Ithaca College Digital Commons @ IC The thI acan, 1998-99 The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 11-5-1998 The thI acan, 1998-11-05 Ithaca College Follow this and additional works at: http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1998-99 Recommended Citation Ithaca College, "The thI acan, 1998-11-05" (1998). The Ithacan, 1998-99. 11. http://digitalcommons.ithaca.edu/ithacan_1998-99/11 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The thI acan: 1990/91 to 1999/2000 at Digital Commons @ IC. It has been accepted for inclusion in The thI acan, 1998-99 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ IC. Sports 26 Changing fields Troy Canada went can from the Persian Gulf to the Bombers' gridiron. VOLUME 66, NUMBE!t 11 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1998 28 PAGES, FREE PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY CHUCK HOLLIDAY HOMOPHOBIA ON C ''PeopLe who aRe aFRalO OF Beln(j abuseo neeo TO know rhar rhey oon'r have TO Be ahuseo . They neeo TO know rhar FReeoom OF speech ooes nor exreno ro peopLe scReaann(J 'Fa(}' acRoss rhe paRkzn(J Lor.,' -SemoR. Clm1s F101ma By SCOTT Hep&u1t11 ani) Lynsey Pavlik lr/Jaca11 STaFF t's a hateful threat scrawled angrily on your door in pennanent Carolina looking for acceptance. He had been shunn~d by his best marker. It's shouts of "queer," "fag" or "dyke." It's the sheer terror friend in Charlotte and was told by a fonner girlfriend's father he • Iof walking across campus, afraid you will be beaten because you could no longer sec her. His mother accepts his sexuality, but Tidwell are gay. ha~n 't found people at Ithaca College to be so understanding. Homophobia invades our society daily. In the month of October, the On three separate occasions this year, Tidwell has overheard Bias Related Incidents Committee reported nine written homophobic students making remarks such as, "It's getting pretty faggy out" remarks, seven of which were reported in the Terraces. Brian McAree, while in his presence. associate vice president of campus affairs and student life and a Tidwell passed off the first two instances of this remark as member of the committee, said this is the greatest number of · mishearing others around him. ft wasn't until the third incident that homophobic remarks reported in such a short time. Tidwell realized the comments were an attack on his sexuality. Campus Safety Investigator Laura Durling said identifying those Further incidents have led Tidwell to believe he has been specif­ responsible for bias-related incidents may be difficult, especially when ically targeted because he is homosexual. The words "all you guys the incidents go unwitnessed. Perhaps even mor~ difficult is discover­ arc fags, especially Ty" were recently found scrawled on a bathroom ing why they occur and what effect they have. ' stall on the I 0th floor of the East Tower. The beating death of Matthew Shepard, a 21-year-old college Partly as a result of the homophobic student from Laramie, Wyo., has brought a twinge of fear to the remarks, Tidwell has decided to move campus. Some students feel his death has brought the reality of homo­ off his floor. phobia closer to home, leaving them wondering if the bias alerts arc a Senior Chris Fidura also remembers opl,olnc 1zemaRks grim foreshadowing· of what may come. days when he faced taunts. During his sophomore year, a group of epoRreo ln OcroheR The victims of homophobia Freshman Tyrone Tidwell came to Ithaca College from North See HELPLESS, page 4 ACCENT .... 13 CLASSIFIED •• 19 - · COMICS .•.. 20 OPINION .... 10 SPORTS ..... 21 www.ithaca.edu/ithacan ··--..; \ I 2 THE ITHACAN .. NOVEMBER 5, 1998 Briefl on Thursday at 8:15 p.m. in the Ford Auditorium. Alm presentation Faculty symposium ·Homegrown: Theory into "Sisterhood and Struggle: A By lllcllael W. Blaanuoaa tration not only to ending the lingering recession Practice,• a cinema and pho­ Celebration of the Women's Ithacan Staff but also to lifting the nation to a higher level of tography department Visiting Rights Convention: a sympo­ economic productivity for years to come. Filmmakers and Scholars pre­ sium featuring panel discus­ This week, 6 years ago: As supporters of Iraq President Saddam sentation will be held on sions led by Ithaca College Ithaca College has the same residential policy Hussein were rejoicing in victory, Clinton told Monday at 7 p.m. in the Park faculty, will be held on it had 20 years ago, but a more accurate estimate reporters, "the greatest gesture of goodwill any Auditorium. Thursday from 1 p.m. to 5 of projected student turnover between fall and nation can make to me during this period is to p.m. in Klingenstein lounge, spring has changed the policy's impact on stu­ continue full cooperation with our president, Chamber Ensemble concert Egbert Hall. dents-bad news for students who want to move George Bush." :he Contemporary Chamber off campus, but good news for the college. The mood of the Ithaca College campus Ensemble will perform on Brass Choir performance In recent years, the policy, which guarantees regarding Clinton's election seems to be split Tuesday at 8:15 p.m. in the The Ithaca College Brass on-campus housing for four years, has been able along party lines. Ford Auditorium. Choir will perform on Friday at to accommodate at least some of the students who The IC Democrats celebrated the prediction of 8: 15 p.m. in the Ford want to move off campus at the end of each a Clinton victory by CNN at 10:45 p.m. Tuesday Musical recitals Auditorium. semester. This occurs when the college overesti­ by breaking open a bottle of champagne. The Florida State University mates the number of students who would gradu­ Amid a party celebrating a Democratic elec­ Brass Quintet will perform on Choral concert ate in December, attend the London Center or tion night success with jubilant cheers, IC Wednesday at 10 a.m. in the The Choral Composition participate in internships. Democrat president Jeff Wolfe '94 says: Ford Auditorium. Sigma Alpha Festival Concert, a perfor­ But this year, the Office of Residential Life "This is a victory for the liberal factions of this Iota and Phi Mu Alpha will mance by area high school announces it will not have an off-campus applica­ country. We have shown a rejection of perform at 8:15 p.m. Both are choirs and the Ithaca College tion process for the spring. Reagan/Bush politics. We're all going to work in the Ford Auditorium. Choir, will be held at 7 p.m. in The process is eliminated for the first time together for change." the Ford Auditorium. since 1986 because estimates show there will be The mood of the IC Republicans is hest cap­ Native American concert no overflow in the spring and the college will be tured by Katie Carbell '93 upon her hearing the "People of the Dawn: Native able to house all students. predicted electoral tally of Clinton 176, Bush 28: American Stories, History and , CORRECTIONS · While the Office of Residential Life makes its "It's a ~ad day for the United States of America." Songs," a presentation by housing plans for the spring, U.S. President-elect Many Republicans blame Bush's defeat on the Abenaki Nation members Joe Keren Leiby is the student lia­ Bill Clinton sets to work shaping his new admin­ "liberal media's" bias against him. Some IC and Jesse Bruchac, will be son for the American Israel istration for his inauguration in January 1993. Republicans felt this bias carried over to the pri­ held on WednP.sday at 7 p.m. Public Affairs Committee not After an election where results rang with a cry marily Democratic population of Ithaca College. in Textor 102. Policy Affairs Committee. for change but offered no specific mandate, This was clear when, while watching television Clinton huddles with his transition team, issues a coverage, the IC Republicans became paranoid Horn Choir performance It is The lthacan's policy to scarcely veiled warning to Iraq and promises over over a mistaken graphic displayed by ICTV. The Ithaca College Horn report all errors of fact. Please the next six months that he will "focus like a laser "It's the Ithaca College thing," IC Republican Choir and the Ithaca College contact Assistant News Editor beam on this economy." member Ray Wojtusiak '94 said. "They don't Trombone Troupe will perform Scott Hepburn at 274-3207. The 46-year-old Clinton commits his adminis- want Bush to win anything." •f-.,~? i,:rp \tnr Billboard's@Top 50 1.J....t, oo• Compact Discs .77. "I ~®llW Everyday WW Prices! Student Fares Over I().()()() CD, in ,tol·k ... AII at E,·cryday LO\V Di,counted Price,! FBIDAYS! Schedules Dally 7To New York City 3 Schedules Daily Wenchelter· & Long bland along Ult L.I.B. d uit1"9,88&60 TCfi/lfOOS Easy Daily Connections to Betum uip mm be on l!¼.tl.1JrirlJ ~Jc-~. JFK • LaGuardia Ille followiq Bmulay, Monday or Taelclay for Tori Amos/ From the Phish/Story of the Ghost Choirgirl Hotel Newark Special rarer 99 $.~= CD Itllaca 1111 flrmlul • 710 West State 8'. • 17'1-8800 · list $16.98 Gang of Four/100 Flowers Blooming Anthology Double CD This space 99 CD for re11t~ List $29.98 C a 11 7 7 -+ - l h 1 S (ENTER ITHACA •On 1h~ (orn".om • 277-~7&~ • .1,',J1·\','td 10·6 • n-,urs &•ri 'OE • Set 1C 6 • S,~ 11·5 :m PARKING ½ITH MCHA5E ,t, cm LOI t.J,DC:.'17[~ i-:hA.(A • (:'11111 WCf SiJ.E :1/.'S or, 1H .';:1~·.:r • ~;,>;) ~ ..
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