With Best Compliments from : H. K. Bhuyen, Director of Economics & Statistics, Assam. STATISTICAL HAND BOOK ASSAM 1988 NIEPA DC D05309 Dir e c t o r a t e o f e c o n o m ic s & s t a t is t ic s GOVERNMENT OF ASSAM GUWAHATI 9hft. National Systems U ah, National Institute of Educational Pknninj ? id Ariinistration 17-L.SnAurl .do Marg.NewDelhi-U001| DOC. Date^.» i .4 FOREWORD The current issue of 'Statistical Hand Book, Assam, is the twenty-second in the series. It presents a concise factual account of social and economic trends in Assam based on currently available data. With a view to making the bro­ chure more useful to the data users, Statewise statistical data and key statistics of the country are also included here. The data presented in this issue have been collected as usual from various Departments of the State and the Central Government, Public- seotor undertakings and a few private institu­ tions. The delay in publishing the issue in time was mainly due to the time lag in the flow of up-to-date data from a few impportant sources. The continued and generous co-operation extended by various departments of the Central and the State Governments, and other agencies in making available the required statistical data for the publication is gratefully acknowledged. Suggestions for improvement in quality and content of the publication are welcome. Guwahati H. K. BHUYAN, February, 1990. Director of Economics ^ Statistics. Assam ; Guwahati-6. CAPACITY AND VOLWME I Gallon (Imperial) - 4-54596 Litrei. I Gallon (U. S.) 3-78533 Litn*. - 0-83268 Gallons (Imperial) 1 Litre _ 0-219967 GaUons araperial). 1 Cubic feet - 28'3168 Cubic Decimetres - 0.028 Cubic metres 1 Cubic metre 1-30795 Cubic yards. 1 Cubic yard 0-76455 Cubic metrei. AREA 1 Square inch 6'4516 Square centimetres. 1 Square foot 0-092903 So. Metres. 1 Square yard - 0-836131 Sq. Metrei. ] Square metre 1-19599 Square Yards. 1 Acre - 0-404686 Hectares- B3 3-025 Bighas. 4840 Sq. Yards. 1 Square mile d 2-58999 Sq. Kilometres. 640 Acres. 1 Square kilometre 100 Hectares. 247 Acres. 0-386101 Square Miles. 1 Hectare 10000 Square Metres 7-46993 Bighas. _ 2-47105 Acres. i Bisha — 0-13387 Hectares. i_ 0-3 W58 Acres. CONVERSION TABI.B WEIGHTS 1 Graia - 0*065 Grams. 1 Gram = 0-035270 Ounce. - 0-085735 Tola. 1 Ounce m m 28‘350 Grams. I Pound - 0-4536 Kilogramt. 1 Ktlogram - 2-20462 Pounds. I Quintal - 100 Kilograms r Tonne 10 Quintals. — 0-98420 T obs- I Toa 1-01605 Tonne. 1 Cwt „ 0.508024 Quintals “ 50-802 Kilograms. LENGTH I Centimetre - 0-393701 Inches. 1 Inch — 25-4 Millimeti«s« — 0-0254 Metrci. I Foot 0-3048 Metres. - 30-48 Centimetres. I Metre 1-09361 Yards. 1 Yard 0-9144 Metres. 1 Mile . 1-609344 Kilometn 1 Kilornefrc 0-62137 Miles. r o a d d is t a n c e f r o m GUWAHATI (in Km».) d h u ib r i m 523 DULIAJAN m a n jk a c h a r 269 491 TINSUKIA KOItRAJHAR 236 465_ NAMRUP GOSSAIGAON 277 443 DIBRUGARH GOA.LPARA 150 363 SIBSAGAR ABHAYAPXmi 201 411 SONARI JOGHGHOPA 212 308 JORHAT BON(GAlGAON 210 288 GOLAGHAT BARffETA J4 0 300 s a r u p a t h a r M5 k a z ir a n g a PATACHAR. 97 O KUCHI a MO KAHARA NALIBARI _7I 18^ SILGHAT RAN GIYA 52 123 NAGAON MANIGALDOI 68 224 LUMDING UDA.LGURI 12< 177_ HOJAI TEZIPUR 181 78 MARIGAON BISWANATH- 255 271 CHARIALI DIPHU DHEKIAJULI 137 247 HAMREN N, LAKHIMPUR 396 368 HAFLONQ DHKMAJI VIA- 469 397 m a ib o n g BORDOLONI 338 KARIMGANJ JONAI 554 S43 SILCHAR SAIKHOWA- 537 GHAT HAILAKANDJ DIGBOI 527 SHILLONG CONTENTS , FABLP Page* 1. POPULATION 1.01 District-wise number of Village*. To was, 1-3 Police Stations, Out-Posts, Revenue Circles. C. O. Blocks Gaon Panchayats and Mabkuma Parishads, Assam. 1.02 Population trend in Assam 4 1.03 Distiit-wisc Area, Population, Deosi^ and 5-7 Literacy. 1.04 ^ e a , population and Density of Population 3-13 in different Towns. rOS Towns notified after 1971 Census 14 1.06 Sub-division-wise Scheduled Caste and S ^e- lS-18 duled Tribe Population, 1971. 1.07 Population by ReUgion 19-22 1.08 Speakers of Languages 23-29 1.09 Population by broad Industrial Category ot 30 workers and non-workers. I T' 1.10 Persons classified as non-workers by type 31 of activity. 1.11 Distribution of Population by age-Group 32 and Sex, 1981. » Table s 1.12 Dbuict'wise estimates of mid'fiaancial .'33-37 year populati<»i. 1.13 Birth and Death rate* based oo three years 3* moving average. 1.14 Fertility indices, Assam 39 1.15 Age Specific Fertility Rates, Assam 40 1.16 Iniant Mortality Rates in Asaam 41 2. CLIMATE 2j01 Centre-wise Average Relative Humidity 42-47 2.02 Centre-wiae Highest and Lowest temperatiuc 48 2.03 Cnitre-wise Monthly Rainfall 49-S5 3. AGRICULTURE 3.01 Number, Area and Average size of Opera- 56-57 tional holdings 1980-81. 3.02 Total Area and classification of Area 1981-82 58-61 3.03 Index number of Agricultural production 62-63 3.04 Index number of production, Area under crops 64 and productivity. 3.05 Area under principal Crops in Assam 65 66 i lu ble Paget ( PnxductloD of principal crops iji Assam 67-68 T Yield rato of selected Crops 69 08 Disrtrict-wise area under high yielding variety 70-71 of paddy. , Disitrfct-wise and season-wiae comunaption of 72-73 Fertilizer. Crop-wise Irrigation potential utilised 74 11 Irrisation potential utilised 75 4. LIVESTOCK AND VETERINARY I D&trict-wise Uvestock & Poultry po>pulatlon 76-77 I Agricultural implements, etc. 78-79 3 Veterinary facilities in Assam 80-81 > Performance of Hospitals etc. 82-83 I Production of Milk, Egg anl Meat 84 5. FOREST 1 Area nnder Forest in Assam 85*86 1 Oot-tura of Timber and Fuel wood 87-88 IV Ikbls pa« 9.03 Statistics ef Fotests Road la Assam 8 5.04 Revenne of Forest Department 9 6. FISHERY fi.01 No. of Fisheries according to area & type 91-S 6,Q2 Number of Revenue BeeU River Fisbcriess ! 6,03 Production of Fish-se«d and Fi»h • 95-J 7. SERICULTURE 7.Q1 Statistics pf Sericultural Villages 98-U 7j02 Serieultural Farms and Grainages lOl-K 7*Q3 Reeling Units in Assam K 7-Q4 Production of Raw Silk yam' li , 8. handloom and tbxtjles 8*01 Weaving Centres, Trainees, Production etc. 8‘02 Weaving Demonstration Circles 8‘Ql3 Handlooms pistributed able Fag«» 1 9. POWER 01 Insitalled Capacity and Generation of 111-113 Elecstricity 02 Sahe of Electricity by type of Consumers 114-115 Os Villlages/7own9 electrified and Pumpsets 116 «nergise4, . 10. INDUSTRY al Ind(ex Mumber of Industrial Produ^tioti 117-118' Prmducticn of Some Selected Industries 119-121 ■03 Nuanber if Registered FactoriW in Assam 122-123 ■04 Disttrictwhe Distribution of Registered 124-lM Faictoriea ■05 Anmual Survey of Industri-s, Assam 132 *06 Sm:all Sole Industries Registered Under 133f I the Directorate of Industries. •07 A*siam Khadi & Vill. Industries Produc- 134-135 tiom and Employment. • fOB Number tf Industrial Estates 136 •C9 Growth Centres and their present position 137 10 Capital Iivestment & Subsidy Sanctioned 138 VI T*N« Pagf l 0*ll New Units estmblitbed by type of Industri«« 1$ 10*12 Statistics on Industrial Disputes 14 10.13 Grant of loans, Disbursed to various 14 Industries. II. TEA INDUSTRY 11.01 No. of Tea Gardens, Factories, Bmployiiictvt H aod production. 11.02 District-wise Tea Gardens area. Production! W and Average yield. 11*03 Average Daily numtwr ef Labour empSoywd 1^ 11*04 Area under Tea accoiding to age-gioup 145-1^ of Bushes. ll'05 Composition of labour employed W 11.06 Total mimber of Labour on Roll W 11*07 Tea Sold in Guwahati Tea Auction Centre 150-ij 12. MINERALS 12.01 Production of Coal, Crude Oil N. Gas amd 1{ Lime Stone. ' v u Tabie P V * 12.02 Index of Mineral production 153 12-OJ ColBery-wisc Production of Co<al IW 13. CO-OPERATION 13.01 Co-operative Societies in Assaim 1S5 13.02 Number of Co-operative Societies in Assam 156-158 13.03 Statistics of Prinutry Credit Societies 159 3.04 Statistics of Co-operative Banks in A«sam 160-161 13.03 Processing SodeCcs in Assam 162 13.06 Statistics of the consumers, co-operative 163 in Assam. 13.07 Statistics of the Sugar Factories in 164 Assam. 13.08 Statistics of Uie Contumers & Marketing 165-166 Co-op. (Statfed). 13*09 Statistics relating to Fishftd 167 13-10 Statistic* relating to Housefed 1^8 \ i i i ■rtible Pages 14. PUBUC ENTERPRISES AND JOINTSTOCK COMPANIES 14.01 Growth of Jointstock companies, Assam 169 . 15. TRANSPORT AND COMMUNICATION 15.01 Number of Motor Vehicles onroad in 170-173 Anatn. 15'02 Number of Motor Vehicles registered 174-177 in Assam. 15*03 Number of Motor driving Licenses issued 178-179 and Renewed, Assam. 15'04 Composition and capacity of Water-Ways, ISO-183 Fleet and Ferries in Assam. 15*05 Cargo and passengers handled by Ferries at 1S4-185 ‘ ' diflferent points on the bank of the Brahmaputra River in Assam. 15*06 Assam State Road Transport Corporation 186 Fleet strength, number of employees, nationa­ lised route length and number of passengers and goods handled.
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