WORLD EVENTS IN THE LIGHT OF PROPHECY VOL. 42, NO. 27 Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, July 4, 1927 ONE PENNY DIFFICULTIES OF PEACE Human plans failing; God's purposes working out 0 nation loves war for war's sake; all the will not suffer. The spirit of suspicion of the designs nations and peoples want peace for their own of others permeates the whole world. Peace built sakes ; but too many of them want it after upon such a foundation must collapse sooner or they have gained certain advantages from later. When all the inhabitants of this world have other peoples and nations. Until then, they rid themselves of all hatred, malice, suspicion, are willing to try the arbitrament of war. jealousy, over-reaching, and sharp practice at the Article 8 of the Covenant of the League of Nations expense of others, we shall have heaven here. That reads :— happy condition will not be brought about by man- "The members of the League recognise that the made plans or human inventions. Until the Lord maintenance of peace requires the reduction of na- Christ has come and has reckoned with sin and tional armaments to the lowest point consistent with sinners, we shall have just what we have now, un- national safety, and certainty, dread of the enforcement by war, severance of in- common action of in- ternational f rien d- ternational obliga- ships and interna- tions." tional .relations, de- That human ex- nunciations a n d pression of desire is counter denuncia- the cornerstone on tions, and always per- which the new temple plexity in the hearts of peace is to be built. of mankind, men's It is proving itself to hearts failing them be a very uncertain for fear of what is cornerstone. When coming upon the the builders of the earth. new temple of peace That, and not any seek to erect their kind of Utopia, is structure, they find what this world must that the cornerstone expect until the king- has slipped away, and dom of Christ is ush- they are building on ered in. And that sand. will never be done by The Seventh As- international agree- sembly of the League ment, by the ballot of Nations considers, box, or by royal de- however, that prog- cree. God has defi- ress has been made, nitely foretold these and the attempt to conditions that we see effect disarmament is about us at the pres- now in progress. ent time; He has also America has called a declared that these conference also — a conditions shall end; conference which but not the exact France a n d Italy, time. He has told us, though invited to, are however, that when not willing to attend. we see all the signs The reason of this Sport & General Photo fulfilled which He has disinclination to at- THE CHINESE CRISIS given in His Word, tend is plainly distrust we may know that The trouble in China is but one of the many difficulties confronting of the conference's statesmen today in their efforts to bring about world peace. The photo the time is near, even ability to guarantee above shows Marshal Son Den Fung (left), a notable figure in Chinese at the doors. The that their interests affairs, at his residence in Shanghai. distressful and per- [Registered at the G.P.O., Melbourne. for transmission by post as a newspaper.] 2 SIGNS OF THE TIMES July 4, 1927 plexing conditions that are now in the world make pest of human wrath that will bathe the whole world up a portion of the signs which our Saviour gave in sorrow. That day, too, draws on and the nations to inform mankind of the approach of the end of are drilling for it now. Not for nothing are the the world. The darkened sun and moon, the falling inventors of the nations working out new weapons stars, the roaring seas (boisterous and rebellious of destruction, and the chemists of the nations de- peoples), the hearts of men failing them for fear, vising new and more deadly gases to snuff out the the distress of nations with perplexity, famines, lives of men, women, and children. The world rolls pestilences, and wars -- all these are divine fore- on toward Armageddon ; but beyond that dark cloud warnings of the approach of the great day of God the Sun of Righteousness will just as surely rise the Almighty. Those have either taken place or are "with healing in His wings." taking place now, and with longing hearts the faith- ful followers of the Christ look toward the day- dawning which the Sun of Righteousness will usher in. THEOSOPHY CONDEMNING JESUS Not as a secret rapture does it come ; not as HE "Order of the Star in the East," which is a transformations of nations under schemes of the Theosophical order, professes to believe in the human; but as an overflowing scourge will it be to T soon coming of the Christ. It does not believe the workers of iniquity, and a day of supreme joy in the coming of the Christ as the Bible presents it; and satisfaction to the people of God. This is it does not believe in Jesus as the Christ, but only Heaven's description of that wonderful event that as One through whom the Christ spoke. Now, they seals the destiny of every soul that has ever been teach, the time is near for the "Great Teacher," the born into this world :— real Christ, to speak through another human being, "Our God shall come, and shall not keep silence : Mr. J. Krishnamurti. This man is to play the role a fire shall devour before Him, and it shall be very of Jesus, as the instrument to be used by the Christ tempestuous round about Him. He shall call to the in giving the messages of the Christ to this world. heavens from above, and to the earth, that He may We have not seen him restoring any withered limbs, judge His people. Gather My saints together unto curing the palsied, healing the sick and the crippled, Me ; those that have made a covenant with Me by restoring the sight of the blind, or raising the dead sacrifice. And the heavens shall declare His right- to life. Nevertheless, he is to be the vehicle used by eousness : for God is Judge Himself." Ps. 50: 3-6. the real Christ in giving heavenly messages to earth When He comes in the execution of His judgment, dwellers. Not only so, but in order to make the way every case will have been decided. He that has been easier for this twentieth-century substitute for declared holy will ever remain so ; he that is declared Jesus, the public teachings of this order decry the unholy will ever remain under that judgment. See work of Jesus and belittle His wisdom and His Rev. 22 : 11. The one class will be admitted into the perfection. They look upon Jesus as only a human bliss and the glory of the eternal inheritance, to life soul reaching for perfection and failing in His that will never end, to a kingdom where death can efforts. They teach that— never come. The other class will as certainly pass "At the baptism of Jesus and again at the transfiguration under sentence of death eternal. They have chosen something was added to Him that was not there before. That darkness rather than light, and darkness will be their is perfectly explained by this distinction [which they make] portion for ever. The fires that devour before the between the 'disciple' Jesus and the Lord Christ. There are eternal Judge will not only purify this earth from other incidents that are readily comprehensible if this is true: the last and least taint of sin, but they will destroy the use of the whip; the cursing of the fig tree. It is incon- sin and sinners root and branch. As God is not a ceivable that the Lord of Wisdom should curse and wither a God who delights in torture, He does not condemn fig tree because it did not bear fruit out of season. The Son the sin-deceived and sin-choosing dwellers of this of God does not show Himself unreasonable or peevish. But a disciple on the road to perfection might do so."—From a world to an eternal life in a hell that burns to eter- published sermon by Rev. Chas. Hampton, of New York, a nity ; but destruction absolute and complete will be lecturer on Theosophy. their portion. The prophet Malachi is very definite upon this matter, as the last chapter of the Book of This attacks Christianity at its very foundation. Malachi will show. "Into smoke shall they consume Divinity said of Jesus, "They shall call His name away," is the declaration of Scripture. The place Jesus, for He shall save His people from their sins." that knows them now will, after the work of the If He were guilty of foolishness, peevishness, and executive judgment has been done, know them no even profanity, as this Theosophical exegetist would more for ever. Not even the devil, the instigator have us believe, not only would He be unable to save of sin, will be found when that work is complete. other people from their sins, .but He Himself would Of him it is said : "I will bring thee to ashes upon have to die for His own sins—a death from which the earth in the sight of all them that behold thee. there would be no awakening, for He would have no .
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