1 Mulcahy discusses questions 1 concerning housing contracts by Jerry Perez added that in his five years as The contract also states, "The rector of Planner, he had not University shall not be liable for In an interview yesterday, Fr. encountered many rectors who any damage or loss of any of the John "Moose" Mulcahy, director would exercise the right. resident's personal property from of student residence, diseussed Mulcahy claimed that he had any cause whatsoever.'' When certain questions raised by the never entered a student's room asked if "any cause whatsoever" university's contract for under­ without permission. According to included ·the negligence of dormi­ graduate housing. Topics covered him, there are other, less drastic tory maids or the dormitory itself included the university's contrac­ ways to handle routine dormitory (e.g., the unexpected activation of tual responsibility to the student situations. "In the case of a the heating system melts a stu­ and the student's right to privacy. parietal violation, you use the dent's record albums), Mulcahy The housing contract to which all phone," he suggested .. " 'Pardon answered that he could not be students residing on campus must me, what time does your Lady certain of the decision in those agree states, "The University re­ Timex say?' The message is cases. serves the right ... to enter rooms conveyed. Like I say, there doesn't Mulcahy also did not know without a search warrant for the have to be a conflict." whether any legal action taken on purpose of maintaining security, Nevertheless, Mulcahy saw the the student's part in such cases discipline and the orderly operation potential to exercise the rector's could overstep the terms of the of an educational institution.'' right to enter as essential to the contract. "You're going to have to Mulcahy denied <;barges that the hall's operation. "What about the ask a lawyer," he said. "This kind "right to enter" clause was an kid who no one has seen for a of contract is not like pne between invasion of privacy. "I do not see it week? What about the rain coming landlord and tenant. They differ in as a waiving of rights," he admitt­ in an open window? There are so law." ed. "I don't see a conflict. Parents many good reasons that you would The actual extent of the univer­ come in your room at home." want to go in." sity's duty to the student, accord­ Although Mulcahy acknowledg­ Mulcahy denied that he would ing to Mulcahy, includes mainten­ ed a Constitutional provision for without permission enter a room to ance of good living conditions and the right to privacy, he denied its search for or confiscate drugs. protection against such things as pertinence to educational institu­ When asked if a rector who did so fire and intruders. Concerning the tions. "These things have already would be violating the student's protection of personal belongings, been in the courts," he explained. right to privacy, he replied that it he remarked, "The University's Mulcahy ascertained that under was an unfair question. To the role is different from that of a cop. the contract, a rector could enter a statement that it was merely a Whenever you deal with this, room at any time and for any hypothetical one, Mulcahy replied, you're getting into the 'pseudo reason whatsoever. However, he "No, it is not." parentis' thing.'~ Four-point plan designed Joint effort initiated for Logan fight Michael Lewis the state capitol if necessary. members who voted for the cut to believe they are, i don't think and I hope they reconsider their Staff Reporter Finally, we are prepared to actively visit Logan and witness "the they'll be able to go back down decision,'' he continued. campaign against those legislators community, happiness, frustra­ there and cut that $10 million out," Sitting on the panel with Bender Student Body President Dave who voted for the cut," Bender ti6ns and love that happens when he said. and Soma were Mary Rukavina, Bender announced the coordinated stated. we all get together." "One thing I'm sure of. Money SMC student body president; Joe efforts of Notre Dame and St. "We feel that the time has come "If after that they can go back to can't buy happiness but in this case Gill, executive coordinator of the Mary's to actively oppose the to end our indifference and proc­ Indianapolis <!nd cut $10 million the lack of it would deprive a lot of Notre Dame student government; recent Logan Center budget cuts at claim our commitment to the from the budget, so be it. But if people of a lot of happiness. I don't and Art Koebbel, a student coordi­ a press conference held in the Christian ideals we praise so thev're men of integrity, which I think that's what anybody wants, nator for the Logan volunteers. LaFortune ballroom yesterday. strongly," he continued. The student governments of Notre Responding to a: question con­ Dame and St. Mary's College are cerning the plan's success, Ben­ working together to oppose the der said, "We feel that if we can Soma seeks HPC help for Logan, cuts. ~ engage in an active letter writing Calling the cut an "insensitive, campaign we can make a change. apparently politically motivated In addition, between the two Council picks Huard as SLC rep decision," Bender outlined a four­ campuses there are over 2000 by Diane Wllson point plan designed to reverse the voters registered in the state of Senior Staff Reporter decision to trim the budget. Indiana, which would have some The student government's impact on the political climate.'' Tom Soma, student body vice­ actions stem from a recent vote by University President Fr. Theo­ president, gave an appeal for help the State Budget Committee to cut dore Hesburgh is in Vienna and in the campaign to fight the Logan $750,000 (or approximately half) could not be reached for comment. Center budget cut at last night's from the budget of the St. Joseph However, Bender noted that Dean Hall President's Council meeting. 1 County Council for the Retarded. of Students James Roemer and Soma explained that the $10 Ten million dollars are being Vice-President of Student Affairs million cuts would result in the trimmed from similar programs Bro. Just Paczesny support the elimination of all activities for the throughout the state. The. cuts are student government's actions. retarded at Logan Center outside of scheduled to go into effect Nov. 1. He also mentioned that Student the actual school. He urged all the Bender said that the plan has Body Vice-President Tom Soma hall presidents to inform the resi­ already been put into action. "We was to address the Hall President's dents of their halls about the have already begun a letter writing Council on the Logan issue last situation and to write letters to the campaign to the legislators invol­ night. In addition, the staff and Indiana state budget committee. ved and to Governor Bowen. We parents of Logan were to meet at Soma stressed that the Student are in the process of contacting key the center yesterday evening. Government is ''going all out to Notre Dame alumni within the Soma, who is also a volunteer at oppose it" and that "everyone's state, and we will join AI Soenneker Logan, said, "Logan has been a involved." and the parents and patients of pretty important part of my life Tom Gryp, student union direct­ Logan Center in a lobbying effort at here." He invited the committee or, reported to the council that Campus Press is now open from 1-5 p.m. in the basement of LaFortune. He emphasized that if the "student body does not use it, it will close." He also gave a brief explanation of how the calendar office was to Mark Huard was elected last night as the HPC representative to work. He stated that it was not a ' the SLC. [Photo by Debbie Krilich]. regulatory office, but an informa­ Student Union executive manage­ last night were Mary McCormick, tion office to keep a record of what ment and the Student Body Presi­ who asked the presidents for their is going on and when. dent. support ofthe Urban Plunge. Gary Gryp explained that discount Several hall presidents were Luchini, Student Life ~uncil NOrth PlJtt Tickets, presently sold only concerned with this policy of pre­ Quad representative explained how th'rough the Student Union, will be ferential ticket distribution. Gryp the SLC worked and what it available for sale to hall treasurers also· explained that the Student handled. Also present was John so that students rna~ receive them Union Board of Directors has Rooney, An Tostal chairman, who after the Student Union office is approved a policy to pull 25 announced that the budget meeting closed. These tickets sell for $1.50 pairs of complimentary tickets and will be held tonight at 6:30p.m. on and are good for attendance to five 25 preferential treatment tickets, the first floor of LaFortune. This theaters in the South Bend area. for all concerts offered by Student meeting is open to the public. Gryp clarified the situation sur­ Union to be distributed within the In other business, the HPC voted rounding U.S.C. tickets that were Student Union itself. _ to elect Mark Huard, Keenan Hall eliminated from the homecoming J.P. Russell, HPC Chairman and president, as the Council's SLC packages. These 32 tickets, pulled the student director of the United representative.
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