am Vol. 106, No. 32 10¢ per copy 3 Hurt OnRide 5 Meet Death At Fair A mishap at the Ingham county fairgrounds last Wed­ nesday night August 4 sent In Fiery Crash cable cars on the GOO foot long SWiss Lift, a IJ!gh sky Collision of a truck and a ;uHI lms!Jrmd ami father of the 2 draft horses from the In .. rIde along the Midway care­ been thrown clear of the car car on Howell road, near Wil­ victims. ghnm county fair. Delbridge ening about as the pulleys sup­ before It burst Into flames. liamston road, east of Mason Robert Dt>I!Jridge, 15, By­ and Anson wPre with the porting them slipped from the Meier and Wooden attempted Saturday night broug·ht fiery ron, a passenger In the truck, horses at t lw rear of the cables. Three persons among to get the 3 viet! ms out of the death to a mother and her 3 Anson died of his injuries truck. One horse was sl!g·ht­ the 15 aboard the device were car but w0re driveriback when children, Another person, a­ Monday morning. ly hurt. the gas tank PXplodel!. Injured and required hospital mong the 3 injured at the TIJP driver· of the truclt was treatment. Tht> Meier family was en­ Wooden saw the pigs at SC£'ne, died later in Mason Lloyd Wooden, 50, of Byron. route to Mason to visit a fam­ aL>ot1t the same t! me Meier The Injured: General hospital. Hiding with him were his fa­ Mrs. Virginia Potter, 625 ily friend, Dr. George Clin­ did anrl slowed down. The The dead: ther, Jay, 78, also of Byron, ton, police said. Mr. and Mrs, Meier car, also attempting Ktpllng boulevard, 41, of Lan­ Mrs. Mary Meier, f>3 Anson and Delbridge. Wooden Meier had lived in Mason un­ sing, wife of State Senator to avoh! the pigs, swerved Grosse Polnl. Park, and his father both escaped til 1052 when they moved to Into the pall! of the oncom­ , Lorraine J. Meier, 19, a Faces Charge Injury. Grosse Point Park. Meier is ing; truck and was struck <:laughter. The MPiers wert> former a vier-prPsidpnt of the Parkl'­ broadside, police said. In Fair Case William J. Meier, 14, a residents of Mason. Davis company. In attempting to rescue his Watler Roger Farr of son. Their car was moving west Cm·onPr Darwin Hoffmeyer family, Meier suffererl burns, Charlotte, charged with Anne M. Mei£!r, 12, rtdaugh­ on HowPll I'Dad. As they ap­ said 2 of tlw bodies wpre shock and n pass !ble concus­ ler, malicious destruction of proachPd the scent' of the burned bPyond recognition. A sion. ll!s condli!on Tuesday property in connection wtth Lloyd Anson, f> 2, Byron, a crash several hogs started third hotly was badly burned, was reported as satisfactory the accident at the Swiss passenger in the truck. across the roact. Meier swerv­ A fourth was found near a at the Mason General hospi­ Lift at the Ingham county The injured include: ed to avoid hitting tlwm and fence allout 40 feet from tlw tal. fair last week pleaded not William Meier, 50, Grossp into the path of thP Wooden scene of the collision. The il()(!!es of Mrs. Meier guilty when arraigned be­ Point Park, driver of the car truck which was returning witlt Meier is l>eiieved to have and the children were re­ fore Judge Roy Adams in moved to the Ball-Dunn Fun­ Mason justice court this eral home in Mason. Funeral week. Judge Adams set services were conducted his bond at $250, which Tuesday at 11 a.m. at the was provided, and he was City Bids Sad Farewell St. James Roman Catholic released to await trial. church with burial In Maple Sheriff's officers said Grove cemetery here. nev. they will ask hearings In W!ll!am J. Rademacher, pas­ probate couri on 2 other To 4 Victims of Crash tor of St. James officiated. 16 year old youngsters who The Rosary was recited Mon­ also were involved in thH Over 300 persons attend11d lire Parkl'-Davis bmu·d of di­ mother until her death. She day night. Incident .. the funeral service for Mrs. rectors, not to mention the also cared for her own mother William Meier and her 3 child­ Mason and GrossH Pointe Park and uncle. Pallbearers were D.D. Ew­ Don Potter, who suffered bone ren ·of Grosse Pointe Park friends came to pay their re­ While in Mason she was a Ing, J.E. Sw!etzer, E. IV, chip on her left elbow and a who were killed in an auto­ spects, member of the Mason College Walke, A.G. Denison, W.H. cut and bruises on her leg. mobile accident near Mason Although Grosse Pointe Park club and her husband a Bumlensen, lUI. Bogin, R.E. Mrs. Virginia M. Brenner, Saturday evening, Aug. 7. residents, the Meier family member of the Ctill Scout Pack Mottin, D.K. Foraker, C. W. 3687 Dell road, 43, of Holt Persons attending the serv­ was always loyal to Mason committeP.. Linger, H.E. Farrell, T.E. who suffered back !njt:r!es and ice typified the many, many from the beginning In 1940 Mrs. MHier and her child­ Harris, D.C. Neill, E.G. Mil­ multiply cuts and hrusles. friends and associates that the when Meier took a joh at ren recently returned to Ma­ lard, J.E. Hinkle, ll.J. Barn­ Margaret L. Brenner, 8, Meiers family held near to· Wyeth Laboratories, Inc. here son especially to participate hill, W. V. Kennedy, H. F. Sei­ her daughter, who had a knee themselves. The president of· as plant engineer. in the Centennial CPiellration. bert, H,C. Bell, D.A. Thiel­ bruise and suffered from Parke-Davis Company, the en- In 1952 Meier accepted a The night of the riccident they man, N.F. Pritzel, F'.G. Guer­ shock. position with Parke-Davis and were coming to see many of riero, L.O. Austin, G.R. Pear­ The injured were treated company where h£? advanced to their close friends at a gath­ sall and B. R. Plakke. at Mason General hospital and the office of vke-president. ering at the Dr. George Clin­ The Meter family l!ved.!n then discharged. Old Jail Members of the Meier fam­ ton home. Mason for many years he­ Ingham county sheriff's of­ ily were strongly tied to Mason fore moving to Grosse Point fleers said 3 boys from Char­ and their Mason friends. They Park, Mayor Gilson Pearsall, lotte admitted Ci\l!S!ng the ac-. ;Prqiect visitNl. the cltv l'egulorly ~n•l a friend of the famlly, said. elden!. They said they rocked maintained 2 homes here, one While hi~J·e Meier was em-­ at 400 E. Elm street and the ployed by Wyeth Laborator­ 'Okayed other on S. Barnes street. ies, Inc., where he was the and swayed cable cars as they They had planned for many Ingham supervisors heard plant engineer. He came to came close to the ground. years to return to Mason fol­ the plans for converting the old Mason from the New York Officers released them to lowing Meier's retirement. The area. window breakers jall into office facilities Tues­ area in 1940. the custody of their parents The home on Elm street are on the move again. day. after questioning, pending the was kept vacant for several Harold Ginter of Mason re­ The Meiers family had Frank & Stein, architects results of a further invest­ years so the family could re­ ported to the sheriff's depart­ Office hired to study the conversion, maintained a home In Mason igation and conference with turn fol' weekend visits and mAnt WAdnesday, Aug. 3, that presented the plans--and the since moving to Grosse Point Don Reisig, Ingham county summer vacations. 2 picture windows, 3 feet by To The Rescue estimated cost. It was the cost Park. They had heen planning prosecutor. Mrs. Meier was a woman 4, had been broken during the Abolished which brought some debate and to return to the Mason resi­ Donald Reisig, prosecuting entirely devoted to her church night at the Alaiedon Element­ There will be one less of­ MASON FIRE CHIEF Hugh Silsby is shown opposition on the vote to go dence at 400 E. Elm street attorney for Ingham county, and family. She and her hus­ ary School. flee on the ballot In 1968. ahead with the project, sometime in the future where removing a child from a seat on the "Swiss said one of the boys, Walter Investigating officers found At Tuesday's session of the Under the plans present­ band were the initiators of the they intended to make their Roger Farr, 18 of Char­ St. James Rom an Catholic that 2 rocks the size of base­ permanent home. supei'VIsors the office of Lift" following last Wednesday night's mishap 1 ed the former sheriff's res­ lotte, was charged with mali­ church. Before the church balls had been thrown thi'Ough county surveyor was abol­ Idence w111 undergo some at the Ingham County Fair. Three boys are cious destruction of personal the windows at the front of Besides her husl>and, Mrs. ished. After the term of Wil­ minor moderations and be was built Mrs. Meier opened property and mall cious tam­ the building. Meier is survived by 2 bro­ liam C. Berryman expires blamed for the incident which injured 3 converted into headquarters l1er home for the church cat­ pering with an exh!blt at a echism classes.
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