RSHWT FEES PUBLIC LIBRARY 1.175 ST. GBOSCES AVE. RAHfAT, H.J. 07065 RAHWAY JtA Sy New Jersey's Oldest Weekly Newspaper—Established 1822 VOL. 165 NO. 40 RAHWAY, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 1. 1987 USPS 454 160 25 CENTS 'Concerned citizens" bonding together to fight resource recovery in Railway by Pal DiMaggio Hilbcrt also cautioned Roots Environmental cinerator — because it dled for landfills. Then we'd A "community meeting" against heavy metals re- Group. "An overall policy is would delay the process of get some control back over was held at the J.F.K. sulting from the burning of pushing throughout this building the incinera- our waste stream." Ccnicr on Edit Hazelwood garbage. "Lead has been state to construct inci- tors."continued Hoffman. We must seek legal ad- Avenue on September 24 to shown to cause learning dis- ncraiore," said Hoffman. "The DEP has not issued vice and start raising some discuss the dangers of the abilities in children," iie "We have to think about regulations for pollutants money," said Coleman at proposed resource recovery said. "Heavy metals are a- the effect of all these in- that will*come out of the the end of the meeting. facility to be built in scrious problem and they've cinerators, not just the one stack and has not issued "The Freeholders are not Rahway. been overlooked." in Rahway. We don't know regulations for ash. The listening to us, the majority Concerned Citizens on Ash, a by-product of re- what combined effect these slate refuses to determine if of our municipal officials the Environment, a group source recovery, is a ha- chemicals will have on our ash will be toxic or not. arc not listening to us. formed six weeks ago and zardous waste, said Hilbert. bodies. We are talking They want to build the in- neither is the state. The on- chaired by First Ward "In Rahway, not only do about burning thousands of cinerators first." ly way we can continue to Councilman Jerry Cole- you have to find a site to tons of garbage in a densely Alternative means to re- fight is to continue the man, hosted three speakers dispose of the ash. but you populated area that also has source recovery facilities political battle and to con- who discussed health issues arc also faced with the po- a number^ of .hazardous i | linili- thy legal battle." VOCATIONAL DISCUSSION. .Representatives of Elizabeth LAVSD; Ann Graco, Linden LAVSD; Stanley waste disposaTsites."r~ g associated with garbage in- tential of having hazardous start recycling in earnest," The Concerned Citizens some of the state's Local Area Vocational School Grossman, Union County Rogional LAVSD: Tom Hudak. cinerators. waste trucked through your "The State Department said Hoffman. "Plastic, on the Environment group Districts met recently at the Jonathan Dayton Regional Morris Hills Rogional LAVSD: Rocco Tocci, Lower "The group stemmed neighborhood." of the DEP does not want aluminum, glass and news- will meet again on October High School in Springfield to discuss issues relating to Cumden County Regional LAVSD:-and John Cummings, from our desire to do some- Dr. Ted Flynn, from to come up with siting papers should be recycled. 25 at the J.F.K. Center. A high school vocational education programs in Now North Hunterdon Rogional LAVSD. thing as a community to Wcstfield. is a pharmacolo- criteria — what would be a We should start compost- Regional Conference is Jersey. Pictured are, from left, Anthony Guttadora, prevent resource recovery gist and received his Ph.D. safe place to put an in- ing. Some items can be bun- planned on November 21. from coming to Rahway," from the University of said Coleman. "We are con- Medicine and Dentistry in centrating on organizations Newark. "When chemicals and people in this general get out into the environ- vicinity as well as other ment and people get sick, organizations and individuls then they'll listen. They're Unauthorized 'recyclers' outside of town." not interested in chemicals Most of the discussion until someone gets sick," focused on health hazards said Flynn. "There are no from pollutants associated arguments about dioxins subject to fines in Rahway with burning garbage at causing a problem and there high temperatures. is nothing older in the study The Department of En- of medicine than the fact Unauthorized picking up collected by people not Those persons found in materials cannot be picked vironmental Protection that heavy metals cause of curbside recyclable associated with the recycl- violation of the ordinance up at curbside. (DEP) allows pollutants problems." materials violates city law. ing program implemented are subject to a S500 fine such as sulfur dioxide Flynn was especially con- according to a statement by the City of Rahway. for each offense. Any Rahway resident nitrogen oxide, hydro- cerned with the effects re- released by Theodore E. City ordinance states that who violates this ordinance choloric acid, lead, carbon source recovery facilities Polhamus, Director/Chief once material is placed, at The ordinance does not is subject to denial of any monoxide, dioxins, PCBs, would have on fetuses. of Police in Rahway. curbside by Rahway resi- prohibit residents from sell- refuse collection by the City formaldehyde, heavy metals "What will happen to the The police department dents, the material to be ing or donating glass con- of Rahway. as well as other and dibenzoflurans to people in the neighborhood has been receiving calls recycled becomes the pro- tainers, aluminum cans or legal remedies available to escape from the facility's who are pregnant," he ask- from citizens complaining perty of the City of ncwspaj)ers to individuals the City of Rahway, accor- smoke stack, said Dr. Jim ed."Incinerators are the about their materials being Rahway. or organizations, bvit the ding to the statement. Hilbert, a Rockaway Town- anti-solution to the garbage ship Councilman who holds problem. Maybe we'll not a PH.D. in science and en- have the health problems, Paul Chaplar vironmental issues. our children will. We The state has guidelines should solve it ourselves promoted Holmes, Muriell receive but no regulations concern- and not push the problem Paul Chaplar, son of ing resource recovery fa- onto their backs." Charles J. and Janet M. cilities at this time, said Resource recovery facili- Chaplar of Stone Street, 1987 Meyer Stein Award er.L—13Cherei;—noU-too- p -N.J^NETS-ST«ATEQV7^Tony-Paacala, right, a in»inbaT-pf^e~'XtwaTns~C1Qtrbf Rahway, has been pro- much experience in the county in New Jersey ex- Rahway, thanks guest speaker Tim Bassett, Director of Marketing Relations and Coor- moted in the U.S. Air Force The Rahway Recreation for his country during summer. He enjoys playing DEP regulating these cept for Cumberland, Burl- dinator, Speakers Bureau of the New Jersey Nets. At a recent meeting of the club, to the rank of senior air- Department has presented World War II. football, basketball, baseball things" said Hilbert. "Diox- ington and Hunterdon Bassett recalled some of his experiences while he played with the Nets championship man. the 1987 Meyer L. Stein Applicants are chosen by and fishes in his spare time. in and dibenzofiurans have counties, with one presently teams In the ABA. He said, In his opinion, that Wilt Chamberlain was the greatest player Chaplar is an inventory Award to Jonathan Holmes park counselors throughout Tracie, 14. resides on to be controlled. If a gar- being constructed in War- In basketball history. He noted that Wilt holds more records than any other player. He management specialist with and Tracie Muriell. the 11 city playgrounds bas- East Hazelwood Ave. with bage incinerator is built in ren County, said Madeline also Indicated that this year's Nets will be more than competitive with the other teams the IOth Supply Squadron The award, given annual- ed on good attendance, par- her parents Gloria and your neighborhood, they're Hoffman, of Bloomfield, In the NBA. The Klwanis club of Rahway meets on Wednesdays at 1 2:1 S at the Col- in England. ly to the outstanding boy ticipation in playground ac- Claude Muriell. She is in not going to be controlled." speaker from the Grass umbian Club In Rahway. He is a I984 graduate of and girl enrolled in the tivities and competition. the ninth grade and volun- Rahway High School. Rahway Recreation De- Jonathan. 14, is a resi- teers at the Rahway Day partment Summer Play- dent of Ridge Road with his Care Center. Her interests ground Program, was parents, Joyce and Ray- include playing the piano, presented by Miss Ruth mond Holmes. He is in basketball und babysitting. Stein in memory of her ninth grade and was a par- She was a Brennun Field Merck finalizes plans brother, who gave his life ticipant at Stein Field this participant. for Readington move Merck & Co., Inc. has an- Overall employment at the governor's office, local nounced that, after careful Rahway most probably will legislators and the Reading- consideration of long-term remain the same after these ton mayor's office fully in- growth plans, preparations employees move, since per- formed. have begun for the con- sonnel working in leased fa- struction and occupancy of cilities in Woodbridge can "The establishment of the a major new office site in occupy the vacated office Readington facility reaf- Readington Township, space. firms Mercks commitment New Jersey. Throughout the planning to the state of New Jersey," The facility will be process for the Readington said Merck Chairman P. located on a previously pur- site, the company has kept Roy Vagclos, M.D. chased 456-acre tract in Hunterdon County that is located just west of Exit 24 (Whitehousc) of 1-78, bet- ween Route 22 and 1-78.
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