2019 All Years Booklist Author Book Title ISBN Year Level Aaron, Moses Lily and Me 9780091830311 7-8 Aaron, Moses (reteller); Mackintosh, David (ill.) The Duck Catcher 9780733412882 EC-2 Abdel-Fattah, Randa Jodie 978-1-74299-010-1 5-6 Abdel-Fattah, Randa Rania 9781742990188 5-6 Abdel-Fattah, Randa The Friendship Matchmaker series 5-6, 7-8 Abdel-Fattah, Randa Does My Head Look Big in This? 978-0-330-42185-0 9-10 Abdel-Fattah, Randa Noah's Law 9781742624280 9-10 Abdel-Fattah, Randa Where the Streets Had a Name 978-0-330-42526-1 9-10 Abdel-Fattah, Randa When Michael Met Mina 9781743534977 7-8, 9-10 Abdulla, Ian As I Grew Older 978-1-86291-183-3 5-6 Abdulla, Ian Tucker 978-1-86291-206-9 5-6 Abela, Deborah Ghost Club series 5-6 Abela, Deborah Grimsdon 9781741663723 5-6 Abela, Deborah The Remarkable Secret of Aurelie Bonhoffen 9781741660951 5-6 Abela, Deborah In Search of the Time and Space Machine 978-1-74051-765-2 5-6 Abela, Deborah New City 9781742758558 5-6, 7-8 Abela, Deborah Teresa 9781742990941 5-6, 7-8 Abela, Deborah Max Remy Super Spy series 5-6, 7-8 Abela, Deborah In Search of the Time and Space Machine 978-1-74051-765-2 5-6, 7-8 Abela, Deborah The Stupendously Spectacular Spelling Bee 9781925324822 3-4, 5-6 Abela, Deborah; Warren, Johnny Jasper Zammit Soccer Legend series 5-6, 7-8 Abrahams, Peter Behind the Curtain 978-1-4063-0029-1 9-10 Abrahams, Peter Down the Rabbit Hole 978-1-4063-0028-4 9-10 Abrahams, Peter Into The Dark 9780060737108 9-10 Abramson, Ruth The Cresta Adventure 978-0-87306-493-4 3-4 Acton, Sara Ben Duck 9781741699142 EC-2 Acton, Sara Dinosaur Day Out 9781760650049 EC-2 Acton, Sara Hold on Tight 9781742833491 EC-2 Acton, Sara Poppy Cat 9781743620168 EC-2 Acton, Sara As Big As You 9781743629697 EC-2 Adams, Douglas Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy series 9-10 Adams, Jeanie Pigs and Honey 978-1-86388-046-6 5-6 Kids Night In 3: A Sea of Stories and Oceans of Other Adams, Jessica Stuff 978-0-14-330445-6 5-6 Adams, Jessica; Basini, Helen; Earls, Nick Kids' Night In 2: A Feast of Stories 978-0-14-330016-8 5-6 Adams, Jessica; Partridge, Juliet; Earls, Nick Kid's Night In! 978-0-14-330058-8 9-10 Adams, Michael The Last Girl Trilogy series 7-8, 9-10 Adams, Michael The Seven Signs series 7-8, 9-10 Adams, Pam Mrs Honey's series EC-2 Adams, Phillip; Newell, Patricia What a Joke! Collection 978-0-14-330149-3 5-6 Adams, Richard Watership Down 978-0-06-093545-0 7-8 Adamson, Joy Born Free 978-0-375-71438-2 7-8 Adeyemi, Tomi Legacy of Orïsha series 9-10 Adornetto, Alexandra The Lampo Circus 978-0-7322-8619-4 7-8 Adornetto, Alexandra Von Gobstopper's Arcade 978-0-7322-8663-7 7-8 Adornetto, Alexandra The Shadow Thief 978-0-7322-8618-7 7-8 Adornetto, Alexandra Halo series 9-10 Agard, John Hello New! 978-1-84121-621-8 3-4 Ahlberg, Allan Chicken, Chips and Peas 9780670879915 EC-2 Ahlberg, Allan Jeremiah in the Dark Woods 9780006716402 EC-2 Ahlberg, Allan Please Mrs Butler 9780140314946 3-4 Ahlberg, Allan The Bravest Ever Bear 9780744578645 3-4 Ahlberg, Allan; Ahlberg, Janet (ill.) Each Peach Pear Plum 9780140509199 EC-2 Ahlberg, Allan; Ahlberg, Janet (ill.) Peepo! 9780670871766 EC-2 Ahlberg, Allan; Ahlberg, Janet (ill.) The Jolly Postman or Other People's Letters 9780670886241 EC-2 Ahlberg, Allan; Amstutz, Andre (ill.) Grandma Fox 9780140564020 EC-2 Ahlberg, Allan; Briggs, Raymond (ill.) The Adventures of Bert 9780140567540 EC-2 Ahlberg, Allan; Ingham, Bruce The Pencil 9781406309621 3-4 Ahlberg, Allan; Ingman, Bruce The Runaway Dinner 9781406305494 EC-2 Ahlberg, Allan; Ingman, Bruce Previously 9781844280629 3-4 Ahlberg, Allan; Ingman, Bruce (ill.) Everybody Was a Baby Once 9781406321562 EC-2, 3-4 Ahlberg, Allan; Jaques, Faith (ill.) Miss Dose the Doctor's Daughter 9780140323467 EC-2 Aiken, Joan Foot in the Grave 978-0-670-84169-1 7-8 Aiken, Joan The Wolves of Willoughby Chase 978-0-09-941186-4 7-8 Ain, Beth; Higgins Keenan, Anne (ill) Starring Jules series 5-6 Airey, Miriam No Hat Brigade 978-1-74051-773-7 3-4 Albertalli, Becky Love, Simon 9780241330135 9-10 Albertalli, Becky Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda 9780062348678 9-10 Albom, Mitch Tuesdays with Morrie 9780733622694 9-10 Alborough, Jez Cuddly Dudley 9780744536072 EC-2 Alborough, Jez Hug 9780744582734 EC-2 Alborough, Jez My Friend Bear 9780744555714 EC-2 Alborough, Jez Some Dogs Do 9781844284573 EC-2 Alborough, Jez Super Duck 9780007273263 EC-2 Alborough, Jez Watch Out Big Bro's Coming 9780744563047 EC-2 Alborough, Jez Where's My Teddy? 9781844284818 EC-2 Alborough, Jez Yes 9781406304565 EC-2 Alborozo The Acrobat 9781846436338 EC-2 Alborozo, Gabriel Let's Play 9781743316283 EC-2 Alcott, Louisa May Little Women series 9-10 Alderson, Maggie Evangeline 9780670075355 EC-2, 3-4 Aldridge, James The Girl from the Sea 978-0-14-300112-6 7-8 Aldridge, James The True Story of Lilli Stubeck 978-0-14-012328-9 7-8 Aldridge, James The True Story of Spit MacPhee 978-0-14-010590-2 7-8 Aldridge, James Wings of Kitty St Clair 978-0-14-300492-9 7-8 Aldrin, Buzz; Minor, Wendell (ill.) Look to the Stars 978-0-14-350380-4 5-6 Alexander, Goldie The Little Big School 978-0-7329-5295-2 EC-2 Alexander, Goldie The Youngest Cameleer 978-1-74130-495-4 3-4, 5-6 Alexander, Goldie Car-Crimes 9780987141286 5-6 Alexander, Goldie Cowpat$ 1-92069-933-3 5-6 Alexander, Goldie Killer Virus and Other Stories 978-1-876580-36-0 5-6 Surviving Sydney Cove: the Diary of Elizabeth Alexander, Goldie Harvey, Sydney, 1790 978-1-86504-267-1 5-6, 7-8 Alexander, Goldie Transported 978-0-439-98114-9 7-8 Alexander, Goldie Hanna My Holocaust Story 9781743629673 7-8, 9-10 Alexander, Goldie; Gardner, Marjory (ill.) Hedgeburners 978-1-921479-26-7 5-6 Alexander, Goldie; Gaudion, Michele (ill.) Lame Duck Protest 978-1-921479-13-7 3-4 Alexander, Lloyd Taran Wanderer 978-0-7460-6839-7 7-8 Alexander, Lloyd The Black Cauldron 978-0-7460-6039-1 7-8 Alexander, Lloyd The Book of Three 978-0-7460-6038-4 7-8 Alexander, Lloyd The Castle of Llyr 978-0-7460-6040-7 7-8 Alexander, Lloyd The High King 978-0-440-43574-7 7-8 Alexandra, Tonya Nymph 9781922077240 7-8 Alexie, Sherman The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian 978-1-84270-844-6 9-10 Aliki William Shakespeare and the Globe 978-0-06-443722-6 7-8 Allaby, Michael DK Guide to Weather 978-0-7513-2856-1 3-4 Allen, Emma; Blackwood, Freya (ill.) The Terrible Suitcase 9781862919402 EC-2, 3-4 Allen, Emma; Sommerville, Hannah (ill.) Grandma, the Baby and Me 9781862918733 EC-2 Allen, Emma; Sommerville, Hannah (ill.) My Friend Ernest 9781460750537 EC-2 Allen, Judy Anthology for the Earth 978-0-7636-0301-4 3-4 Allen, Judy The Blue Death 978-0-340-80571-8 9-10 Allen, Pamela Alexander's Outing 978-0-14-055478-6 EC-2 Allen, Pamela Belinda 978-0-14-054493-0 EC-2 Allen, Pamela Bertie 9780670076956 EC-2 Allen, Pamela Bertie and the Bear 978-0-7343-0380-6 EC-2 Allen, Pamela Black Dog 978-0-14-054395-7 EC-2 Allen, Pamela Brown Bread and Honey 978-0-14-056825-7 EC-2 Allen, Pamela Can You Keep a Secret? 978-0-670-84405-0 EC-2 Allen, Pamela Cuthbert's Babies 978-0-670-04073-5 EC-2 Allen, Pamela Daisy All Sorts 978-0-7343-0480-3 EC-2 Allen, Pamela Fancy That! 978-0-14-050971-7 EC-2 Allen, Pamela Grandpa and Thomas 978-0-670-04157-2 EC-2 Allen, Pamela Grandpa and Thomas and The Green Umbrella 978-0-670-02973-0 EC-2 Allen, Pamela Hetty's Day Out 978-0-670-07447-1 EC-2 Allen, Pamela I Wish I Had a Pirate Suit 978-0-14-050988-5 EC-2 Allen, Pamela Is Your Grandmother a Goanna? 978-0-670-07112-8 EC-2 Allen, Pamela Mr Archimedes' Bath 978-0-207-17285-4 EC-2 Allen, Pamela Mr McGee series EC-2 Allen, Pamela My Cat Maisie 978-0-01-405423-7 EC-2 Allen, Pamela Nana's Colours 9780670075379 EC-2 Allen, Pamela Our Daft Dog Danny 978-0-670-07335-1 EC-2 Allen, Pamela Share Said the Rooster 978-0-670-04237-1 EC-2 Allen, Pamela Shhh! Little Mouse 978-0-670-07068-8 EC-2 Allen, Pamela The Bear's Lunch 978-0-14-056241-5 EC-2 Allen, Pamela The Little Old Man Who Looked Up At The Moon 9780670075812 EC-2 Allen, Pamela The Pear in the Pear Tree 978-0-14-056497-6 EC-2 Allen, Pamela The Potato People 978-0-670-89660-8 EC-2 Allen, Pamela The Toymaker and the Bird 978-0-670-07363-4 EC-2 Allen, Pamela Where's the Gold? 978-0-670-02844-3 EC-2 Allen, Pamela Who Sank the Boat? 978-0-14-056693-2 EC-2 Allen, Pamela One Sunday 9780670077656 EC-2 Allen, Pamela The Man with Messy Hair 9780670078677 EC-2 Allen, Pamela Fat Ferdie 9780670077168 EC-2 Allen, Pamela The Big Fish 9780670078974 EC-2 Our Don Bradman: the Diary of Victor McDonald, Allen, Peter Sydney, 1932 978-1-86504-591-7 5-6, 7-8 Allen, Scott Jesse the Elephant 9781921638138 3-4 Allende, Isabel City of the Beasts 978-0-00-714635-2 7-8 Allende, Isabel Forest of the Pygmies 978-0-00-719963-1 7-8 Allende, Isabel Kingdom of the Golden Dragon 978-0-00-717748-6 7-8 Allum, Margaret; Watson, Judy (ill.) How Many Peas in a Pod? 978-1-921049-43-9 EC-2 Almond, David Kit's Wilderness 978-0-340-72716-4 7-8 Almond, David Wild Girl, Wild Boy: a Play 978-0-340-85431-0 7-8 Almond, David My Name Is Mina 978-0-340-99725-3 7-8, 9-10 Almond, David Skellig 978-0-340-71600-7 7-8, 9-10 Almond, David; Pinfold, Levi (ill.) The Dam 9781406304879 EC-2, 3-4 Almond, David; Smith, Alex T.
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