Rules and Procedures 1. Administrative During the course of the session the Chair may propose: The Secretariat. The Secretariat consists of 1.1 ● Limits on Debate, Closure of Debate, Enter the volunteer staff members of the Consultative Session and Suspension and University of Minnesota Model United Adjournment of the Meeting, Nations. The Chairperson is under the direct authority 1.2 Credentials. All questions concerning of the Secretariat, and may be directed to representative credentials shall be inform the body on matters of procedure submitted to the Secretariat. and/or the body’s topical competence if such ● The Secretariat has sole authority to action is deemed necessary. decide all questions concerning 1.6 Absence of Chairperson. If the Chairperson credentials, should find it necessary to be absent during ● Representatives must wear approved any part of a Committee/Council session, credentials at all times while at the he/she will designate an individual, normally Conference. the Vice Chair, to perform the duties with the Quorum/Majority. A quorum will be 1.3 same authority. At no time will the Chair be one-fourth of the member delegations in accorded the right to vote. attendance in one committee, 1.7 Selection of Agenda Items. Agenda items ● A quorum must be present at all times shall be selected by the Secretariat prior to during Committee sessions, the start of the conference. Once selected, ● A majority is required for a these items are fixed for the duration of the substantive conference. matter to be put to a vote. 1.8 Observer Status. Those delegations ● Questions concerning quorum or recognized as having Observer Status at majority should be directed to the MinneMUN shall be accorded all rights in the Chair, Committee/Council except following: ● It is the responsibility of the Chair to ● They may not vote on any item, ensure that quorum is present. ● They may not make or second the Committee/Council Officers. The 1.4 following motions; Secretariat shall appoint the Chairperson o Adjournment of the Meeting (Rule 7.2), and Vice Chairperson for each Committee o Adjournment of Debate (Rule 7.3), and shall select any other staff positions o Closure of debate (Rule 7.4), necessary to help conduct the sessions of o Decision of Competence (Rule 7.7). MinneMUN. 1.5 General Authority of the Chairperson. In 2. General Rules addition to exercising such authority conferred upon the Chair elsewhere in these 2.1 Statements by the Secretariat. The rules, the Chair shall have the authority to: Secretary-General, or any member of the ● Declare the opening & closing of each Secretariat, may make verbal or written session, statements to the Committee at any time. ● Ensure the observance of the rules, 2.2 Diplomatic Courtesy. Representative must ● Direct the discussions of the Committee, accord diplomatic courtesy to all other and accord the right to speak Representatives and Secretariat members at ● Advise the Committee on methods of all times, procedure that will enable the body to ● Any Representative or visitor who, after accomplish its goals, being advised by the Chair, persists in an ● Rule on points and motions, and, subject obvious attempt to divert the meeting from to these rules, shall have complete its intended purpose, or who otherwise control of the proceedings of the attempts to disrupt the proceeding, shall Committee and the maintenance of the be subject to disciplinary action and order at its meetings expulsion from the Committee by the Chair, the Chair, ● The Secretariat reserves the right to o Points will be recognized in the order expel any Representative/delegation of their priority, from the Conference, ● Speakers will be recognized in a fair and ● Decisions of the Chair on diplomatic orderly manner, courtesy are not appealable. 2.6 Right of Reply. The Chair may accord a right 2.3 Speeches. No delegation may address the of reply to any Representative if a speech by Committee without previously obtaining another Representative contains unusual or the permission of the Chair, extraordinary language clearly insulting to ● The Chair shall call upon delegations in personal or national dignity, the order in which they signify their ● Requests for a Right of Reply shall be made desire to speak, in writing to the Chair, ● Speakers must keep their remarks ● Requests shall contain specific language germane to the subject under which was found to be insulting to discussion, personal or national dignity ● A time limit may be established for ● The Chair’s decision is not subject to speeches (see rule 7.9) appeal, ● Representatives, at the conclusion of a ● There shall be no reply to a reply, substantive speech, will be allowed, if ● The Chair may limit the time for reply. they are willing, to answer questions 2.7 Withdrawal of Motions. A motion may be concerning their speech, withdrawn by its proposer at any time before o A delegation that desires to ask a voting on it has begun, provided the motion question should signify by raising a has not been amended, Point of Inquiry (see rule 6.3) ● Seconds to a motion may also be o All questions and replies are made withdrawn; if a withdrawn sponsorship pr through the Chair, second brings the proposal below the ● A speaker who desires to make a required number, the motion is motion may do so after their speech withdrawn, and questions, but prior to yielding the ● A withdrawn motion, sponsorship or floor, second may be reintroduced or sponsored, o By making a motion the speaker either verbally or in writing, by any other yields the floor, delegation. o Motions may not be made from; 2.8 Dilatory Motions. The Chair may rule out of Points of Order (rule 6.1), order any motion repeating or closely Information (rule 6.2) or Inquiry approximating a recent previous motion on (rule 6.3), or from any procedural which the Committee has already rendered an speeches. opinion, this ruling is not subject to appeal. 2.4 Formal Debate. Formal debate outside of moderated caucuses shall be conducted as a 3. Rules that Relate to the Rules rolling moderated caucus. 3.1 Rule Priority and Procedure. The rules ● The default speaking time is 90 seconds, contained in this document are the official and any recognized speaker may either rules of procedure of the University of make a speech, motion, or raise a point. Minnesota Model United Nations and will be ● Speakers will be recognized by the Chair used for all Committee/Council sessions. one by one in random order. These rules take precedence over any other ● The Speakers List will not be used. set of rules. 2.5 Recognition of Speakers. Delegations Precedence of Rules. Proceedings of all wishing to speak before the body will 3.2 MinneMUN committees shall be conducted signify by raising their placards under the following precedence of rules; ● The exception to this rule occurs on any 1. MinneMUN Rules and Procedure, Point of Order (rule 6.1), Information 2. MinneMUN Procedure Short Form (rule 6.2), or Inquiry (rule 6.3), at which 3. The Charter of the UN. time a Representative should raise their 3.3 The Order of Precedence of Motions. placard and call out “Point of______” to The order of precedence of motions is written motion that adds to, deletes from, or listed in order of priority in both the revises any part of the draft resolution. Parliamentary Procedure Short Form and 5 Amendments. All amendments to draft in these rules under Section 7, Motions in resolutions must be signed by 20% of the Order of Priority. delegations in attendance, These motions, in the order given, have ● The final number of signatories will be precedence over all other proposals or determined by the Secretariat at motion before a Committee or the General conference registration and announced at Assembly. the opening of each committee session, 3.4 Rule Changes. The Secretariat reserves 4.5.1 An amendment is submitted to the the right to make changes to these rules at Committee Vice Chair for approval. any time. Should a change occur, it will be ● Amendments will be approved if they are communicated to the representatives in a legible, organized in content and flow, and timely manner. in the proper format, ● Approved amendments will be assigned an 4. Draft Resolutions, Directives, identification letter by the Vice Chair, Amendments & Statements. ● Typographical errors will be corrected by the Chair and announced to the body, 4.1 Definition of Draft Resolutions: A draft One or more amendments on any draft resolution is a proposal consisting of at resolution, which is on the floor, may be least one preambulatory- and one considered at the same time operative clause. ● See also rule 7.14 for bringing amendment 4.2 Definition of Draft Directive: A draft to the floor directive is a document stating an action ● See also rule 7.4 for bringing amendments that the Committee, a single Delegation, or to a vote small group of Delegations would like to 4.5.2 An amendment will be considered take. “friendly” if all sponsors of the draft Draft Resolutions & Directives. Draft 4.3 resolution are also sponsors to the resolutions and directives (henceforth amendment, collectively referred to as “draft ● A friendly amendment becomes part of a resolutions”) may be submitted to the draft resolution upon receipt by the Chair, Chair for approval at any time during the ● The Chair shall announce the acceptance of conference, a friendly amendment on the first ● These draft resolutions will be opportunity at which no speaker has the approved if they are legible, organized floor, in content and flow, and in proper ● Friendly amendments can not be accepted format, after a vote has been taken on a ● Draft resolutions must have signatures contested amendment, of at least 20% of delegations in ● No vote is required to add a friendly attendance, the final number of amendment to a draft resolution.
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