DIRECTORY. J DURHAM. SUNDERLAND. 439 ROKER is about r mile north-east from Srmderland] electors on the parliamentary register in 1914 wa& bridge; it is situated on an eminence, and from its 31,320. position commands an extensive 11~d "Bgreeable view of The population of the municipal wards in 1911 was: the ~orth Sea; beneath the chff known as "Holy Bishopwearmouth, 9,51 s; Bridge, 12,295; Central, 8,375; R~k ~he land_ shelve~ gently ~owards ~ sandy beach Colliery, 7,332 ; Deptford, 10,002 ; East, 8,691 ; Hendon, wh1ch_ Is provided w1~h bath_mg-maohmes; to the 8,674 ; Monkwearmouth, 7,92s; Monkwearmouth Shore, west 1~ Roker Park, lrud out m 188o ~ a~d seaward, 9,0s4 ; Pallion, 9,145 ; Park, 9,2a7 ; Roker, 9,965; St. extendmg from Holy Rock to the New P1er, IS a terrace l\Iichael 7 722 · Sunderland 9 343 · Thornhill 12 471 • i1 . l h h . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' t promenade, a b out a quarter o f a m e m engt ; t e p1er, west 11 327 which branches out from its southern extremity, ' ' · . reaches to a distance of 2,soo feet; a little to the south The populatiOn of the ecc~e~Iast1cal p~nshes m 19,n. is the North Dock, and the piers and lighthouses; to was Sunderland: Holy Tnmty, 6,3ro, S~. John s, the north-east is Whitburn. 6,472 ; .Ayres. Quay : St. Stephen's, 4,02~; Bishopwear­ mouth: Christ Church, 4,328; St. Gabr1el's, g,og6; St. SOUTHWI'CK is a parish west of Monkwearmouth, on ~ichael and All .Angels, g,oo3 ; St. Peter's, 3,423 ; St. the north bank of the Wear, and will be found under a Thomas', 6,925; Deptford: St. Andrew's, 6,916; Hen­ separate heading. · don: St. Ignatius the Martyr, 8,326 ;~St. Paul, 11,7o8; The area of Sunderland parish and borough is 3,302 Middle Hendon : St. Barnabas, 12,0:;4; Millfield : St. acres of land, 55 of inland and In of tidal water and Hilda's, 6,235; St. Mark's, 9,316; St. Mary Magdalene, 1g6 of foreshor~; rateable value, £7o5,go6; the popula­ 5,6zr; Monkwearmouth: All Saints', 9·93'7; St . .Andrew's, tion in 1901 was 146,o77, and in 1gn, 151,159, includ­ 5,673; St. Cuthbert's. 2,453; St. Peter's, 8,8go; Vener­ ing 1,339 inmates and 70 (l:fficers of the union work­ able Bede's, g,543; Pallion: St. Luke's, 6, 142. house', 244 in the Royal Infirmary, g6 in the Boys' In­ dustrial Sch'Jol, 64 in the Girls' Industrial School, 53 BISHOPWEARMOUTH WITHOUT is a civil parisb in the Reformatory School for Girls and 208 on board formed under the provisions of the "Local Goyernment ves~els. Act, 1894.'' from the rural part of Bishopweal'mouth. The area of the parliamentary borough is 4,673 acres; The area is 460 acres; rateable value, £5,187; the the populatioa in 19II was I65,z8g. The number of population in 19II was 346. OFFICIAL ESTABLISHMENTS, LOCAL INSTITUTIONS &c. & 'f. & Town Sub-Post & Monev Post, M. 0. Telephonic Express Delivery Office, • Order Officest :­ Sunniside._:_Frank Taylor, postmaster St. Mark's Tatham street Money Order & Savings Bank business transacted from 8 t§Salem street The Royalty a.m. to 8 p.m. Postal orders issued & paid from 7 a.m. §tSilksworth row tTunstall vale to 10 p.m §tSouthwick §tVillette road Telegraph & Telephone Call Office open from 7 a.m. to §!Stockton road Vine place ro p.m. week days; sundays from 8 a. m. to 10 a. m. Suffolk street l Wearmouth colliery & 3 to 6 p.m Marked thus§ Telegrams can be handed in only,& Telegraph Money: Orders are issued, but not paid Dispatch of Mails. .Marked thus t are 'I'elephone Call Offices Letters are dispatched on week days at 5· 10, 6.30, 6.50, t The Town Sub-Offices close at 1 p.m. on Wednesdays. 7.3o, g.Io, g.so, Io, 10.3o, II.I5 & 11.30 a.m. 12 noon With a few exceptions there are ten collections on & 12.$0, I, 1.40, 2, 2. IS, 2.30, 3· 3·40, 4· 15, 4·30, 4-45· week days & two on sundays 5, 5.15, 5.30, 6, 7• 8, 8.20, 8.30, 8.50, 9• 10, li & 11.45 p.m. ; on sundays (for town delivery), Castletown, Hylton, :Murton, New Seaham & Seaham Harbour & MEMBERS OF P J.RLUMENT FOR THE BOROUGH~ Shotton Colliery, 6.30 a.m.; general dispatch to all Hamar Greenwood esq. 4 Crown Office row, Temple. parts, 5.40 p.m.; Newcastle-on-Tyne, Scotland & E C; 58 Onslow gardens SW & Reform, British Em­ North generally, II.45 p.m pire & ~ational Liberal clubs SW & Eighty club E Co; London Town Letter & Parcel Deliveries. Frank Waiter Goldstone esq. 14 Brinkhorn st. Sunder­ ut delivery commences at 7 a.m.; letter box closes, land; & 67 & 71 Russell square, London WC & 8~ 6.30 a.m. :..nd delivery commences at 11.30 a.m.; l"lleswater road, South~ate N letter box closes II a.m. :;rd delivery commences at 2.30 p.m. ; letter box closes 2 p.m. 4th delivery com­ Returning Officer, The :Mayor for the time being mences at 6.25 p.m. ; letter box closes 6 p.m. Sun­ day delivery commences at 7 a.m. ; letter box closes CORPORATION. 6.go a.m I9I3-I4· Local Letter & Parcel Dispatches. , Mayor, Stansfield Richardson To Easington Colliery & Horden, 5.10 a.m.; Murton, Deputy Mayor, Edward Hazard Brown ~ew Seaham, Ryhope, Ryhope Cplliery, Seaham Har­ Recorder, Ed-ward Shortt K.C., M.P. 3 Hare court, bour, Haswell, South Hetton & Shotton Colliery, 5-45 Temple, London E C a.m. ; Cleadcn & Whitburn, 6.30 a.m. ; l3urdon, Castletown, Hylton, East, West & Middle Herrington, Aldermen. ~ew Silksworth, North Hylton & Silksworth, 6.30 Retire Nov. 1916. a.m.; Seaham Harbour & New Seaham, u.3o a.m.; Deptford Ward, John Turnbull Shotton Colliery & Murton, 12 noon; Hylton, 12.30 St. Michael's Ward, Stansfield Richardson p.m. ; Cleadon, New Silksworth & Whitburn, r p.m. ; Hendon Ward, John Hall Smith Easington Colliery, Ryhope, Ryhope Colliery & Hor­ Park Ward, L. Thompson den, 1. rs p. m.; Castle Eden, Ha swell, South Hetton, Sunderland Ward, H. J. Turnbull J.P Wheatley Hill & Thornley, 2 p.m.; Shotton Colliery, East Ward, Atkinson Gibson 3.40 p.m.; Seaham Harbour & New Seaham, 4.30 Colliery Ward, Thomas Johnston lJ.m.; Castletown, 4·45 p.m.; Oleadon, Whitburn, 'Monkwearmouth Shore Ward, W. F. Vint Murton & New Silksworth, 5 p.m. ; Castle Eden & Hesleden, 5· rs p.m. ; Easington, Easington Colliery, Retire Nov. 1919. Ryhope & Harden, 5.30 p.m.; Haswell, Hylton & Bridge Ward, J. Harrison South Hetton, 6 p.m Pallion Ward, John Davidson Fairless J.P '!'own Sub-Post & Money Order Offices t :- We:st Ward, William Burns §!Chester road west High street west Thornhill Ward, John George Kirtley Cleveland road Hylton road west BH,hopwearmouth Ward, W. H. Challoner Corn hill §tMillfield Central Ward, William Bruce Coronation street Nelson square .\ionkwearmouth Ward, H. Rudland Deptford Nobles bank Roker Ward, William Sanderson Dock street east I North Bridge street Aldermen l3ruce, Burns, Harrison, Smith & H. J. Turn­ §tDundas street ! Otto terrace bull are principals of the Sunderland Orphan .Asylum tEast end Oxford street ll • Alderman Challoner is the representative of the Cor• . tFulwell Ravensworth street poration on the River Wear CommiSi!lion Grange town §!Roker Each Alderman of the borough is the- presiding aldermaa §tHendon Roker avenue & returning officer for t-he Ward for whjoh he is ap- §+High street east I Roker Bath road . pointed aldrrman t' .
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