N©0 121 gpring/Suimmer 2@®3 € 3 =0 ® S t g £ 2 =S© • SNP Ready to Seize Power 3 Support for Breton • 0! Tyn y Gorchudd • Crisis in Irish Peace Process » St. Piran’s Flag Wins! 6 State of Manx Nation 8 Basque Banning • Celtic Fact ALBA: C O M A N N CEILTEACH • BREIZH: KEVRE KELTIEK • CYMRU: UNDEB CELTAIDD • EIRE: CONRADH CEILTEACH • KERNOW: KESUNYANS KELTEK • MANNIN: COMMEEYS CELTIAGH eachdraidh a-mach as na sgoiltean do oillh- ighean. Ach bhiod neach sam bitli comasach Beurla Shasannach a dh ionnsachadh tre na Gaidhlig anns an sgoil. Chan eil duthaich san Roinn Eorpa far a Alba bheil iad a’ teagasg sna sgoiltean ire na Beurla no a' teagasg litreachas is bardachd is eachdraidh Shasannach an sin. Cha bhi sinn nar roinn den Shasainn nuair abhios ar .sgoil­ tean gu tur tre na Gaidhlig! A leughadair, racli feadh each duthaich CANANAN S MAR neo-eisimeileach sail Europa agus lorgaidh tu gu bheil teagasg tre'n chanain naiseanta mar Phortagaileis anns a' Phortagail, Badailteis san Eadailt. Ungaireis air feadh A THIG IAD BEO Ungaraidh. Poileis anns a' Pholainn, Seiceis anns an t-Seic agus mar sin air adhart! Ghairm am Prionnsa Tearlach air na paranlan aca gun fhacal Ghaidhlig idir. Albannaich,"Taing don Achd Aonaidh A ir an uohhar sin feumaidh sinn a bhi siri Gilleasbuig MacMIniirich ( I 707) chan eil Alba uch na roin dc Shasainn air son teagasg tre na Gaidhlig a-mhain feadh Gilleasbuig Lachialnn ‘Illea.sbuig ... 'agus sin agad an lliirinn'. u h-uile sgoil o cheann gu ceann na h- Alba. Bhon a cheannsaich Sasainn on am sin Bhiod daoine ag radh, air an laimh eile, Summary chan eil e iongantach gun do shuidhich iad a’ nacli eil ar canain na cainnt dligheaeh na h- Bonnie Prince Charlie in his manifesto to chanain chruaidh Shasannach oirnn. Taing Alba. Mata, chi thu dealbh bho. 'The tin' Scottish people declined that the 1707 don Achd Foghlaim 1872 aca bha a h-uile Companion to Gaelic Scotland", deasaichte Act of Union made Scotland a region of sgoil Ghaidhlig air an diinadh. Tha sinn a' le Derick S. Thomson (Blackwell Reference) England. This can he seen by the 1X72 siri an diugh an aghaid an ana-ceartas seo. a' nochdadh ach dha ainmean-aite Gaidhlig Education Act which closed a ll G iiidlifig agus a' suidheaehadh sgoiltean Ghaidhlig far agus tha tuilleadh ri fhaighinn mar 'loch' medium schools and gave English the a bheil teagasg tie na Gáidhlig. Ach cadhoin agus sin air adhart. monopoly as the language o f teaching. What an seo chan eil teagasg Ire n Gaidhlig ach Gun teagamh bidh feadhainn eile - a" is more parents were punished fo r not send­ tearc sna ard-sgoiltean. faighneachd. 'De mu dheidhinn a’ Bheurla ing their children to these English medium Bha Carol Zall a' sgriobhad san colbh Ghallda?' Agus bhiodh iad ceart gu leoir. schools. Only now. welt over a hundred Gaidhlig aims a' phaipear 'An t- Albannach' Carson nach eil paipearan ard-ire/Highers ri years later (ire w starting to be able to fig h t (12.2.03) Nochd I gun robh a’ chanain Yap fhaighinn sa Bheurla Ghallda? Chan urrainn back with Gaelic medium schools. But if we sa Chuan Seimh/Pacific Ocean le 8.000 ga dhuinn ga teagasg tre na Beurla oir bhiodh are to save our own Scottish language w e bruidhinn ach tha an teanga aca téarainte. sin a' ciallaehadh gur e a' Bheurla Ghallda a must have Gaidhlig the sole language o f Carson? Bhon a tha taic ITireagarrach on bha cearr is suarach. Bhiodh iad ag radh gun teaching instead of through English as it is at riaghaltas aca. robh sin ceart taing don ascair/aposlrophe, the moment in most Scottish schools. How Mas seo an fhirinn a thaobh Y ap's ann a mar eisimpleir ... "i the wa' .... A ir an aob- can ire say that Gaidhlig is the national lan­ tha e dlreach ceart a thaobh aiseirigh na har sin, bhiodh e fada nas fhearr ga teagasg guage in Scotland? In proof is suggested Gaidhlig feadh Alba gu tur. ire na Gaidhlig mar__ 'air an taobh a-staigh one examines the incidence o f only two Far a bheil sgoil Ghaidhlig ann an Glaschu den bhulla' seaeh ‘in the w all’. Gaidhlig place names in the diagrams shown no ann an DCinEideann Tolcrois chi sinn Rud eile, feumaidh sinn a’ bhi toirt here, and there are many more, like 'loch ’, clann a" fas fileanta sa Ghaidhlig gcd a tha litreachas is bardachd Shasannach agus an than them. Well, I want to start doing things that ARE in our name. 1 want to remove the obsceni­ SIMP Ready to Seize Power ty o f nuclear weapons from our land and our waters. I want to argue for peace in the 'll is lime for Scotland to lake control. UN. All those things would happen in our It’s time for the SNP It is time for name - in the name o f Lite people. But they Independence. ’ will only happen with Independence. This was llie message Scottish Nationalist There is a clear choice at this election. We Party (SNP) header John Swinney, MSP, can settle for four more years o f the same. delivered to the nation as he kick-started We can stand still. Or we can move on. We the SNP Parliamentary election campaign, can release the potential o f our people. And which is being conducted vigorously in the Scotland, our country, IS our people. We've weeks leading up to polling day on Ist May. all waited too long to see a belter Scotland. Below we highlight aspects of Mr The hour is now at hand. It's time - to move Swinney’s speech calling for indepen­ on. dence. 'Never in our history have we been so ready to take on and defeat Labour. Never have we been so ready to govern - and we SNP ADOS are ready now - today - to do just that. One thing is clear. This is going to be a hard- ITS VOICE TO fought campaign. Anti I give out opponents notice - look out - because the Scottish DEPLETED URANIUM National Party is up for it. In every cam­ Scottish Nationalist Party leader John paign - no matter how tough - we are sus­ Swinney. MSP delivering an historic speech to CONCERNS tained by our values. And the SNP's values the nation at the start o f the SNP Parliamentary I n February this year, a total ot 192 deplet­ are Scotland's values. Values of fairness, election campaign ed uranium (DU) rounds were fired into the honesty, equal opportunity and the reward­ north Irish Sea as part of renewed testing ing o f endeavour and hard work. But over And the result of handing control to from British military bases in SW Scotland. the last four years those values have disap­ London? Westminster has failed Scotland. It The Ministry of Defence (MoD) say that tri­ peared from Scotland's government. On 1st always has. It always will. We can't wait any als are now complete and no further tests May we will reclaim government FOR the longer. are planned although they refuse to rule out people PROM the Labour machine. Labour It’s time to take control. It’s time for the a permanent moratorium. has abandoned Scotland and our values and SNP. It’s time for Independence. The MoD maintain that comprehensive it is now time that we abandoned Labour. I And only the people of Scotland have the monitoring has revealed that the testing want government to be driven by the need ability to give our Parliament the powers it does not pose a significant risk to marine to make this country more prosperous and needs to deliver on the people's expecta­ life, members of the public or site person­ just. I want government to be returned to tions. The SNP offers the opportunity to nel. the people. I want in short, government - move on. The opportunity o f Independence The Celtic League had protested to the not to suit the politicians - but government brought about by a democratic referendum. MoD about the firing and has consistently to suit the people - it will be democratic The economy is one of the defining issues campaigned against pollution caused by government. That's what I've got to say that divides the SNP from our opponents. munitions fired from coastal sites or air about Labour. But what does Labour have We believe Scotland should have the powers dropped over sea bombing ranges in the to say about us? to compete; they do not. And there is area. We have also urged the Irish and Manx another fundamental dividing line. A divid­ Do you know what they say we'll do in governments to be more proactive in ing line that sums up the choice voters will Government? They say we'll wrangle with opposing such activity face on May the First. It was crystallised by London. And do you know' what I say: Now the Scottish National Party (SNP) the First Minister recently when he said: You're dead right we'll wrangle with has added its voice. The Party's Galloway "International affairs Is a matter for the UK London. Under Labour Westminster walks and Nithsdale MSP, Alasdair Morgan, has Parliament at Westminster. That's as it all over Scotland. But as your First Minister demanded that the Ministry of Defence should be." 1 won't be selling out Scotland.
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