Contest KaLeo manuscripts suggests a must be in by Monday commission gov't T 1-1 E V 0 I C E 0 I= HAWA VoLUME XXI UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 1942 No. 10 Freshmen eligible if S. LAU LEAVES POST law passed Salmaggi, New York tenor, Nakamura; alternate., to sing a' holiday convocation Two-thirds·vote needed / fo rescind appoititive Corporal Guido Salmaggi, well­ the sophomore Glass which will' be becomes· councill.or rules for duration known opera star from New York in charge of the program. City, will ·present a variety .of Corporal Salmaggi, a tenor, will Members of nominating committee named; The proposed amendment to the Christmas songs at the Christmas be . acc.ompanied by Corporal Jack Brier appoints lkezawa head of election ASUH constitution regarding the convocation to be held on Monday, Goldman, accomplished pianist. December 21, at Farrington hall, rescinding of appointive officers Also sla;ted for the program will . The resignation of Soonie Lau as senior councillor was accepted by _ s~¥d Dick Kuykendall, president of fo r the . duration will be put to a .... be the presentation of Edna St. the student council at Saturday's meeting, making total ASUH resigna­ Vincent Millats play, "The Murder - vote by the student body· within of Lidice," by a group of soph­ tions to date number three during the past two weeks. two weeks after publication by Ka omores. The play is being directed ·. However, no election will be"held for the. post of senior councillor as Leo, said Douglas Brier, ASUH A WS sp~nsors by Dr. Earle Ernst, acting chairman the alternate, Henry Nakamura, senior in the college of arts and prexy. of the English department and also The amendment, in the form <Jf sciences, wiU fill the vacancy cre­ drive for. gifts a member of the Honolulu C.om- ated by Miss Lal;l's resignation. a new article, refers t.o Article II munity theater. of the conshitution on appointive Xmas contest In her letter of resignation, Miss To spread·· Christm"a"s cheer and The winner of the Christmas es­ officers, Sections :0 and E, con­ Lau, a TC senior,' stated that her say-oratorical contest, sponsored by cerning the editors of Ka. Leo and spirit, the Associated Women S.tu­ the board of debate and forensics, ends Monday teaching duties at the TC ele­ Ka Palapala, the business man,!'Lger dents is sponsoring a drive for gifts mentary school to,ok up too much for soldiers on outlying posts be­ will also deiiver his oration on some of Ka Leo, and the manager of de­ That the deadline for_the submit­ of her time and prevented her from ginning today and ending Satur­ Christmas theme. bate and forensics; tance of manuscripts on some serving efficiently as one of the ·day, December 12. According to both sections D and Christmas theme for the Christmas senior representatives on the coun­ E of Article II, appointees at the Students on the campus are asked essay-oratorical contest open to all cil. time of appointment shall tie soph­ to contribute to the drive. A list of Plans materializing regular students is 12 :'30 Monday, Miss Lau is the second TC stu­ omor es or juniors, as rated by th~ gift suggesUons ·may be h!'td by in­ is reminded by· Robert Chuck, . act- dent on the council who has had to registrar. ,quiring of ¥rs. ~oku Farden, super­ for junior dane~ .ing business manager of the board resign due to pressure of work. No­ visor of Hemenway hall, or by look­ of debate and f.orensics. buko Kosaki, . former ASUH secre­ The new article up for approval Plans for the junior class dance to ing at posters on bulletin boards The winner of the essay contest tary, also resigned due to teaching. by the students states that all such. be held on December 19 at Hem­ in various buildings. Gifts should will present his oration at the De­ rules regarding appointive offices enway hall are rapidly materaliz­ Steps were also taken at Satur­ be deposited in the gift box locat~d cember 21 Christmas convocation be rescinded for the duration. ing, announced Edmund Low, gen­ day's meeting toward speeding up near Mrs. Farden's desk in Hem­ to be. held at Farrii}~ton ball. He If the amendment passes with a eral chairman for the dance. the nominating of students to run enway hall. will be awarded a 20 pound turkey tw.o-thirds vote by the student body, for the offices of ASUH vice-presi­ A Christmas theme will be car­ by the ASQH. the new article will permit the con­ · The gifts, which need not be dent and secretary and also the ried .out in the decorations, an­ The manuscripts, to be of 600 to sideration of freshmen as well as wrapped by contributors, will be election to be held soon. nounced Mariko Kutsunai, decora­ 800 words in length, will be judged - sophomores and juniors for ap­ unif.ormly done up in Christmas tions chairman. on originality, clearness, thought Andrew Ikezawa, in charge of the paper and trimmings by A WS com­ pointive offices. Yuri ' Takesue, program chair­ c.ontent, and suitability to the occa­ election committee, was asked by mittee members, and will bear the man, has tentativ~ly planned to Douglas Brier, ASUH president; to name' of the University. sion. feature Lei Folk, interpretive danc­ Contestants are to submit three head the nominat_ing of students Nurses' aides, litter The drive is held in cooperation er and University cheer· leader, on typewritten copies of their manu­ and also to take charge of ·the with the Women's Division of the the intermission program. scripts with their names attached election to come. bearers needed OCD, and the USO. Yoshie Higu­ Other acts are scheduled for the to a separate sheet. of paper to Dr. Those working with hi:rp. on the chi, salvage drive committee chair­ program too, she said. Earle Ernst, instructor in English, nominating committee are Douglas Women •volunteers as nurses'. man, is head of the drive. Refreshment chairman for the Hawaii Annex, room 16. Brier, Phyllis Tam, Barbara Bown, aides and at least 20 men volun­ dance will be Kumiko Usagawa and Judges .are Rev. J. Leslie Dun­ Dick Kuykendall, Nobuko Kosaki, teers as Utter bearers are needed Mitsuyo Mizokami. Hironobu Hino stant, of the Haw,!'Lii School of Re­ and AJec Corenevsky. by the University first aid station, and Kenneth Uyehara will be in ligion; Dr. Gaylord LeRoy, assistant according to Miss Thetis M. Buck­ Blitz papers wanted charge of the clean-up committee. professor of English; and Dr. Earle lin,_publicity chairman of the first The University library will be Ernst, acting. chairman .of the Eng­ Cosntetologist aid station health service. glad to pay for a copy of the Hono­ lish department. Students interested are to con­ lulu Star-Bulletin for December 1, tact Miss Virginia Jones, assistant 7 (first extra, two copies), 15, 23, Seal drive underway to speak to women Professor of health education, who 1941; and July 13, 1942, said Miss Total Christmas seal contribu­ Don de Woody, international cos­ is in ch~rge of training pers.onnel, Mary P. Pringle, librarian. tions from students up to 1:30 Limited stones metologist and hairdresser, will any day at 1: 30 in the dispensary. Tuesday was $87.64, according to speak to women students on make­ Miss Pringle stated, also, that There are ten litter bearers at Har;iet Ewaliko and Bel"nice Mi­ up today at 3: 30 in the Alumni copies of the Honolulu Advertiser for class ri~gs present. Meetings are held every nami, seal drive chairmen. r.oom of Hemenway hall, announced for December 6, 9, 14, 1941, are Monday from 1-1:30 in the gispen­ This quota far exceeds that of Tl)is year, due to the war condi­ M&lba Wurch, head of the A WS cul- sary. wanted. last year, which was a total of $50. tions, the type of stones that are tural committee. The drive, which . began Monday available for senior class rings have Mr. de Woody's t opic will , be and will end Saturday, is coming been limited in number, said Phyl­ "About Face," and will be aug­ ASUH Financial Statement alone fine with 100 per cent contri­ lis Tam, class president. mented by demonstrations of make­ butions fr.om students as its goal, Detor Jewelers, Ltd., have an­ up application. As of October 31, 1942 announce the chairmen. Students nounced that there are only the Mr. de Woody is a graduate of CONDENSED STATEMENT who have not received their 25 following types of stones available: Teachers college, Edinborough, cents worth of stamps through cam­ onyx, amethyst, topaz, spinelle, and Pennsylvania, and has worked as a Balance brought f.orward, July 1, 1942 ......... -----···----------- $3,546.80 pus mail, or have not deposited quartz. cosmetologist on both the East and Less: Allotment for Hemenway hall improvements 500.00 $3,046.80 their money in the box at the ent­ In addition to the rings there are West coasts. He is in Hawaii in Receipts ExpeDd. Commit. Balcmce rance of Hemenway hall, are urged also pins or pendants and chains ASUH General $1,954.00 $355.07 $ 37.99 $1,560.94 the armed services at present and to do so by Saturday. and year date guards for those w~o A WS .................. 500.00 36.70 3.80 459.50 is attending the University. desire them instead of rings. Forensics .......... 2!5.10 225.10 The A WS cultural interests com­ Ka Leo .o Hawaii 922.65 4.59' 448.14 469.92 Detor's have requested seniors mittee is sponsoring the talk, as­ Ka Palapala ...
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