University of Windsor Undergraduate 5-Year Historical SEU Report Report Date: 2020-May-11 SEMESTER Fall Faculty/Dept./Subject Area NEW_CATALOG_NBR COURSE_TITLE 2015F 2016F 2017F 2018F 2019F Arts, Humanities, Soc Science Arts, Humanities, Soc Science Aeronautics AERO 1970 Prac: Prof Devt Pilot Training 9.0 AERO 1970A Prac: Prof Devt Pilot Training 12.0 18.0 16.0 19.0 AERO 2970A Practm: Prof Devt Pilot Traing 4.0 9.0 10.0 15.0 10.0 AERO 3970A Practm: Prof Devt Pilot Traing 1.0 4.0 8.0 11.0 8.0 AERO 4970A Practm: Prof Devt Pilot Traing 1.0 3.0 8.0 9.0 Aeronautics Total 14.0 26.0 39.0 50.0 46.0 Anthrozoology ANZO 1600 Animals and Humans in Society 146.0 147.0 170.0 ANZO 2000 Paw & the Pen: Animals in Lit 21.0 ANZO 2600 Animals for Sport &Entertaint 34.0 ANZO 3100 Canine Imp:Explg Dog-Human Rel 51.0 ANZO 3600 Special Topics: Anthrozoology 58.0 14-51 160 Animals and Humans in Society 108.0 145.0 14-51 261 Animals and the Law 19.0 23.0 14-51 360 Special Tpcs in Anthrozoology 47.0 Anthrozoology Total 127.0 215.0 225.0 198.0 204.0 Digital Journalism DIGJ 1200 Reporting Fundamentals 12.0 DIGJ 1250 Journalism Today 14.0 DIGJ 2200 Intro:Online Design/Publishing 9.0 14.0 DIGJ 2220 Intro: Audio/Visual Production 9.0 DIGJ 2250 Media Law and Ethics 1.0 DIGJ 2300 Writing for Digital Journalism 8.0 8.0 DIGJ 3400A Newsroom - Collab Studio III 9.0 7.0 DIGJ 4300 Digital Journalism Practicum 4.0 9.0 14-30 120 Reporting Fundamentals 23.0 15.0 14-30 125 Journalism Today 25.0 16.0 14-30 220 Intro-Online Design/Publishing 9.0 5.0 14-30 222 Intro to Audio/Visual Prod 14.0 8.0 14-30 230 Writing for Digital Journalism 8.0 11.0 14-30 340A Newsroom - Collab Studio III 10.0 7.0 14-30 430 Digital Journalism Practicum 3.0 14-30 440 Prof Studio - Collab Studio IV 4.0 14-30 440A Prof Studio - Collab Studio IV 9.0 Digital Journalism Total 98.0 69.0 56.0 41.0 7.0 General Arts GART 1200 Understandg the Contempy World 236.0 234.0 216.0 226.0 158.0 GART 1201 Outstanding Scholars Training 82.0 GART 1500 Effective Writing I 977.0 1,016.0 1,017.0 1,072.0 1,190.0 GART 2040 Health Care Ethics: Life-Span 61.0 58.0 50.0 58.0 51.0 GART 2090 Ethics in the Professions 71.0 73.0 66.0 66.0 62.0 GART 2100 Select Topics: Ways of Knowing 28.0 22.0 28.0 GART 2200 Investigating Contemporary Wld 52.0 36.0 32.0 45.0 42.0 GART 2990 Special Tpcs: Popular Culture 32.0 GART 3100 Ways of Doing -Special Topics 5.0 GART 4000 Mentorship and Learning 21.0 16.0 21.0 22.0 33.0 General Arts Total 1,446.0 1,487.0 1,402.0 1,489.0 1,651.0 General Social Science SOSC 2100 Selected Tpcs: Ways of Knowing 15.0 23.0 10.0 SOSC 2500 Basic Quantitative Methods 237.0 242.0 244.0 234.0 234.0 SOSC 2990 Popular Culture: Special Tpcs 28.0 SOSC 3100 Ways of Doing -Special Topics 1.0 SOSC 3200 Wking in Digital Communities I 37.0 SOSC 3500 Prac Strategies -Social Change 5.0 5.0 5.0 3.0 1.0 SOSC 4000 Mentorship and Learning 26.0 32.0 34.0 34.0 47.0 SOSC 4500 Practicum in Social Change 3.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 General Social Science Total 286.0 368.0 284.0 272.0 294.0 Interdisciplinary Arts and Sci ARSC 1000 Intro to Interdisc Arts & Scie 12.0 12.0 8.0 ARSC 3100 Modes and Methods of Inquiry 5.0 18.0 7.0 ARSC 4100 Inquiry and Communication 6.0 6.0 10.0 ARSC 4990A Research Project 3.0 3.0 6.0 ARSC 4990B Research Project 1.0 14-56 100 Intro to Interdisc Arts & Sci 17.0 20.0 14-56 310 Modes and Methods of Inquiry 10.0 13.0 14-56 410 Inquiry and Communication 9.0 14.0 14-56 420 Research Project 8.0 SEU 5-Year Historical Office of Institutional Analysis Page 1 of 25 University of Windsor Undergraduate 5-Year Historical SEU Report Report Date: 2020-May-11 SEMESTER Fall Faculty/Dept./Subject Area NEW_CATALOG_NBR COURSE_TITLE 2015F 2016F 2017F 2018F 2019F 14-56 420A Research Project 9.0 Interdisciplinary Arts and Sci Total 44.0 56.0 26.0 39.0 32.0 Social Justice SJST 1000 Introduction to Social Justice 124.0 54.0 SJST 1000 Social Justice in Action 110.0 96.0 90.0 SJST 1400 Queer Activism 20.0 23.0 SJST 2180 Everyday Disputes&Their Resoln 8.0 SJST 2700 Spkg Truth to Pwr:Voice&Activm 11.0 Social Justice Total 124.0 54.0 110.0 127.0 121.0 Arts, Humanities, Soc Science Total 2,139.0 2,275.0 2,142.0 2,216.0 2,355.0 Communication, Media, Film Communication, Media and Film CMAF 1010 Intro: Media and Society 133.0 144.0 152.0 130.0 140.0 CMAF 1120 Intro: Media Design & Prod I 67.0 101.0 122.0 121.0 CMAF 1400 Introduction to Film Studies 113.0 107.0 111.0 109.0 69.0 CMAF 2010 New Media Studies 69.0 66.0 64.0 61.0 69.0 CMAF 2090 Fundls of Sound Technology 34.0 31.0 23.0 30.0 CMAF 2100 Speech Communication to Inform 38.0 36.0 34.0 32.0 17.0 CMAF 2130 Podcasting and Internet Media 22.0 9.0 20.0 1.0 CMAF 2210 The Art of Photo-blogging 23.0 18.0 24.0 23.0 25.0 CMAF 2250 Media Literacy 118.0 117.0 85.0 58.0 33.0 CMAF 2310 Film Production 1.0 CMAF 2320 Documentary 61.0 35.0 55.0 CMAF 2340 Research Mthds - Communication 40.0 43.0 49.0 47.0 76.0 CMAF 2400 Cinema History I (Pre-War) 49.0 39.0 48.0 35.0 CMAF 2430 Media Aesthetics 23.0 37.0 38.0 CMAF 2530 Introductory Photography 12.0 8.0 9.0 CMAF 2600 Fundamentals Writing for Media 55.0 37.0 CMAF 2610 Public Relns, Media & Society 43.0 41.0 55.0 CMAF 2700 Spkg Truth to Pwr:Voice&Activm 17.0 13.0 CMAF 2720 Theory of Message Design 41.0 44.0 37.0 CMAF 2750 Theories-Communication & Media 52.0 32.0 CMAF 2820 Advg - Histl/Cultural Context 53.0 50.0 29.0 41.0 CMAF 2900 Spec Tpcs: Comm, Media & Film 39.0 11.0 15.0 CMAF 3020 Popular Culture 55.0 52.0 CMAF 3040 Privacy/Surveillance -Digl Age 31.0 19.0 29.0 CMAF 3100 Cinematography 11.0 12.0 13.0 CMAF 3140 Studio/Locn Lighting -Film/Vid 36.0 24.0 17.0 CMAF 3270 Dig Video Editing & Post Prod 16.0 CMAF 3310 Intermediate Film Production 9.0 14.0 CMAF 3320 Intermediate Documentary 21.0 CMAF 3340 Methods: Mass Media Criticism 38.0 32.0 22.0 25.0 CMAF 3430 Cinema and/in Culture 13.0 17.0 CMAF 3640 Media, Tech & the Environ 33.0 34.0 21.0 22.0 CMAF 3700 Alt Media & Digital Activism 16.0 CMAF 3830 Children & Mediated Mktplace 28.0 CMAF 3900 Spec Tpcs: Media and Society 16.0 CMAF 3990 Internship I 1.0 3.0 CMAF 3990 Internship II 2.0 3.0 3.0 CMAF 4010 Adv Tpcs:New Media&Dig Culture 19.0 19.0 13.0 16.0 CMAF 4210 Advanced Television Production 28.0 1.0 CMAF 4240 Adv Non-Fiction Media Prod 29.0 29.0 31.0 21.0 CMAF 4250 Adv St: Soci of News Media 8.0 6.0 CMAF 4280 Senior Project 12.0 16.0 14.0 11.0 16.0 CMAF 4340 Senior Project: Theory 8.0 CMAF 4410 Documentary Film & Video I 19.0 CMAF 4430 Adv Film Theory and Criticism 8.0 8.0 CMAF 4620 Comm Perspectvs&Aboriginal Ppl 13.0 CMAF 4630 Gender and Technology 26.0 17.0 CMAF 4890 Selected Tpc: Media Production 2.0 3.0 2.0 3.0 CMAF 4900 Special Tpcs: Comm/Media St 16.0 CMAF 4950 Directed Reading 1.0 11.0 CMAF 4990 Internship II 1.0 1.0 CMAF 4990 Internship IV 1.0 02-40 218 Digital Media Production I 56.0 34.0 02-40 318 Field & Studio Sound Recording 22.0 02-40 319 Digital Documentary Production 16.0 10.0 02-40 398 Internship I 5.0 4.0 4.0 02-40 498 Internship III 2.0 1.0 2.0 Communication, Media and Film Total 1,253.0 1,092.0 1,138.0 1,083.0 916.0 SEU 5-Year Historical Office of Institutional Analysis Page 2 of 25 University of Windsor Undergraduate 5-Year Historical SEU Report Report Date: 2020-May-11 SEMESTER Fall Faculty/Dept./Subject Area NEW_CATALOG_NBR COURSE_TITLE 2015F 2016F 2017F 2018F 2019F Communication, Media, Film Total 1,253.0 1,092.0 1,138.0 1,083.0 916.0 Creative Arts Cinema Arts CNMA 1100 Fund of Film Theory&Aesthetics 17.0 21.0 CNMA 1120 Intro: Media Design & Prod I 4.0 18.0 18.0 CNMA 2090 Fund of Sound Technology 1.0 5.0 7.0 CNMA 2320 Documentary 3.0 5.0 CNMA 3100 Cinematography 21.0 13.0 8.0 3.0 3.0 CNMA 3140 Studio&Loc Lighting-Film/Video 1.0 6.0 CNMA 3200 Intermediate Screenwriting 10.0 CNMA 3270 Dig Video Editing & Post Prod 4.0 CNMA 3310 Intermediate Film Production 25.0 9.0 CNMA 3320 Intermediate Documentary 2.0 01-39 100 Cinema I 18.0 14.0 Cinema Arts Total 39.0 37.0 55.0 41.0 64.0 Media Arts and Culture MACS 1500 Contemporary Visual Culture 71.0 83.0 85.0 67.0 84.0 MACS 2140 Survey-Art Hist: Anct-Medieval 53.0 61.0 48.0 73.0 38.0 MACS 2500 Stories of the City 16.0 11.0 MACS 3070 Renaissance Art I 21.0 MACS 3390 Japanese Art 22.0 MACS 3450 20th Century Art: Post 1940 23.0 17.0 11.0 MACS 3550 Curating as Cultural Practice 2.0 MACS 3600 History of Photography 1.0 27.0 29.0 MACS 3700 Media Art Histories 15.0 MACS 4000 Directed Individual Studies 2.0 2.0 MACS 4520 Urban Ecologies 19.0 19.0 MACS 4530 History: Detroit Architecture 25.0 14.0 Media Arts and Culture Total 191.0 204.0 162.0 212.0 170.0 Music Academic Studies MUSC 1120 Music Theory I 26.0 23.0 25.0 38.0 33.0 MUSC 1260 Music History & Literature I 27.0 18.0 27.0 36.0 31.0 MUSC 2120 Music Theory III 18.0 16.0 19.0 22.0 19.0 MUSC 2220 Basic Skills I 14.5 10.5 10.0 19.0 14.0 MUSC 2390 Woodwind Techniques 28.0 14.0 MUSC 2480 Basic Conducting I 20.0 18.0 17.0 16.0 26.0 MUSC 2550 Vocal Techniques 35.0 MUSC 2630 Music Technology 11.0 MUSC 2690 Percussion Techniques 43.0 32.0 MUSC 2790 Brass Techniques 16.0 MUSC 2850 Foundations of Music Education 25.0 20.0 17.0 35.0 19.0 MUSC 3170 Film Music 17.0 15.0 MUSC 3220 Advanced Skills I 8.0 6.0 6.5 7.5 12.5 MUSC 3270 Studies in Romantic Music 29.0 20.0 MUSC 4360 Directed Studies in Music I 2.0 1.0 29.0 2.0 4.0 MUSC 4470 Special Topics in Music 20.0 13.0 01-32 490 Intern:Music Therapy Prof Prac 5.0 Music Academic Studies Total 213.5 175.5 181.5 256.5 208.5 Music Performance Studies MUSP 2100 University Singers 27.5 26.0 24.5 29.0 28.5 MUSP 2200 University Wind Ensemble 12.0 9.5 12.5 17.0 15.5 MUSP 2400 Jazz
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