Boise State University ScholarWorks Student Newspapers (UP 4.15) University Documents 4-27-1953 Roundup, April 27 Associated Students of Boise Junior College Although this file was scanned from the highest-quality microfilm held by Boise State University, it reveals the limitations of the source microfilm. It is possible to perform a text search of much of this material; however, there are sections where the source microfilm was too faint or unreadable to allow for text scanning. For assistance with this collection of student newspapers, please contact Special Collections and Archives at [email protected]. - Shirley Byrne I "Twelfth Night" II May 4th, Sth, 6th, New President 1'1 At the A.W. election held last Rehearsals are now going into Tuesday, Shirley Byrne came out the final week for "Twelfth Night," on top winning the president's po- which is to be presented in the BJC sition. Shirley will take the office auditorlurn, May 4th, 5th and 6th, which was held by Norma Dike at 8:15 p.m, this past semester. Delores Hanson Mr. Wennstrom, the director, will take over the position of vice- stated that the show would be put president from Sue Claire Free- ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==========- on with the emphasis on acting, man. I' light and costumes. The stage will be divided into Leone sWeeny was elected into four acting areas, one side of the the secretary's position and will stage will be the Duke's palace receive the books from this year's while the other side will be Olivia's secretary, Ruth Jean Williams. palace, Near the back of the stage Wanda Drake won the position of will be a large ramp on which treasurer and will relieve this year's treasurer, Terry Wagstaff. several scenes will take place. The middle part of the stage between La Verne Jones will fill the po- the two .palaces will make up the sition of social chairman. Barbara fourth acting area. The curtain Rea and Sharon Nichols will be will not be closed for any of the the sophomore representatives to scenes, The only time it will close the council. This year's representa- will be at the end of the play. The tives were Sharon White and change of scenes will be taken care Ilene Muhlestein. of by the lights. When one scene ends, the lights will go down on that area and come up on the area in which the next scene takes Exam Schedule for place. The play production class is busy making the ramps while a few of Spring Semester the boys are setting up the light system. MONDAY, MAY 25 Costumes are also all in the mak- 8:00 to 10:00 a.m.-English 82, 1\ ing and they will all be in the A, 2c, 2f, 1a-110; English 84, 2e, :'\' I' time of Shakespeare with all the 2j-108; English 52, 2h, 2k, 1b- " frills and colors. ' 210; English 2a, 2b, 2d-208. Don't forget! May 4th, 5th, and 10:90 to 12:00-Ec:onomics 2- 6th are the dates, 8:15 the time, 210; French 2 -112; Music 2- and BJC auditorium the place for Aud.; Home Ec. 52, 23-218; pfurs- the presentation of Shakespeare's ics 52-214; Engineering 1-302; ''Twelfth Night." History 2-208. 1:00 to 3:00 p:m.-Art 12-304; 'Botany 52-T-2; Chemistry 52- 206; Business 57a and b-llO; Bus- Junior (ollege to iness 16a-219; Home Economics 61,62-218 . _---------~-------=----:-::-:--- Declicate .Orga. III....'w Grade SeLooln CIu b New s . Winning Recipe cate.Boiseits Juniornew $35.000collegeAustinwill dedi-pipe TUESDAY,to 1 MAY m.-Applied28 poy. ..J Saturday night, April 25, the By Me,ssGessner organ during Boise's 35th annual chology 11-208; HistOlt' 32-110; • omp eteu Valkyries held their initiation for ,observance of Music week and English l2a-T.l; Business 116- 1 Be ( I the pledges. Terry Wagstaff's home Miss Gessner. manager of .the. C. Griffith Bratt. Org~t and 210; Business 60-213.Music ' Next was the scene of the initiation. The Boise Junior college Student Union, head of the co\Iege m~SlC depart· 10:1. to lZ:le- 8-AU!I.; December affair was a potiuck. has been notified tbat theconege ment, will play the dedicatory eon- Business 56-213: Business 62- IyThe new $350,000.00 campus , , , has been selected ss one of the cert at 4 o'clock the 'afternoon of 210; Spanish 2-116; Physics 2- elementary school is to be com- Ten pledges were officiallY taken 200 institutions throughout the na- May 10. 214; Sociology 12-11J8; Psychol- pletely finished by next December. S t tl'on to have its picture in the The organ has been installed ogy 1-208', Zoology 54-T-2 . Hewevcr, six of the twelve class- in to the Delta Psi8 OmegaA athemur- Dust Diary, published by John in the college chapel, located 10. 1'.00 to 3'.00 p.....-MUSl·C 6- day night, April 1. mong 1 • d' th roomswil! be ready for use next were Sharon MorroW, Dorothy Sexton & Co. of San Francisco. the music hut dtDgi a~ s~ce I .. Aud.: Music 58--Auci.; Cltemiatry September, Students from the sur- M h Terry Along with the picture will be the seating eapaelty ? tee ape IS 12-110', Business 16-219., ~ roundingarea will attend the first Chatburn, Phil ea~ er, . recipe submitted by Miss Gessner limited to approximately 700 per- , ' ~ Wagstaff, Jim Walker, Marhese , k t '11 be . d d ad throughsixth grades, with the av- d I L for escalloped turkey, sons tic e s WI ISSU~ an - WWI'DNESDAY, MAY 21 Freeman, PaX Child, Wen a ong . n '11 be b t k t nly P erageattendance number of about and Pat Murray. Ncw officers for The Dust Diary is a puhlicabo mittance WI y tC eO· .:80"; 10:tlO .. m.-Buslnetia 82 350 to 500 PllPl'ls, the remainder of the semester .are that has been well known by food Tickets can tbet obtainedth halrman.bYmail~of -?!J1; Business 61>-2 13: Art 2-. Differcnt from other schools be- P dme' operators for the past 30 years, ing a reqques 10 e c . 210,' MUSl'C 54-Aud.·, Math 1- restdent, Warren epp.er , h d' th dedication Boise Jumor causeof its intended purpo'se, each C I c It is a handbook to t em an IS e organ ' 108','Educatl'on 52-209',y Engineer- ....J Pice-president, Lyle JO trm; se - h leas 11 ge mailing to be in the order classroom will have an adJ'oining Vretary, Terry \tVagstaff, an,d treas- foundthe Jl0Spl'tals,in 'Boise schoolsin suc andp a hotelses inco which'e , the reque.sts have- been 109. 75-3; 02 ChemlS. t r . 2'..,-206'..... teacher's office which will, be urer, Dorothy Chatburn, d h vel' large amounts of received and startlOg about May, 10:10 t0 1"IiI:lo-B usmess 66 - ;,in,,1 b)' " one-way vision glass. • • , an w ere d 1 No charge will be made for the 219; ,Business 12-1lY7' Business 21 Thi. "'ill enable groups of college F.T.A. plans are nOWunder w:"! f~:. '7.r:.re:;:n ~f the John Sex· tickets, hut only two will be i~sued '-?!J1: Gennan 2-112:. Spanish 12, stll~entss of the e~ucational and, for "'he F,T,A.'s annual spring plC- & C f S Francisco when to each person, No orders Will be -116; MUSIC52-Aud., Math 12- SOCI oJog)' cIasses cIasses to 0bser ve nic ~to be hcld soon, Mem'be's ton tT o.d0lh anschool of its' selec- accepted over the telephone, offt-,208'108; Math 4- : E'Dgmeer10g. 62 class acl ivilics wi thou t being seen from surrounding ,chools \VHI.also he no :a:~ th:t his company had cials said. ~; History 22-210;. Sociology by those heing observed. The class- be invited to "u:end the PICl1lC, tlOll, of pleasant rei a- The $35,000 Austin pipe organ, 42-110; Psychology 54-209. rooms 1",'\ I have more eqUlpmen. t • , , had. manyI' ·thyearsMiss Gessner both gift of an anonymous donor, IS.' a 1:00 to 3:00 p.m.-MUSIC 56- ihan 01hCI' grade schools. Th is I V •s las t ...eek found the, l!O~ '.Ip ;r:nior coilege and before rare instrument since all schools Aud.: English 32- T -1: Biology 2- includcsa visual aid in each clasS, 'I"" 1 t d I K officers attend- at Olse 1 of classic music can be played T-2' Chemistry 72-206; Education new y-e ec e " she came lere, . d' t ' 1e )uilcling is designed Ito have, tJ II{ convention at the authentically on It, accortm 109 0 23-209. theTl h b 'II ll1g 1e " 'l:C . d t Thl's / appearanceI of the ot er Ul (- J St t Agricultural college, the B... musIC epar en. ingson OHmpus. One of the interior Uta 1 ; ~ TI pUloposeof the is the instrument that has lrt- THURSDAY, MAY Z. featlll'es, unlike other schools will LOga~l, ta ~' 1 C election of IK's Elect Officers tracted national 'attention among 8'00 to 10'00 a.m._commercial meetll1g was J" . t . • the libl'ary which will be on f 1 officel~ andt J1eto adjust na- Last Saturday, April 18. De organ people, and It IS an 10s ru- Art-304: English 121>-T-1; Musil' beIheslagc, Bleacher type steps will n.a 'Ionaaims and by-laws.
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