For tlie Latest Local and National News DIAL A NEWS at 678-2251. Stay in Dlalrlbuted to military and civilian personnel on White Sands Missile Range. Puhlished weekly by Las Cr\lces Cilizen. Las Cruces. N. M.. a private f4nn in no way connected with Department of the Army. Opinions expressed by publishers and Tune With the World. writers herein are their own and are not to be considered an offidal expression of Department of the Army. Appearance of •'>.. adTerlisementa In this publica:tlon does not constitute an endorsement by Department of the Army of products or services• Vol. XIII - No. 44 White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, Friday, February 2, 1968 8 Page Iii. I ~11 1 Dental Health Week GI Bill Flight! ii Training Plan i, SP4 James D. Richardson Set Here Feb. 4-10 Changes Noted * • The 20th Annual National~-----------­ Five new categories of spe­ Named Soldier of Quarter Children's Dental Health Week tal Health Week giving lee- cialized flight training are now will be observed at White tures and showing movies on open to veterans training for J Soldier of the Quc::1 ter • • • • • • Proclamation Sands Missile Range, F'eb. 4 Dental Health. civilian flying jobs under the GI honors at White Sands ., - Missile Range have been lllolS Llti.L1>b.t;."l'S .O~.-i·.rAL through 10, it was announced The Officers will provide Bill. · I liJt.:A.i...L'.ti WEEK today by Colonel Jesse M. each child with a dental kit The Federal Aviation Admin­ awarded to SP4 James D. 1 elmlllry !l-10 Swink, Post Dental Surgeon. contalning a toothbrush, tooth· istration, after a number of re- I Richardson of Reno, Nev., t d dis · tabl ts quests from veterans for more WHKitEAS, the dental The week is being fostered as pas e _an c1 osmg e · advanced training, has ap.. an electronics engineer he.alth o.f the per11oruiel of part of the Army Preventive The disclo~ing tablets contain proved these types of training; with the Self-Propelled WJU.te Sands ;\lisslle Range Dentistry Program. food coloring _usea to show -"Class" ratings to cover ad. j Hawk Missile Project, Ar­ b a matter of concern of all Colonel Swink stated that food particles m the mouth. ditional aircraft categories. my Missile Test and Evalu­ indlyiduals of this command; Children's Dental Health Week Through the use of these tab- -Additional ratings to be ation. ami is set aside each year for par­ lets each pupil will be able to added to instructor certificates. ticular emphasis on the dental He was selected last fall WH.l!;REAS, early pre­ see areas he has missed during -Proficiency training to pre­ as Soldier of the Month for health need of people every­ brushing. pare for an airline transport rat. Police Chief Ben Sllva ventive measures and edu­ October 1967. cation of children and youth where, especially the youth. Teachers will be presented ing. The SoicHer of the Quar­ ., can aid in prewnting a large "The biggest job of the aids which can be used for fu- -Proficiency training for cer­ • * degree of the incidence o.f dental profession today is in ture iristruction in proper oral tification as a rotocraft external ter received an engraved dental disease, especially educating the general public to hygiene. The Officers will load operator or chief pilot. plaque, a $25 U. S. s a vi n gs the harmful effects of dental stress to the children the need -Proficiency training for cer­ bond and a three - day pass. He • tooth decay, and can help to Police Work also was honored at a luncheon ensure the future good disease. Prevention is the only for habitual tlany mouth care, tification as an agricultural air. ~ssible solution," the Colonel particularly that of brushing craft operator or supervisor. meetin~ of the El Paso Cham­ dental health of children aa Explained in ber of Commerce, held last they grow to adulthood: stressed. immediately after each meal. Previously, the only FAA-ap- "For prevention to be ef­ proved courses were those lead­ week at the Paso del Norte Ho­ NOW, THEREFORE, BE ing to a certificate as a com­ teL IT RESOLVED: THAT, I, fective, the program must be Detail. Here Has !\laster's Degree directed to the young. The ha­ mercial pilot, flight instructor Major Genernl H. G. Dads­ White Sandf;! Missile Range During the luncheon, Spccial­ bits of good oral hygiene and or instrument-rated pilot. son, commanding gC1nera.l of soldiers this week were told ist Richardson was awarded a professional care, so necessary The FAA action makes vet­ \Vblte Sands Missile Range, New Wage erans enrolling in the advanced how they could continue to certificate and an AM-FM radio for good dental health, must do hereby proclaim the week flight training courses eligible serve their country in a :fight set, gifts of the Chamber of be taught and started in the Commerce. of Fl'bnui.ry 4 through Feb­ for reimbursement by the Vet­ that must be won a.nd ls sec­ ruary 10, 1968, afil Chlldren's home and continually emphas­ erans Administration. (AFPS) Specialist Richardson, 'l'/, is a · ized throughout the school Board. Act ond in importance only to the graduate of Reno High School Dental Health Week at Whlt.e U. S. effort in Southeast Asia. Sands Missile Rang!". years. Adulthood is too late. and the University of Nevada. IN WITNESS WllER.EOF, Vl!dt Set For School H 1 • H d Las Cruces Police Chief Ben He attended the university on a Silva addressed Missile Range four - year Fleischmann S c i- I have hereunto set my hand LTC Robert ?3. Atwood, e ping an Army Preventive Denistry Of­ Is Ready WinS Bouquet soldiers Tuesday and Wednes- ence Foundation scholarship. at Whit.e Sands Missile day mornings at the Post After receiving his B. S. degree, Range this 2nd day ot Feb· ficer, and LT David R. Avery, Navy Preventive Dentistry President Johnson has For WSMRite Theater during the regularly be did graduate work and re- ruary 1968. TOP SOLDIER - The Soldier of The Quart.er, Spil James D. Officer, will viRlt each class of approved a new Coordinat- Jim Patton, ohief Traninig Di- scheduled Commander's Call. ceived his M. S. degree in elec- Richardson, of A Company, receives an engraved plaque H G. DAVISSON d Fed al W S t Chief Silva's visit to the tronic engineering in 1966. l\l"a_jor Gl"nl"ral, USA ·1-ie White Sands Missile Range e er age ys em vision Civilian Personnel Office He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. from Colonel John J. Kieley, Acting Commander, in Wed· school during Children's Den- which will cover the Gov- at whlte Sands Missile Rang~ range was in conjunction with James H. Richardson of Reno. nesday's retirement and awards ceremony held in front of Counnanding post headquartel'fil. The 27-year old soldier, who was Octl)­ errunent's 8oO,OO wage receiVed a bouquet this week the Department of Defense A brother of the WSMR soldier, er's Soldier of The Month, also received a $25 savlngs bond rr . E d board employes in trade from the u. s. ARMY Tank program in which the armed Dr. Albert E. Richardson, is a and a tllroo-day pass. (U.S. ARMY PHOTO) YnD Tohn H 11arrier n s craft, and laboring occupa~ A?tomotive Center, Warren, services assist civilian police professor of chemistry at New CUil J4 tions beginning in July Mich., through the Tank Com- agencies in bringing their Mexico State University and V lj S. "/\. T / ' Gan·oer 1968 mand newsletter. forces up to strength. resident of Las Cruces. Another ••••••••••••••••••••••r - .1 ear . 1 ~ava \_, . I Seems that 90 employes in ' Re\\oitrds, Hardsldps brother, Dr. Clarence R. Rich- 30 . d W d The new system, when that area were identified dur- I During his short talk en- ardson, is a nuclear physicist A pioneer of Navy missile technology ~etire e - operational, will replace the ing the fall as needing to attend titled "The Police Officer," with the Atomic Energy Com­ An American in Saigon nesday at White Sands Missile Range, endmg a Naval many separate wage board th~ Army Conference Leader- and during the question-ans- mission in Washington, D. C., h t b in 1938 systems now maintained ship Course. But - not a gradu- wer period that followed, Chief resident of Gaithersburg, Md. career t a egan · N · b th • d. "d d ate of the course was available t d th Specialist Richardson was em- • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Commander John H. Harrier entered the avy m Y e m lVl ua.1 epart- to serve as instructor. Silva s resse e many re- ployed as an engineer by a Re- Edilor's Note: Mrs. rra~ces F. Williams is admlnfo· 0 July 1938 as a seaman, then advanced through all ~;nt~o ~~fdf agtencies.i More The answer? =~d:U!!a~;:::~~e;o;:e !~~~ no television station while at- trative officer on the staff of the Deputy for National . d W t G er n eren agenc es have Two workers were dispatched tending college. Before entering Range Engineering, WSMR. presently serving on enlisted grades of Fire arran unn ' wage board employes in ovre to WSMR for the training, and erous hardships. t.he Army in November 1966, he ?on~rolman ru: :temporary duty in Vietnam. The Wind & Sand and officer ranks, until his promotion to Commander 300 local wage areas through- then returned to present the "We need, and law enforce- was employed by the Hug h e s will in 1963.
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