' EMPIRE ' THE ALASKA DAILY. j f FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1912. PRICE 10 CENT8. VOL. 1. NO. 6. JUNEAU, ALASKA, DEMOCRATS CONTROL THE SENATE GOVERNORS ELECTED AND jSENATE IS MINING MAN PREDICTS DEMOCRATIC\ PARTIES WASHINGTON. Nov. 8..Conceding BIG FUTURE FOR JUNEAU POLITICAL to the all the legislatures THEIR Republicans of the states In doubt, the control of Colo L. Blcaso, the Senate is now practically assured Thos. A. a min¬ When the extensive development work "The development work as It has SEATTLE. Nov. S..This year there Indiana: Samuel H. Ralston, Dom-j South Carolina: Parker, prominent to the Democrats, although they may man of the Cook Inlet section, now under way is Anally completed progressed thus far speaks of the states which elect¬ ocrat. Democrat. ing were twenty-nine not have a safe working majority has been in Juneau for the past sov- and the gold bearing rock is being ability and energy of the men In ed on Nov. 5. the elections Kansas: George H. Hedges, Demo- Tennessee: J. F. Hooper, Demo¬ governors, without the aid of the ProgroBBlve oral to some business crushed by the thousands of tons charge and when completed will be in Vermont and Maine having been crat. crat. days attending Senators. but nevertheless has found dally this camp will be another Home a worthy monument to the engineer held in Massachusetts: Eugene N. Foss, Texas: Oscar B. Colquitt, Demo¬ matters, September. The Senate Is now composed of time to have a look at the develop¬ Btake. Possibly It will become the directing the physical and financial The returns from the different Democrat. crat. ninety-six members mid the Demo¬ ment work now In progress In and rival of the great gold producing cen¬ departments of the institutions. now that the follow¬ Minnesota: Adolph O. Eberhnrdt, states in show Utah: William Spry, Republican. crats will have forty-eight at least, has ter In South Africa. "I have visited many water power elected: Republican. around Juneau. Ho tramped up ing have been Wisconsin: Frances E. McGovern. which with the vote of Vice Presi¬ where work Is in "This town of Juneau, which has sites from British Columbia to Cali¬ Simon E. Baldwin. Missouri: Elliott W. Major, Demo¬ all the gulches Connecticut: Progressive. dent Marshall, the presiding officer, to his for such a of time re¬ fornia and of course have seen some crat progress nnd has been able get long period Democrat. West Virginia: A. B. Hatfield, Re¬ will give them a bare majority of the from contact mained stagnant will take on new of much greater magnitude than Delaware: A. H. Miller. Progres¬ Montana: F. J. Edwards, Demo¬ impressions personal publican. next Senate. rather than from other sources. life and vigor. There will be new these, but none of them were better sive. crat. he blood transferred Into the municipal installed than these in the vicinity of Democrat. Nebraska: C. F. Morehead, Demo¬ Maine and Vermont elected Repub¬ To an Empire representative Florida: Park Trammel!, NO CHOICE YET. I've been here about two arteries and plenty of it; the little Juneau. Illinois: Edward F. Dunne, Demo¬ crat. lican governors in September. said: "Yes, A. W. Demo¬ weeks and during this time I have city will come out of this state of "Yes, I am an optimist. I am al¬ crat. NEW YORK: William Sulzer, Dem¬ Michigan: Ferris, NEW YORK, Nov. 8..The choice coma and start down the lane of prog¬ ways cheerful and hopeful when I W. Clarke, ocrat. crat. by the Republican Rational Commit¬ visited the various mining properties Iowa: George Repub¬ ress and which can only contemplate Alaska's resources, es¬ New Jersey: Tho legislature will North Carolina: Lock Craig, Dem¬ tee of a successor on the presiden¬ under development prosperity lican. that Ju¬ end with the building of a large, pecially those have come In con¬ elect a Democrat to succeed Gov. Wll- ocrat tial ticket to the late Vice President "It is my candid opinion I Idaho: John F. Haines. Republi¬ old of municipality from the pres¬ tact with personally. Sometimes de¬ son In Ohio: James W. Cox, Democrat. Sherman Is said to be between Sen¬ neau, the stamping grounds healthy can. January. work will cause an Dakota: L. W. Re¬ Rhode Island: A. J. Pothler, Re¬ ator Borah, of Idaho, and former the original Alaska sourdough, is on ent nucleus. velopment opti¬ North Dakota: L. B. Hanna. Re¬ South Byrne, indus¬ mist's views to seek oblivion, but publican. publican. Governor Mead, of Vermont the ove of entering into a new era of "In this section the mining publican. life.one so changed from the pres¬ try is blessed with ample water pow¬ active physical work must be done to ent that few of the minds of Juneau's er and an equable climate. Electric¬ bring about the change. citizens have but a vague conception ity will be the chief factor in carry¬ "Ever hear of the Irishman who WILSON WILL CHOOSE OFFICIAL RETURNS of it. ing on the mining Industry which will was working on the skeleton frame "I venture to say that by the end insure a great saving in the matter of a sky-scraper? Well, he fell from economic fac¬ o' another five years the boundaries of handling rock. This a thirteenth floor girdle and as he FROM SIX PRECINCTS of the city of Juneau will extend from tor will permit the grinding of ore HIS OWN CABINET was passing a fellow workman on the the Shattuck saw mill along the that otherwise would swell the waste floor he out: 'I'm shores of Gastineau channel to the pile or remain untouched in the cor¬ third sang alright 8..Presi¬ mean to keep my mind entirely 0 PRINCETON, N. J.. Nov. Otlicial returns were today received Bland power station at Salmon Creek, rugated hills. yet.' He was an optimist." to of dent-Elect Wilson .a a statement is¬ open with regard appointments from six additional precincts which Swansou . 0 11 sued last concerning cabinet the first consequence until a final an¬ add materially to the lead of the non¬ lngersoll night 11 and other appointments, which have nouncement is possible. partisan ticket. It will be noted that :Shoup > already been freely commented upon "I think my right courso Just now there is but little change from the Stubbing '¦ 11 and not make unofficial returns from Sitka, and the 11 TRY TO is to hear BULGARIANS in various quarters, said: "Such spec¬ everybody |Svindseth JackJohnson have so idvided Reck 0 ulations are perfectly fruitless. I any statement myself." smaller precincts the vote that there is practically no Dawes 0 change. Olson 0 Following is the otlicial count as Thomas 0 Is Arrested DROWN OUTADRIANOPLE returned: Tweit 0 Electorial Vote SITKA. Noland ."...rv. 0 CHICACTCr-!Wr. 8. Jack Johnson, May Split Tripp 64 Heath 0 champion heavyweight fighter ol the LONDON, Nov. 8..A dispatch from The city has also been set on Are 63 0 '.a» to the London Times, in many places at different times, and be the result, and it may take an Tanner Stukey v.orld, was uirested here today by Sofia, Bulgaria, SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 8.So 4 on an in¬ that the have (to fire is now added the fear of a otticlal recount of the ballots, at that. Valentine 'Julted Status r.uthoritles states Bulgarians 4 Total vote 11 t under the late dammed the river at Mnritza below Hood, which seems to indicate that close has been the contest in Cali¬ In Los Angeles County, at least, a Le Fevre dictment charge Bland 13 federal Mann Act Specially, John- Adrianople and are flooding that city. Adrlanople 1b doomed. that a electoral vote may recount will probably be necessary. fornia split Swanson 14 TENAKEE. Bon is charged with the transporta¬ It is believed that this act will com¬ Gooddel! 1 Tripp 0 tion of Belle Schrleber, a white girl, pel! an early surrender of Adriano- NAZIM DETERMINED TO FIGHT. Ingersoll 63 Tanner 0 from Pittsburg, Ponn., to Chicago for pie. 7 have CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. 8..Nn- DELEGATION DIVIDED Shoup 73 Valentine : unlawful purposes. The Bulgarian troops already WASHINGTON Saubbins 65 Le Fevre 7 Johnson cried when the officers taken the outlying forts of Maras, zlm Pasha, commander-in-chief of the 65 Bland 6 on his wrists. Havaras and Sufilar, to the Turkish forces, has reported to hlB la also elected, Svindscth , snapped the handcuffs lying SEATTLE. Nov. 8..Returns from Hoquiam, Republican, 5 Swanson 6 northeast of Adrianople and have al¬ government his determination to fight Third, the dlBtrict, Reck of the First and in the Spokane 4 0 so the railroad station in until he is victorious or Is absolute¬ all precincts Congression¬ William LaFollette, Re¬ Dawes Ingersoll captured that Congressman 4 0 the extreme outskirts, taking many ly defeated. He has also strongly ad- al district of this state show has been re-elected. Fal¬ Olson Shoup publican. Thomas 3 Stubblns 0 FIRM FAILS, prisoners. vised against peace negotiations. Congressman William E. Humphrey, and for coner Bryan, Progressives, Twelt 7 Sclndseth 0 has been elected, defeat¬ are also elect¬ Republican, Congressmen-at-large. Noland *. 13 Reck 7 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Iti I I C I I Chas. G. Heifner. Democrat, and ed. The Congressional delegation 12 7 MAN SUICIDES ing of three Heath Dawes GIVES POWERS Dan Landon. Progressive. In the will, therefore, be composed 13 Olson 7 two Bull Moosers.
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