l At th~ Be at the f{OCKEY -GAME 'fiiday_ Mr. Grundy's loving cup . .will be presented to Grundy, the .loving cup, and N. D.'s ·Best-Dressed· .Man. i. -ly-. L-~..,--ee-~-~-t~..,--~-a_~.....;,:,w..:...::?n::._::~.::.::.seM~e M-~--'. re the Best-Dressed Man. _voL 2. NO. 69 . · UNIVERSITY OF-NOTRE DAME, NOTRE DAME, INDIANA, STAURDAY, FEBRUARY 9, 1924 PRICE 4 CENTS ' . - ~ - ... .-~~~,-·:· Some Impressions SUCCESS CROWNS EFFORTS OF -_':CAMPUS . of the Cotillion, b.1" A telegram received by the J DAILY just before press time a St. Mary's Glrl BY~PAT-HS stated that Mark Nolan won first SOPHOMORES AT COTILLION place in the oratorical contest atl Soft lights ... ahubbub of noise ..• people hurrying here and there · 'Laid-ieeees and Gen-tle-· ! Indi~napolish last night.· Seven . • . boys with blank _faces . • sc _oo 1s were repre~:;ented in the Benson's Collegian Orchestra Furnishes Splendid inen!! · · f. contest. - .. _ searching, searching . ·.• where did .The. extraord~nary Cotillion is ···-"-·-----o-..--•:• she go? a blare of trumpets, · Music for More Than 500 Dancers · over!· A most laudable and praise- saxophones ... then,. "on with the ,_ worthy display of dazzling inagni- TRACK MEN To· ·RUN dance" . -. bright shimmering . From the first soft symphony of ficance and superlative splendor it : . gowns of crepe, red ·velvet and sil- N-.D.· HOCKEY TEAM Benson's Collegiqns 'till the last \vas! You have now satisfied .the IN WESTERN MEET ver cerised lips.. penciled rose light. was extinguished, the demands _of Terpsichore~ · and noV.·, . _ · eyebrows glistening shlrt - _ 1 Sop_homore Cotillion held last night laid~ieess' and gentle~men, let us fronts·· · perfectly fitting tuxes TO _MEET· MICHIGAN at the Palais · Royale ·presented a turn, not from the sublime ·to the --- ·· glistening Staycombed hair, colorful spectacle seldom; if ever, .ridiculous but from the sublime to CO f ·t t 8 · H·ld t K · O'f · and shiny shoes • · · ah artificial equalled in Notre Dame social af..: the 'sart9rial, and_ let me have your . n es 0 e e a.- ansas l11 y mo'on~arn I_ ••• unnecessary. mop- Irish Have Ghance to Win this Aft- fairs ... More than 250 couples at- attention for just a few brief mo- Today; Basketball Team to ping of foreheads and the ·region tended the formal. Dancing con- ments, th~t you·may·not leave' this ·. M t ('I d' ('I II of the "King ,of the Wings" • . eroon·; Ice is in Good Condi- -tinued until~2 o'clock. timt ,\rithout seeing once and for ee lJOncor ta lJ0 ege._ more blinding d~esses .... green and tion Jor Fast Work. .Favors for the. ladies were tiny all and for -the last time, the final Coach Rockne and a squad ~f ten· gold· · • large black fans · ·. · lights silver - perfumettes . monogramed act in the-little play that has been men -left South Bend ·at 2:50 yes- and more lights ... the odor. of The only home attraction of this with. an "N. D." Unusually_ at-- going on· in this _column1 for the terday after}loon for Kansas City m,~sk : · · soft scents ·: · hauntmg week-end will be the hockey game tractive programs were included past three weeks .. It is pos-it~ively, where Notre Dame will be seen in melodies · · · the strams of a fa- on St. Mary's lake this afternoon. with the dance.. laid-iees and gentle-men, your a·ction today_ at the . Kansas City miliar tun.e · · •. the Victor~ March! The Irish· puck team will me-et· the .. The orchestra, ·Benson's Colleg­ Jast· opportunitY-do not" crowd, Athletic. club inVitation track meet · · · a taxi · ~ · contented Sighs · · · fast Michigan sextet at· 1:30 ians of Chicago, played remarkably there is plenty of room'-step back Rockne has entered ·a mile and t,;~ memories . : . other things .... and o'Clock, and from all indication this entertaining mu~ic, . and inter_. please, this is a frail platform...•. mile relay team in a large field of uthat's that-::-'till next year." ' will be' the hockey. classi5!. of the spersed the regu~ar dimce numbers -o-' -o- · starters composing the cream. of the season 'for the local fans. with novelties of their own. · You have observed, -my friends, Missouri Valley track talent. The Notre Dam·e met the Wolverines Many out-of-town· guests attend- the struggle the past week_:_you mile relay composed of Barr, Ham- TRA. INING 'FOR BOY -_: in a .season opener at Ann ·Arbor ed the dance and added greatly to have seen Ryan and Mooi·e and ling, McTeirnan ·and . Eaton, · will in January and was ·defeated, 2-1, the general success of the social stuhldreher: and· Thode and Ken- face_ one of the fastest fields in the WORKERS INITIATED after having: held the jclever Michi- side. Besides the large number of nedy, ·one after the other seize the country when theiy line up with the . ·gan · t~am in che_ck for three peri- sophomores at the dance, ·many up-· 1 palm of victory only _to lose it to color bearers of Nebraska, Drake, ___ - ods. .. • _ per classmen attended what is .said some .. flashier competitor-:-- you Ames, . Missouri, and the . Kansas . , The game this afternoon Wlll be to· have been the best Cotillion ever have watched. the bitter race be- Aggies.. The. two-mile team, made University Offers New Course to a hard, fast cont:st and a ca~e 'given at Notre ·Dame. ' tween·. Ryan and Moore, and. you up of . Captain". Kennedy, Barber, Prepare Experts; Knfghts of wher? the sextet Wlth ~he s~oother ' The usual flashlight. picture. was have read their propaganda: You Cox, and· O'Hare, will meet com- wor~mg ~earn wor~ ~11- ultimately taken in order that proper history hiiVe seen haJI' line up against. hall, petition equally as keen as that en- - Col limbus Are Sponsors.. ' be '?ctoriOu~s··. The Irish have m9re might be kept. The prevailing col:- and . rector against rector-aye! tered in -the mile relay event from With the opening of the spring than a figh~mg chance an~ are con- or scheme .of the -decorations· was brother ag;dns~ brother in this the same group of- colleges. · . semester, February, 1924;-the Uni- fident of _v;ctory.. · the 'familiar soft red and.blue light.: struggle; an'd then-laid-iess . and Elmer Layden will·toe the mark in versity of Notre .Dame initiated a The'. VISitors. 'displaye~ a good ing effects of the Palais Royale. gentle.::...men, you have 'seen out of ::~.-speCial 50-yard dash in the' Kan- new movement in Catholic educa:.. kno'':ledge of the game m the first Patrpns and patronesses included the East ·a star. flash dimiy for a sasCity meet. Adam Walsh is also tion providing. for the professiohal mee~mg of the s~ason and _have d~- Mr. arid Mrs. Will,iam: Benitz, ,Mr. second, and then· rise, 'm~teoric, entered· in· a_ special 50-yard· high training of experts in the free-time veloped ~ c;ple~did offense and de- and Mrs. James Reichert, Mr. and like ·a, golden arrow : and sweep hurdle event. .. guidance of· boys. · The Knights of fense whi~h Will tax ~he resources Mrs. David Weir, Prof. James Me­ through' the _constella!j9.ns ·(and to -The Notre Dame colors, although Columbus has. establishe-d 30 schol- of the Irish· tea~ this afternoon. Carthy, and Prof. ·Paul Fenlon. th~ consternationL::_9f .::.Ryan.-.··and. not._ positively able_ to compete. in ar~hips, extending over a period of As. the. ga.ll1e bemg_ played,_ un~~~ . ·.·The success of the. darice ,vas:due. M()ore, 'and . the. rest, lind biirst::;:a th~';-riff~et·~any. great-degree! ·~of-sU: 'two pears~O:'\vllich'~'pro'vifie:":thi:r:-:-first t}te;. :f.reshmen'::-l'~~i_ng,- '-the~-,-Notre mainly; to·~~:the-:-: :.efforts cof:::.:Mm·k dazzling.and u_nparalleled phenome- p·eriority, will . nev.ertheless be group of 'students for. the· ne\v Dame_yearling-i~e stars -.yill_ be un- M~-oney; president of the·class,-An­ rtonofsplendor .into· first place and among the high scorers. Layden course. These will be s_elected by ab.le ~ 0 ~how their wares agamst·the dz(ew F. Colin, -_ vice-president, victory. And· who, laid-;iees and' undoubtedly will be able to hold his the . recently established Boy Life Michiga_n s~ho?l. · _ . Francis · A. · McG:uigan, 1 and the gentlemen was_ this star out of. the own against ·the ·Missouri Valley Bureau of the Knights, in consulta- . The. ICe Is m the best· col1dibon treasurer,. Stanley: _J. Walsh. .East?·'·Who? Who else than the spe~d merchants. '_With two such tion with experienced boy w'orkers It has been all s~ason. an~ the Committeesin charge .of the Co..: man whose name was armounced sterling runners :as K~nnedy _ and th~ougho,ut 'the. country~ . : game should b~ hghtmng fast. tillion' were: on Thursday as the winner of the Cox_ in thehalf mile, the Irish col- Mr. ·Hoyer, ,a gr~.duate. of Penn~ The starting lin~"'u_p· ~or the_ pro- Finance..;_Sta~ley. Walsh,' chair-. contest for the best-dressed man at ors should place-· well _up in the sylvania Univ,ersity, and for some teges of Tom Lieb Will be Jimmy mari · Bernard ·Wingerter · Frank Notre 'name ; · .. no other than money ~t the.finish of the two-mile years pa!?t -a member and profes- E~an at the goal, Mou~h and Tim· Wal;h, · Thomas Leahy, ' Robert FRA~K MILBAU-ER. · · relay.. · · .-- sional worker of' ·the· Boys' Club mms on defense, Captam McSorley Carey, Edward Johnson and Ed- .
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