B39 Program - All-1.Pdf

B39 Program - All-1.Pdf

Beirut39 – Program of Activities äÉWÉ°ûædG èeÉfôH – 39ähÒH ¿ÉLô¡e Meeting With The B39 Arab Writers Through 50 Events During 4 Days ΩÉjG á©HQG ióe ≈∏Y •É°ûf 50 ∫ÓN øe 39`dG ÜÉàµdÉHq AÉ≤∏dG (All activities will be in Arabic unless otherwise stated) (¢ùµ©dG ôcP ∫ÉM ‘ ’EG á«Hô©dG á¨∏dÉH ᣰûfC’G áaÉc …ôŒ) THURSDAY APRIL 15, 2010 FRIDAY APRIL 16, 2010 SATURDAY APRIL 17, 2010 2010 (πjôHCG) ¿É°ù«f 17 âÑ°ùdGq 2010 (πjôHCG) ¿É°ù«f 16 ᩪ÷G 2010 (πjôHCG) ¿É°ù«f 15 ¢ù«ªÿG 9.50am – Rania Zaghir in conversation with Mohamed Salah 9.50am – Joumana Behlok in conversation with Islam 10am – Marek Brieška in conversation with Mohammed ,¿Gƒ∏Y ø°ùM óªfi ™e QGƒM ‘ ɵ°ù«jôH ∂jQÉe – ÉMÉÑ°Uk 10:00 ,…hGó©°S óªMCG ,¿É몰S ΩÓ°SG ™e QGƒM ‘ ≥∏ëH ÉfÉeƒL – ÉMÉÑ°Uk 9:50 ,QGôL IófQ ,ÜõYC’G ìÓ°U óªfi ™e QGƒM ‘ ÒZR É«fGQ – ÉMÉÑ°Uk 9:50 Alazab, Randa Jarrar, Hyam Yared and Mansour Alsoyem Samhan, Ahmad Saadawi, Najwan Darwish and Nagat Ali Hasan Alwan, Randa Jarrar, Abdellah Taïa and Hussein Al Abri …È©dG Ú°ùMh ™jÉ£dG ˆG óÑY ,QGôL IófQ .»∏Y IÉ‚h ¢ûjhQO ¿Gƒ‚ ˃°üdG Qƒ°üæeh OQÉj ΩÉ«g The process of writing The writers who formed us Why do we write and what do we write about? ?GPÉŸh Öàµf GPÉe Éfƒ∏µ°Tq øjòdG ÜÉàµdGq áHÉàµdG á«∏ªY Gebran Tueini School Municipal Public Library of Bachoura q Laure Mghayzel School IQƒ°TÉÑdG ‘ áeÉ©dGq ähÒH ájó∏H áÑàµe ∫õ«¨e Qƒd á°SQóe »æjƒJ ¿GÈL á°SQóe 9.50am – Joumana Behlok in conversation with Mohammed 9.50am – Nada Abboudy in conversation with Wajdi Al Ahdal, 10am – Charbel Dagher in conversation with Islam Samhan, – k 10:00 – k 9:50 – k 9:50 Hasan Alwan, Yahya Amqasim, Yassin Adnan and Basim Alansar Hussein Jelaad, Abdullah Thabit, Abderrahim Elkhassar ,OÉ©∏L Ú°ùM ,¿É몰S ΩÓ°SG ™e QGƒM ‘ ôZGO πHöT ÉMÉÑ°U ,º°SÉ≤eG ≈«ëj ,∫ógC’G …óLh ™e QGƒM ‘ …OƒÑYq ióf ÉMÉÑ°Uk ,º°SÉ≤eCG ≈«ëj ,¿Gƒ∏Y ø°ùM óªfi ™e QGƒM ‘ ≥∏ëH ÉfÉeƒL ÉMÉÑ°U Yahya Amqasim, Hussein Al Abri and Abdullah Thabit QÉ°üÿG º«MôdG óÑYh âHÉK ˆG óÑY âHÉK ˆG óÑYh …È©dG Ú°ùM QÉ°üf’G º°SÉHh ¿ÉfóY Ú°SÉj The writers who formed us Why do we write and what do we write about? Young Arab poets Karm El Zeytoun Mixed School Ghbeyreh School Municipal Public Library of Monnot ÜÉÑ°ûdG Üô©dG AGô©°ûdG ?GPÉŸh Öàµf GPÉe Éfƒ∏µ°Tq øjòdG ÜÉàµdGq ƒfƒe ‘ áeÉ©dGq ähÒH ájó∏H áÑàµe …ÒѨdG á°SQóe á£∏àîŸG ¿ƒàjõdG Ωôc á°SQóe 10am – Pius Hermez Elias Alibek in conversation with Nagat 10am – Assaad Khairallah in conversation with Nazem 10am – Alawiya Sobh in conversation with Zaki Baydoun, 10:00 10:00 10:00 Ali, Abderrahim Elkhassar, Abdelaziz Errachidi and Najwan Darwish Elsayed, Rosa Yaseen Hassan, Samar Yazbek and Joumana Haddad Hala Kawtharani, Nazem Elsayed and Hyam Yared ,ÊGôKƒc ádÉg ,¿ƒ°†«H »cR ™e QGƒM ‘ íÑ°U ájƒ∏Yq – ÉMÉÑ°Uk ,ø°ùM Ú°SÉj GRhQ ,ó«°ùdG ºXÉf ™e QGƒM ‘ ˆG ÒN ó©°SCG – ÉMÉÑ°Uk ,»∏Y IÉ‚ ™e QGƒM ‘ ∂«H »∏Y ¢SÉ«dG õ«eÒg ¢Sƒ«H – ÉMÉÑ°Uk What is the situation of contemporary Arabic literature? The creative writing process New Lebanese literature OQÉj ΩÉ«gh ó«°ùdG ºXÉf OGóM áfɪLh ∂Hõj ôª°S ¢ûjhQO ¿Gƒ‚h …ó°TGôdG õjõ©dG óÑY ,QÉ°üÿG º«MôdG óÑY Municipal Public Library of Bachoura Municipal Public Library of Bachoura Lina’s Café (ABC Ashrafieh) ójó÷G ÊÉæÑ∏dG ÜOC’G á«YGóHE’Gq áHÉàµdG á«∏ªYq ?öUÉ©ŸG »Hô©dG ÜOC’G ™°Vh ƒg Ée (á«aöTCG ABC) RÉæ«d ≈¡≤e IQƒ°TÉÑdG ‘ áeÉ©dGq ähÒH ájó∏H áÑàµe IQƒ°TÉÑdG ‘ áeÉ©dGq ähÒH ájó∏H áÑàµe 10am – Javier Martín in conversation with Kamel Riahi, 10am – Nael El Toukhy in conversation with Abderrazak 4pm – Hamdy El-Gazzar and Yahya Amqasim in conversation with Hussein Al Abri, Abdellah Taïa and Wajdi Al Ahdal Boukoba, Dima Wannous and Hamdy El-Gazzar the winners of the Beirut19 competition, organised by IEA øjòdqG ÜÉàµdGq ™e QGƒM ‘ º°SÉ≤eG ≈«ëjh QGõ÷G …óªM – ô¡¶dG ó©H 4:00 ,áÑcƒH ¥GRôdG óÑY ™e QGƒM ‘ »Nƒ£dG πFÉf – ÉMÉÑ°Uk 10:00 ,…È©dG Ú°ùM ,»MÉjôdG ∫ɪc ™e QGƒM ‘ ÚJQÉe Ò«aÉN – ÉMÉÑ°Uk 10:00 An insight on new Arabic fiction What is the situation of contemporary Arabic literature? (International Education Association) IEA á«dhódGq á«HÎdG á«©ªLq ¬àª¶fq …òdG "19ähÒH" ¿ÉLô¡e á≤HÉ°ùe ‘ GƒëHQ QGõ÷G …óªMh ¢Sƒfh áÁO ∫ógC’G …óLhh ™jÉ£dG ˆG óÑY Municipal Public Library of Monnot Municipal Public Library of Monnot A meeting between Beirut19 and Beirut39 authors 39ähÒH ¿ÉLô¡e ÜÉàchq 19ähÒH ¿ÉLô¡e ÜÉàcq ÚH ™ªéj AÉ≤d öUÉ©ŸG »Hô©dG ÜOC’G ™°Vh Iójó÷G á«Hô©dGq á«dÉ«ÿGq ájGhôdG ≈∏Y Iô¶f LAU – Business School Auditorium - Beirut ∫ɪYC’G IQGOEG á«∏cq ‘ äGöVÉëŸG áYÉb – á«cÒeC’G á«fÉæÑq∏dG á©eÉ÷G ƒfƒe ‘ áeÉ©dGq ähÒH ájó∏H áÑàµe ƒfƒe ‘ áeÉ©dGq ähÒH ájó∏H áÑàµe 10am – Nael El Toukhy in conversation with Ahmad Yamani, 10am – Jabbour Douaihy in conversation with Abdellah Taïa, Samar Yazbek and Abderrazak Boukoba Mansour Alsoyem, Mohammed Hasan Alwan and 4pm – Readings by Abderazzak Boukoba, Faïza Guène, ,øjƒZ IõjÉa ,áÑcƒH ¥GRôdG óÑY Égƒ∏àj äGAGôb – ô¡¶dG ó©H 4:00 ,˃°üdG Qƒ°üæe ,™jÉW ˆG óÑY ™e QGƒM ‘ »¡jhO QƒÑLq – ÉMÉÑ°Uk 10:00 ,∂Hõj ôª°S ,ÊÉÁ óªMCG ™e QGƒM ‘ »Nƒ£dG πFÉf – ÉMÉÑ°Uk 10:00 Literature and taboos Mohamed Salah Alazab Abdelaziz Errachidi and Nagat Ali »∏Y IÉ‚h …ó°TGôdG õjõ©dG óÑY ÜõYC’G ìÓ°U óªfih ¿Gƒ∏Y ø°ùM óªfi áÑcƒH ¥GRôdG óÑYh Lina’s Café (ABC Ashrafieh) Is there a new generation of Arabic novelists? Tales from North Africa É«≤jôaCG ∫ɪ°T øe ¢ü°üb ?Üô©dG Ú«FGhôdG øe ójóL π«L áªK πg äÉeôëŸGhq ÜOC’G Lina’s Café (ABC Ashrafieh) Kotobus – La Corniche ¢û«fQƒµdG - ¢SƒÑàc (á«aöTCG ABC) RÉæ«d ≈¡≤e (á«aöTCG ABC) RÉæ«d ≈¡≤e 11am – Shirley El Murr in conversation with Youssef Rakha, Readings in Arabic and French Dima Wannous, Hala Kawtharani and Hussein Jelaad 11am – Souheil Matar in conversation with Abdelaziz ,ɵ°ùjôH ∂jQÉe ,¢ûàjQófÉa 䃓ôg ¿ƒªLΟG – ô¡¶dG ó©H 4:00 ,…ó°TGôdGq õjõ©dG óÑY ™e QGƒM ‘ ô£e π«¡°S – ÉMÉÑ°Uk 11:00 ,¢Sƒfh áÁO ,ÉNQ ∞°Sƒj ™e QGƒM ‘ qôŸG ‹Ò°T – ÉMÉÑ°Uk 11:00 Literature and journalism Errachidi, Yassin Adnan, Faïza Guène and Abderrahim Elkhassar 4pm – The translators Hartmut Faehndrich, Marek Brieška, ¤EG á«Hô©dG á¨∏dGq øe áªLÎdG á«dɪL ¿ƒ°ûbÉæ«°S ∂«Ñ«µdCG ¢ùjƒHh …ôKƒZ ¢ù«dCG QÉ°üÿG º«MôdG óÑYh øjƒZ IõjÉa ,¿ÉfóY Ú°SÉj OÉ©∏L Ú°ùMh ÊGôKƒc ádÉg Lebanese University, DES bldg, Tayouneh Alice Guthrie and Pius Alkibek will discuss the beauties and q q New literature from the Maghreb É¡JÉjó–hq iôNC’G äɨ∏dGq Üô¨ŸG øe ójó÷G ÜOC’G áaÉë°üdGh ÜOC’G Notre Dame University (NDU) - Zouk Mosbeh challenges of translating from Arabic to other languages á«Hô©dG á¨∏dGq øe áªLÎdG íÑ°üe ¥hP - NDU - Iõjƒ∏dG Ió«°S á©eÉL áfƒ«£dGq ,DES ≈æÑe ,á«fÉæÑ∏dG á©eÉ÷G 11.15am – José Miguel Puerta in conversation with Translating from Arabic q Hamdy El-Gazzar, Abdelkader Benali, Abdullah Thabit Université Saint-Joseph (USJ) ∞°Sƒj ¢ùjó≤dGq á©eÉL 11.15am – Georges Dorlian in conversation with Hyam “Literature Across Frontiers" øe ºYóH ,OÉ©∏L Ú°ùM ,OQÉj ΩÉ«g ™e QGƒM ‘ ¿É«dQhO êQƒL – ÉMÉÑ°Uk 11:15 ,QGõ÷G …óªM ™e QGƒM ‘ ÉJôjƒH 𫨫e ¬«°SƒN – ÉMÉÑ°Uk 11:15 and Mansoura Ez Eldin Yared, Hussein Jelaad, Kamel Riahi and Hala Kawtharani With the support of Literature Across Frontiers q The writers who formed us New Arabic literature This event will be held in English ájõ«∏µfE’G á¨∏dÉHq QGƒ◊G Gòg Qhó«°S ÊGôKƒc ádÉgh »MÉjôdG ∫ɪc øjódG õY IQƒ°üæeh âHÉK ˆG óÑY ,»∏Y øH QOÉ≤dG óÑY Municipal Public Library of Bachoura Municipal Public Library of Bachoura ójó÷G »Hô©dG ÜOC’G Éfƒ∏µ°Tq øjòdG ÜÉàµdGq 5:00 5pm – Yusra Mukaddam in conversation with Rosa Yaseen ,ø°ùM Ú°SÉj GRhQ ™e QGƒM ‘ Ωó≤eq iöùj – ô¡¶dG ó©H IQƒ°TÉÑdG ‘ áeÉ©dGq ähÒH ájó∏H áÑàµe IQƒ°TÉÑdG ‘ áeÉ©dGq ähÒH ájó∏H áÑàµe 11.15am – Mazen Maarouf in conversation with Joumana 11.15am – Suleiman Bakhti in conversation with Hassan, Najwan Darwish, Samar Yazbek and Samer Abu Hawwash ¢TGƒg ƒHCG ôeÉ°Sh ∂Hõj ôª°S ,¢ûjhQO ¿Gƒ‚ 11:15 11:15 Haddad, Nazem Elsayed, Zaki Baydoun Mansoura Ez Eldin, Zaki Baydoun and Youssef Rakha The literary language of Men and Women AÉ°ùædGhq ∫ÉLô∏dq á«HOC’G á¨∏dGq ,øjódG õY IQƒ°üæe ™e QGƒM ‘ »àîH ¿Éª«∏°S – ÉMÉÑ°Uk ,ó«°ùdG ºXÉf ,OGóM áfɪL ™e QGƒM ‘ ±hô©e ¿RÉe – ÉMÉÑ°Uk and Samer Abu Hawwash The role of culture in our society Sanayeh Space ¢ùjÉÑ°S ™FÉæ°U ÉNQ ∞°Sƒjh ¿ƒ°†«H »cR ¢TGƒg ƒHCG ôeÉ°Sh ¿ƒ°†«H »cR What is the situation of contemporary Arabic literature? Municipal Public Library of Monnot Éæ©ªà› ‘ áaÉ≤ãdG QhO ?öUÉ©ŸG »Hô©dG ÜOC’G ™°Vh ƒg Ée Municipal Public Library of Monnot 6pm – Rachid Daif in conversation with Mansoura Ez Eldin, ,øjódG õY IQƒ°üæe ™e QGƒM ‘ ∞«°†dG ó«°TQ – AÉ°ùe 6:00 ƒfƒe ‘ áeÉ©dGq ähÒH ájó∏H áÑàµe ƒfƒe ‘ áeÉ©dGq ähÒH ájó∏H áÑàµe 12pm – Claire Armistead in conversation with Basim Alansar, Mohamed Salah Alazab and Youssef Rakha ÉNQ ∞°Sƒjh ÜõYC’G ìÓ°U óªfi 12pm – Leila Bissat in conversation with Islam Samhan, Randa Jarrar and Abdelkader Benali New Egyptian literature ójó÷G …öüŸG ÜOC’G QGôLq IófQ ,QÉ°üfC’G º°SÉH ™e QGƒM ‘ ó«à°ù«eQG Ò∏c – kGô¡X 12:00 ,øjƒZ IõjÉa ,¿É몰S ΩÓ°SG ™e QGƒM ‘ •É°ùH ≈∏«d – kGô¡X 12:00 Faïza Guène, Rosa Yaseen Hassan and Ahmad Saadawi Writing and living outside the Arab world T-Marbouta Cafe (áWƒHôe AÉJ) "I" ≈¡≤e »∏Y øH QOÉ≤dG óÑYh …hGó©°S óªMCGh ø°ùM Ú°SÉj GRhQ What do we write and how do we write about it? LAU – Business School Auditorium - Beirut »Hô©dG ⁄É©dG êQÉN ¢û«©dGh áHÉàµdG ?∞«ch Öàµf GPÉe LAU – Business School Auditorium - Beirut This event will be held in English 6pm – Hassan Daoud in conversation with Abdelkader Benali, ,¿ÉfóY Ú°SÉj ,»∏Y øH QOÉ≤dG óÑY ™e QGƒM ‘ OhhGO ø°ùM – AÉ°ùe 6:00 ∫ɪYC’G IQGOEG á°SQóe ‘ äGöVÉëŸG áYÉb - á«cÒeC’G á«fÉæÑ∏dG á©eÉ÷G ∫ɪYC’G IQGOEG á«∏cq ‘ äGöVÉëŸG áYÉb – á«cÒeC’G á«fÉæÑ∏dG á©eÉ÷G Yassin Adnan, Mansour Alsoyem and Dima Wannous ¢Sƒfh áÁOh ˃°üdG Qƒ°üæe ájõ«∏µfE’G á¨∏dÉHq QGƒ◊G Gòg Qhó«°S 1pm – Ala Hlehel and Adania Shibli will discuss about their 3.30pm – Abdo Wazen in conversation

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