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There i ■ ■ o ■eti ■ e ■ WELCOMEABOARD I a rather fine shade of difference between what -y be con­ • sidered by one person funny or facetiou ■ and by another -­ "YE ED" (The Ancient Mariner) -uld offensive. Anything published i ■ done in the spirit of h-or and levity and-■ hope it will never be taken other­ like to take thi ■ opportunity - on be­ half of the Officer■ and Director ■ of ri••• The SOCIETY OF WIRELESSPIONEERS, of Since thi ■ is our first effort - we would appreciate your welco■ing all new - ■bera into our growing organization of PROFESSIONAL co-enta about the contents of our good paper. QUESTION 1 WIRELESS MEN. What -uld you like to••• included that i ■ not foaad in this is ■ue and conversely, what has been published that you find of little inter■■ t 1 It ia i ■po ■ sible, of cour ■ e to Thi ■ edition of "PORTS 0 1 CALL" i ■ in please everyone all of the ti ■ e (a ■ Pre ■• Lincoln once ■aid three (3) ■ ection■• Section one - is but we tbink we can do a better job if we know your feeling general new■ about thing■ nautical, rather than trying to " ■ econd gu ■ as" ri th our own idea■• In wireless and cover ■ the spectru■ of the final analy ■ ia - your paper i ■ going to be WHAT YOU MAKE things we are intere ■ ted in. Section IT I HUF SED I two i ■ our ROSTER of ■ e ■ber ■, with ne- about the■• Section three, of thi ■ i ■■u ■ contain ■ a copy of the approved Constitution and By-La- of our Society. A "PEEP"AT THE VEEPS~ "PORTS 0' CALL~ you are r■■inded can Oao of our good ■ e ■ber ■, whoa ■ erudition we do not qu ■■ tioa only be a ■ interesting to you a■ you oll ■ erved before God and everybody - "you ■ure have lot ■ of your ■ elf ■ake it I In other -rd ■, we VICE PRESIDENTS ••• how co■■ ?" will need your help in furniahing u ■ with ideas and n ■- that you feel all of our Well Roo ■ evel t tried to "pack" the Supre■ e Court and of ■ e■bera will enjoy reading -- eapecially course we all know that the Mexican Navy has ■ore Adairal ■ that about yourself. th- ■ ailors ••• so, there ■u■ t be a rea ■ on -- (even if it ■ a poor on•). I would like to re■ ind all ■ e ■ber ■ that effort and ti ■■ ■ pent on this publication • baa been donated. "Ye Ed" -k ■ a no clai ■ of Recalling Parkinson•• ideas about Govern■ ent organizations, editorial ability, 80 if you ■ee any glaring we ■ounted our magic carpet and filed a flight plan for ■iatakea of gra-■ r or you beco■■ a ritneaa to Mount 01:,lll)u■ where we ■et and co-uned with the Oracle ■ of the unti-ly de■i ■ e of the "King'• Engli ■h" right -">ollo who just happened to have Bon. Confuciou■ a■ gue■ t. before your eye ■_ ju■ t re■e■ber he i ■ a rank We di ■ cuased our probl-• at length and after due deliber- neophyte (ao■ eti ■■■ very rank!) I a■ ■ ure "nit-pick- ation, the concenau ■ opined ••• "return thoa forthwith to er■" will have a field day with ■y copy_ however, the Santa Ro ■ a - taking into consideration that all of tho ■ e -in objective, a■ I ■■ e it, is to get the idea or ■ e ■■ag■ old - ■■-back■ are reaching the atate of senility where to ■ aero ■■ - ■ o if I can do thi ■, in ■pite of ■ hortco■ ing■, I ■uch activity rill ■ake the■ candidates for Valhalla - •• feel at lea■ t ■ o■ ething has been acco■plish ■ d. Perhap ■ divide up the -rk to the sextup d ■ gr ■■• On our return ear ■ e ■bers rill develop ■ a " ■■ nae" of reading betwe ■ a tb■ flight, after trying to keep our carpet on courae after it ■ line ■ on what it "intended" and not what these chubby ■ ratic behavior, we ■ull ■• over the idea, pro and con for little finger ■ of "Ye Ed" put down ••• -tter of fact, hour■• At last the light shown brh:ht and clear. It they aee ■ to run away with copy on acca ■ ion, and even he, actually read "fasten your ■ eat b■ lt ■" but we thought it i ■ ■ tartled when he rereads what they have written. Wierd read - establi ■ h at lea ■ t ■ ix ''VEEPYS" to cut down the work co ■bination ■ that -uld ■ake any English Prof. seek ■ olace each has to do. Thia, in eacence is the reason that all SIX. in liquid refresh ■ent ■ I VEEPS were established and WHYthe Society i ■ loaded down I 1---------------------------- -- -,;rith official ■ who ■■ rank spill ■ over with pre ■ tige, but who DR.Alf NO PAY I STATEMENTOFPOLICY~ After our return, we decided to confir■ our decision•• organizational finene ■ a so we contacted the COUNCIL OF All of the Society' ■ publications ■uch a ■ "PORTS 0' CALL" SENIOR AMERICAN BUSINESS EXECUTIVES and a ■ k the■ what they etc., are publi ■ hed and intended for ■-b•r• only. They "thlought 11 of our organizational ■ tructure ?. After ■ one are aot publi ■ hed for co-rcial di ■ tribution or for any deliberation, a brief wa■ handed down I "You have an excel profit. Since copi ■■ of "PORTS 0' CALL" are li■ ited to lent orpnization but we think it will be a long tiae 1-------------~•••ll•r• only and furnished to the■ before it will qualify for listing on the Hew York Stock free of charge ( ■ u■ taining ■e■ber■ Exchange I We hope thia answer ■ your questioa. only),•• do not ■olicit ■ub ■ cripJ.----■-----•-------■---■----•-----•I t! ITED RED~; PUBLISHED BY BLACK- THE SOCIETY OF WIRELESS PIONF.ERS P.O. BOX {Free to ■ e ■bera) YELLOWITIIIIIIl BLUEIEE2l 5301 SANTA ROSA, CALIF. 95402 ~::;~;:::;;;;.::;·;;·;;:;:;all ■ e ■bera, to inclwle in each l,lb~~ll Plate 1. International Code Fla,s . 'D W■ A. Breni-n, Editor i ■■u ■ onl ite■■ of ood ta■ t ■• ~~ 10. HISTQRIAN/CURAroR;#22 - 47: 2 each #35; 1 each #4, 6, 11, 20, 22, 56, 61, 64, 72. 11. DIRECTOR; #6 - 40; #9 - 2; One each 1, 2 1 3, ll,19 1 21 1 29 1 35 1 57 1 61,62,69,71,72,79. ELECTION. .. YOUR NEW 12. DIRECTOR: #20 - 40; 2 each #2 & 17; 1 each #4, I; 15,18,19,23,30,39,50,64,65,67,73,87, 13. DIRECTOR: #9 - 38; 1 each 1, 3 1 23,25,26,37,49, OFFICERS& DIRECTORS ~~~ 50,54,69,71,79,83,89,92, 14. DIRECTOR: #50 - 50; 2 votes #32; 1 each #4,7,25, 26,37,43,50,52,54,77,98,99. 1 15. DIRECTOR: #33 - 4~; 2 votes# 102; 1 each# 7, FOR1968-69 22, 35,39,41,48,50,60,61,70,80,82,85 & 91. 16. DIRECTOR: #37 - 41; 1 vote #6,25 ,43 1 45,55,57, OUR"FIRST" 72,75,78,84,85,93,98. 17, DIRECTOR: #68 - 41; 1 vote #1, 11, 38,58 1 63 1 69, 82, 85, 89,96, 101, 103. We all thank FRANK GEISEL for a tremendous job taking so much time and effort, This job will normally be handled by the Secretary so Mr, Cady will be called upon to act as vote teller in the next election. Our OFFICERS & DIRECTORS ELECTED - 1968 thanks FRANK for a BIG job - well done ! In a ccord ance with agreement at the Cotati meeting on May 4 1968, ballots were mailed all members who bad THE VOTES HAVE BEEN COUNTED ••.•. applied to join the Society, The deadline of ~lay 20th OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS HAVC: BEEN ELECTED l was extended to May 25th to clo se the ballot so that SO LETS GET ON WITH OUR BIG JOB ••• LETS all members would have ample time to reply (and vote), ALL PULL TOGETHER TO MAKETHIS A REAL Frank Geisel agreed to act as "Tally-Cl erk" since we FINE AND OUTSTANDING ORGANIZATION did not hav e a Secretary on this i nit ial ele ction, He •••• THE BEST!!! counted votes returned which was about 53°/4 of those mailed, As a r esult of the election, the following receiv ed two-thirds (or more) of the votes and there­ 'fore elected to office as the FIRSTOFFICERS and DIR­ @(!!J~~tTD@lm ECTORS to serve our new organization. They will ■ erve until the next election of officers and directors which is scheduled in April 1969: -lm&DlR~ 1. PRESIDENT RICHARD JOHNSTONE SENIOR VICE PRESIDENT W. EARLE WOHLER S== V .P I EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR WM. A. BRENHIAN 4 . V .P. MEJ.IBERSHIP/CREDENTIALS FRANK GEISEL 5, V,P, FINANCE/AUDITS FRED ~IANGELSDORF YOUR ANSWERS 6. V.P. AWARDS HENRY DICKOW 7 • V ,P. CHAPTERS JACK A. MICHE 1, DO YOU LIU OUR NAM& ? 8, SECRETAHY EBEN K. CADY(•) Tbere -r• 85 que■ tionnair•• returned for tabula­ 9, TREASURER SYDNEY J.
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