT ACT OF 2009 Baca Capps Doggett Latham Pingree (ME) Turner The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without Bachmann Capuano Donnelly (IN) LaTourette Pitts Upton Baird Cardoza Doyle Latta Platts Van Hollen objection, the Chair appoints the fol- Baldwin Carnahan Dreier Lee (CA) Poe (TX) Visclosky lowing conferees on H.R. 1: Messrs. Barrett (SC) Carney Driehaus Lee (NY) Polis (CO) Walden OBEY, RANGEL, WAXMAN, LEWIS of Cali- Barrow Carson (IN) Duncan Levin Pomeroy Walz Bartlett Carter Edwards (MD) Lewis (CA) Posey Wamp fornia, and CAMP. Barton (TX) Cassidy Edwards (TX) Lipinski Price (GA) Waters There was no objection. Bean Castle Ehlers LoBiondo Price (NC) Watson Becerra Chaffetz Ellison Loebsack Radanovich Watt f Berman Chandler Ellsworth Lofgren, Zoe Rahall Waxman PROVIDING FOR A JOINT SESSION Berry Childers Emerson Lowey Rangel Weiner Biggert Clarke Engel Lucas Rehberg Welch OF CONGRESS TO RECEIVE A Bilirakis Clay Eshoo Luetkemeyer Reichert Westmoreland MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT Bishop (GA) Cleaver Etheridge Luja´ n Reyes Whitfield Bishop (NY) Clyburn Fallin Lummis Richardson Wilson (OH) Mr. MCMAHON. Mr. Speaker, I send Bishop (UT) Coble Farr Lungren, Daniel Rodriguez Wilson (SC) to the desk a privileged concurrent res- Blackburn Coffman (CO) Fattah E. Roe (TN) Wittman olution and ask for its immediate con- Blumenauer Cohen Filner Lynch Rogers (AL) Wolf Blunt Cole Flake Mack Rogers (KY) Wu sideration. Boccieri Conaway Fleming Maffei Rogers (MI) Yarmuth The Clerk read the concurrent reso- Boehner Connolly (VA) Forbes Maloney Rohrabacher Young (AK) lution, as follows: Bonner Conyers Fortenberry Manzullo Rooney Young (FL) Bono Mack Cooper Foster H. CON. RES. 41 Boozman Costa Foxx NOT VOTING—38 Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Boren Costello Frank (MA) Boswell Courtney Franks (AZ) Bachus Gallegly Larsen (WA) Senate concurring), That the two Houses of Boucher Crenshaw Frelinghuysen Berkley Granger Lewis (GA) Congress assemble in the Hall of the House Brady (PA) Crowley Fudge Bilbray Grayson Linder of Representatives on Tuesday, February 24, Brady (TX) Cuellar Garrett (NJ) Boustany Grijalva Markey (MA) 2009, at 9 p.m., for the purpose of receiving Braley (IA) Culberson Gerlach Boyd Hall (NY) Meek (FL) such communication as the President of the Bright Cummings Giffords Brown, Corrine Harman Miller (MI) United States shall be pleased to make to Broun (GA) Dahlkemper Gingrey (GA) Campbell Herger Miller, Gary them. Brown (SC) Davis (AL) Gohmert Castor (FL) Johnson (IL) Putnam Brown-Waite, Davis (CA) Gonzalez Davis (IL) Klein (FL) Rush The concurrent resolution was agreed Ginny Davis (KY) Goodlatte DeGette Kosmas Schock to. VerDate Nov 24 2008 02:51 Feb 11, 2009 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10FE7.051 H10FEPT1 wwoods2 on PRODPC68 with HOUSE H1104 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 10, 2009 A motion to reconsider was laid on Whereas Miami University’s faculty are Whereas Miami University has created a the table. nationally prominent scholars and artists Culture of Champions, an environment that who contribute to Miami, their own dis- teaches student athletes to excel in their f ciplines, and to society by the creation of chosen endeavors as distinguished by a Na- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER new knowledge and art; tional Football League Rookie of the Year, PRO TEMPORE Whereas Miami University has its own National Football League Super Bowl Cham- pions, National Basketball Association The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- campus in Luxembourg and consistently ranks among the top 25 colleges and univer- World Champions, National Hockey League ant to clause 8 of rule XX, the Chair sities in the Nation for the number of under- Stanley Cup Champions, Major League Base- will postpone further proceedings graduate students who study abroad, where ball World Series Champions, and Olympic today on motions to suspend the rules more than 35 percent of students study gold medalists; on which a recorded vote or the yeas abroad before they graduate; Whereas Miami University has contributed and nays are ordered, or on which the Whereas in Business Week magazine’s lat- to the economic growth of this country vote is objected to under clause 6 of est ranking of undergraduate business pro- through the education of men and women rule XX. grams, Miami’s Farmer School of Business who have gone on to lead some of our most Record votes on postponed questions appears among the Nation’s top 5 percent, August corporations such as AT&T, Inc., will be taken later. ranking 8th among public universities and Proctor & Gamble Co., the J.M. Smucker colleges; Company, and United Parcel Service of f Whereas Miami University has a retention America; and HONORING MIAMI UNIVERSITY and graduation rate that exceeds the na- Whereas Miami University is the largest FOR ITS 200 YEARS OF COMMIT- tional average for undergraduates, students employer in Butler County, Ohio, and serves MENT TO EXTRAORDINARY of color, and athletes, and has the highest as an economic powerhouse for Southwest Ohio, the State of Ohio, and the Nation with HIGHER EDUCATION graduation rate in Ohio; Whereas Miami has first-rate facilities, has an economic impact of over $1,000,000,000 per Ms. FUDGE. Mr. Speaker, I move to completed a number of new facilities in re- year to the State of Ohio: Now, therefore, be suspend the rules and agree to the reso- cent years, including an engineering building it lution (H.
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