E1918 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks October 11, 2004 CONGRATULATING THE PEOPLE Trade Organization (WTO) to authorize tariffs CRS SPECIALIST PAUL S. OF TAIWAN ON THEIR NATIONAL against American goods. Rather than using RUNDQUIST HONORED BY THE DAY this bill to bring the United States back into POLISH PARLIAMENT compliance with the WTO, it’s become a HON. JIM McDERMOTT Christmas tree for pet projects all over the HON. JOHN B. LARSON OF WASHINGTON country. Included in this legislation are hand- OF CONNECTICUT IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES outs for tobacco growers, tackle box manufac- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Friday, October 8, 2004 turers, bow and arrow manufacturers, import- Friday, October 8, 2004 ers of ceiling fans, and even NASCAR race Mr. LARSON of Connecticut. Mr. Speaker, I Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, Taiwan will tracks. be celebrating its National Day on October 10, want to call the attention of my colleagues to 2004. On this happy occasion, I join my con- What’s worse is that this legislation does the invaluable service and support we receive stituents in wishing Taiwan the best in its en- nothing to protect jobs here at home. Instead, every day from the knowledge, experience, deavors. it encourages them to be out-sourced. Despite and hard work of the Congressional Research This past September I had the opportunity the fact that we’ve lost 1.7 million jobs since Service—CRS. This dedicated team of policy to meet with Taiwan President Chen Shui-bian this Administration took office, the Conference analysts, administrators, and support staff pro- in Seattle. He was returning to Taiwan from a Report includes 24 separate provisions that vides us with information services and policy trip to Central America. I was impressed by actually encourage shipping more of our jobs analysis that is accurate, timely, and impec- his sincerity in seeking an early dialogue with overseas at a cost of $42 billion. The Senate- cably balanced and nonpartisan. China and maintaining peace and stability in passed version of this bill included a provision The Congress, and this people’s House, are the Taiwan Strait. Mr. Speaker, peace in the that would have closed offshore tax shelters not the only beneficiaries of CRS’s expertise. Taiwan Strait is vital to the political develop- established for the sole purpose of avoiding At times over the years, we have authorized ment and economic prosperity in the Asia-Pa- U.S. taxes. This Conference Report re-opens CRS to provide temporary support for the par- cific region as a whole. them, leaving the American taxpayer to foot liaments of several nations as they worked to join the ranks of the world’s democracies. In In past years, Taiwan and the United States the bill. have been friends and allies. In times of tur- the 1960s and 70s, Congress authorized ex- moil, both have come to each other’s aid. I ap- I urge my colleagues on both sides of the change programs between CRS and the Japa- preciate Taiwan’s efforts and actions to protect aisle to oppose this legislation. It is not the nese and German national legislatures that U.S. citizens in Taiwan after 9/11 and Tai- right prescription for what ails us. helped them establish professional parliamen- wan’s cooperation with U.S. intelligence agen- tary research departments that are the envy of cies in combating global terrorist activities. I f their neighbors. More recently, in the early am also aware of Taiwan’s support for the re- 1990s, as the dawn of freedom broke over the construction of Iraq and Afghanistan. Taiwan CONGRATULATING TOBY GASS nations of Eastern Europe, the Speaker’s Task is our friend and deserves our support. Force on Parliamentary Reform in Eastern Eu- The future of Taiwan-U.S. relations is bright- rope provided invaluable expertise and per- er than ever. With the appointment of Dr. HON. C. L. ‘‘BUTCH’’ OTTER spective to the newly emerging free par- David Lee as Taiwan’s chief representative in OF IDAHO liaments of these nations. the United States, I look forward to working Mr. Speaker, the seed was sown, and today closely with Dr. Lee on issues of mutual im- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES we see the inspiring results, as Poland, the portance. Friday, October 8, 2004 Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, and other Congratulations to Taiwan President Chen countries have joined the family of democratic Shui-bian and the people of Taiwan on their Mr. OTTER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ac- nations. CRS provided vital assistance in this National Day. knowledge the academic achievement and effort, and today, I am pleased to note that f great promise of graduate student Toby Gass, one of our own, CRS Specialist Paul S. who is studying Forest Resources at the Uni- Rundquist, has been honored by the Republic CONFERENCE REPORT ON H.R. 4520, versity of Idaho. of Poland for his work with the Sejm THE AMERICAN JOBS CREATION (‘‘SAYM’’), the Polish Parliament: he has been ACT OF 2004 Toby is being honored by the U.S. Environ- awarded the Knight’s Cross of the Order of mental Protection Agency as recipient of a Merit of the Republic of Poland. SPEECH OF prestigious Science To Achieve Results, or Mr. Speaker, when I was first appointed to HON. ANNA G. ESHOO STAR fellowship, through the EPA’s Greater the position of Ranking Minority Member of Research Opportunities program. OF CALIFORNIA the House Administration Committee by IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES She is only the second Idaho student ever Democratic Leader Pelosi, I called CRS for in- formation about internal House operations and Thursday, October 7, 2004 to win such an award, and the first since 1999. Only 22 graduate students nationwide organization. Dr. Rundquist was the first per- Ms. ESHOO. Mr. Speaker, it is with great are receiving STAR–GRO fellowships for son to respond, and he demonstrated why disappointment that I rise in opposition to this 2004, and I am extremely proud that one of CRS is held in such high regard—he was Conference Report. I opposed the House them is from Idaho’s 1st District. prompt, thorough, and professional. Later, version of this bill in June and hoped that what when I needed information on congressional would come out of the Conference Committee The EPA’s STAR graduate fellowship pro- continuity, Dr. Rundquist was again there with would be an improvement. Instead, what we gram is the only federal program exclusively the needed research and information. I’m cer- see before us is much worse. for students pursuing advanced degrees in en- tainly glad Dr. Rundquist has remained a Con- I wish I could support this legislation be- vironmental sciences. It is highly competitive, gressional asset all these years, and I hope cause it does contain some worthwhile re- with only 7 percent of applicants being award- he stays on for many years to come. forms that will benefit the economy and elimi- ed fellowships. Dr. Rundquist is a son of Illinois; born in nate harmful tariffs. Some of the provisions in- Toby and the other STAR fellowship recipi- Chicago, he holds a Bachelor’s degr from Loy- cluded in this legislation would greatly benefit ents clearly are the best and brightest of ola University, and an M.A. and Ph.D. from businesses within my district. I strongly sup- America’s future environmental scientists. the University of Chicago. Appointed to the port the inclusion of incentives for corporations These brilliant men and women will lead the staff of CRS in 1974, he is a nationally re- to repatriate their overseas profits which would way to unimaginable advances in more effi- nowned expert on legislative procedure, the stimulate the investment of hundreds of mil- structure, organization, and functions of the ciently managing our natural resources and lions of dollars in our domestic economy and, United States Congress, and congressional protecting human health and safety. in fact, worked hard to get this provision in the history. One of several CRS analysts assigned bill. I cannot support a $140 billion grab-bag of Mr. Speaker, please join me in congratu- to assist the Speaker’s Task Force from 1990 special interest handouts to solve a $4 billion lating Toby Gass and all the STAR–GRO fel- to 1994, Dr. Rundquist has continued to pro- problem. lowship winners for their achievement, and vide invaluable assistance to the members We had a simple job to do: to repeal the thank them for their groundbreaking work, and staff of the Polish Parliament, while main- current export subsidy that led the World from which we all will benefit. taining the full schedule of his duties at CRS. VerDate Aug 04 2004 02:50 Oct 13, 2004 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00052 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A09OC8.292 E11PT1.
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