All the News Home of tbe News of All the Pointes Every Thursday Morning * * * rosse Call TUxedo 2-6900 Complete .News Coverage of AU the Pointes 16 Entered as second Class Matter VOLUME 19-No" at the Post OHlce at Detroit, Web. GROSSE POINTE. MICHIGAN, APRIL 17, 1958 5e Per Copy ta.50 Per YeK 24 PAGES 'Fully Paid Circulation • HEADLINES A Far Cry from Threatened Floods of Other Years of the Memorial Center Violators WEEK ., • Subject to As Compiled by th~ Drlve Plea.- . Entlces Punishment GrOsse Point~ News Beauty.conscious G r 0 U .p Thursday, April 10 1,315 Contributors Meets in.Yacht Club to CUBAN ARMED FORCES Discuss Enforcement' struck down a rebel uprising ,f and gen~ral strike \ attempt in Campaign Goes Ahead of Results P\>sted a't Same Time Litter created by Grosse Havana Wednesday. Thirty or Last year as DonOrs Give $19,122 Pointe High School stu- more rebels were believed dents was the chief topic of killed. Two were mowed down Toward Goal of $37,500 conversation when a small by a bodyguard in an apparent I The past weekend brought encouraging news to the group of beauty-conscious attempt to assassinate Educa- I citizens gathered at a lunch- tion Minister Vincento Cauce. Grosse Pointe War Memorial Association currently in eon session on W ed..flesday, National police pressed a the midst of its 1958 Annual Family Participation Cam- relentless search for rebel paign for funds. For the first time in the drive the April 9, in the Grosse hideaways. They cut down amount given pushed ahead of the sum received bv the Pointe Yacht Club. some rebels in running gun- same point in the 1957. Campaign. .- Norbert Neff, manager ot fights. The relbel toll is ex- As of the 12th day of re-~ I the City of Grosse Pointe, was host to the group which in- pected to mount steadily. ceipts in the drive, $19,122.61 cluded Mrs. James McMillan Rebels seized and briefly had been received from 1,315 donors as ~ompared to $18,- Ta,kenby ~)eath and Mrs. Andrew W. Barr, rep. held Cuba's biggest radio and, resenting . the Ga'I"den Club TV stations in Havana and 774.26 received from 1,220 in 1957. ,'~~v,',:,' Council; Sidney DeBoer, man- played records telling Cubans ager of Grosse Pointe Farms; that rebel leader Fidel Cas- White rejoicing in the pick- the Rev. Erville B. Maynard, tro's general strike was in up of receipts, the Center rector of Christ Church; Jerry effect. They called for the peo- wants to emphasize that the Gerich, High School principal; ple to rise in arms a.gainst gQal this year is $37,500.00- Donald R. Campbell, assistant PresIdent Batista. $2,500 more than last year's ... ... principal; James Kelly and . target. Costs which the Center Robert Cook, student repre- Friday, April 11 must payout have not gone sentatives of the two Hi-Y CUBAN REBELS tried and down and the. Memorial ac- groups at the High School; failed in a blaze of gunfire and commodated nearly 15,000 Vemus Weot, park superin- bomb blasts again Thursday to more prop Ie during the Past tendent ~nd forestry directol" stir a full-scale revolution season than ever before and I for the City of Grosse Pointe; , I commitments for the future I against President fulgencio -Picture by Fred Runnells' and Robert B. Edgar of the I Batista. The receding shoreline has left the Anthony Mot- exposed sandy lake bottom,. No need to admonish show a continued upsurge. The Grosse Pointe News. This time the setting was schall home, just beyond the Grosse Pointe Yacht daughter not to go near the water. The hickory limb is lar.gest growth has been in Perennial Complaint Center-sponsored or co-spon- Santiago, capital of Oriente Club, high and dry, with the dock extending out over a sleeper hop from the old swimming hole. sored activities most .of wllicb. 'L'he subject of litter strewn Province. Government fire- by the students has long at- power withered the new up- are open to all Grosse Point- ers free-of-charge. tracted the 3.ttention of those r i sin g just as it had done interested in keeping the Wednesday in Havana, where Youthful State Police and O.C.D. Air Cooling Budget Is $135,455 Pointe clean and beautiful. 45 rebels and two policemen 'I'hough planning to ol)erate Merchants along Fisher road died. ... ... ... on a $135,455.00 budget next ~:<'<1,::,::~,' complained about the situation Thugs R,ob To Help Weat;her Bureau 'Charges 'S~t year, the sum asked in con- ' and the police have issued Saturday, April 12 tributions from the citizens of CHABJ,ES T. FL~HER, JR. many .warnings that they will RECORDS OF THE Cold.. Boy, Take'$~ With. Tornad'o Warnings In GP Park the five GrOSsePointes is only crack down on those found ""ater H 0 m e and Training a. little more than a fourth of The country suffered the guilty of this untidy habit. School were seized 'Friday as A Y N ff New Assistance Promises to Speed Up Forecasts When this amount. l.oss of a noted fir~ancier; De- The ,Farms has received let. th H ~ R t. ccost oungster at e City Follows Oetroit; Rates e ouse o~ epresen atlves Danger Threatens". New Procedure The Center is especially troit, a leader it'l business, ters of complaint from resi- began an investigation of al- And Kercheval; Threaten Established for Units Not pleased. with the growth in charitable and civiC' circles; dents near the schoOl whose leged brutality toward in~ Him After Taking Cash . To Be Effectiv,e May I Conservinci Water number of families contribut- and Grosse Pointe lost one of properties have been made mates. ing this year. It is very grati- unsightly when the wind scat- Dr. E. J. Rennell, s~pe:rin- From His Pocket The Michigan State Police and the Michigan Office its most popular residents in ters the litter cast off by the The Park council on Mon- fying to see this growth of tendent, will be summoned at -- of Civil Defense have agreed to assist the United States the' passing of Charles T. Fish- students. day, April 14, approved new support following the growth 10 a.m. 'I~1ursday to explain A Village shopping spree Weather Bureau in disseminating tornado forecasts. This er, Jr. Christ Church is particularly rates and -regulations gov- in usage. The Center is grate- to the House Ways and Means while on his spring vacation new assistance will increase the speed tornadq forecastS erning non-conse~g type ful for the continuing large Mr. Fisher died early Mon- interested because it adjoins Committee charges involving last Monday, April 7, ended can be given to the public. The following tornado termi- contributions' which come in the school property and the water cooled air condition- abuse of an inmate, who died . nology will be used in dissemination of ¥leather BureCiu year af,ter year and form a day morning-in Jennings Mem- students use its lawns and the after three instances of physi- WIth a rather harrowmg releases: 0------------- ing equipment' used within vital factor in the maintenance oriaL Hospital. He was 51, and building itself ,during the Cla1injury. experience for a local TORNADO WARNING: A the city. limits. had been suffering from lung lunch period. Extremely gym- I 12- tornado forecast, on the other of the Memorial. Also, how- ... • * The new rates include a de~, year-old boy. 'tornado. war'Ding is issued for hand, is .issued for a general ever, the Center wants to cancer for several months. He pathetic toward the students, manel cbar:ge applicable to all Sunday, April 13 I a localized area when a tor- area where one or more tor- achieve an increasingly brdad discovered the malignancy last the great majori,ty of which: A CIRCUIT COURT jury I He was enroute hom~ from nado has been sighted, urging water-cooled a1ir conditioning are not guilty of littering, Rev. nadoes' may occur, thus alert- base of support and. is sin- holding the fate of former the City's village center when people in fIle path of the storm units used' for space cooling cerely thankful to those giving September when t.1-ledeath of Maynard said the church had ing the public so safety pre- his brother, William P., promp- extended an invitation to them Ecorse Mavor William W. stopped at the corner of Neff to take immediate safety pre- cautions may be taken later for human comfort 110t. of to the extent that they are Voisine and 11 others was and Kercheval by two "older" cautions. the approved water consenTing ted him to take a physical ex- to use its facilities. if a tornado is seen, or if a able regardless of size. No gift locked up Saturday night until boys, judged to be 15 or 16- TORNADO FORECAST:, A type. warning is issued that a tor- is too small and all are truly amination. ,His brother also I Cafeteria Too Small 11 a.m. Sunday after it indi- y.ea!s-old. The youths had been 1------------- nado is approaching. Non-water 'conserving type appreciated. The BOOrd of Di- died of cancer. The cafeteria at the High. eated it wa& not near a ver- sIttmg on the curb and as the Effective May 1, the Michi- units have been placed into rectors hopefully looks for- . School is not large enough to dict. boy apprOached they' jumped two classifications~- that is, ward to achieving its $37,500.00 Mr.
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