GOVERNMENT OF NORTHERN IRELAND CENSUS OF POPULATION OF NORTHERN IRELAND 1937 SUPPLEMENT TO THE 1926 TOPOGRAPHICAL INDEX Printed and presented pursuant to the provisions of 26 Geo. 5 and 1 Edw. 8, Chap. 25 BELFAST PUBLISHED BY HIS MAJESTY'S STATIONERY OFFICE ON BEHALF OF THE GOVERNMENT OF NORTHERN IRELAND To be purchased directly from H.M. Stationery Office at the following addresses 80 CHICHESTER STREET, BELFAST York House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2; 120 George Street, Edinburgh 2; 26 York Street, Manchester 1; 1 St. Andrew's Crescent, Cardiff or through any Bookseller 1939 Price Is. Od. net. iii PREFACE. This volume has been prepared in accordance with the provisions of Section 6 (1) of the Census Act (Northern Ireland), 1936, and is designed for use in conjunction with the 1926 topographical index in order to facilitate reference to the statistics given in the reports on the census taken on the 28th February, 1937. The following volumes were published in connection with the 1926 census :- 1. SEVEN CoUNTY VoLUMES, including a volume for Belfast County Borough. These volumes contain population and housing figures for administrative areas and townlands, and tables dealing with age, marital condition, education, occupation, industry, birthplace, religious profession, orphanhood, and infirmities, together with statistical notes on some of the more outstanding features disclosed. 2. A GENERAL REPORT for the whole country, covering in more detail the statistics shmvn in the county volumes, and containing, in addition, tables showing:- i. the occupational distribution of persons engaged in each of 51 groups of industries; ii. the distribution of the foreign born population by nationality, age, marital con­ dition, and occupation ; iii. the distribution of families of dependent children under 16 years of age, by age, sex, marital condition, and occupation of parent ; iv. the occupational distribution of persons suffering from infirmities. 3. A ToPOGRAPHICAL INDEX, dealing in separate alphabetical sections with each type of area for which statistics are published in the county volumes. The particulars given for each territorial unit include references to the 6 inch Ordnance Survey maps and to tables 3, 4, or 5 of the county volumes. The net prices of the 1926 census publications are Ss. Od. for each county volume, and lOs. Od. each for the general report and the topographical index. A complete set of the nine volumes may be obtained directly from the Superintendent, H.J\1. Stationery Office, 80 Chichester Street, Belfast, at the special inclusive price of £2 2s. Od. net. Northern Ireland life tables and rates of mortality (1926) were included in the Registrar-General's Review of Vital Statistics published in 1931 at the price of Ss. Od. net. The 1937 census publications will consist of:- 1. SEVEN CouNTY VoLUMES, including a volume for Belfast County Borough. These volumes contain population and housing figures for district electoral divisions and larger adminis­ trative areas. Figures for townlands have not been printed, but they have been prepared in the Census Office and are available for reference upon application to the Registrar­ General. The county volumes also contain tables dealing with age, sex, marital con­ dition, usual residence, birthplace, and religion, together with statistical notes. 2. A GENERAL REPORT for the whole country, covering in more detail the statistics shown in the county volumes, and containing, in addition, tables on fertility. 3. THIS SuPPLEMENT, arranged in separate alphabetical sections corresponding to those con­ tained in the 1926 topographical index, and including particulars as at the date of the 1937 census for each area which has changed in name, constitution, or boundary during the intercensal period. The seven county volumes have already been published, and the general report is now in course of preparation. The net prices of the 1937 census publications are 2s. 6d. each for the county volumes, Ss. Od. for the general report, and 1s. Od. for the topographical index supplement. The Registrar-General is empowered by Section 6 (2) of the Census Act (Northern Ireland), 1936, to prepare and supply from the census returns statistics other than those published in the census reports, at the request and cost .of any local authority or person. Any special demands for statistics more detailed than those published (either as regards subject matter or area) can thus, as far as office records permit, be satisfied. Requests for special compilation of census statistics should be addressed to the Registrar-General, who will be pleased to advise and furnish an estimate of cost. MINISTRY OF FINANCE, GENERAL REGISTER OFFICE, FERMANAGH HousE, 0RMEAU AVENUE, BELFAST. MARCH, 1939. IV CONTENTS. Page Introduction v ALPHABETICAL INDEX SUPPLEMENTS TO 1. Parliamentary Constituencies for Northern Ireland Elections 1 2. Parliamentary Constituencies for United Kingdom Elections 9 3. Poor Law Unions (or Superintendent Registrars' Districts) 10 4. County Districts 10 5. County Boroughs 10 6. County Electoral Divisions 10 7. Dispensary (or Registrars') Districts 10 8. District Electoral Divisions (including Wards) 11 9. Towns (other than County Boroughs, Municipal Boroughs, and Urban Districts) .12 10. Townlands 14 v INTRODUCTION. Follo~in.g the ce~sus ~f 1926 a topographical index was published in order to facilitate reference t~ t.h_? stahsbcs con tamed m the 1926 census county volumes, and it covered the following territorial diVISlons of Northern Ireland as they existed at the date of the 1926 census (18th April) :- 1. Parliamentary Constituencies. 2. Poor Law Unions (or Superintendent Registrars' Districts). 3. County (i.e., Urban and Rural) Districts. 4. County Boroughs. 5. County Electoral Divisions. 6. Dispensary (or Registrars') Districts. 7. District Electoral Divisions (including Wards). 8. Towns. 9. Townlands. Complete topographical particulars, with references to Ordnance Survey maps and tables in the census county volumes, were given for each of the areas numbered 2 to 9. In addition, the sections of the index for the areas numbered 8 and 9 contained references to the territorial units of barony and parish, and section 9 also showed the acreage of each townland. The present volume is supplementary to the 1926 topographical index, and contains particulars, as at the date of the 1937 census (28th February), of all administrative areas which have been affected by changes in name, constitution, or boundary in the intercensal period. The opportunity has also been taken to include the corrected particulars for a few areas which were shown incorrectly in some small respect in the 1926 index. This supplementary index should, therefore, be used in conjunction with the 1926 full index, particulars being taken from the 1937 supplementary index, if contained therein, or from the 1926 index in the case of areas which were not changed during the intercensal period, and, consequently, do not appear in the supplementary index. It may be noted that, except in cases where it has been necessary to clarify a reference, entries have not been included in this supplementary index for areas which, although situated in other areas which have changed in name or constitution, have not themselves suffered change. For example, an entry appears for Bangor Municipal Borough (created a municipal borough in 1928), but no entries have been included for the several district electoral divisions or wards of Bangor which are shown in the 1926 index as being situated in Bangor Urban District. It is only on the occasion of a general revision of the index that it would be practicable to cover all such consequential effects of changes in name or constitution of areas. Counties.-Of the six counties in Northern Ireland all but Antrim and Down (the origins of which are uncertain) were formed in or about the year 1584. The largest county is Tyrone, with 779,548 acres, and the smallest is Armagh, with 312,767 acres, excluding in each case the area covered by the larger rivers and lakes . The powers of the county councils have been considerably extended in recent years, and, besides being the sole rating authorities for rural areas, these councils are invested with comprehensive and important functions in connection with :oad m~intenance and re~a~r, drainage, planning, educ~ti~n, and public health. The county councils receive from the mumc1pal borough and urban d1stnct councils in their areas contributions in respect of poor rate and county-at-large charges. County Districts.-There are three classes of county distiicts, viz., municipal boroughs, urban districts, and rural districts. Municipal borough status may be conferred on urban districts by ~he grant of a c~arte~ ~nder the Municipal Corporations (Ireland), Act, 1840, and borough councils possess certam pnvileges extended to them under that Act, while retaining the powers of urban district councils. There are two municipal boroughs, viz., Bangor and Coleraine. Urban districts and rural districts were formed pursuant to the Local Government (Ireland) Act, 1898, from the sanitary districts established by the Public Health (Ireland) Act, 1878. They consist of one or more district electoral divisions and each has a sep~rate council. Urban district councils are the sole rating authorities within their respective jurisdictions, and have full administrative powers in matters pertaining to public health. They are also responsible for road maintenance and repair ; they may formulate and execute schemes for the housing of the working classes; and they are authorised to provide wat~r and gas supplies. The rates le~ed by utban district councils include rates in respect of poor relief and county-at-large charges which are transmitted to the county councils. Thete are 30 urban districts. VI Rural district councils have no powers to raise money by way of rate, though their areas form the units of taxation for county purposes. They are represented on and :financed by the county councils to whom in each year they make a demand for moneys required by them to carry out their services.
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