ECOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF WETLANDS IN THE UPPER OLIFANTS RIVER CATCHMENT, SOUTH AFRICA By RW Palmer. J Turpie. GC Marnewick and AL Batchelor Report to the Water Research Commission on the Project "Ecological and economic evaluaiion of wetlands in the Upper Olifants River Catchment, with reference to their functions in the catchment and their management" Project Leader: RW Palmer, Afridev Consultants WRC Report No: 1162/1/02 ISBN No: 1-86845-943-8 November 2002 Disclaimer This report emanates from a project financed by the Water Research Commission (WRC) an is approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect th views and policies of the WRC or the members of the project steering committee, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. ECOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF WETLANDS IN THE UPPER OLIFANTS RIVER CATCHMENT, SOUTH AFRICA By RW Palmer. J Turpie. GC Marnewiek and AL Batchelor Report to the Water Research Commission on the Project ''Ecological and economic evaiuaiion of wetiands in the Upper Olifants River Catchment, with reference to their functions in the catchment and their management" Project Leader: RW Palmer. Afridev Consultants WRC Report No: 1162/1/02 ISBN No: 1-86845-943-8 November 2002 Disclaimer This report emanates from a project financed by the Water Research Commission (WRC) and is approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the WRC or the members of the project steering committee, nor does mention of trade names or commercial products constitute endorsement or recommendation foi use. ECOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF WETLANDS IN THE UPPER OLIFANTS RIVER CATCHMENT, SOUTH AFRICA Edited By R. W. PALMER, J. TURPIE, G.C. MARNEWECK AND A.L. BATCHELOR Report to the Water Research Commission on the Project "Ecological and economic evaluation of wetlands in the Upper Olifants River Catchment. with reference to their functions in the catchment and their management" Project Leader Palmer, R. W., AfriDev Consultants Specialist Team: Batchelor, A. L., Environmentek, CSIR (Water quality) Coleman, T., Wates Meiring & Barnard (Hydrology) Engelbrecht, J., Mpumalanga Parks Board (Fish) Grundling, P-L., Ihlaphosi Enviro Services (Capacity Building) Grundling, A., Ihlaphosi Enviro Services (Capacity Building & Surveys) Jacobsen, N. H. G., Freelance (Amphibians, reptiles and mammals) Marneweck, G. C, Wetland Consulting Services (Wetland Inventory and Classification) Matthews, G., Wates Meiring & Barnard (Hydrology) MullerJ., Environmentek, CSIR (GIS) Palmer, R. W., AfriDev (Aquatic invertebrates) Turpie, J., Freelance (Resource Economics and Birds) van Zyl, H., Independent Economics Researchers (Economics) Vink, D., Environmentek, CSIR (GIS) WRC Report No : K5/1 162 ISBN No : DISCLAIMER This report is based on best available scientific knowledge and understanding of wetland values and functions at the time of writing, and concerns the specific wetland types found in the Upper Olifants River Catchment (UORC). It is inevitable that some of the statements, conclusions and recommendations made in this report may turn out to be invalid as new information and new methods of assessment become available. The classification system as well as the mapping method used and scale at which the wetlands were captured and mapped were intended to meet the objectives for this project. The accuracy of the wetland areas and boundaries are therefore limited to the scale at which the information was captured. The map is thus not intended for use at any finer scale of resolution. In addition, this report is and was not intended to be a definitive study of the wetlands of the UORC. The report has been reviewed by the Water Research Commission (WRC) and approved for publication. Approval does not signify that the contents necessarily reflect the views and policies of the WRC or members of the Project Steering Committee. Mention of trade names or commercial products do not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use. Citation: This document should be cited either as: Palmer, R. W., Turpie, j., Marneweck, G.C. and Batchelor, A.L. (Eds). 2002. Ecological and Economic Evaluation of Wetlands in the Upper Olifants River Catchment. Water Research Commission Report No K5/1162 or according to individual chapters, for example: Marneweck, G.C. and Batchelor, A.L 2002. Wetland Classification, Mapping and Inventory. Chapter 5 In: Palmer, R. W., Turpie, J., Marneweck, G.C. and Batchelor, A.L. (Eds). Ecological and Economic Evaluation of Wetlands in the Upper Olifants River Catchment. Water Research Commission Report No K5/I 162. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The research in this report emanated from a research project funded jointly by the Water Research Commission, Anglo Coal Environmental Services and Duiker Mining, entitled : "ECOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC EVALUATION OF WETLANDS IN THE UPPER OLIFANTS RIVER CATCHMENT, WITH REFERENCE TO THEIR FUNCTIONS IN THE CATCHMENT AND THEIR MANAGEMENT " The Steering Committee responsible for this project, consisted of the following persons: Dr SA Mitchell Water Research Commission (Chairman) Dr S Mkhize Water Research Commission Mr JF Taljaard Water Research Commission (Secretary) Dr M Aken Anglo Coal Environmental Services Dr ME Ligthelm Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Nelspruit Mr CM Chunda (for Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Nelspruit Dr ME Ligthelm) Mr M Lizamore (for Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Nelspruit Dr ME Ligthelm) Ms G Munro Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Pretoria Dr WR Harding Southern Waters Mr A Linstrom Mpumalanga Parks Board Mr LM Nengovhela (for Matla Environmental Services and Olifants River Forum MrJNJViljoen) Dr AS Parsons Chamber of Mines Ms C Thirion Institute of Water Quality Studies, Pretoria Mr M Mander University of Natal This project was only possible with the co-operation of many individuals and institutions. The authors therefore wish to record their sincere thanks to all the people who provided and collected information, and in particular the following : Dr M Aken Anglo Coal Environmental Services, Witbank Mr JP Bloemsma Anglo Coal, Marshalltown Mr D Klein National Department of Agriculture, Pretoria Mr M Lizamore Department of Water Affairs and Forestry, Nelspruit Mr R Meiswinkel Onderstepoort Veterinary Institute, Onderstepoort Mr G Pool National Department of Agriculture Mr T Poulter Working for Water Programme, White River Mr X Prevost Department of Minerals and Energy Dr Rezin Veterinarian, Witbank Mr J Schoeman Agricultural Research Council Mr B Swart Mpumalanga Parks Board Mr B van Zyl Anglo Coal iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS til EXECUTIVE SUMMARY VII CAPACITY BUILDING XIX TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER XX ARCHIVING OF DATA XX RECOMMENDATIONS xxi ABBREVIATIONS XXVI TERMINOLOGY XXVI LIST OF TABLES XXX LIST OF FIGURES XXXI 1. INTRODUCTION I I. I BACKGROUND AND RATIONALE I 11 THE DEFINITION AND CLASSIFICATION OF WETLANDS I 1.3 ECOLOGICAL AND ECONOMIC VALUES OF WETLANDS 3 1.4 UNDERSTANDING WETLAND FUNCTIONS 6 1.5 IDENTIFICATION OF CONSERVATION PRIORITIES 7 1.6 AIMS OF THE STUDY 7 1.7 TARGET GROUPS 8 1.8 POTENTIAL APPLICATIONS 8 1.9 STRUCTURE OF THIS REPORT 8 2. LEGAL AND POLICY CONTEXT I I 2.1 SUMMARY OF MAIN LEGAL ASPECTS 11 2.2 CONCLUSIONS 16 3. STUDY AREA 17 4. METHODS 21 4.1 OVERALL APPROACH 21 4.2 INFORMATION SOURCES 22 4.3 RECONNAISSANCE VISIT AND PUBLIC CONSULTATION 22 4.4 WETLAND CLASSIFICATION 23 4.5 MAPPING AND INVENTORY OF WETLANDS 27 4.6 WETLAND PATTERNS IN RELATION TO GEOLOGY, SOILS AND PHYSIOREGIONS 30 4.7 FUNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT: (I) HYDROLOGY 32 4.8 FUNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT: (II) WATER QUALITY 42 4.9 FUNCTIONAL ASSESSMENT: (III) SEDIMENT TRAPPING 42 4.! 0 WETLAND BIODIVERSITY 43 4.11 LANDUSE, WETLAND USES AND THREATS 45 4.12 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS 45 tv 5. WETLAND CLASSIFICATION, MAPPING AND INVENTORY 55 5.1 DEFINITIONS AND HYDROLOGICAL COMPONENTS OF THE DIFFERENT WETLAND UNITS ... 55 5.2 OVERALL INVENTORY OF WETLANDS IN THE UORC 61 5.3 ABUNDANCE AND DISTRIBUTION OF DIFFERENT WETLAND TYPES 66 5.4 SUMMARY 67 6. INFLUENCE OF GEOLOGY, SOILS AND PHYS1OREGION 69 6.1 GEOLOGY 69 6.2 SOILS 73 6.3 PHYSIOREGIONS 76 6.4 SUMMARY 82 7. ECOSYSTEM SERVICES OF THE UORC WETLANDS 83 7.1 WATER BALANCE 83 7.2 WATER PURIFICATION 88 7.3 SEDIMENT TRAPPING 112 7.4 SUMMARY 112 8. BIODIVERSITY OF THE UORC WETLANDS I 15 8.1 PLANTS 115 8.2 AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES 119 8.3 FISH 121 8.4 AMPHIBIANS 122 8.5 REPTILES 123 8.6 MAMMALS 124 8.7 BIRDS 125 8.8 SUMMARY 129 9. LAND USE, WETLAND USERS & THREATS TO WETLANDS 131 9.1 LAND USE PATTERN 131 9.2 LAND OWNERSHIP 131 9.3 THREATS TO WETLANDS IN THE UORC 133 I 0. DIRECT USE VALUES OF WETLANDS 137 10.1 HARVESTING FOOD, MEDICINAL AND BUILDING MATERIALS 137 10.2 FISHING 138 10.3 BIRD WATCHING 139 10.4 WATERFOWL HUNTING 140 10.5 WATER FOR LIVESTOCK I40 10.6 STORAGE AND EVAPORATION OF MINE WATER 141 10.7 GRAZING FOR LIVESTOCK 142 10.8 CROP PRODUCTION 144 10.9 SUMMARY 145 I I. INDIRECT USE VALUES OF THE UORC WETLANDS 147 11.1 WATER PURIFICATION 147 11.2 FLOW REGULATION 148 11.3 FLOOD ATTENUATION 148 11.4 SEDIMENT TRAPPING 149 I 1.5 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS I 50 12. SYNTHESIS 151 ! 2.1 BIODIVERSITY VALUE OF WETLANDS ISI 12.2 THREATS TO THE WETLANDS: AN ECONOMIC PERSPECTIVE I S3 12.3 ECONOMIC VALUES OF THE UORC WETLANDS 156 12.4 IMPLICATIONS FOR WETLAND CONSERVATION 157 12.5 REHABILITATION 158 12.6 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS 160 13. CAPACITY BUILDING I 63 13.1 SECONDARY SCHOOLS !63 13.2 TERTIARY LEVEL STUDENTS 166 13.3 TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER 166 14. RECOMMENDATIONS 167 14.1 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR MANAGEMENT AND POLICY FORMULATION 167 14.2 REHABILITATION 167 14.3 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE RESEARCH 167 14.4 FURTHER INVENTORIES 168 14.5 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR CAPACITY BUILDING 168 15.
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