t y , ' . ''j •'»7»rv3 / : .•; / '/ TUESDAY, JULY 11, I960 PACE FOUBtBEM Avaralfa D i ^ Net Preaa Ron Fer the Week Itoded -------- daaelth, leao gave six.,large eertoae ef eMhliig the aan ot Battery ' C and $338 and (itndiing Haadquartars Battery, 2nd Miaaile DtCTARY ( Alxillt Town ipJ*SuilS™w?K> and hkmiteta.- 13,125 slew OL'Ifet < k i l t M W * * " ’ * v w u __ I»*1J •w20 at Mr*. AUliofl'a------ -i-- Mrs, XBaine IHrest pt the Man- Battahon. 56*h Artillery m -Man- IC E C R iA M key, eeattoma cotU• fe, m.Andover .. M V Lake, are aaked You Should Know.,. On Way to Cbaptsr of the American etasfter. IN PINTS Member ed tka Andtt eadtog doMig' Walter Van Axadala. well known to^ caUv-^ Mrs. —aiujdet— - -Porter, 20 reported ^ Another large oontrtbutkjn was Baman a f Ctraalotten M anchetter^A City of Village Charm ■-■upPmtA If,-! area artiat, has moved jTram Cov- Hyde St., by Saturday, Miss Jean Pasqualini Manehastar' residents contrib­ clothi^g-ahd, cask have hfegi sent iaade by the students st Barnard ARTHUR'S entry to 41 Vernon B t wbere be ie uted |SM.4« for the relief of dis­ JHiniorMigh School, who gave 561, ’ LPNCHEOWECTE realdiac with hie daughter. Mm. A mid-week service for metn- aster struck Chile, and in addition A cohtritnitiofr'Of 586,was made the prooeede from a cake aale. MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY* JULY’13, 1960, (OlaaellM AdverOetag on IWga Id) PRICE’ punrcawi^ carol BVwter. Van, Aradale la a bem of Covenant Congregational Jean PasquiaUni beca,me in- VOL. LXXDC, NO. 241 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) IfiiMt ' r '. ■ • member at-tbs Academy of Fine Church wUl be held tomorrow at voled in politica aevaral yearn ago, Arts, the Tolland County A rt Aaan. 7:30 p.m. at the home of Mm. mostly bMause her boss wss deep­ r s Anna Oranstrom snd Miss Esther \ and an honorary member of the ly Involved snd *‘A secmtary should Manchester Pine A rt Aasn. and the GranatrOm, 80 Oakwood Rd. The know what ooncerru her boss." North Haven Voting Coventry Players. Rev. K. Ejnar Raak, pastor, will Today, she’s a selectman, a lead the meeting. member of the Democratic Town Committee, s representative to the executive board of the’ Young f ill [a^irifDler S e ts N e w Humphrey for Stevensoii| MV Arrests Dip DcmocrsUc Club o f Connecticut, Notice and co-chalrmdn Of the permanent Sharply in June committee on new voters and w e itM ^ DAILY changeovers In Manchester, Medical Sclio’ol Police acUvity in Manchester The boss responsible for this DELIVERY tCt THE slacked off somewhat during June participation Is Atty. John D. La- Location Hinted from the previous month, accord­ Belle, now Hartford County State's Contract Offer ing to figures released by Chief attorney. 48,474 SOLD IN JUNE! Miss Pasqualini began working Hartford, July 18 (/P)— Kennedy Has BOLTON James Reardon. Motor vehicle arrests showed the for him in 1950, shortly beforo^ahe By THE AiMOCffA’nED » ^(jommiaalohar Rehato Rlcclutl and Hartford Hospital’s consult­ Sharpest drop, from 70 down to 49. was graduated as the salutatorian .A contract offer that could Federal Mediator George Bennett ant on the institution’s future of Manchester High School’s Class brought the negotiators together Onlj^'x^o speeding arrrtts were cotoceivably bring an end to has recommended that hospi­ AREA made ih-June, against 15 In May. of 1950. ’ again. Hours later, Ricciutl and Non-motor vehicle arrests de­ She continued in s full-time the J5-week-old strike at seven Bennett were able to announce a tal officials work to have a clined from i#0„to .16. capacity after her graduation. United Aircraft Corp. plants hew contract proposal waS' ready medical school here—'■if one is The major decrease was for Tonagest Membera is being put to. a vote of union anq it would be put to the union built— located in the Hartford Minnesota Delegates PINE LENOX In 1956, when the Democratic breach of peace, 9 4n June and 17 membra today at one of the members. Hospital area. In May. Town Committee was reorganized, sponsored shows, once by herself Terms of the. proposal were not she was made a member. She and plants. ^ , Dr. -T. Stewart Hamilton, hos­ PHARMACY Increases In June. weye noted and once with Phil Harrison, - made public. pital executive director, confirmed mainly in Intoxication, up from 18 Roger Negro were the youngest Am'ong her hobbies, she lists After negotiates worked out Although the new bffer is being members of the committee. the new popposal utstnight, ar­ this today, and explained the re­ May Decide Contest . 2«9 e. CCNTER ST. to 23; and destruction of private farming, swimming, listening to submitted only to North * Haven commendation-this way: > property, up from none to seven. She 'Wss elected a selectman in records. ' - , rangements w ere immediately Pratt A Whitney workers, a 4958, one o f three who swear In made to bring the offer Isefore "This is one of about 54 recom­ TEL. Ml «4Sf« Arrests for theft were six In' The‘green-eyed selectman with spokesman for the UAW local mendations to hospital -officials June, one more than In May. new voters and help supervise the the wavy brown hair h<q>eB some­ members of' United Automobile there said negotiations between Lon Angeles, July 13 {/P)— Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey o f voting districts. She was also made Workers'Local 1234 at the North contained in a study -report sub­ Accidents fell off slightly, drop­ day to tour Europe. She lives with the company- and UAW loaders mitted by Dr. Anthony J. J. Minnesota gjnnounced today that he will cast his Democratle ping from 51 to 48. a member of the executive board her parents'-*at 66 Baldwin Rd. Haven plant of UAUs Pratt A from the strikebound Stratford of the toWn committee. Whitney Aircraft Division. Bourke,” hospital ' consultant at national convention, ballot for Adlai Stevenson for president* In all, 425 complaints were and Bridgeport plants of United New.R^helle, N. Y. checked out last month, 12 more Miss Pasqualini was bom Aug. T h e s are some 4,200 production Airoraft’s Sikorsky Aircraft di­ Humphrey said he would, vote for Stevenson “ in the belief 21, 1932, to Apgelo and Mary employes at the plant, which pro­ New Rochelle, N. Y. than In June. vision would resume today also. J’Hdwever, all,of the tecornmeni-, that Adlai Stefenson is best qualified to serve as p'residait Sartor-Pasquallni.'^; duces jet engine parts. ■ Notice Of these, three lost children were Represetnatives of the Sikorsky tions are under study and do not, at O im e"w hen the security o f the halioM is aT Slaki?^ found, 26 funerals were escorted, Her father and hls. two brothers The sudden breakthrough in the strike deadlock came as a sur­ plants met today with UAW. of­ at this point, necessarily reflect The announcement represented a.,break of front ki Minno* I win be aeray from my busl- and ^ o fires were Investigated. ran a tobacco farm for many the official position of the hospi­ years in South Wiirdsor.'She and prise. Face-to-face negotiations be­ ficials, where they were briefed on sota whose (sov. Orville L. Freeman bad just announced h* the contract offer to the North tal.” aeos from now nntil Auf. 1. her two sisters, Agnes and Esther, FUNERAL HOME tween"' the ^ company and union Would make the nominating speech for Sen. John F. Kcniiiedf. Haven worker.: • ;He said Dr> Rourke is "pretty used to help on the M-scre tobac­ bargainers had broken off Thurs­ The precise fate of the 31 Minnesota convention votes* For Emorgoncy Vferfc day with no date sef for future There was no indication the offer sure” a medical school will l>e co operation and in the harvesting built in Hartford and the hos­ L T. WOOD GO. of strawberries and other crops. FUNERAL sessions. which had stuck behind Humphrey despite liis pull-out' frosa Yesterday, however, State Labor (Oontiniied on Page Five) pital should take this into account competition, remained in doubt. There was rdpprted to bo Con IC E PLA N T. Worked on Drives when looking at the ■ future. While her political actlidtiee SERVICE considerable Stevenson sentiment in the group. ^ ' 51 BISSELL 8T. New a kraadMiew # 0 ^ 0 ^ 4 6 ^ Dr. Hamilton said Dr« Rourke' MonchostorM Hooting have taken a great deal o f her WALTER N. naMblar Amerisan HCaB argued that the Hartford 'Hospital The governor, has been one of those most frequMif^men* Cuhee/CruMhed-Blockt time, she has managed to do some XdICCXJSRCf a-Doer Oehise iedaa area would be a go^ choice for tioned as a vice presidential choice on a Kennedy ticket* community a w k as well. Director and numbing Co. Despite the introduction o f other com­ Finesi travel taoturas. Optional features fwnWritM U 9 & the location, and that for this Reas­ With Kennedy’s count of committed delegates standinirat She hss worked on the polio pacts, Rambler has tmashgd isles rec­ such as Airliner Reclining Seats, Ad-, U.S. Doubts Russians on, Hartford Hospital people fund drive, the cancer drive, the Huai. Mxiinli Mai should take an active role In plian- 7411/2 at the time of Freeman’s announcement, the division d 117 Birch St. Call Ml 9-5869 ords for 33 straight months. because jusuble Headrests, All-Season Air Red Croae drive, and for the USO. 23 Main Street, Manblywter tftiMrni irtcn •t'Mtf ning and working for tha school.
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