ELGIN HERITAGE COMMISSION Tuesday, October 4, 2016 7:00pm City Council Chambers, 2nd Floor North Tower 150 Dexter Court, Elgin, IL 60120 AGENDA A. Call Meeting to Order and Roll Call B. Approval of Minutes 1. September 6, 2016 – Elgin Heritage Commission C. Recognize Persons Present D. Plaque Applications a. 1015 Douglas Avenue b. 31 N. Worth Avenue E. Old Business 1. Reports from Neighborhood Groups on Heritage Related Activities 2. Mayor’s Initiative a. Directional Signage, 2017 b. Web Based App (a) Tour Booklets (b) Photographs/Audio F. New Business 1. December Plaque Awards a. December 6, 2016; 7PM; Elgin History Museum b. Topics for Speaker: (i) Nancy Kimball Home – The history and its rehabilitation c. Plaques to be awarded (a) Three (Possibly Five) Heritage Commission Plaques (b) Four Bungalow Plaques 2. Approval of 2017 EHC and DRSC meeting schedule 3. Potential hearing regarding an appeal to the Heritage Commission G. Other Business H. Adjournment THE CITY OF ELGIN IS SUBJECT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT OF 1990. INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES WHO PLAN TO ATTEND THIS MEETING AND WHO REQUIRED CERTAIN ACCOMMODATIONS IN ORDER TO ALLOW THEM TO OBSERVE AND/OR PARTICIPATE IN THIS MEETING, OR WHO HAVE QUESTIONS REGARDING THE ACCESSIBILITY OF THE MEETING OR THE FACILITIES, ARE REQUESTED TO CONTACT THE HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT, ADA COORDINATOR AT (847) 931‐5620 {TDD (847) 931‐5616} PROMPTLY TO ALLOW THE CITY OF ELGIN TO MAKE REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR THOSE PERSONS. City of Elgin Elgin Heritage Commission September 6, 2016 Proposed Minutes A. The meeting of the Elgin Heritage Commission was called to order at 7:00 p.m. in the Police Department ‐ North Community Room by Chairman John Wiedmeyer. 1. Members Present: George Rowe, Judith Van Dusen, Brian Anderson, Kim Bauer, John Marston, Steve Thoren, John Wiedmeyer 2. Members Absent: Scott Savel and Tom Krebsbach 3. Others Present: Rebecca Hunter, James Zorn 4. City Staff Present: Christen Sundquist, Historic Preservation Planner B. Approval of Minutes: 1. A motion was made by Commissioner Rowe to approve the August 2, 2016 minutes with the following amendments: Commissioner Van Dusen has not completed her assigned photographs but only has half completed. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Van Dusen. The motion passed 3‐0‐4 (4 abstentions: Bauer, Marston, Anderson, Thoren). C. Recognize Persons Present: Rebecca Hunter, James Zorn. Chairman Wiedmeyer thanked Rebecca Hunter for all of her time and dedication that she has done while participating on the Heritage Commission. D. Plaque applications: 1. 844 Brook Street – The plaque nomination received the following average scores: Historic Significance 8.04; Architectural Significance: 7.79; Current Maintenance: 9.04. A motion was made by Commissioner Thoren to approve awarding the plaque for the property with the inscription that would read H. & I. (Horace and Isadora) James, 1908. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bauer. The motion passed unanimously. 2. 31 N. Worth Avenue – Chairman Wiedmeyer stated that the architectural and historic significance description in the application were lacking and would like the applicant to provide more descriptive information about the characteristics seen on this home and more about the original owners. The Commission agreed that a more descriptive paragraph should be submitted as the information will be placed on the www.historicelgin.com website. Commissioner Van Dusen and Rebecca Hunter noted to the Owner, James Zorn, that they will help the owners rewrite their architectural and historic descriptions to fit the Heritage Commission’s requests. It was agreed to Elgin Heritage Commission: Minutes Page 2 September 6, 2016 withdraw the plaque application for review until the applicant provides a more descriptive paragraph on the architectural and historic significance of the home. 3. Replacement Plaques – Staff noted to the Heritage Commission that there are several owners who have contacted staff regarding their current plaques being damaged and/or unable to see the paint inscription about the property. Commissioner Rowe asked if the Heritage Commission charges for replacement of which, staff commented that owners are not charged an additional fee for replacement. Commissioner Rowe noted his concern of using the Heritage Commission’s budget for replacement plaques due to the Heritage Commission’s minimal budget. Commissioner Thoren stated that replacement plaques are few and far between but since the budget is a major concern, then setting aside funds to budget for future plaque replacement may be wise. Chairman Wiedmeyer stated that if the plaque only has worn wording, than the plaque may be able to be reused. Commissioner Van Dusen also noted that the Commission should have a de‐plaquing process as some buildings, that are not located in the Historic Districts, have completed insensitive changes to the exterior of the home that would not give the home high enough points to pass if they were to apply today for a plaque. The Commission agreed to look into this further. Staff stated it may be difficult, though, as this is an honorary program and those properties outside of the Historic Districts are not held up to the standards of those in the Historic Districts. A motion was made by Commissioner Anderson to approve funding the replacement of the following plaques: 600 E. Chicago, 164 Lincoln Avenue, 1044 Augusta Avenue, 116 Hill Avenue. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Rowe. The motion passed unanimously. E. Old Business 1. Reports from Neighborhood Groups on Heritage Related Activities a. Gifford Park Association‐ Commissioner Rowe stated that the Gifford Park Association’s 35th Annual Historic Housewalk will be held on September 10th and 11th of this year and will be highlighting homes in the Elgin Historic District. b. Elgin History Museum ‐ Commissioner Rowe noted the Elgin History Museum’s Annual Cemetery Walk located at Bluff City Cemetery on September 25th. c. Elgin History Museum – Commissioner Rowe also noted that there will be a fundraiser for the Nancy Kimball Home (302 W. Chicago Street) on Saturday, October 1, 2016 from 12:00PM – 4:00PM on Chicago and Crystal Streets. Elgin Heritage Commission: Minutes Page 3 September 6, 2016 d. Commissioner Thoren noted that he recently gave tours of Wing Mansion to the Elgin Rotary Club of which, Chief Swoboda, Jerry Turnquist, Bill Briska, and Liz Marston were in attendance as docents. There were 40 people in attendance. e. Commissioner Thoren also noted that he will be giving a presentation of the history of Wing Park on Wednesday, October 5th at 6:00PM at the Lords Park Pavilion. 2. Mayor’s Initiative Ideas a. Directional Signage Update No update – This project will be pushed back until 2017. b. Web Based App 1. Tour Booklets: No update. 2. Photographs: Commissioners Van Dusen noted that she is half way through the photographs assigned to her. She has been keeping track of plaqued homes in the area that do not have a sign. She noted that she will send that list to staff to investigate. 3. Repair of Davidson Sign a. Staff noted to the Commission that the signage at Davidson Park and Gifford Park have been fixed and new paint applied thanks to the Public Works Department. F. New Business 1. 2016 Current EHC Budget Update a. Approval of Upcoming Expenses – Staff stated that she anticipates a few more plaques to be submitted by the end of the year and that the HistoricElgin website will need to be renewed by the end of the month. A motion was made by Commissioner Thoren to approve a cost of $236.00 for the renewal of the website. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Anderson. The motion passed unanimously. 2. Review of IAHPC Awards Application –Commissioner Thoren noted that applying for the Public Outreach and Education Award for the HistoricElgin website would be a great way to show Illinois what the Elgin Heritage Commission is doing to acknowledge its historic resources. The Commission agreed with Commissioner Thoren’s statement. Commissioner Rowe stated that there are no revisions for the awards nomination and to submit as is. 3. Heritage Commission Presentation of NAPC Award to City Council ‐‐ Commissioner Anderson congratulated the Heritage Commission and staff for the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions Award for the website. Staff noted that it was a group effort and everyone should be proud of this accomplishment. Staff reminded the Heritage Commission that they will be presenting the award to the Mayor, City Council and the City Manager on Wednesday, September 14, 2016 at 7:00PM. Elgin Heritage Commission: Minutes Page 4 September 6, 2016 G. Other Business None H. Adjournment A motion was made by Commissioner Rowe to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Thoren and passed unanimously. The meeting was adjourned at 8:12 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Christen Sundquist, Historic Preservation Planner Community Development Department Approved: Scoring Guidelines for Heritage Commission Plaque Applications Introduction The Elgin Heritage Commission plaque program recognizes buildings with both historic and architectural merit. The program is intended to promote preservation and awareness of Elgin’s past. The plaque is an acknowledgment of the owner’s efforts to research and document the building’s history and to maintain these structures as worthy examples of architectural style. The buildings and owners which receive plaques serve as role models for the larger community to emulate. The buildings become “reference books” for use in teaching others about our architectural and cultural heritage. There are a large number of “kit” or “catalog” homes in Elgin. These buildings were originally constructed using precut lumber and other materials largely supplied by a single source. The buildings were marketed through catalogs and sold by Sears, Roebuck and Company and other firms. The Heritage Commission plaque program recognizes these homes with a special plaque that documents the name of the original owner, the date of construction and the model name.
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