20131202-NEWS--21-NAT-CCI-CL_-- 11/15/2013 9:56 AM Page 1 20131202-NEWS--22-NAT-CCI-CL_-- 11/15/2013 9:57 AM Page 1 DearDea Business Leader: SinceSince our founding in 1901 as a charter member of the American League, the IndiansIndia have been a pillar of our community and as an organization we take exceptionalexce civic pride in being a leader in the Northeast Ohio region. The ClevelandCleve Indians are committed to making a positive impact through youth education,educ recreation and humanitarian initiatives. We achieve this through committedcomm and passionate ownership, management, coaches, players, their wiveswive and staff who invest their resources and time in a variety of organizations and causes.c It’s this history and commitment that motivates me to get personallyperso involved. InsideInside the 2013 Crain’s Giving Guide you will find several organizations right herehere in the Greater Cleveland area that are making a real impact. We commend themthem for their efforts. Like these organizations, we aim to inspire, engage and improveimpro our community. We thank you for your support not only for the Indians organization,orga but for the entire Northeast Ohio region. TERRY FRANCONA, Cleveland Indians Manager youth Education and Recreation The Cleveland Indians and Cleveland Metropolitan School District (CMSD) have a collaborative partnership designed to support the majority of the district’s high school baseball and softball program. This partnership has transformed the lives of many young student- athletes and provides recreational opportunities they would not enjoy otherwise.otherwise. “The Dolan family saw the need to save our baseball and softball program and acted immediately. If it was not for the Cleveland Indians, baseball and softball would not be played in our district. The reality is, baseball is not just an extracurricular activity. Data demonstrates that youth who play sports achieve academically. Our youth need this program.” ERIC GORDON, CEO, Cleveland Metropolitan School District LincolnLincoln West celebrates after winningwinning the Senate LeagueLeague ChampionshipChampionship Game at ProgressiveProgressive Field. On and off the baseball fields, the Cleveland Indians support youth recreation and afterschool activities with the Boys and Girls Clubs of Cleveland. In 2012, with support and encouragement from the Dolan family, Cleveland Indians Charities made a $1 Million dollar gift serving as the lead gift for their ‘Save our Kids’ Campaign. The Cleveland Indians also support the Cleveland Baseball Federation’s free baseball and softball progam in the City of Cleveland. A unique component of our partnership is the opportunity for high school youth to participate in Major League Baseball’s Reviving Baseball in the Inner City (RBI) Program. Our local Girls Senior Softball team won the East Regional Tournament and made it to the National Championship tournament in 2013 for the fifth consecutive year. RBI youth are recognized for their efforts at Progressive Field prior to the East Regional Championship Games. 20131202-NEWS--23-NAT-CCI-CL_-- 11/15/2013 9:58 AM Page 1 “I have always been moved by how much the Cleveland Indians care about our urban youth. Their investment in the Boys & Girls Clubs of Cleveland, the Cleveland Baseball Federation and the Cleveland Metropolitan School District helps thousands of children have a safe place to go after school, a place to play baseball in the summer and keeps baseball alive in Cleveland. They really care about more than baseball.” RON SOEDER,SOEDER, President & CEO,CEO, BoysB and Girls Clubs of Cleveland HIGH ACHIEVERS Furthering our efforts to encourage Northeast Ohio youth to achieve academically, students in grades K-12 participate in our High Achievers program. In 2013, over 5,000 youth maintaining As and Bs participated in the High Achievers Program earning fun Indians’ prizes. TO REGISTER, PLEASE VISIT: indians.com/highachievers Vinnie Pestano spends the day with school children in Goodyear, Arizona. Humanitarian INDIANS IN THE COMMUNITY As an extension of our commitment to the community, The Cleveland Indians launched the Indians Volunteer Challenge with BVU/The Center for Nonprofit Excellence in 2010 in an effort to inspire others to get involved. SINCE THE LAUNCH OF THE INDIANS VOLUNTEER CHALLENGE: Yan and Jenna Gomes volunteer at Providence House. Volunteers from across Northeast Ohio have provided 151,398 hours of time and talent worth $3,351,952* “The Cleveland Indians are a leader in the region in their effort to grow our community’s culture of volunteerism. When 334 nonprofit organizations have received volunteers the Indians Volunteer Challenge was launched, the number of people using the BVU Volunteer Center skyrocketed from 56 local businesses have leveraged the partnership to reward 10,000 to over 20,000 people. Thank you Cleveland Indians for their employees for community service your willingness to grow volunteerism in NE Ohio and enrich TO LEARN MORE OR TO JOIN THE INDIANS VOLUNTEER our community and our lives.” CHALLENGE, PLEASE VISIT: indians.com/volunteerchallenge BRIAN BROADBENT, President and CEO, BVU/The Center for Nonprofit Excellence *Data is reflective of volunteer hours through July 31, 2013. Estimated national value of volunteer time is $22.14 per hour (Source: Independent Sector) Indians Front Office staff refurbish a house in Cleveland’s Hough Neighborhood. 20131202-NEWS--24-NAT-CCI-CL_-- 11/15/2013 9:59 AM Page 1 + YOU = Good Skills òÊã®ÊĽ ò½çã®ÊÄ ͲÙÙÊçÄݽ®Ä¦®Ä¦ͬÙÙøÖ½ÊÙã®ÊÄͲÝ®ãçã®ÊĽÝÝÝͬÙÙøÖ½ÊÙã®ÊÄͲÝ®ãçã®ÊĽÝÝÝ ͲÝÃÃÄ ã ͲóÊÊÙ»Ù ¹çÝç ãÃÃÄã Ͳ¹ÊÝ»®Ä¦ Ý»®½½ÝͲ¹Êò½ÊÖÃÄãÊÖÃÄããͲ¹ÊãÙù¹ÊÊãÙùͲͲ¹ÊÊ«®Ä¦¹ÊÊ«®Ä¦Ͳò½ÊÖÃÄ㽮ݮ½®ãùÝÙò®ÝͲÊÊ«®Ä¦Ͳò½Ͳò½ÊÖÃÄ㽮ݮ½®ãùÝÙò®ÝÊÖÃÄ㽮ݮ½®ãùÝÙò®ÝͲͲÊÃÃçÄ®ãùÝÙò®¹ÊÝÖÙʦÙÃÊÊÃÃçÄÄ®ã®ãùÝÝ Ùò®Ù Ͳ ÊÃÖçãÙÝ»®½½ÝͲóÊÙ»øÖÙ®ÄÖÙʦÙÃóÊÙÙ»» øøÖÖÙ®ÄÄÖÙʦÙÃͲÄãÙ¥ÊÙÄãÙÖÙÄçÙ®½ÝçÝÝͲ¥®ÄÖÙʦÙÃͲÄãÙ¥ͲÄãÙ¥ÊÙÄãÙÖÙÄçÙ®½ÝçÝÝÊÙÄãÙÖÙÄçÙ®½ÝçÝÝͲͲ¥®Ä¥®ÄÄ®½¥®ãÄÝÝÄÄ®½ ¥®ã®ãÄÄÝÝÝ ͲͲÊÃÖçãÙݦ®Ä ͲÝÊ®½ ÝÙò®Ý Ͳ½®ãã ÙÙùùÝÙòò®ÝͲòÊç«ÙÖÙʦÙÃͲÖÙÄã®Ä¦Ý»®½½ÝͲ«ÊÃͲÝÖÝͲò ͲÊç«ÙÖÙʦÙÃͲÖÙÄã®Ä Ͳ¦Ý»®½½Ý ͲͲ«ÊÃͲÝÖÙÄã®Ä¦ ͲͲ ÖÖÙÄãÝ ÄÊÄùÃÊçÝ Ͳ Ù½ã®òÝÝÖÙÄãÝÖÙʦÙÃÄãÝ ÖÙÊʦ¦ÙÃÃͲͲòÊã®ÊĽò½çã®ÊÄͲÙÙÊçÄݽ®Ä¦ͬÙÙøÖ½ÊÙͲòÊã®ÊĽò½çã®ÊÄͲÙÙÊçÄݽ®Ä¦òÊã®ÊĽò½çã®ÊÄͲÙÙÊçÄݽ®Ä¦ͬÙÙøÖ½ÊÙã®ÊÄͬÙÙøÖ½ÊÙã®ÊÄͲÝ®ãçã®ÊĽÝÝÝÝÃÄãÝÝ®®ããççã® ͲóÊÙ»¹çÝãÃÄãÄãͲ¹ÊÝ»®Ä¦Ý»®½½Ý¹ÊÊ Ý»®Ä¦Ý»®½½ÝͲ¹Êò½ÊÖÃÄãͲ¹ÊãÙùͲ¹ÊÊ«®Ä¦Ͳò®Ä¦ Ý»®½½ÝͲ¹Êò½ÊÖÃÄã¹Ê ò½ÊÖÃÄãͲ¹ÊãÙù¹Ê ãÙùͲ¹ÊÊ«®Ä¦¹Ê Ê«®Ä¦ Ͳò½ÊÖÃÄ㽮ݮ½®ãùÝÙò®Ýò½ÊÖÃÖ ÄÄãã½½ ͲÊÃÃçÄ®ãùùÝÙòò®® ¹¹ÊÊÝÖÖÙʦÙÃͲÊÃÖçãÙÝ»®½½ÝͲóÊÙ»øÖÙ®ÄÖÙʦÙÃͲÄãÙ¦ÙÃͲͲÊÃÖçãÙÝ»®½½Ý ͲͲóÊÙ»øÖÙ®ÄÖÙʦÙÃͲÄãÙ Ͳ ¥ÊÙÄããÙÙÖÙÙ ÄçÙ®½½ÝçÝÝ Ͳ¥®ÄÄ®½¥®ãÄÝÝÝͲÊÃÖçãÙݦ®ÄÊÊÃÃÖçãÙݦ®ÄͲÝÊ®½ÝÙò®ÝͲ½®ãÙùÝÙò®ÝͲòÊç«ÙÖÙʦÙͲÝÊ®½ÝÙò®ÝͲ½®ãÙùÝÙò®ÝͲòÊç«ÙÖÙʦÙÃà ͲÖÙÄã®Ä¦Ý»®½½ÝÖÙÙÄÄãã® Ͳ«ÊÃͲ ÝÖÙÄã®Ä¦ͲÖÙÄãÝÄÊÄùÃÊçÝͲÙ½ã®òÝÝÖÙÄãÝÖÙʦͲÖÖÙÙÄÄãÝÄÊÄùÃÊçÝͲÙ½ã®òÝÝÖÙÄãÝÖÙʦÙÃͲòÊã®ÊĽò½ÊÄùÃÊçÝͲÙ½ã®òÝÝÖÙÄãÝÖÙʦÙÃͲòÊã®ÊĽò½ÙÃͲòÊã®ÊĽò½çã®ÊÄͲÙÙÊçÄݽ®Ä¦çãã®ÊÄÄ Ͳ Ù ͬ ÙÙ øÖ½ÊÙã®ÊÊÄͲͲ Ý®®ããççãã®ÊĽÝÝÝÝÃÄãͲóÊÙ»¹çÝãÃÄãͲ¹ÊÝ»®Ä¦Ý»®½½ÝͲ¹ÊÊĽÝÝÝÝÃÄãͲó ͲÊÙ»¹çÝãÃÄãͲ¹ ͲÊÝ»®Ä¦Ý»®½½Ý ͲͲ¹Ê ò½½ÊÊÖÖÃÃÄãͲ ¹Ê ãÙùͲ ¹Ê Ê«®Ä¦Ͳò½ÊÖÃÄ㽮ݮ½®ãùÝÙò®ÝÊÖÖÃÄã㽮ݮ½®ãùÝÙò®ÝͲÊÃÃçÄ®ãùÝÙò®¹ÊÝÖÙʦÙÃͲÊÃÖ®½®ãùÝÙò®ÝͲÊÃÃçÄ®ãùÝÙò®¹ÊÝÖÙʦÙÃÊÃÃçÄ®ãù ÝÙò® ¹ÊÝÖÙʦÙà ͲÊÃÖçãÙÝ»®½½ÝÊÃÖçããÙ Ý»»®½½½½ÝͲóÊÙ»øÖÙ®Ä ÖÙʦÙÃͲÄãÙ¥ÊÙÄãÙÖÙÄçÙ®½ÝçÝÝͲ¥®ÄÄ®½¥®ãÄÝÙ¥ÊÙÙ ÄããÙÙÖÙÙÄçÙ®½ÝçÝÝͲ¥®ÄÄ®½¥®ãÄÝÝͲÊÃÖçãÙݦ®ÄͲÝÊçÙ®½ÝçÝÝͲ¥®ÄÄ®½¥®ãÄÝÝͲÊÃÖçãÙݦ®ÄͲÝÝͲÊÃÖçãÙݦ®ÄͲÝÊ®½ÝÙò®ÝͲ½®ãÙùÝÙò®Ý®½ÝÝÙÙò®®ÝͲ ͲòÊç«ÙÙÖÙʦÙà ͲÖÙÙÄÄãã®Ä¦ Ý»®½½ÝͲ«ÊÃͲÝÖÙÄã®Ä¦ͲÖÙÄãÝÄÊÄùÃÊçÝͲÝ»®½½Ý ͲͲ«ÊÃͲÝÖÙÄã®Ä¦ͲÖÙÄã ͲÝÄÊÄùÃÊçÝͲ ͲÙÙ½ãã®®òòÝÝÝÝ ÖÙ ÄãÝ ÖÙʦÙÃͲ òÊã®ÊĽò½çã®ÊÄã®ÊÄÄͲͲ ÙÙÊçÄݽ®ÄÙÙ ÙÙ ÊÊçÄݽ®Ä¦ͬÙÙøÖ½ÊÙã®ÊÄͲÝ®ãçã®ÊĽÝÝÝÝæͬÙÙøÖ½ÊÙã®ÊÄͲÝ®ãçã®ÊĽÝÝÝÝÃÄãÄÄãã ͲóÊÙ»¹çÝãÃÄãóóÊÊÙÙ»» ¹çÝç ãà Ͳ¹ÊÝ»®Ä¦ Ý»®½½ÝͲ¹Êò½ÊÖÃÄãÊÖÃÄãÄãͲͲ¹ÊãÙù¹ÊÊ ãÙùÙùͲ¹ÊÊ«®Ä¦¹ÊÊÊ«®Ä¦Ͳò½ÊÖÃÄ㽮ݮ½®ãùÝÙò®Ê«®Ä¦Ͳò½Ͳò½ÊÖÃÄ㽮ݮ½®ãùÝÙò®ÝÊÖÃÄ㽮ݮ½®ãùÝÙò®ÝͲͲ ÊÃÃçÄ®ãùÝÙò®¹ÊÝÖÙʦÙÃÊÃÃÃÃççÄÄ®®ããùùÝÝÙò®Ù Ͳ ÊÃÖçãÙÝ»®½½ÝͲóÊÙ»øÖÙ®ÄÖÙʦÙÃͲÄãÙ¥ÊÙÄãÙÖÙóÊٻٻ øÖÙÙ®®ÄÄ ÖÙÖ Ê¦¦ÙÙ ÃͲÄãÙ¥ÊÙÄãÙÖÙÄçÙ®½Ýçà ͲÄãÙ ¥ÊÙ ÄãÙÖÙÄÄçÙ®½ÝçÝÝͲ¥®ÄÄ®½¥®ãÄÝÝͲÊÃÖçãÙݦ®ÄçÙ®½ ÝçÝÝͲ ¥®®ÄÄÄ ®½ ¥®ãÄÝÝͲÄÝ ͲÝÊ®½ÝÙò®ÝͲ½®ãÙùÝÙò®Ý½®ãÙùÝÙùÝÙÙò®ò®ÝÝ ͲͲ òÊç«ÙÖÙʦÙÃòÊÊçç «Ù ÖÙÖ Ê¦ÙÃͲÖÙÄã®Ä¦Ý»®½½ÝͲʦÙÃͲÖÙÄã®ÄͲÖÙÄã®Ä¦Ý»®½½Ý¦Ý»®½½ÝͲ«ÊÃͲÝÖÙÄã®Ä¦«ÊÃͲÝÝ ÖÖÙÙÄÄã®Ä¦®Ä¦ͲÖÙÄãÝÄÊÄùÃÊçÝÖÙÖ Ͳ Ù½ã®òÝÝÖÙÄãÝÖÙʦÙÃÄãÝÖÙʦÙÃͲÙʦÙÃͲͲòÊã®ÊĽò½çã®ÊÄòÊãã®Ê®ÊÄÄ ½½òò½ çã®ÊÄͲÙÙÊçÄݽ®Ä¦ͬÙÙøÖ½ÊÙã®ÊÄÙÙÊÊçÄݽ½®Ä¦¦ͬÙÙÙøøÖ½ÊÊÙã®ÊÄͲÝ®ãçã®ÊĽÝÝÝÝÃÄãÝ®ãçã®Ý®ãç ͲóÊÙ»¹çÝãÃÄãͲ¹ÊÝ»®Ä¦Ý»®½½ÝͲ¹Êò½ÊÖÃÄãͲ¹ÊÄãͲ¹ÊÝ»®Ä¹ÊÝ»®Ä¦ Ý»®½®½½ÝÝ Ͳ ¹ÊÊ òò½½ÊÖÊÖÃÃÄãÄ ͲͲ ¹Ê ãÙùͲ¹ÊÊ«®Ä¦Ͳò½ÊÖÃÄ㽮ݮ½®ãùÝÙò®ÝãÙùù Ͳ ¹ÊÊ ÊÊ«®Ä¦ Ͳò½ÊÖÃÄã½ò½ÊÖÃÄã ͲÊÃÃçÄ®ãùÝÙò®¹ÊÝÖÙʦÙÃò®¹ÊÝÖÙʦÙÃͲÊÃÖçãÙÝ»®½½ÝÊÃÃÖççãÙ Ý»»®½½½ÝͲͲóÊÙ»øÖÙ®ÄÖÙʦÙÃóÊÙÊ » øøÖÙ®Ä ÖÙʦ¦ÙÃͲÄãÙ¥ÊÙÄãÙÖÙÄçÙ®½ÝçÝÝÄãÙ¥ÊÙÄãÙÖÙ Ͳ¥®ÄÄ®½¥®ãÄÝÝÝͲÊÃÖçãÙݦ®ÄÊÃÖçãÙݦ®ÄͲÝÊ®½ÝÙò®ÝÝÊ®½ÝÙò®ÝÝͲ½®ãÙùÝÙò®Ý½®ãÙù ÝÙò®ÝͲòÊç«ÙÖÙʦÙÃòÊç«ÙÖÙʦÙÃͲÖÙÄã®Ä¦Ý»®½½ÝÖÙÄã® Ͳ«ÊÃͲ ÝÖÙÄã®Ä¦ͲÖÙÄãÝÄÊÄùÃÊçÝͲÙ½ã®òÝÝÖÙÄãÝÖÙʦÙÃͲòÊã®ÊĽò½çã®ÊÄͲÙÙÊçÄݽ®Ä¦ͬ ÙÙøÖ½ÊÙã®ÊÄͲÝ®ãçã®ÊĽÝÝÝÝÃÄãͲóÊÙ»¹çÝãÃÄãͲ¹ÊÝ»®Ä¦Ý»®½½ÝͲ¹Êò½ÊÖÃÄãͲ¹ÊãÙùͲ¹Ê Ê«®Ä¦Ͳò½ÊÖÃÄ㽮ݮ½®ãùÝÙò®ÝͲÊÃÃçÄ®ãùÝÙò®¹ÊÝÖÙʦÙÃͲÊÃÖçãÙÝ»®½½ÝͲóÊÙ»øÖÙ®Ä ÖÙʦÙÃͲÄãÙ¥ÊÙÄãÙÖÙÄçÙ®½ÝçÝÝͲ¥®ÄÄ®½¥®ãÄÝÝͲÊÃÖçãÙݦ®ÄͲÝÊ®½ÝÙò®ÝͲ½®ãÙùÝÙò®Ý ͲòÊç«ÙÖÙWhenʦÙÃͲÖÙÄã®Ä you¦ touchÝ»®½½ÝͲ«ÊÃͲ oneÝÖÙÄã®Ä life through¦ͲÖÙÄãÝÄÊ contributingÄùÃÊçÝͲÙ½ã®òÝÝÖÙÄã toÝ ÖÙʦÙÃͲ òÊã®ÊĽò½çã®ÊÄͲÙÙÊçÄݽ®Ä¦ͬÙÙøÖ½ÊÙã®ÊÄͲÝ®ãçã®ÊĽÝÝÝÝÃÄãͲóÊÙ»¹çÝãÃÄãͲ¹ÊÝ»®Ä¦ Ý»®½½ÝͲ¹Êò½Goodwill,ÊÖÃÄãͲ¹ÊãÙù youͲ¹Ê Êpositively«®Ä¦Ͳò½ÊÖÃÄã½® affectÝ®½®ãù countlessÝÙò®ÝͲÊÃÃçÄ®ãù others.ÝÙò®¹ÊÝ ÖÙʦÙÃͲ ÊÃÖçãÙÝ»®½½ÝBE ͲPARTóÊÙ»øÖÙ®ÄÖÙʦÙà OF THE EQUATION:ͲÄãÙ¥ÊÙÄãÙÖÙÄçÙ®½ÝçÝÝ Ͳ¥®ÄÄ®½¥®ãÄÝÝͲÊÃÖçãÙݦ®Ä ͲÝÊ®½ÝÙò®ÝͲ½®ãÙùÝÙò®ÝͲòÊç«ÙÖÙʦÙÃͲÖÙÄã®Ä¦Ý»®½½ÝͲ«ÊÃͲÝÖÙÄã®Ä¦ͲÖÙÄãÝÄÊÄùÃÊçÝͲ Ù½ã®òÝÝÖÙÄãÝÖÙʦÙÃDONATE FINANCIALLY.ͲòÊã®ÊĽò½çã®ÊÄ ͲÙÙÊçÄݽ®Ä¦ͬÙÙøÖ½ÊÙã®ÊÄͲÝ®ãçã®ÊĽÝÝÝÝÃÄã ͲóÊÙ»¹çÝãÃÄãDONATEͲ¹ÊÝ»®Ä¦Ý»®½½Ý GOODS.Ͳ¹Êò½ÊÖÃÄãͲ¹ÊãÙùͲ¹ÊÊ«®Ä¦Ͳò½ÊÖÃÄ㽮ݮ½®ãùÝÙò®Ý ͲÊÃÃçÄ®ãùÝÙò®¹ÊÝÖÙʦÙÃͲÊÃÖçãÙÝ»®½½ÝͲóÊÙ»øÖÙ®ÄÖÙʦÙÃͲÄãÙ¥ÊÙÄãÙÖÙÄçÙ®½ÝçÝÝͲ ¥®ÄÄ®½¥®ãÄVOLUNTEER.ÝÝͲÊÃÖçãÙݦ®ÄͲÝÊ®½ÝÙò®ÝͲ½®ãÙùÝÙò®ÝͲòÊç«ÙÖÙʦÙÃͲÖÙÄã®Ä¦Ý»®½½ÝͲ«ÊÃͲ ÝÖÙÄã®Ä¦SHOP.ͲÖÙÄãÝÄÊÄùÃÊçÝ ͲÙ½ã®òÝÝÖÙÄãÝÖÙʦÙÃwww.goodwillgoodskills.orgͲòÊã®ÊĽò½çã®ÊÄͲÙÙÊçÄݽ®Ä¦ͬ ÙÙøÖ½ÊÙã®ÊÄͲÝ®ãçã®ÊĽÝÝÝÝÃÄãͲóÊÙ»¹çÝãÃÄãͲ¹ÊÝ»®Ä¦Ý»®½½ÝͲ¹Êò½ÊÖÃÄãͲ¹ÊãÙùͲ¹Ê Ê«®Ä¦Ͳò½ÊÖÃÄ㽮ݮ½®ãùÝÙò®ÝͲÊÃÃçÄ®ãùÝÙò®¹ÊÝÖÙʦÙÃͲÊÃÖçãÙÝ»®½½ÝͲóÊÙ»øÖÙ®Ä ÖÙʦÙÃͲÄãÙ¥ÊÙÄãÙÖÙÄçÙ®½ÝçÝÝͲ¥®ÄÄ®½¥®ãÄÝÝͲÊÃÖçãÙݦ®ÄͲÝÊ®½ÝÙò®ÝͲ½®ãÙùÝÙò®Ý ͲòÊç«ÙÖÙʦÙÃͲÖÙÄã®Ä¦Ý»®½½ÝͲ«ÊÃͲÝÖÙÄã®Ä¦ͲÖÙÄãÝÄÊÄùÃÊçÝͲÙ½ã®òÝÝÖÙÄãÝÖÙʦÙà 20131202-NEWS--25-NAT-CCI-CL_-- 11/15/2013 12:54 PM Page 1 A SUPPLEMENT OF 700 West St.
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