TCU Daily Skiff Friday, April 24, 1992 Texas Christian University, Fort Worth, Texas 89th Year, No. 1 ()7 Administrators discuss fall 1992 global semester By ALFRED CHARLES The Mayan Culture Week will TCU Daily Skiff resume next fall, and an intensive Einglish program to fortify language Faculty members heard extensive skills for international students is reports from administrators and also scheduled for this summer, deans Thursday about the univer- McCracken said. sity's upcoming global semester that During Downey's presentation, he begins in the fall. said business faculty members have "All of us next year—the entire already incorporated global themes campus community, including fac- in their courses because a shrinking ulty, staff and students will have an world dictated a change. opportunity to become involved with "The world we live in has gone the Global-Theme Semester." said through dramatic globalization," Larry Adams, an associate vice chan- Downey said. cellor for academic affairs. To adequately instruct students, The Global-Theme Semester will faculty members have had to incor- attempt to highlight the culture of porate global themes in their classes, Latin America countries and is a uni- he said. versity-wide effort to present His- Of 16 classes offered by the panic culture to the campus school, only one—a statistics class— community. did not have a sec'ion devoted to About 50 faculty members international aspects of business. attended the meeting in the Moudy Downey said. Building which convened in accor- Downey said the curriculum in the TCU Dally Skiff/ Aimee Hernng dance to the Faculty Senate constitu- M.J. Neeley School of Business is Army ROTC members honor graduating seniors of the 40th Horned Frog regiment in the annual pass in review Thurs- tion that says the chairperson of the currently under review by a business day on the law n in front of Sadler Hall. Senate is obligated to schedule two school faculty committee that will general faculty meetings. recommend course changes that will During the meeting, faculty mem- reflect a greater emphasis on classes bers heard reports from Add-Ran with an international concentration. College Dean Michael McCracken, He also said faculty members in College of Fine Arts and Communi- the Business School are concentrat- Voting not a priority to college students cation Dean Robert Garwell and M.J. ing on research of an international Neeley School of Business Dean H. flavor and a "large number of faculty Kirk Downey about the progress members are actively pursuing lan- By KATHERINE THOMPSON in other things," Deleon said. everything is done for you." Milsap selves. Deleon said. each school was making toward guage acquisition." Five of 38 fac- Special to the Skiff Theories on why college students said. "Suddenly at age 18 you can A- specific issue motivated Kelli implementing programs for the ulty members are pursuing a formal don't vote or participate in cam- vote, but that doesn't mean you're Hawkins, a senior advertising public Global-Theme Semester. education in an additional language, Many college students enjoy par- paigns are varied, but most center on going to be politically aware relations major, to vote in her home During his presentation, Downey said. tying, but politicians and campaign student apathy as the underlying overnight." state of Louisiana last fall. McCracken said Addran had a vari- During his presentation, Garwell volunteers will tell you it has little to cause. Milsap said there are many issues "I'm not really interested in poli- ety of initiatives already in place that said an alliance with the Universidad do with Democrats and Republicans. At TCU, student apathy has been involved in politics that students are tics unless there's an issue that I feel ensures students are preparing to live de Las Americas in Mexico for an College students -across the nation criticized by active students as well not really interested in. or they don't strongly about." Hawkins said. in a global society. Inter-American Studies in and at TCU—are not involved in pol- as faculty members. see how it personally affects them. "That's why 1 drove home to vote "My sense is many faculty mem- Art/Design was pending. itics. "The mentality here is insulated," "Because young people haven't against David Duke." bers in their teaching are giving more "The proposal was very strong. According to a 19X° national sur- said Jeff Carruth. Tarrant County spent a lot of time hav ing to fend for Issues are not enough to get many of an international view to students," We hope to hear in July if we will vey, less than 37 percent of 18— to coordinator for the Paul Tsongas themselves, these issues (taxes. other students to vote. McCracken said. receive a grant to fund the program," 20—year—olds voted in the presi- campaign and a junior history major. healthcare, etc.) don't have a lot of Another reason behind student McCracken said the college is Garwell said. dential election. While voter turnout Carruth blames the demographics meaning for them." he said apathy is simply lime constraints and studying the possibility of adding a If the application is approved, a for Americans of all ages is low. par- of the TCU student body for the con- Deleon agreed. difficulty in getting to the polls, said minor in Japanese language, a minor three-year faculty exchange program ticularly in the South, trends in the servative inactivism on campus. "If you had some kind of crisis. Todd Ramsey, a junior criminal jus- in geography and a minor in Asian will be implemented. 18— to 29—year—old category are "Many other campuses, which are something that faced us head on, then tice major and president of the and Middle-Eastern studies. He also Garwell also gave the dates for a even more disturbing. more diverse, have higher rates of we would get involved." he said. "lining College Republicans. said the college is reversing a trend number of events that will occur in "I don't know what it's going to participation than TCU." he said. Deleon gave an example of politi- "Many students (at TCU) are reg- and giving serious consideration to the fall that will feature Hispanic cul- take to open up their minds," said Besides demographics, student cal participation during the Vietnam istered to vote m other states and they hiring faculty members from other ture. An exhibit by Luis Alfonso Sergio Deleon. 1 arrant County coor- apathy is caused by the way our soci- era. don't want to spend the time voting countries. Jimenez will begin October 7 and dinator for the Bill Clinton presiden- ety is set up in general, said Richard Students in the early 1970s were absentee." Ramsev said. "1 will expect to see this trend con- end on October 30. Performances by tial campaign and a student at the Milsap. TCU political science faced with the possibility of being Students also have to deal w ith tinue as we attempt to bring greater the Concert Chorale and the Dance University of Arkansas at Little instructor and a Tarrant County elec- drafted for an unpopular war. he said. added pressures of school, work and diversity to this campus," Department will feature Latin Amer- Rock. tions judge and precinct chairman. That got many young people moti- McCracken said. ican music. "Students are just more interested "Until you're 18 years of age. vated to vote and to protect them- See \ ote, page 5 University deals with sexual harrassment Local Walk for Life demonstrates need By JENNIFER WILLINGHAM conduct of a sexual nature, even if is and what procedures to follow if between students and the adminis- TCU Daily Skiff carried out under the guise of it occurs." tration remain open. humor. "Accusers are reluctant to file "I want students to know that Although sexual harassment For example, "verbal abuse formal complaints," Barr said. this department is for them," Ban- for organ donations takes many forms, the university could involve someone being sub- "Most people just want the behav- said. "We are trained to handle has specific guidelines specifying jected to dirty jokes and physical ior to stop and to return to a normal their situations and will do our best Trinity Park with hoi dogs and ham- what constitutes harassment, uni- misconduct might be inappropriate environment." to make them feel comfortable." By KRISTI SWAN TCU Daily Skiff burgers. versity officials said. hugging or touching," Barr said. "Sexual harassment can tuke the "There have been few Walkers need to meet at the Trin- "It is a power relationship That definition of sexual harass- form of a humorous joke such as unfounded complaints of sexual The LifeGifl "Walk for Life" will ity River Bike Paths behind the between people," said Margaret ment is included in TCU's sexual showing dirty pictures or telling harassment," Barr said. take place Saturday to increase LifeGift offices at 1701 River Run. Ban, vice chancellor for student harassment policy which is dis- dirty jokes, but if a person if An example would be if a stu- awareness about the importance of next to the Marriot Residence Inn on affairs. tributed to university department uncomfortable with this behavior, dent filed a complaint against a organ and tissue donations. South University Drive. Barr is an administrative officer heads, but not to students. he or she should report it," Ban- teacher just because the student The walk is scheduled in accor- who deals with harassment cases. "A lot of this information should said. didn't like the teacher. In that case dance with National Organ and Tis- She said the university defines be included in the student hand- Barr has been the sexual harass- the student filing the false com- sue Awareness Week, said Jackie harassment as unwelcome sexual book next year," Barr said.
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