DIR~CTORY.J EAST RIDING YORKSHIRE. HOLLYM • 547 • Tha crops are of the nsual kind. The area Post & T. Office. John Gregg, sub-postmaste-r. Lon­ !Wres of land and 1 of· water; I'ateable valuft, don & other letters, through York: by foot post, ani.-e the pcpulation in I9II was 521. at 6.30 a.m. & 7·45 p.m. & dispatched at to. IS &.m. Parish Clerk, .Arthur Botterill. & 7·45 p.m.; no sunday mail. Heslington roa4. York,. By a Local Government Order, vhich came into opera• is the nearest mone}' order office tion March 25, 1884, the townships of Heslington St. Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in x856, by Lawrence and Heslington St. Paul were amalgamated ~:Jr. &; Mrs. George Lloyd, as a memorial to the pro­ and to be designated Heslington, but the St. Lawrence jector, the late Yarburgh Yarburgh esq. & enlarged portion is mostly within the city of York. See Law· m 1907, for 150 children; average attendance, 100; rence street and Heslington road. Fred _\lbrrt Pav,• master County Police, George Sprigg«, constable in charge. ~ COMYBRCBL. Kirk Eliza (Mrs.), Black Bull P.H. PRIVATE RESIDENTS. I !.mers Thomas, farmer Hull road Deramore Lord D.L., J.P. HeslingtQn Bell ~Iatthew, blacksmith Kitchen John,de Yarburgh Arms P.Jl hall; Bel voir park, Belfast; & Bickerdike James, farmer, Manor ho Leeves Horace, builder Carlton club S W & Baehelors' Bickerdike Robt. Hy. frmr. Pool Brdg Little et Co. thrashing machine Qwnrs club W, London Connell Charles, shopkeeper Xicholson David, miller (wind) Bateson The Hon. Mary Lilla de Yar- Coutts William, farm bailiff to Lord O.j;tick Frederick, farmer burgh, The Lodge Deramore I Reeson Edward, dairyman Bates on The Hon. Katherine Hylda Dick son Alfd.Chas. frmr. Langwiih La I RucklPdge Frederick, butcher de Yarburgh, The Lodge French Geo. mrkt.grdnr. Langwith La Shaw Alfred, joiner Beckett John Goodall George, head gardener to Shaw William, wheelwright Carey Mrs Lord Deramore, Heslington hall Stabler Edward, tailor Hawthorne Richard, Burton cottage Gregg John, shoe maker, Post office 1 Stoddart Alexander Reid M.B., C. M. Little Mrs. The Croft Haw Arthnr, assistant overseer Edin. (surgery) Pay Fred Albert Hopwood Edwin, farmer Waites Charles, head gamekeeper t() Peel Rev. Fredk. Mus.Bae. (vicar), Hopwood John Wm. market gardi.'HPr Lord Deramore Vicarage Hopwood Wm. frmr. & market grdnr Wallis Joseph Wm. Charles XII. inn Ree.son George, Lowfield house Horner Edward, farmer Ward John Forth, greengrocer Richmond Miss Horner Jo8eph, frmr. Langwith Lane Whitehe~rl Margaret (Mrs.). farmer Wakefield Charles Kendall Thomas, fa1mer HESSLE is a small town near Hull, and will be found in this Directory with the Hull section. HILDERTHORPE, see Bridlington. · HILSTON is a parish, township and small village and re>idence, in the gift of the Archbishop of York ancl near the German Ocean and 7 miles north-east from Sir Tatton Sykes bart. alternately, and held since tgo6 Byehill station on the Hull and Withernsea branch of by the Re,·. J oseph Henry .A.insworth, of St. Bees t.he North Eastern railway, 9 north-east from Hedon, College, who re~>ides at Tunstall. Major Waiter George in the Holderness division of the Riding, middle divi­ Raleigh Chichester-Constable J.P. of Bnrton Constable,. sion of the Holderness wa.pentake, middle Holderness is lord of the manor. Sir Tatton Sykes bart. of Sled­ petty sessional di>ision, Patrington union, county court mere, A. Coster esq. and the BeY. Norman James Millel' dlstrict of Hedon, rural deanery of Hedon, archdeaconry M.A. rector of '\Vinestead, are the chief landowners. of the East Riding and diocese of York. The church The soil and sub~oil are clay, marl, sand and gravel. ·of St. Margaret is a small building of rubble stone, in The chief crops are wheat, clover, beans, oats, peas and the Transition ~orman st~·le, consisting of chancel, nave turnips The acreage is 554; rateable value, £438; and a western tower with spire: it was rebuilt in 1862 the population in I9II was 32. by the late Sir Tatton Sykes bart. at a cost of £s,6co: On Hilston Mount, an eminence near the village, is an at the west end is a memorial window to Dame .Ann octagonal tower of brick with circular turret, built in Svkes,• erected by• six of her children: the east window 1750, and surmounted by a flagstaff and vane·: it is weU ia also stained: the font of white marble, with granite known at sea as a landmark and is 50 feet high and 62- ~;hafts, was given by the late Ven. Charles 1/Iaitland feet in circumference, and is known as Admiral Storr'& Long, archdeacon of the East Riding, in memory of Tower. · Mary Anne (Foulis), wife of the late Sir Tatton Sykes Let,ters from Hull, via Burstwick, arrive at g. 15 a. m. bart. d. I Feb. 1861: there are 8o sittings. The regis­ The nearest money order &; telegraph office is at Roos~ ter dates from the year 165r. The living is a rectory, 2 miles distant united to that of Tnnstall, in Holderness, :May u, 1877, joint net yearly value £xgo, including 68 acres of glebe The children of this place attend the school at Roo-s Baxter William COMMERCIAL. Goforth Robert, farmer IClark .Albert, farmer IMoore Henry, farm~;.-, Glebe farm HOLLYM is a parish, township and scattered village, Henry Broadley Harrison-Broadley M.P. of Welton about a mile from the German Ocean, 2 miles south House, Capt. Sir William Pierrepont Wilson-Todd hart. from Withernsea station on the branch of the ~orth of Halnaby Hall, Messrs. Tbompson, Mr. T. C. Cover­ Eastern railway from Hull to that place, 13 south-east dale and the Rev. Charles Day J.P. are the chief land­ from Hedon and 2~ north-east from Patrington, in the owners The soil is strong clay; subsoil, red clay. Holderness division of the Riding, south division of The crops are chiefly beans, wheat, oats and barley_ the wapentake of Holderness, south Holderness petty The acrea~e of the township is 2,120; rateable value~ ~:;ess.ional division, Patrington un.i.on, Hedon county £I,Q58; the population in 19II was 218. coul't district, rural deanery of Hedon, archdeaconry Withernsea, a township in thia parish, will be Ionn<f of the East Riding and diocese of York. The church under a separate heading. of St. Nicholas is a plain building CYf white brick, con- Parish Clerk, John Dibnah. sisting of chancel, nave, vestry and an embattled we;;tern Letters from Hull, via W'ithernsea, arrive at 8 a.rn_ tower containing two bells: it was rebuilt in 1814 and Wall Letter Box cleared at 4.45 p.m. week days only_ again in I884, at a cost of £g8o, and has 175 sittings. The nearest money order &i telegraph office is at The register dates from the year 1564. The living is- a Withernsea, 2 miles distant ' discharged vicarage, with Withernsea annexed, joint net Public Elementary School, erected in I8S6; average at- yearly ulue £230, including 250 acres of glebe, in the tendance, 28 boys & 20 girls; Miss Nora Johnson,. gift of the Rev. Charles Day B . .1., J.P. and held since mistress; MM. Emily Bourroughs, infants' mistress 1909 by the Re> . .James Frederic Tomlinson ~LA. of Christ Church, Oxford. There is a Primitive :Methodist Rysome Garth, about 3 miles south, consists of a chapel. built in 186o. Sir Tatton Sykes bart. D.L. of farmhouse and three cottages: the farm is held by Sledmere, who is lord of the manor, Mrs. Sykes, of Mr. James Blashill; it is ecclesiastically in the parish Sunningdale, Berk<~, the owner of Rysome Garth, Col. of Hollym, but for civil purposes in that of Holmpton.. PRIVATE :RESIDENTS. Boasman Rd.thrashing machine ownr Dibnah John, farmer & parish .clerk Coverdale Thos. Charles, Church farm Brabiner Thomas William, farmer Elvidge Joseph. poultry farmer Day Rev. Charles B.A., J.P Burnbam George Henry, farmer Fntty Edwin, cowkeeper Butcher George, farmer Gledhill Richard Allen, wheelwright C'OllliERCI,iL. Butcher Thomas, farmer Greem:ides Fanny (Mrs.), Plongb. ina Boasman Benj. farmer, Toftling farm Clegg John, farmer Hart Robert, farmer & landowner BoaMila.n John. brmer C'urtis Arthnr, blacksmith Hunter George. boot maker .
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