June 6, 2000 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks E897 from Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia. district employees in addition to the employ- volunteers, but also the support of individual Upon graduation he enrolled in Columbia Law ees of Contra Costa County. and group donations, corporate and small school in New York where he received his law In 1969, the Contra Costa County Employ- business contributions, foundation grants, degree in 1958. During the first 18 years of his ees Association voted to disafffliate from the community events, and Wish Friends Inc., a career, Judge Saunders worked as a private AFL±CIO and under Henry's leadership non-profit organization that produces events civil attorney from 1959 until 1977. formed Public Employees Union, Local One. and other developmental programs to benefit In 1977, Judge Saunders was appointed to The membership has grown over the years the Foundation. the Superior Court of New Jersey, Passaic from fewer than 1,000 members to over I hope that my colleagues will join me in sa- County by then Governor Brendan T. Byrne, 12,000 members. The success of this growth luting the Make-A-Wish Foundation for its ef- and took the bench on December 7, 1978. In is based upon the basic principles instituted in forts and success on the behalf of children addition to his work in the courtroom, Judge the formation of the unionÐthe members have over the past 20 years, and congratulating Saunders has served as a lecturer for the Na- a voice in how their union is run; the union or- Ralph A. Nappi, Jr., President of the Mid-At- tional Judicial College. He is also the founding ganization is founded upon democratic prin- lantic chapter of the Foundation, and the en- president of the Justice Robert L. Clifford ciples; the members have open access to the tire chapter for their tireless work in ensuring American Inn of Court. In addition, Judge General Manager and the staff, and members the fulfillment of each child's wish. Saunders served as Administrative Judge to freely participate through broad representation f the Bi-State Waterfront Commission of New on the union Board of Directors. SALUTE TO COMMANDER AL York Harbor. Mr. Speaker, Henry Clarke has been an in- BERNARD In his retirement Judge Saunders has ex- spiration and mentor to other ``independent'' pressed interest in focusing on a new career, labor organizations throughout the State of his family, his golf game, fishing and travel. In California, and he was instrumental in devel- HON. SONNY CALLAHAN March of 2000 he began work at Carlet, Garri- oping and insuring support for a statewide leg- OF ALABAMA son and Klein, LLP in Clifton, New Jersey as islative council. Henry has earned a reputation IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Counsel to the Firm in Mediation and Arbitra- for being a formidable political force and also Tuesday, June 6, 2000 tion. He currently resides in Totowa with his a respected and beloved advocate on behalf Mr. CALLAHAN. Mr. Speaker, I would like to wife Janet, his high school sweetheart. The of his members. ask my colleagues to join me in honoring a couple, who married in 1955, has three chil- Henry Clarke has built Local One on a foun- man of outstanding accomplishment, Com- dren and three grandchildren. dation of honesty and integrity and forged pro- mander Al Bernard. As a Congressman and former mayor of fessional relationships and friendships with Commander Bernard is retiring from the Paterson, New Jersey, Mr. Speaker, I can say elected officials, administrators and members. United States Coast Guard this week, and I that Judge Amos Saunders has one of the fin- His powerful representation of his members would like to call attention to his extraordinary est judicial minds in the State of New Jersey. has always reflected his compassion for work- and meritorious service to his country. Furthermore, one of my sons, David, had the ing men and women as well as his insight into Mr. Speaker, as you know, the Coast Guard honor of serving as Judge Saunders' judicial the needs of the community and the public is an invaluable branch of the United States clerk in 1995 and 1996. I know that Judge served by Local One members. military. The men and women of our Coast Saunders has had a profound effect on his Mr. Speaker, I respectfully request that my Guard keep our waters free of narcotics and life. esteemed colleagues join me in saluting Henry illegal aliens, perform almost all of the search Mr. Speaker, I ask that you join our col- L. Clarke, an example of honesty, integrity, and rescue missions for the United States and leagues, Judge Saunders' family and friends, and outspoken, effective advocacy on behalf provide security and safety in our waterways. the County of Passaic, the State of New Jer- of the working men and women he has so This is just a small sampling of the duties sey and me in recognizing the extraordinary ably represented for nearly 40 years. performed by the Coast Guard. We all owe dedication, commitment and enthusiasm of f them a huge debt of gratitude for the services Judge Amos C. Saunders in his service to the they provide. judiciary and to the people. TRIBUTE TO THE MAKE-A-WISH For 24 years, Commander Bernard has f FOUNDATION ON ITS 20TH ANNI- faithfully performed these and other duties in VERSARY service to our great country. Prior to donning HENRY CLARKE, DISTINGUISHED the Coast Guard uniform, Commander Ber- UNION ORGANIZER AND LEADER HON. BENJAMIN L. CARDIN nard was also a proud U.S. Marine, where he OF MARYLAND served as an infantryman in Southeast Asia. HON. GEORGE MILLER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES He has spent more than half of his life in serv- OF CALIFORNIA Tuesday, June 6, 2000 ice to this nation and today, we are a grateful IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES nation for his sacrifice. Mr. CARDIN. Mr. Speaker, today I pay spe- Tuesday, June 6, 2000 From his humble beginnings operating small cial tribute to the Make-A-Wish Foundation, boats as a coxswain to his assignment as liai- Mr. GEORGE MILLER of California. Mr. which is celebrating the 20th anniversary of its son officer to the House of Representatives in Speaker, after more than 38 years of distin- founding. A non-profit organization that has 82 Washington, Commander Bernard has per- guished service to the independent union chapters nationwide, the Foundation is the formed each and every job as a true patriot. movement and to public employees, Henry L. oldest, largest and most-respected wish-grant- He quickly rose through the ranks of the Clarke will be retiring from Public Employees ing organization in the world. Since its found- Coast Guard and in 1979, he was accepted to Union, Local One, and I rise to honor Henry ing, it has fulfilled the wishes of 60,000 chil- Officer Candidate School. After receiving his and to celebrate his lifetime commitment to dren between the ages of 2 and 18 who suffer commission, Al's first assignment was as a se- unionism. from life-threatening illnesses. curity officer at Training Center New York, In the early years of Henry's career, he was The Mid-Atlantic chapter was established in Governors Island. Just a year later, he was hired by the American Federation of Teachers 1983 by concerned Maryland citizens who had promoted to First Lieutenant and deck watch to help organize the teachers in New York heard about how the Foundation began with officer on the USCGC Courageous, in Cape City. Henry was a part of a small team of pro- the granting of a wish of a 7-year-old boy with Canaveral, Florida. He was then chosen to be gressive labor activists who organized the en- leukemia in Arizona. Since then, the Mid-At- executive officer of the USCGC Shearwater in tire teacher work force, the largest single lantic chapter has fulfilled the wishes of more Key West, Florida. In addition, he was made group of teachers in the United States at that than 3,000 children from Maryland, Delaware, the senior controller at the Pacific Area/Twelfth time. He continued to work for the AFT until Northern Virginia and Washington, D.C. Now USCG District Rescue Coordination Center. 1962 when he was hired by the Board of Di- one of the four largest chapters based on the From there, Al Bernard's military career sky- rectors of the Contra Costa County Employees number of wishes granted, the Mid-Atlantic rocketed. He received command of his first Association as the General Manager. Under chapter has grown from granting only three ship, the USCGC Nantucket, in Roosevelt Henry's skifful organizing efforts, membership wishes its first year, to more than 300 in the Roads, Puerto Rico. It should be noted that Al in the Association grew from 634 members to fiscal year 1998. is the first American of Puerto Rican descent 2,100 members in 4 years, and the local Deeply committed to granting the wishes of to command his own ship. agencies represented expanded to include each approved child, the Foundation depends Due to his exceptional abilities, Commander school classified employees, city and special on not only the service of more than 13,000 Bernard was relocated to Washington to serve VerDate 11<MAY>2000 08:37 Jun 07, 2000 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A06JN8.030 pfrm12 PsN: E06PT1 E898 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks June 6, 2000 his country at USCG Headquarters.
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