An-Ethos-Theory of Party Positions on European Integration: A Polish Case Study Submitted by Madalena Pontes Meyer Resende* Thesis submitted for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy London School of Economics and Political Science University of London 2004 ‘ Financial support from Sub-Programa Ciencia e Tecnologia do 2° Quadra Comunitario de Apoio, Ministerio da Ciencia e Tecnologia, Portugal and from Fundagao Calouste Gulbenkian, Programa de Educagao e Bolsas, Portugal, is gratefully acknowledged. UMI Number: U215425 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. Dissertation Publishing UMI U215425 Published by ProQuest LLC 2014. Copyright in the Dissertation held by the Author. Microform Edition © ProQuest LLC. 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Contents LIST OF ABBREVIATURES.................................................................................................9 CHAPTER I THE WIDER SETTING................................................................................. 11 Resea rc h q u e s t io n.................................................................................................................................. 11 Resea rc h o b je c t iv e s...............................................................................................................................13 C h a pter o u tl in e........................................................................................................................................ 13 C o n c e p t io n s o f p a r t ie s..................................................................................................... 15 T h e po licy-seek ing t r a d itio n............................................................................................................. 16 T h e o ffic e-seek ing t r a d it io n.............................................................................................................24 Theoretical approaches to the determ ination of p artes’ European attitudes... 27 C o n c l u s io n...........................................................................................................................31 CHAPTER II THEORY AND METHODOLOGY............................................................33 A SCALE OF PARTY RESPONSES TO EUROPEAN INTEGRATION......................................................... 42 PARTY’S ETHOS AS DETERMINANTS OF POSITIONS ON EUROPEAN INTEGRATION...................... 44 P a rty respo n ses to Eu ro pea n integration................................................................................. 52 P a r t ies’ preferences co n cernin g Eu ro pea n integration................................................... 54 M e t h o d o l o g y......................................................................................................................56 THE EMPIRICAL MATERIAL.........................................................................................................................58 C lassification C r it e r ia.........................................................................................................................62 C a se Se l e c t io n.......................................................................................................................................... 63 3 CHAPTER in EXPLAINING RIGHT-WING EUROPEAN ATTITUDES 65 Sta ges o f P olish relationship w ith th e Eu ro pea n U n io n................................................... 66 C h ristia n d e m o c r a c y............................................................................................................................ 75 L ib e r a l is m ................................................................................................................................................... 76 C onservatism............................................................................................................................................ 77 Na t io n a l ism................................................................................................................................................78 Classifying parties............................................................................................................81 1991-1997: T h e FAILED EXPERIMENTS OF RIGHT-WING UNIFICATION.......................................... 81 T h e unification o f th e right betw een 1997 and 2 0 0 1 .............................................................94 2001 El e c t io n s......................................................................................................................................... 106 Analysis............................................................................................................................... 114 CHAPTER IV EXPLAINING LEFT-WING EUROPEAN ATTITUDES.................... 119 Classifying parties.......................................................................................................... 123 So cia l d e m o c r a c y.................................................................................................................................123 A g ra r ia n ism..............................................................................................................................................125 E c o l o g ism.................................................................................................................................................. 126 . 1989-1993: THE FIRST EXPERIMENTS....................................................................................................127 1993-1997: THE GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE................................................................................. 139 1997-2001: T h e left in o pp o sit io n....................................................................................................148 Analysis............................................................................................................................... 157 4 CHAPTER V TESTING GOVERNMENT-OPPOSITION DYNAMICS AS AN EXPLANATION FOR PARTIES’ EUROPEAN ATTITUDES...................................... 160 C e n t r ip e t a l p a r t ie s........................................................................................................................... 163 P o l a r is in g p a r t ie s...............................................................................................................................177 An a l y s is.....................................................................................................................................................184 CHAPTER VI TESTING THE NEW STRATEGIC HYPOTHESIS............................. 187 T e s t in g t h e h y p o t h e s e s...................................................................................................................188 T h e c r e a t io n o f a c e n t r e-r ig h t p a r t y: t h e d ic h o t o m y b e t w e e n nationalism a n d E u r o pe a n integration............................................................................................................. 191 1991-1993Governmental coalitions............................................................................................193 1997-2001:THE AWS GOVERNMENT..................................................................................... 199 2001: The search for ideological coherence..........................................................................206 Sy n e r g ie s b e t w e e n id e n t it ie s a n d s t r a t e g ic b e h a v io u r.............................................209 T h ePSL a n d t h eSLD transform ations......................................................................................209 A n a l y s is.....................................................................................................................................................213 CHAPTER V n CONCLUSION.........................................................................................216 E u r o p e se e n f r o m t h e p o l it ic a l p r i s m ................................................................................... 221 E u r o p e s e e n f r o m t h e e c o n o m ic p r is m ................................................................................... 225 T h e g e n e r a l applicability o f t h e e t h o s t h e o r y..............................................................231 W est European parties....................................................................................................................... 235 The Wider Picture.................................................................................................................................247 5 Co n clu sio n..................................................................................................................................252 BIBLIOGRAPHY...................................................................................................................255 6 Abstract This thesis proposes a theory of party
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