Berwick Bassett and Winterbourne Monkton Parish Council Minutes of the meeting of the council held at Winterbourne Monkton Church on Wednesday 13th July 2016 at 7.30pm. Present: Cllr Bill Buxton (chair) Cllr Stephen Fulford, Cllr Jill Petchey Cllr Simon Mellor, Cllr Nick Burnet Mrs Janice Pattison (clerk) 1 member of the public 1. Apologies for absence Cllr Tony Iles 2. Declaration of Interests There were no declared pecuniary interests in items on the agenda 3. Questions from the public There were none 4. Minutes of meetings of 4th May and 16th June The minutes of both meetings were accepted as a true reflection of the meetings 5. Matters Arising from meeting of 4th May 3. Cllr Fulford has contacted Adrian Hampton at Wiltshire Council with regard to the damaged railings at Berwick Bassett with no response as yet. It was considered that the damage was caused by a heavy vehicle but it has not been possible to determine which one. There are an increasing number of heavy vehicles travelling into Berwick Bassett. The vehicles are usually looking for the Tonic Construction or a farm. The signage at the entrance to the village is intrusive but not effective. It was agreed to ask Cllr Iles to move the Tonic Sign back to the entrance of Tonic Construction. The clerk will investigate purchase of an official notice with directions to tonic, village and farm. Action clerk There are an increasing number of vehicles coming into both villages seeking Tonic Construction . Cllrs considered that this was caused by the use of Sat Navs and that this could be corrected if Tonic Construction had its own postcode. Action Cllr Iles 6. Reports a.Finance The internal audit has been completed to the auditor’s satisfaction. The required documents have been submitted to the external auditor in advance of the due date and the significant documents placed on the website. The public inspection document is displayed in noticeboards and on the website announcing the availability of accounts for public inspection until August 1st 2016 Since the last meeting the following cheques have been issued and banked Berwick Bassett and Winterbourne Monkton Parish Council Minutes July 13th 2016 Page 1 100337 WALC Subscription £76.98 100338 Councillor training planning £204.00 100339 Council Insurance £150.78 Also banked have been the cheque for the donation to the village party (£200) and the donation to Upper Kennet News (£30). The cheque for Marlborough Link has been returned as not known at this address. The cheque is now out of date. It was agreed to reissue. An amount for £68.05 was agreed under the stationery budget b. Planning Planning application 15/02818/OUT Land at rear of Old School House, Winterbourne Monkton SN4 9NW Erection of 3 bed dwelling with all matters reserved except for means of access The Appeal grants outline planning permission. So the principle of the development has been established, but the applicant is still required to submit a reserved matters planning application to get the details approved prior to building works being commenced. He is entitled to clear the ground but nothing more. 185 School Lane The Clerk had been contacted regarding the work at the above premises. Cllr Petchey explained that planning permission had been granted some time ago for the erection of a two storey extension to the side, single storey extension to the rear and a detached garage. Therefore planning permission had already been obtained. c. Footpaths The footpath towards Berwick Bassett between Christmas House and Winterbourne House is overgrown and difficult to pass. Cllr Iles to be reminded of his kind offer to cut. Action Cllr Iles The footpath beyond Millers Cottage at the bottom of the Ridgeway towards Avebury is impassable due to overgrown vegetation. The ownership of this land is uncertain. Cllr Buxton will investigate. Action Cllr Buxton d. Roads A request had been received by Cllr Fulford to investigate the condition of the road surface at the end of the village on A4361 as it is noisy. Cllrs considered that this was part of the design of the gating system on the A4361 designed to slow traffic The Parish Steward Scheme is being introduced in the Autumn. Cllrs were asked to draw up the 5 most important points of actions for the steward Cllr Buxton brought the recent enquiry regarding the death of a pedestrian in Lockeridge to the attention of councillors. It was agreed to investigate again the possibility of a reduction of speed through the main village road in Winterbourne Monkton to 20mph. Cllr Fulford would contact Wiltshire Council to obtain the criteria and steps required to obtain such a reduction. The use of the advisory speed sign previously discussed was also considered. The latter could also be used in Church Lane and Berwick Bassett as it would be mobile. Action Cllr Fulford Berwick Bassett and Winterbourne Monkton Parish Council Minutes July 13th 2016 Page 2 Other Reports g. Avebury World Heritage Site Cllr Buxton has circulated a report from the most recent meeting h. Marlborough Area Board Cllr Iles did not attend the recent meeting, It was suggested that should Cllr Iles be unable to attend another councillor might attend in his place i. Police Cllr Petchey recently attended the AGM of Neighbourhood Watch at Wiltshire Police Headquarters. There was an attempt to relaunch local Neighbourhood Watch groups in order to aid the Police. It was considered that residents already look out for suspicious activity and that there was currently no need to formalise this with a Neighbourhood Watch Scheme in either village There had been no issues regarding parking or inappropriate behaviour over the period of summer solstice. Cllr Buxton had sent a letter of thanks to the Police. The granting of permission for closure of the Ridgeway next year will be monitored 7. Byway and Bridleway ownership, map preparation The Byway between the oil tank and Windmill Hill has recently been repaired by the land owner. using planings supplied by Wiltshire Council. The work is not yet completed. Cllr Burnet will contact the landowner crossed by the Berwick Bassett Bridleway if they would be prepared to take similar action to repair the Byway. It is considered that the repair of the Highway would spoil the enjoyment of the joy riders. Further action to block and repair the bridleway at this point would then be investigated. Action Cllr Burnet Cllr Buxton has contacted the remaining landowner to confirm ownership of the land to the west of Berwick Bassett and Winterbourne Monkton following discussions with other landowners by Cllr Burnet and the clerk. Reply is outstanding. Cllr Buxton will also contact owners to the south and east. Action Cllr Buxton 8. Soakaway by Winterbourne Lodge It was considered that the flooding of the road caused by the ineffectiveness of the soakaway was unacceptable and beyond the responsibility of the landowner. Cllr Fulford will approach Wiltshire Council, who installed and own the soakaway to obtain a proposal for its improvement. Action Cllr Fulford 9. Berwick Bassett and Winterbourne Monkton to Marlborough Bus Service This service has recently transferred from APL to Thamesdown with no consultation with local residents. The service has been reduced. The 5.45 service from Marlborough to Berwick Bassett has been cut and drivers are refusing to bring school children beyond Avebury. The 9.30 am service to Marlborough is no longer coming into Winterbourne Monkton village because the vehicle they are using is unsuited to the narrow road and the tight turn at the North crossroads. Following approach from the clerk Wiltshire Council have offered to reinstate the 5.45 service from 1st September and will ensure that the northbound 9.30am service will stop at the main bus stop on the northbound carriageway so residents do not have to cross the A4361 to catch the bus. It was agreed to accept this compromise whilst Thamesdown use this particular sized bus and passengers will be encouraged to use the service. Action clerk Berwick Bassett and Winterbourne Monkton Parish Council Minutes July 13th 2016 Page 3 10. Preparation of Emergency Response Plan It was agreed that this would be started outside the meeting using the previous, out of date Emergency Plan and the recent Flood Plan. Action Cllrs Petchey and Buxton 11. Content of Published agenda and minutes It was agreed that the names of members of the public should be omitted from the published minutes of regular council meetings, unless approval is explicitly given, to respect their privacy now minutes are published on the website and therefore available to public world wide. A part 2, unpublished, section of the minutes will contain an action list for easier monitoring. Minutes will be circulated by the clerk within 2 weeks of the meeting and comments will be received and acted upon within 2 weeks from that date to enable publication of internally approved, draft minutes within 1 calendar month of the meeting. The minutes will remain formally unapproved until the following meeting. It was also agreed that all items in the council section of the website, including public notices and announcements, should be added by the clerk to avoid items being published without the approval of council. The social side of the website will continue to be maintained in the current fashion, with input from councillors as well as event organisers for example about Avebury shop, catchment schools and other information that a new resident may find useful as well as information about local events and activities 12. Confirmation of items for Press Release It was agreed to release information about the bus service and encourage residents to us and comment on the website 13.
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