I No. 4/86 . ISSUE 50 o DECEtrVIBER 1986 NEW ZEAI-{ND REGISTERED MAGAZINE WincherDte: (NZl Ltd DUCKS IJNTIMIIED QUARIERTY is pre'= r to support Ducks Unlimited (NZ) Inc. WAIERFOWT JOIRNAI, in their efforts to propagate and preserve New Zealand's rare uraterfowl. & :.x. t t - ? o 6 1 I ** = Qi; i 'a: ,ji:.t .i- .i:Bj w i* *: , I F' ,**=l t :r' I I I TF:- J % !.- * ,{t ,: !. I s i, Blue Duck li il ii' , MORE THAN A NAME. A LEGEND. Dlstrlbuted in New Zealand By: Winchester New Zealand 16 DUCKSUNLm (N.Z)INC., - FOR WAIERFOWL AND WETLANDS - PO BOX 4+f76tOWER lill-rr, NEW m,ALANn PRESIDENT'S REPORT BOARD OFDIRECTORS A. R. Wilson Ltd, HAMILION. Wellington Zoological Gardens. AI{D OITICIAI,SI FOR I986E7 Another festive season approaches as tions of local Chapters. Ducks Unlimited in interested in planting to enhance habitat and Winchester NZ Ltd, AUCKLAND. PRESIDENT wetland areas continue to disappear. One New Zealand hopes to emulate the impact of to add beatuy to the landscape. Bud has Westpac Banking Corp, Te Aro, WELLINGTON. J.C. Campbell,'Rameslie', RDl, MASTERTON. area which has given some cause for en- its big brother in America by encouraging the proved which varieties thrive in varying con- Reikorangi Pottery, WAIKANAE. thusiasm is Home Lagoon, featured in the growth of Chapters to assist in the urgent task ditions and has very valuable advice to otfer. VICF.PRET|IDENT Allan Millar Ltd, DUNEDIN. 1834, AUCKLAND. previous issue of "Flight". Thankfully, the of wetland preservation and restoration. To We are fortunate to be hosting Herb Mould- M. Newcomb, PO Box T. Fennesey, WELLINGTON. E. Handyside family was encouraged to retain this end, the Board has recently appointed ing from Canada shortly. Herb has been an Co., WELI.INGTON. SECRETARY Stanley Ammunition this impressive wetland and with considera- Derek Morrison as Chapter Coordinator to engineer with DU Canada for some thirty Pacific Arms Co., WELLINGTON. F.N. Hayes, 17 Wise Street, WAINUIOMAIA' ble input from Ducks Unlimited together with assist in this important task. So come on years and will have a wealth of information P. Johansen, TOKOROA. assistance f rom the Wildlife Service and the Christchurch, Blenheim and Dunedin; Eketa- to impart. Any members wishing to host Herb TREASI]RER Otorohanga Zoo, OTOROHANGA. Hooson, 39 Dominion Park St, JOHNSOI'WILLE. Acclimatisation Society movement, this valu- huna needs some challenge from further and his wife whilst they are touring New C.W. The World Shooting, SWITZERLAND. of able remnantof habitat has been saved and South. Zealand will, I am sure, be well rewarded. BOARD MEIVIBERS NZ Outdoor Magazine, PALMERSTON NORTH. restored. The final steps of the construction I spent a very pleasant evening recently Please contact any Director for further infor- R.D.4. PAHIAruA Jewellers, WANGANUI. A.K.M. Elliott,'Rawhitf Broadhead of islands and other improvements will be with DU members Elizabeth and Bud Jones mation. Ms D. Pritt, Smiths Road, OHAKUNE. D. J. & V. M. Duncan Farms, HUNTERVILLE. carried out this dry season. at their Nireaha property wandering around Finally, I thank all Directors and members M. Timms, 9 Millward Street, WANGANUI. N.Z. Small Game Shooters Sporting Assn, WGTON There are many more such areas within ponds and inspecting the large variety of for the support they have given me over the B. Coe, ll Burnside Street, LOWER HUT'[. Promotional Marketing Co., LOWER HUTT. our grasp but which require a financial input trees they have planted. The enthusiasm past year and wish you all a merry Christmas P.B.C. Pirani, 'Branta' Kahikatea Flat Road, Dairy Flat' Tight Lines, WAIUKURAU. far beyond our resources at the moment. ln shown by Bud as he described how much and a happy and prosperous New Year. R.D.2, Albany, AUCKLAND. N. Newcomb Ltd, AUCKLAND. the United States, most of Ducks Unlimited's growth some trees can achieve in just three Jlm C. Campbell Hill Road, PAUTAHANUI. Ballinger Firearms Ltd., CHRISTCHURCH. J. Glover, massive funding comes from the contribu- seasons would be sure to stimulate anybody Mrs G. Hansen,'Tidsfordriv', R.D. 3, EKETAHUNA. P. F. Nola, AUCKLAND. G. Girvan, 77 Waipapa Road, Hataitai, WELLINGTON. S. Gibbard, WANGANUI. Associates, AUCKLAND WILDLIFE SERYICE REPRESENTAITVE Turbott & Wildlife Centre, R.D.l, Mt Bruce, Faulkner Motors Ltd, WELLINGTON. I. Bryant, National Ltd, RAETIHI. MASTERTON. Winstone Afforestation N. W. Gunson, OHAUPO. OTHEROITICIALS Niloc Ltd., PETONE. Membership Secretary Gun City, CHRISTCHURCH. Brendan Coe Lyons Plumbing, HAMILTON. 'flight'Editor K. Mackie, AUCKLAND. Gary Girvan W. I. Becroft, PAPAKURA. Chapter Liaison Officer J. R. Morris, HIKURANGI. Derek Morrison, Waitohu Valley Rd, R.D.1 OTAKI R. A. Stanton, CHRISTCHURCH. HONORARY VETF,RINARY ADYISER: P. Vincent, TE AWAMUTU. J. O. Gill, B.V.Sc., ROTORUA. A. C. L. Insurance, PARNELL. R. V. Atkinson, TE KUITI. HONORARYMEMBERS R. L. Newcombe, MASTERTON. K. Barnett, TOKAANU Nelson Lakes Guiding Services, ST ARNAUD. H. A. Sinclair, MBE, DUNEDIN Magnetic Sweeper Ltd, AUCKLAND. K. G. W. Wilkinson, WELLINGTON Kati Kati Bird Gardens. Adrienne Longuet, WELLINGTON G. R. Holmes, WELLINGTON. E R. T. Adams, UPPER HUI-I E. G. Phillips, CAMBRIDGE .TRADE MEMBERS Queenstown Wildlife Park. Langdons Machinery Ltd., ASHBURTON. LIIIE MEXVIBE,RS g W. Barrett, AUSTRALIA. t! Marshalls Fine Arts, STRATFORD. a Rod & Rifle Magazine, PETONE. N. C. Cameron, FEAIHERSTON. W. H. Day, WINTON. P. M. Mcleod, CHRISTCHURCH. Kilwell Sports Ltd, RoToRUA. I. H. Pirani, ROTORUA. Halcyon Publishing Co. AUCKLAND. Mrs D. G. Pirani, ROTORUA. Reloaders Supplies Ltd, AUCKLAND. J. H. B. Ward, HUNTLY. A. Coltart, HASTINGS. M. J. Bourke, KIMBOLION. Rainbow & Fairy Springs, ROTORUA. Ava Zaubernen, AUCKLAND. Issac Wildlife Trust, CHRISTCHURCH. ,f F. S. S. Bailey, AUCKLAND. President's Report 3 N. Marsh, TAUPO. crlts DU News 4 Dr T. Reiger, ALASKA, U.S.A. Dr M. L. Hucks, TAUPO. ProiectReports.... 6 J. Campbell, MASTERTON. EA Govt Wetlands Policy 9 Mrs C. L. Pirani, AUCKLAND. Lla 'fr( Nga Manu Trust K. Lowry, AUSTRALIA. t2 R. M. Eberhardt, U.S.A. Cover pic{ure: Mute t**rXHEHr$g|r.the early morning mist at M. White, DUNEDIN. A. A. Gurney, UPPER HUTT. Central North Island Wildlife Conservancy Council, Photographed by Bud Jones: Olympus OM2, Olympus 300mm lens. ROTORUA. Other-ptiotogrAihs by Gary Giwan, Neil Hayes. M. R. Grace, HUNTERVILLE. Ducks Unlimited (NZ) Incorporated is a private, non-profit membership organisation dedicated to the_preservation, restoration, creation and maintenance of wetlands habitat in New Zealand and to the propagation of the country's rare waterfowl as a valuable natural resource; The organisation was founded in May 1974by a group of far-sighted conservationists and incorporated by them in June l9?5 at Wellington, New Zealand. The national headquarters mailing address is PO Box 44176, inwer Hutt. "Flight" is the official quarterly publication of Ducks Unlimited (NZ) Incorp-grated reaching 2fi)0 devoted members and friendi concerned with waterfowl conservation. pU 49m[ephips beiggs at $5.50pa for- funior io $16.50 for full membership with provision for trade and life members. Membership of Ducks Unlimited carries with it subscription to this publication. To assuri prompt delivery, members who m.ove are urged to forward their new address atoni witi current mehbership details to nat-ionaLheadquarters. ktters and contributed manuscripts and photographs. President, Jim Campbell, surveys the mute slvans onhisproperty. snouia Ue addressed to the 'Fl-ight" Editgr. Views expresled by contributors are their own and do not necessarily constitute those of Ducks Unlimited (NZ) Incorporated. .TLIGHT' IS PRINTED BY LITHOGRAPIilC SERVICES [fI), I.JOWER TIUTT 2 3 a road went our convoy, firstly to Jim Camp- which have been through a selection process tion is to be held on the 21st of March, 1987 bell's to view one of his newer ponds and a to ensure they have the correct maternal in- at the Shaw Saville Lodge, Kilbirnie, Welling- IUEWS pair of mute swan, then to Rathkeale College. stincts. We were able to have questions an- ton. Chapter members will receive an invita- DU a fine pond layout with a mag- swered and were most impressed with Bill's tion in their next newsletter. All members and Rathkeale has nificent range of birds on it. lt is a tribute to activities. friends are, of course, welcome and anywho NATIONAL RAFFLE for many years. D.U. Director Mark New- to grow at a healthy rate. But there is no rea- the DU members involved and the school. It was a most interesting and enjoyable day do not receive the newsletter should make partyof comb did a fine job as raffle organiser and son why each member should not be recruit Our tour had been joined by our local and we can only hope our mainly new bookings through Chris Hooson, 39 Domin- The D.U. National Raffle was strongly sup- hopes are high that the D.U. raffle will be- ing at least one new member per month!! guides Ted and Glenys'don't follow us, we're members is as enthusiastic about our ion Park St, Johnsonville, Wellington. (via projects ported bythe D.U. membership. The supporl come an annual one. New Life Member. Mark R. Grace of 'Rath- i-ost" Hansen, who th-en took us a scenic as the Committee are and that our in fact overwhelmed Directors. Sincere thanks to all for a great result. moy' Hunterville has become D.U.'s21st Life route!) to Bill Clinton-Bake/s property. Bill trips will be as well supported in the future. DUCKS UNUHITED PRO.'ECT IN THE particular A gross income of was achieved, I987 ANNUAL CONFERENCE member, and at 15 years of age is easily our gave us a short and most interesting talk on A thanks to Derek Morrison for NEWS $7,500 planning photograph with a net profit of equivalent to A registration form forthe 1987Annual Con- vounoest Life member to date.
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